Song Lyrics: A Lifetime

Story by Niku Cobalt on SoFurry

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Soooo. Most songs I have some sort of melody or something in mind. This one.... Not really. All I know is that it would probably be a much softer-tone than most that I write. I dunno. I really don't know about the pace or melody so much. But these came to me, and I wrote them down before I forgot

EDIT: This is a perfect melody! (Starting the song at around 10/11 seconds)

How's your day love, how have you been?

How is life treating you-- are people hurting you... Again?


I'll protect you, I'll be your shield,

I will be there, to stop the pain they wield,

I'll be there... To stop it... All...

How's your week love, how have you been?

How is life coming-- why does every one keep hurting you... Again?


I will protect you, I'll hold you so tight,

I'll make sure of your smile, in my sight

I'll be there... To solve it... All....

How's your life love, how have you been?

How is life coming-- why does this keep happening.... Again?


I'm trying to protect you, to do all I can,

I swear I have this big master plan,

I'm trying so hard... To fix it... All....

How's your year love, how will you be?

How is life coming-- Why won't you see--

I'll find a way to make you smile, again? Again?

Song Lyrics: Slipping Away

---- \<Fast\> I'm stuck here, worn, I'm crying out! I'm stuck here, worn, I'm tired out! -- I can't take this anymore! I've been there, done that-- I've been there, tried that-- --I can't do this anymore! \<Even\> Why won't somebody save me...

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Song Lyrics: Supernova

\<Intro, soft\>She sat there, a star shining bright in her tears... Fought over by two men, each inflicting on her fears... Of who... To choose... \<More energetic\>Said the dragon, with wings of black, "I'll love you, and that will never...

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Song Lyrics: A Dark Starfall

I met you with darkness in your heart... I was worried, from afar... He didn't ever treat you right... So I stayed up, and made you smile every night. I said I'd love you, 'till the end... I saw you, I'd fix and mend... Stay with him, he'll hurt...

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