Joel and the Muscle Beast - 6

Story by SuperWaffle on SoFurry

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#6 of Joel and the Muscle Beast

Joel could barely comprehend how quickly his life had been turned on its head, but as much as a part of him wanted so badly to understand, another knew he didn't have much time before things began spiralling out of control. Thus, when his magical bounds miraculously faded away, Joel all but scrambled off the floor, bursting out of his locker before realising he didn't know what to do. Thankfully, the locker room looked the same as he had left it, there wasn't anything that looked out of place beside the singed edges of his now door-less locker. Joel broke into a run, dashing through the oddly deserted corridors almost aimlessly, slowing down only when his sensitive ears picked up the sound of commotion coming from outside the school.

Paranoid, dripping with cum and more naked than he should have been, Joel crept to one of the double doors that led out into the grounds. If anyone popped in unannounced or strolled out of a classroom Joel knew he would probably have something akin to a nervous breakdown. Pressing his face to the door and pushing it outward a fraction of an inch, Joel noted a huge crowd gathering in the open field. Some of them were yelling, others were huddling about, each and every one of them focused on some sort of structure floating high in the sky.

It looked like some sort of castle, perched precariously on a massive black cloud that flashed and whirled with red lightning. Joel felt his mouth running dry as he recognised the structure from several drawings Robert had glued to the back of his shirt some time ago. The flying, slowly-rotating castle was a perfect match, the turrets, battlements, all the way down to the red and black bricks that composed it.

Joel had seen enough. This was no nightmare, Robert really had snatched Byron from under his very nose. It was almost ironic now, the massively-muscled demon rendered helpless by a formerly mousey goat, just as Joel had when Byron first met him, even if the monster had willingly prostrated himself before the tiger more times than he could remember. Joel turned, racing back to his locker and for some fresh clothes and his phone. It was the one link he now had with Byron, they had managed to communicate through it once before, maybe they could do it again.


Robert was pacing the floor of his throne room, chastising himself for getting too excited over the extent of his newfound power. It had seemed easy enough tearing apart office blocks and shopping malls for the material needed to construct this magnificent castle, only Robert had realised mid-way while decorating that it was consuming more power than he had expected. His amulet needed a lot more juice if he was going to finish decorating by tomorrow, even more when he started enacting his will onto his future minions.

"What's the matter Robbie?" called a vicious, sneering baritone, "Spent all the power in the stone already?"

Suddenly furious at Byron's insolence, Robert whirled around, intent on punishing the demon for even daring to speak out of turn. Byron had been removed from his shield and chained to a magically-fortified pillar with his wrists bound behind it to conserve power. As much as he wanted to punish the demon though, he could not risk depleting the power in his amulet, not at least until he had the means to replenish it.

"Oh that's just cute," Byron continued, his face twisting into a mocking leer, "I remember battling four of your ancestors for two straight days before they managed to capture me, I also remember dragging their screaming bodies back to Hell when they exhausted their magic celebrating. It was deviously fun Robbie-boy, maybe once I'm done crushing that amulet to bits I'll put you up on the slave market, goats are up and coming right now, maybe if you're lucky someone will trade me an apple for your sorry little ass."

"You're one to talk, demon." Robert retorted, snorting impatiently and pushing his face against Byron's arrogant features, "Look at how pathetic you are, chained to a post like some hapless animal. Have you forgotten how easily I can turn you to my side? In fact, let's do that right now, I'm going to enjoy the look on your face as I burn off Joel's seal!"

Byron was as defiant as ever as Robert smirked at him. The demon really didn't know what he was in for, such a pity. Drifting to Byron's side, Robert focused his attention onto the apple-shaped brand that had been burnt into the demon's ass cheek. He had read about such things in the ancient texts he kept at home, removing one was going to take a huge chunk out of the amulet's remaining power, though he supposed it wouldn't matter after he had rebranded Byron as his own.

Raising his amulet, Robert focused intently, uttering within his mind several well-chosen words. A tendril of energy spun from the shimmering gem, coiling around the blackened scar before surging inwards.

"That tickles Robbie-boy," mocked Byron, "I don't think you could even remove dirt with that thing."

"Shut the hell up,demon!"

"Ooh, did big Byron make runty Robbie all angry again?"

"When I'm done with you I'm going to grow myself to twice your size, demon, so shut it. I'm going to be the fucking hulk around here and no one, not even you are going to stop me!"

Directing his fury through his amulet, Robert seared at Joel's brand, intent on tearing out the surrounding flesh if he had to. He was going to make Byron his alright, anything to get the demon producing cum so he could replenish his amulet.

"Why isn't this working?!"

"You're just not trying hard enough, runt."

Realisation hit him, and Robert quickly ceased his attempts. Byron was enticing him into consuming the last of his amulet's power! It was a sly trick, one that Robert wished he had noticed sooner.

"I'm not falling for that old scam!"

"Then there's no way you'll remove the brand, Runty-Rob."

"Well it doesn't matter! If I can't make you my personal cum machine, then I'm just going to force you to cum!"

"That didn't even make sense."

"I don't fucking care! I've finally gotten rid of the scrawny, weak Robert! The new Robert is fucking huge and more muscular than anyone else!"

"Not to mention bad at math. In case you haven't noticed, I'm seven and a half feet tall and you're a measly-"


Robert felt the amulet flashing in warning as he threw a clenched first toward Byron's face. Realising his folly, Robert counteracted, retracting his hand a fraction of a second before Byron's fanged jaws came crushing down, sparing his fist by the skin of his teeth.

"That was a cunning trick, demon." Robert spat, "Too bad for you it didn't work, as usual."

"Oh I think I'll have plenty of opportunities, Runty. You've had so many chances to leave me alone and yet here you are, fussing over a helpless demon like me as if you're convinced I'm going to escape."

"You can't escape my amulet's nullifying magic, demon. You're mine!"

"I swear you mentioned something about the amulet's power 'curing' your craziness or something or other. Unless you mentioned erectile dysfunction, did you mention that?"

Robert took a step back, breathing deeply to avoid taking Byron's bait. All this trouble wasn't worth it. All Robert wanted was more of Byron's cum to fuel his magic, and he was going to get it, like it or not. Turning his attention earthwards, Robert brought his hands around the hefty love muscle throbbing between Byron's legs. It amazed him that something so massive, so erotically muscular could pulse like that without spewing a single drop of pre-cum.

For a brief moment, Robert considered using magic to entice the demon to orgasm, quickly reminding himself all previous attempts had failed somehow. Demons weren't supposed to be able to resist the power of his amulet, either the ancient texts had been inaccurate, or he simply wasn't using the amulet effectively. Robert replaced the amulet around his neck and began rubbing Byron's enormous tool with one hand, the other massaging the stallion's hulking testicular sac.

"Mm, that feels good Runty-Rob, maybe you'll get me leaking over your hands in the next hundred years or so."

"Watch your tongue, once I get you spewing your load all over my floor I'm going to make you the first of my personal slaves."

"Oh that'll be the day, Runt."

"I'm going to get myself some of your cum one way or another. We'll see, demon. We'll see."


Joel all but tore up the staircases of his dormitory as he made for his bunk, hell bent on getting to the barrel of muscle growth inducing cum Byron had deposited under his bed. A wild plan was forming inside his head, one that was definitely not thought out well but the only one he could think of. According to his phone, several portals had appeared throughout the city, red and black like the castle floating high in the sky. A muscular, white furred goat with yellow eyes had been seen capturing people with what seemed like magic, dragging them through the portals and bragging about how they would make fine additions to his army.

Naturally widespread panic had ensued. There were even rumours of the castle shooting down fighter jets sent by the air force and ground troops being captured by tendrils coming from the portals themselves. Joel didn't know if any of these rumours could be believed, what he did know that the portals lead to the castle, and ultimately to Byron. The monstrous demon could not cum without Joel's permission, and since Robert's amulet was powered by Byron's spunk, there was a tiny speck of hope within Joel that knew the goat was technically powerless as long as Byron failed to cum.

He did not know how long Byron could hold out though, if the amulet was powerful enough to render him helpless so effortlessly, Joel didn't want to think about what else Robert was capable of. Racing to his room, Joel was cut off mid-thought when he realised the door was ajar. The doorknob was missing with a huge splintered hole where it once had been. Without thinking, Joel stumbled into his room and nearly collided with an enormous, bare-chested stallion he had hoped never to see.

Buck dodged easily as Joel went spiralling onto the floor, anguish threatening to overcome him as he registered the three other people occupying his room. Glenn, Donald, and Peter, the trio of wolf wrestlers from before had draped themselves across his room as though Buck had been giving them some kind of prep talk. They were all clad in their wrestling outfits save for Buck, who was naked save for a pair of square trunks and his wrestling boots.

"Well look who finally decided to show up!" Donald called, leaping off Joel's bed and pulling the tiger to his feet. At least Joel thought it was Donald, the three were so alike he usually thought them triplets. "We've been waiting for ages! Did you take the bus or something?"

"W-What do you guys want?"

"We want to stop this madness," interjected Buck, stepping before Joel and crossing his muscly arms, "We know that was Robert back there kidnapping people, and since you spend so much time with him we figured you would know something."

"We did?" piped the wolf Joel thought was Peter, "I thought-"

"Okay fine!" Buck snapped, "Some big-ass unicorn caught us as we were driving away, handed us a note saying you knew something and could help. For some reason we all thought he made a lot of sense so we came here to wait for you."

For a brief moment Joel considered asking them if the same unicorn had recommended their outfits, but thought better against it. There was no way his original plan was going to work with four extra guys crammed into his room, and he doubted anything he said would get them to leave him alone. The wrestlers had strange looks in their eyes, not the usual looks they had when picking on him, it was almost as though they looked... determined. Perhaps this was a desperate time for them, and desperate times called for desperate measures.

Buck seemed to have misread his silence, for immediately the stallion drew in a huge breath of air, as if steeling his nerves before speaking.

"Look, I know we've had lots of clashes in the past, and I'm sorry Joel. But please, we can't let Robert work his crazy magic on us like that. He was kidnapping people for crying out loud!"

Joel made his decision. Maybe witnessing one of his teammates getting dragged through a portal changed him or something. The tiger didn't really care by this point, if there really were four musclemen brave (or foolish) enough to venture into Robert's floating castle, then Joel figured he could alter his plans to accommodate them.

"Okay fine," Joel managed, "Robert's infamous amulet actually contains untold power. He's using it to siphon the energies of a demon inside his castle and wreaking havoc with it and, unless I'm mistaken, it's having trouble with that right now. So the four of you could get inside and separate him from the amulet before he recharges it, everything will go back to normal."

No one spoke for several seconds, Joel wondering if his story was even believable when Buck finally spoke.

"That's it? Doesn't sound too hard to me, what about you boys?"

"Did you see the size of that goat, Buck? He's as huge as Byron! There's no way we'll be able to wrestle that!"

"Yeah well there's gonna be four of us in there, what could go wrong?"

"And he has magic!"

"Guys!" Joel yelled, regretting the decision he was about to make, "I... I think I can help with that. I do have something from... something that will be able to help."


Joel locked the door to the pump room, checking several times to ensure he wouldn't be disturbed. The four jocks were splashing each other with water now, having clambered into the hot tub at Joel's behest, boots and outfits and all. They were down in the basement, patronising the steam room which the jocks had refurbished into a gym instead. It was the only steam room still serviceable, the others having been destroyed by the wild parties that occurred on a regular basis. Joel glanced out the viewing window, remarking at the number of weights the guys here had stolen from various places. It almost reminded him of the gym Byron had created in his locker, only with lighter weights and missing the hot tub.

Still, Joel knew time was of the essence. Uncorking his barrel, Joel carefully poured a fraction of its contents into a measuring cup he had brought with him, stopping only when he had filled three quarters of it. Joel didn't know how much growth this was going to cause, but it was going to be split among the four of them, so hopefully it would be enough for a raid on Robert's lair.

Joel stoppered his barrel and lifted the lid to the water filtering pump. Hoping with all his heart he was not about to make a terrible decision, Joel picked up the measuring cup, and began to pour.


The first thing Buck realised was the strange warmth spreading throughout the water. Almost immediately he could feel it diffusing into his body, filling his limbs with strength and energy like nothing before. The other three were getting even more energetic now, splashing water with renewed vigour as their muscles began feeling pumped as if they had just come here from a workout. Buck didn't know what was going on, but he knew he liked it. He wanted this stimulation so badly he could feel himself getting aroused beyond belief under the waters, his ample cock filling up his posing truck so quickly the stiffened organ was pushing the fabric outwards, allowing even more stimulating water to wash across his exposed meat.

Buck spread his arms across the edges of the tub, slouching backward and resting his head against floor. It felt so good, there was no denying his entire body was pumped beyond belief, his genitals were throbbing so hard even the trio had taken notice. One of them had opened his mouth, no doubt to remark about how horny Buck had gotten, but_then_ they finally realised what was happening.

"Holy shit!" cried Glenn, "What's happening to us?!"

"I don't know dude," Peter interjected, flexing his biceps against his bulging pectoral muscles, "whatever it is, I think it's going to get really awesome, really soon!"

Whatever else Peter was going to say was cut off by a thundering bellow from Donald, the wolf had gotten to his feet, his entire body locked in a most muscular pose as sheer muscle began erupting from places Buck didn't know the wolf even had. His pecs were blowing upwards and outwards, growing so massively muscled it almost appeared as though his torso would not muscle up in time to accommodate his new size. There was so much beef bulging out of his arms and lats and shoulders the material of his singlet was being pulled tighter against his body, barely covering an inch of his enormous, wing-like lats as his arms hulked out before their very eyes.

Then Glenn cried out, the wolf also springing to his feet as muscle exploded all over his body, his neck and traps so monstrously developed and so thick Buck couldn't tell where they joined. Peter's growth quickly followed, his body hulking out so massively and so rapidly it was almost as though they had challenged each other to some sort of growth duel. Buck watched them clambering, almost tumbling out of the hot tub, splashing the precious growth water everywhere as they raced to test the limits of their growing bodies. Their outfits and boots were already starting to rip, but already they seemed to be lifting the heaviest of dumbbells with the greatest of ease.

Buck smirked, the warm sensation multiplying in effect without the trio sharing the tub with him. He could feel the throbbing in his cock growing stronger than ever, even his testicles were throbbing and so were his nipples. And it felt so good, almost as though his humiliation at the hands of Byron had never happened. If only he had discovered Joel and this magical hot tub, no doubt the same tub Robert had used to grow, sooner.

"Ooh yes!" Buck moaned. He could feel it, enormous amounts of energy surging through his pumped body. The stallion growled softly, careful not to attract the attention of the wolves, their bodies were easily eight feet tall by this point and so muscled it was all the trio could do to make out with each other, wrestling each other to the ground as they fought to thrust their herculean-sized cocks against each other.

Molten lava surged through his muscles suddenly, causing gargantuan mountains of sheer mass to erupt across every inch of his body. Buck felt his throbbing member swelling so magnificently his trunks all but tore themselves apart as his penis hulked out between his growing legs. Raising an arm, Buck glowered, wide-eyed, at the veins creeping across his already large bicep. Every time he flexed the muscle would bulge out against his tightening skin, never shrinking back to its previous size whenever he relaxed. Hell his entire body was flexing and tensing, his muscles developing so quickly it was all Buck could do to keep himself from rearing to his full height, roaring powerfully as he pounded his swelling pectoral muscles with fists the size of wrecking balls.

The ground seemed so far away now, but Buck didn't care. He was power incarnate, more powerful than Byron could ever be! If the other stallion was here now he was sure to fall to his knees at the sight of the new Buck! Stepping out of the hot tub, Buck found himself towering over the trio of wolves, all whom had ceased their lovemaking at the sight of the hulking stallion. Buck felt himself smiling, his entire body rippling with insane, muscular power as he tested his inner penile muscles. His fucking cock had grown into a monstrous, four foot long pillar of muscular flesh, throbbing so erotically it was gaining and losing several inches of size at a time.

Buck was easily nine feet tall by this point, a hulking and oversexed muscle monster that was far more massive than his eight foot teammates. At last he felt the confidence he desired, at last he felt himself capable of raiding Robert's castle. He didn't know what had so suddenly possessed him into even conceiving such an idea, but he did know his little band now had the means to outmuscle that little snitch of a goat, magic or not. They could even be heroes at the end of this day!

"Alright guys," Buck thundered, his powerfully masculine voice rumbling within his muscular chest as he addressed his lupine minions, "Let's get this show on the road!"


Joel watched, his jaws hanging open as the mega-muscled Buck stormed out of the steam room. He had grown so enormous, so ridiculously massive his huge body had torn through the dividing wall like a curtain. The trio of wrestlers who accompanied him were way bigger than Byron had ever been, and while smaller than their equine leader, their bodies were heavily muscled and so strong they managed to flatten weights simply by stepping on them.

The tiger didn't know how much muscle was now searching for the nearest portal (probably several tons combined), but he did know he hadn't poured that much cum into the water pump. There was still so much of it left inside the barrel. If that tiny fraction of juice, diluted into so much water turned four guys into monsters even bigger than Byron himself...

What would the entire barrel do to him?

Joel's mouth had dried up watching the four muscle giants bashing their way out of the steam room, likely having forgotten all about him by now. He wasn't even sure they were going to succeed, even if Byron's cum did enhance their physical capabilities he had no way of telling if they did anything for their minds. If anything, he probably made them more reckless, though hopefully Robert would still not have any means of recharging his amulet, maybe they would even be able to subdue him.

Not that he was going to take any chances. If you wanted to get something done it was always better to do it yourself. Joel uncorked the barrel, eyeing the huge amount of thick muscle-juice sloshing within it. It struck him that Byron had created enough juice to result in people outgrowing the demon himself, and Joel quickly found himself wondering if the seven and a half foot muscle-horse really was Byron's real size. There was still the fabled Beast Mode, but how big could that really be?

Joel paused for a moment, realising he was overthinking things. There were priorities! And his first priority was getting Byron back, no two ways about it! Joel hefted the barrel to his lips, hell bent on chugging the entire thing. There was no telling how massive he was going to grow, but Joel knew-


It was a single, terrifying blast that turned the entire world red. Joel cringed, flailing as the explosion wrenched him off the floor and flung him into a corner, the barrel of cum torn from his fingers before the liquid could touch his lips. Robert was leering at him, one massive paw around his amulet, another cradling the barrel like a coveted prize. The goat had appeared out of nowhere, his huge body naked as the day he was born and more muscled than he had ever been before today.

"You know what, Joel?" Robert purred, his yellow eyes flashing, "I really think you deserve a place in my court, two times today you have delivered unto me the things I ask for. Byron might be more stubborn than I anticipated, but this is more than I hoped to accomplish today!"

"Robert! NO!"

The goat ignored his pleas, setting the barrel onto the desk and yanking off the upper lid, exposing Byron's precious cum for all to see.

"This is more potent than the juice from the locker!" Robert cried, raising his amulet to absorb the cum, "Oh god I'm going to be unstoppable!"

For several seconds Joel could only watch, paralysed by Robert's magic as enormous globules of cum rose from the barrel, quickly absorbed into the amulet and replenishing its power. Then, almost abruptly, Robert moved the amulet away to Joel's stunned relief, relief that was quickly squashed when the goat turned to regard him.

"It's fully recharged," he sneered, "guess there's only one other way for me to absorb all this power."

Stepping onto the desk, Robert knelt before the half-filled barrel, his eyes almost glowing in anticipation. Joel watched, horrified as Robert pushed his erection earthwards, dipping his throbbing penis into the barrel. The amulet flashed in his hand, and suddenly Robert was arching his back, roaring as though he was caught in the throes of a massive orgasm. The underside of his two foot member was swelling grotesquely, enormous waves of concentrated muscle juice sucked up the throbbing shaft like a reverse orgasm, dumping the loads into either one of Robert's swelling testicles.

Robert was moaning and groaning now, clearly enjoying the sensations flooding his massive body until he had drained the barrel dry. The goat's hulking testes were stretching his ball-sac tighter than ever, each throbbing testicle the size of a basketball and riddled with legions of thick, pulsating veins. Robert, still smirking wickedly, pushed himself to the edge of the desk, crying out in arousal as his huge balls spilled over the edge, yanking at his muscular crotch as the goat got to his feet.

"Your little band of mercenaries isn't going to work now, Joel." Robert laughed, his voice trembling and quavering, "I have so much power within my amulet... within me, inside ME! Oh my god it feels so good, so fucking good. Byron's not going to be able to resist me, just you wait Joel... you'll see. I'm going to grow into a fucking monster, oh god... I can feel it!"

Joel felt his body returning to him as Robert stumbled, crackling madly. If the goat had not been blocking the door Joel knew he would have bolted for it. He could only sit there, helpless as Robert's body began rumbling, as if every muscle in his body was feasting on the juice sloshing within the goat's hulking testicles. Robert roared, his eyes bulging out of their sockets.

And then... his limbs began to shake.