Chapter 2: The Awakening

Story by attonranden on SoFurry

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#3 of Old

Chapter 2 sees our group tracking the creature that took off with Ian but are they ready for what they are about to face and is Ian as talent less as he claimed?

Hey there got this one out a lot faster than i thought i would. Just wanted to mention that this chapter has some pretty graphic violence, if you're not into that kind of thing then i can make a brief summary for you.


Chapter 2: The Awakening

"Fuck, where it that thing?" Josh cried out, looking around the fires desperately until a snarl behind him made him spin. Everyone stared for just a second at Kai when the young dragon's magic flared to an almost suffocating height.

"This way," he growled, taking to the air much faster than anyone thought a creature his size was capable.

"How does.." Josh started to ask before Cayden, Skylar and Shiro shot past him.

"Are you really going to stop and ask that?" Shiro barked, looking up as Kai started following whatever had taken Ian from above the canopy. The dragon was quietly growling to himself as he couldn't see through the thick layer of leaves.

"Termal, Kai, get in front of that thing and cut it off!" Skylar yelled, hoping that they could hear him as he ran into the tree line, with Shiro and Cayden at his side and Ana and Josh a little way behind him.

"How?" The older of the two dragons called back down, easily having caught up with Kai. Kyle was a little further behind with Michael so that Termal could fly fast without the risk of the youngling falling off.

"You breath fire, burn it down if you have to! Just make it STOP!" Getting the hint, Termal looked over to Kai who was still desperately trying to look through the canopy to catch sight of his mate.

"Where is he?" the dragon asked, getting a frightened growl from the near distraught dragon. They were slowly pulling away from the others as they flew but neither of them cared, knowing that they would catch up quickly if they could just make whatever took Ian stop for a few moments.

"He's right below us, but I can't see him!" Kai yowled. He didn't really understand it, but he could feel Ian as clear as if the human was stood in front of him, but he could also feel whatever it was that connected them getting weaker the longer they flew.

"Did you hear Skylar?" Termal asked, wanting to see the younger dragon nod before he pointed something out. "We are faster than what it was that took him. If we fly ahead and set the jungle alight in front, the others can catch up to Ian." Kai glanced at his elder for a moment before nodding.

"It's pulling ahead." Cayden said easily keeping pace with the running Skylar and flying Shiro beside him. "I can catch up to that thing." he said subconsciously asking permission from Skylar to do so. He didn't know why exactly, but the human had sort of taken charge since they got here.

"We have no idea what it is," Skylar said shaking his head. "Better to wait for the dragons to stop it and face it in force, you saw how easy it knocked us away back there."

"Did either of you get a good look at it?" Shiro asked, dodging around a tree. "All I saw was that tail that knocked you out of the way."

"It had to be some kind of snake," Ana shouted. She and Josh were only a little way behind them and could hear the conversation. "A tail like that with scales, definitely a snake of some kind."

"You think it's a naga?" Cayden said, jumping clear over a fallen tree like it was nothing more than a bump in the road. "Cas if that thing's bitten Ian and it's a naga." Skylar glanced between Cayden and Shiro, and did not like the look on their faces one bit.

"To hell with that," he growled, pushing his legs harder than before to get a little more speed going. He had a general idea of what a naga was, but in Terra fairy tales had a habit of becoming nightmares. The wolf and windragon shared a look just as a flash of light exploded through the jungle.

Termal wasn't usually a fan of raging forest fires, but on this occasion he could make an exception. Diving down again, the dragon let loose a stream of fire that incinerated everything it touched until it hit the forest floor. Kai was mirroring him as they flew towards each other, creating a semi circle barrier of fire in front of the would be abductor and his pursuers. The dragons joined back at the middle before lighting the tops of the trees on fire, letting them finally see what had taken Ian.

"I hope you're a good healer Kai," Termal breathed, staring right down into the black soulless eyes of the largest Naga that he had ever seen.

"Crap," Shiro cursed coming to a halt in mid air when they finally caught up sight of the naga. Skylar and Cayden both skidded to a stop at the sight and couldn't prevent themselves from flinching when its pitch black eyes turned to stare at them. "That thing is big," Shiro mumbled. The naga was easily the size of Termal, if not larger because of the length of its tail. The windragon swallowed heavily, as he came to hover just above and behind Skylar and Cayden.

"So it's a naga," Cayden said, stating the obvious for everyone as they just stood there, Skylar's mind was going a mile a minutes trying to dredge any and everything that he knew about naga's from the recesses of his mind. He was slightly worried when nothing of value came up, and started doing his best to analyze the creature in front of him. The serpent-like head was an obvious point, along with the human style torso and strong arms. Its tail, which had to be at least two lengths of Termal, was what had been propelling it along so fast, and Skylar noted with a spike of anger it was what was wrapped around Ian and so easily carrying him along.

"So any idea of how to take that thing out?" Josh asked, coming to a stop behind the other three with Ana by his side. Neither of them could hide the fear that they were clearly feeling at facing a beast of this magnitude.

"Fast and hard," Skylar said putting his hands together and using his creation magic to summon up a pair of long bladed daggers. "Cayden, you're the fastest one here. When you think you see a chance, grab Ian away from that thing and don't stop running." The redhead ordered, taking a deep breath before tossing a dagger over to the wolf who just nodded. "Shiro, you and I are going to distract that thing okay?"

"What about us?" Ana demanded, clearly feeling left out, but when Skylar turned to look at her she bit back everything else that she was about to say. The look that she was getting from him made her heart skip a beat.

"You two are staying here."

"I get it." Josh said quietly, not liking the idea of standing by and doing nothing, but knew that he would only get in the way at this point. "We don't have any magic like you guys, right?" Josh sighed heavily when Skylar nodded to him and waved off whatever their temporary commander was about to say. "Save it and rescue Ian."

"You two ready?" All of them looked up for a second when their dragon companions made another pass overhead, lighting the forest off on either of them ablaze, The naga now had no other way out of the forest fire other than through them.

"It's coming," Cayden warned, resisting the urge to complement the way that that giant thing could go from standing still to moving like a rocket through the forest.

"Not for long," Shiro said landing down in front of everyone with his wings drawn back. "Watch this." Despite the situation, the grin on the windragons face was practically audible and when the fourteen year old created a focused tornado from just a single powerful beat of his wings, they could understand why. The blast hit the naga straight on before a charge of electricity ran through the wind and straight into the naga itself, causing the giant beast to cry out in a hiss of pain.

Skylar had stared at the visible column of wind for just a moment before he stuck his hand in it and channeled lighting through the wind.

"How did..."

"Not now," Skylar cut Shiro off. The charge was barely enough to hurt the damned thing; it got weaker the further it traveled, and Skylar was grateful that Ian was being dragged along the ground at the time so the current didn't really harm him.

Seeing his chance the moment that the naga cried out, Cayden launched himself towards the monster and its captured prey. He just hoped that Ian was still alright; naga venom was lethal if it wasn't treated quickly. Putting such thoughts out of his mind, the wolf focused on putting one paw in front of the other and managed to close the gap in just a few seconds, practically tearing Ian's arm out of his socket when the wolf yanked the human out and away from the giant serpent's tail.

Hissing angrily at having its prey stolen, the naga raised one of its fists to strike out at the thief.

Cayden doubted that the blade Skylar gave him would do much against this thing, but he was glad that he had it, and gripped it tighter in his paw as the naga raised one of its fists at him.

"Hey you overgrown worm!" Skylar yelled, getting the naga's undivided attention when it felt a hand grab hold of the end of its tail. "Shocked?" With an arrogant grin Skylar let his electrified magic flow through his hand and straight into the monstrous serpent, smirking at the way it thrashed about under the assault. Skylar's lightning may have been weak when he channeled it through Shiro's wind, but wind wasn't the best conductor. Water on the other hand, water was a far better conductor. The scales quickly started to crack and the flesh under them burn and smoke as Skylar maintained his grip, despite the naga's best efforts to pull away, but there was one thing worrying the redhead.

"Come on, die already," he mumbled, blinking the sweat out of his eyes as it dripped off of his brow. If he didn't kill this thing now, then all this shock treatment was going to do was piss it off, royally. "Die for gods' sake!" he yelled, struggling to keep himself from falling to one knee to keep the current flowing through the snake. Cayden ran past him with a look of concern, but was too focused on getting Ian away from the predator to stop.

Distracted for just a second, Skylar didn't react fast enough when the naga spasmed and lost a hold on the thing's tail. Realising that it was free almost instantly, the naga drew itself up and shot towards the one that had just been causing it pain in a blind rage. Skylar didn't even have time to blink once his mind caught up on the fact that the naga was free before a giant fist came crashing down on top of his head, knocking him to a knee.

"Skylar!" Skylar didn't fully understand what had just happened. He knew that something had hit him, he knew that he was in danger, but he didn't understand why his body felt so numb all of a sudden, shouldn't the adrenaline be making him hyper aware or something? If someone had been looking at Skylar's face from the moment that he had been hit they would have seen the blank and empty look that took over before he had even fallen to one knee. Hissing in his face, the naga didn't waste a moment longer than he had to on the human that had attacked him and simply slammed his burnt and damaged tail into Skylar's midriff, sending the paralysed human flying into the air and straight into the trunk of a tree.

"Oh god," Josh breathed. They had all heard the crack from that impact and they could all see how motionless Skylar was being.

"Skylar!" Shiro screamed, taking his eyes off of the naga for far too long as the giant serpent moved on to its next target. Growling in anger now, the young windragon whipped one of his wings at the scaly beast, sending out a blast of compressed air that knocked the naga off to the side and into a tree. Shiro didn't have a chance to celebrate though, as the naga's tail shot out like a whip and slammed against Shiro with enough force to crack a few of his ribs. "GARGH!"

Advancing much more cautiously this time, the Naga drifted back and forth just in front of the windragon, who could barely focus now as he held his broken ribs and tried to keep the contents of his stomach down where they belonged.

"Shiro, get down!" Shiro didn't know whether he actually followed the order or just collapsed, but the windragon ended up face down on the floor quickly enough for Termal to come soaring over his head. The dragon was furious, mostly with the naga but definitely more than a little angry with himself as well. He had frozen up when Skylar had been hit and because of that he hadn't reached Shiro in time before he was hurt. He was not going to let it harm any of the others.

Roaring a deafening challenge, Termal crashed into the naga, sinking his claws into the beast's shoulder as he breathed a near constant stream of fire at the serpents body. Hissing violently in pain the naga didn't waste any time in retaliating against the dragon, quickly sinking its fangs into Termal's side and somehow managing to throw the dragon away from him. Mal grunted loudly as his body practically smashed through a tree from the throw, but that didn't stop the growl coming from his throat or the wisps of fire escaping through his clenched teeth.

Looking over his fighting companions from up above them, Michael narrowed his eyes at the results of the brief skirmish that had just taken place. Ian was down, the naga's poison taking a heavy toll on his system, a toll that Kai was desperately trying to destroy on the ground. Josh and Ana were next to useless at the moment; their combined ability to fight was nothing compared to Shiro's, Skylar's or Cayden's. Kyle was far too young to fight and he himself would be next to useless down there because of all the heat coming from the flames. Skylar was out for the count if not outright dead by this point, Shiro was downed as well and Cayden, while fast, had no sure fire way of even damaging the snake let alone finishing it. The only one that actually could fight in this situation was Termal, but even he was looking a little worse for wear after just one brief clash with the naga; his left wing was bent at an odd angle, clearly broken.

'It's a good thing dragons are immune to most toxins,' Termal thought, not taking his eyes off of the naga for a second as it studied him, but he didn't need to see the wound in his side to feel the venom burning inside of him. It would pass, it would be uncomfortable, but it would pass. 'This could be bad.'

"....Give... Me... My prey!" the naga roared, charging towards the dragon with rage in its eyes. Termal hesitated just a second too long as he absorbed the fact that this monster could speak, and paid the price when he found himself lifted up off of the ground by his throat, courtesy of the naga's long burnt tail. "MY PREY!" it screamed again and again, punching the captured dragon in the chest with each repeat

"Mal," Kyle whispered, whimpering in time with the devastating punches that the dragon was taking without a single cry of pain. Michael watched the beating with wide eyes not knowing what to do. He was no match for that naga, and neither were any of the others. What were they going to do? What could they do? Cursing his own weakness, the gryphon half considered flying down anyway. How could this be considered training? Totally raw recruits like most of them, even trained soldiers like himself, were totally helpless against something like that. Was this what becoming a sentinel was about? Facing the impossible and surviving? Because there was no way in hell that they could win.

"Shit!" Cayden snarled, shaking with rage and fear as he watched Termal get beaten on by the now shouting naga. Shiro was knelt down beside him, somehow managing to look pale even with his pure white feathers. "We have to do something." Shiro nodded but couldn't find the strength to move just yet, at least three of his ribs were broken and he was still finding it hard to breath because of that.

"Kai?" Shiro asked, looking over his shoulder at the smaller dragon of the group who was crouched down over Ian with a single paw on the humans chest. A light green glow was slowly spreading around Ian's torso, as Kai's healing magic slowly worked its way through his system.

"It's working but..." The dragon hesitated looking around at Termal, who the naga had stopped beating on and just let fall to the floor.

"We're out of time," Ana commented, Skylar's discarded dagger in her hand. The weapon had flown clear from the redhead after he had been hit. Ana cast a glance in his direction and frowned at how motionless he still was. She seriously hoped that he wasn't dead.

Rushing towards what was left of the group, the naga was entirely focused on retrieving his prey and zeroed in on Ian. Seeing this, Cayden growled and moved to intercept the naga before he could get anywhere near the downed human.

"Out of my way!" Not stopping its feral advance, the snake merely took a wild swing at the quickly advancing wolf, but regretted that decision when Cayden narrowly avoided the appendage and used his own dagger to cut deep into the creatures arm. Cayden grinned at the result of that charge and skillfully dodged over and under the naga's tail, expecting it to turn on him and try and finish him off, but the naga did no such thing and just carried on towards where Ian was, the wolf utterly forgotten.

"Don't just ignore us!" Ana yelled, followed closely by the sound of a hissed scream when the dagger that she had been holding deposited itself straight into one of the naga's eyes. Smirking, Ana felt a surge of pride. She may not be able to fight like all of these guys, but she could throw.

Writhing around in pain the naga coiled its long tail around itself and smacked the dagger out of its eye, doing even more damage with the violent extraction that the initial wound had caused. Finally having enough of the annoying wolves taking bites out of him, the naga uncoiled his tail rapidly, using its truly remarkable length to catch Ana, Josh and Shiro by surprise and knock them away. Shiro screamed out in agony as his ribs were bashed again while Josh and Ana groaned from the heavy falls.

What the hell was that thing? Michael couldn't believe the endurance of that naga, it's scales were cracked and burned over most of its body, the nerves in its tail should have been fried from Skylar's electrical attack, it was missing an eye, it had multiple gouges along its shoulders and back from Termal's claws and a gusher of a wound in its arm; wounds that would be fatal to any other creature . Why the hell wasn't it dying? It was leaking enough blood now to fill several men, just what was keeping it going? Willpower could only be taken so far.

"Come on Kai, finish it," the gryphon hissed, clutching Kyle a little tighter against his chest.

Turning on the naga, Kai glared at the heavily wounded beast and subtly moved a little further into its blind spot as it once again came rushing towards his mate. Kai took one leaping bound towards the naga when he was a little closer and struck out with a paw in the naga's blind spot, but instead of swiping the snake Kai thrust his claws outwards and sunk them into the side of the creature's chest.

"YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!" Kai roared, pushing his claws a little further into the now still naga. It took a few moments for the shock to wear off, but everyone still conscious breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the naga's body fall limp... that was until its head shot out and it sunk its fangs into Kai's neck.

The dragon was so shocked that for a moment he did nothing,until the snake let go of his neck and Kai staggered back, his claws ripping free of the naga's chest as he stumbled and fell to the floor, blood pouring from the open wound in his neck.

"K...Kai?" Ian mumbled, half in shock from seeing his mate fall so suddenly. Enough of the venom had been removed from his system for the human to have been able to register what was going on around him, but not quite enough for him to understand what was happening. So he didn't know why his world was suddenly turned upside down.

Michael watched from above in horror as Kai fell off to one side, and the naga was able to finally claim its prey, albeit much more slowly than before. The gryphon was in awe at how much punishment the thing could take, and looked on numbly as it picked Ian up by his legs and lifted the human over his head. He watched as the snake's jaw dislocated itself and spread wide. He watched as Ian was slowly but completely swallowed by the massive snake and finally, he watched as ever so slowly the wounds all over the naga's body began to steam and heal.

"I...It has magic," Michael whispered, drifting down to the ground slowly as the naga stretched itself upwards in what could only be pleasure, as the many wounds all over its body began to close and heal over completely. Touching down on the ground, the gryphon set Kyle down behind him, keeping the naga in view at all times. Kyle whimpered and kept glancing at Termal. "Go on Kyle," Michael urged, patting kyle in Termal's direction. The young boy didn't need to be told twice and ran over to the groaning dragon, who forced himself to stand painfully and shield the child.

"So you have a plan?" Cayden asked, walking up beside Michael who shook his head slowly. "Great."

"I've always been better at winging things," Ana said, chuckling nervously as she staggered over to the pair. Shiro tried to stand up but couldn't get his legs to support him, Josh was still knocked out from the attack before, and Kai was frantically trying to stop his own bleeding before he bled out altogether.

"Here Ana," Cayden said passing the girl the two daggers that Skylar had made earlier. "If you can blind it again then we'll have a much better chance." Ana nodded grimly and took the blades. She'd done it once, what was two more times... with the pressure of eight people's lives on the line, not to mention her own.

"It's coming," Michael said, glaring at the now smirking naga as it slithered towards them almost mockingly. The gryphon didn't miss the fact that their position had been reversed; they were now the ones trapped in by the naga rather than them trapping it. "Ana...I'm sorry." Readying themselves as much as they could, the trio tensed when the naga suddenly drew itself upwards and began clawing at its chest frantically.



Ian's eyes fluttered open, though the young human could barely tell the difference. It was pitch black. He didn't even know where or what 'it' was, but he couldn't even see the cold ground he was lying on, his entire body aching. His mouth was dry, a metallic taste emanating inside of it. Blood. His own blood. Ian's hand scrabbled in front of him for purchase on the cold floor, trying to raise himself up, but the effort was beyond him. Even the familiar feeling of his mate had disappeared; he didn't have the energy to do more than collapse.

For a moment, all the human could do was sigh and let his head drop back down, closing his eyes again.

"Is that it?" a voice asked in the darkness.

He stirred at the sound. A deep, rumbling voice, echoing all around the shadows surrounding him. He kept his eyes closed, furrowing his brow at whatever was interrupting his rest. "Is what it?"

"Is this how you want it to end?" the voice asked, a light rumble carrying across in its voice. "He's out there you know."

"Who's out there?" The rumbling that travelled through the room was enough to cause Ian to open his eyes, lifting his head up from its prone position. "What do you mean, end? I don't...I don't understand..."

"You're dying, Ian. If you let yourself die here, Kai is going to die as well." The voice hesitated for just a moment, before asking him. "You do remember Kai, don't you? He's the reason why you're here, after all. Isn't he your mate?"

"Course...course I know who Kai is," Ian said, stopping to cough, blood rising in his mouth which he spat out in front of him. "I can't feel him." Upon saying those words, Ian felt a cold dread drift through him. "I can't feel him," he repeated, looking around more frantically. "Where am I? What have you done to him?"

"Humans," the voice sighed. "Always so quick to cast blame, it's a trait of your species, you know? I haven't done anything to him, I'm telling you that you have to do something or you will both die."

"Then tell me what!" Ian shouted desperately, trying to raise himself up, but again the effort was too much. His chest crashed back down, leaving him only able to claw himself towards the voice. "Please!"

The voice was quiet for a moment, before a small flickering of light formed on the sea of darkness. A small black flame that gave off barely any light at all appeared a few metres in front of Ian.

"Take it...if you can," the voice said, before a pressure that Ian hadn't been aware of before suddenly vanished.

The human placed his hands against the floor again, panting and snarling with effort as he forced himself up onto one knee, the effort absolutely gargantuan. As soon as he managed it, he doubled over again, coughing and retching bloody bile in front of him, barely keeping his balance with one hand pressed to the floor. "What...what are you?" he gasped. "Where is this?" Nothing. He heard his shouts echo around him, to no effect. "Tell me!"

Nothing again. Cursing under his breath, Ian focused again and heaved himself up to his feet, standing unsteadily as a wave of nausea rushed over him. The black fire danced enticingly in front of his face, allowing Ian to stagger towards it, stopping just before he reached it. He expected to feel heat pour off it, but if anything the flame was...welcoming. Like it was asking him to reach out and take it.

So he did. He thrust his hand inside it, grabbing hold of the very core of the flame. The effect was instantaneous; Ian felt a heat start to rush through his body, comfortable at first, restoring his energy and resolve...and making everything come rushing back. The naga biting into him, the others fighting to get him back, Kai bravely holding it back...and the trick it had played to fell his mate.

At that moment, something within Ian changed. An alien feeling rushed through him at the thought of the naga, what he could only assume was rage, and it felt good. The fire flowing through him grew hotter and hotter, stronger and stronger, the more he thought about wreaking his revenge on the creature that had dared to harm his mate, how good it would feel, how satisfying it would be to watch it burn...

Ian felt himself smirk as he thought back to what the voice had said. He had to do something.

Incinerating that naga seemed like a pretty good place to start.


"Did it get a lot hotter, or is it just me?" Cayden asked the moment the naga started clawing at its chest. The wolf chanced a look around at the fires surrounding them, but saw that they were still way too far away to be giving off the kind of heat that he was feeling. The air itself seemed to be superheated, it was burning his lungs. Ignoring their comrade, Ana and Michael watched as the naga tore into its chest desperately before it convulsed and dry heaved. "Think Ian didn't agree with him?" Cayden joked, and despite the situation, Ana and Michael turned to give him a flat look, that was until the naga actually regurgitated said human. The moment that he did, the heat went up another notch and the trio were all forced to take a step backwards while the naga recoiled from Ian like he had been burned... which seemed likely, given how Ian's body seemed to be covered in a thin layer of pitch black flames.


"Get back," the human replied, his voice a growl, and he didn't even look at the trio behind him. His full attention was focused on the hissing naga. "This is between me and him."

"Okay," Ana said, not really having much choice but to step back again as the heat was just rolling off of Ian.

"Prey," the naga hissed, looking Ian up and down as if not understanding what was happening. He had never had prey fight back once it had been swallowed. "You are prey." Rising up in the air again, the naga glared down at Ian, ready to take him down again.

"Not anymore," Ian grinned, meeting the snake's gaze and stepping forward. "You know, we were looking to hunt for food tonight. I think I just found our meal." Cayden glanced back at Kai when the dragon made a noise, and found him staring at his mate with wide eyes.


"I NO PREY!" The naga yelled, rushing towards Ian despite the heat and coiling around him tightly, ready to inject him with its venom again. It was only after a second of contact that the naga's scales started to crack but it was too enraged to care.

Ian was helpless to avoid the fangs sinking into his shoulder again, but the grin never left his face as the naga pulled away. The puncture wounds immediately began to seal, and the naga could only stare in amazement as the human actually licked up a few drops of venom that had landed on his face. "You'll have to do better than that," he said. "Though feel free to stay like this. It's cooking you quite nicely."

Shocked for more than a second that his venom had no effect at all, the naga hissed in Ian's face and lifted him up by his neck with a powerful hand, slowly starting to squeeze the life out of Ian. "Prey no fight."

"I already told you...I'm not your prey anymore," Ian managed to grunt, grabbing the naga's hand and wrist with both of his and focusing the flames there. Letting go of Ian, the naga hissed in agony as his arm went limp by his side. The scales on his hand and lower arm weren't just cracked or burned, they were melted.

"You no kill me!" the naga hissed, slowly back away from Ian. "You just human."

Ian advanced on the naga, giving a small chuckle at first, a chuckle that turned into full on laughter as he shook his head. "Human? Oh, you don't know the half of it." With that, one of his hands snapped out, grabbing the naga by the jaw and pulling its mouth open. The other hand joined in, both reaching up and grabbing hold of the naga's fangs...then with a strong yank and a grunt from Ian, they were pulled straight out of the snake's mouth, a loud, distressed hissing filling the forest.

The hissing didn't last long. Ian repositioned the fangs, then with a yell, drove them into the naga's eyes, squeezing the venom straight out. The naga screamed out, writhing and clawing at its eyes to no effect...then Ian gave one last push, cutting the scream immediately and leaving the naga in its death throes, its own two fangs embedded firmly in its brain.

The trio could only watch as Ian panted a few times, letting go of the fangs as the black flames slowly receded from his body. After a few seconds he turned around, smiling to the group as he gestured behind him.

"Hey, guys. Look what I caught for dinner."

The smile stayed firmly on his face as he pitched forward, collapsing to the ground unconscious in front of them.

Hey hoped you all enjoyed that next chapter might be up as quick as this one but it depends on what I'm working next week.

Anyway please vote and comment, whether good or bad.
