DES52 (D.E.S Part 2)

Story by Galactor123 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer/Authors Note: Of course, here I don't have to add in the mature rating, and in this chapter, and any other chapters its going to get pretty mature now, so don't worry. Another note, this is a Macrophilia story, so if that doesn't tickle your fancy, I'd suggest you stop reading now, and continue on for your own sake. This one, again, being in a series, will lead up to the third, and the third may lead to a fourth (albeit so far I was only planning on three, I might make an Earthbound part to this series too). I'll get the third in the series up as soon as I'm done, again, with my last proofread/edit on it. Alright, well, without further adieu... here we are with part two.

Theron teleported eagerly into the room where his creation lie, and that's where it hit him. Looking from a platform onto a creature like this was on thing, looking at its claw and realizing you are but toe jam if you don't watch his steps, is completely different. His creation, which he had decided on the spur of the moment to name Echidna, looked down straight at him, obviously seeing the teleportation energy as a possible threat. However, he did not look with hatred or even hunger, but with a sense of curiosity. Echidna laid down, and Theron couldn't help but watch as his sack gently smashed against the concrete floor, and how his hip muscles bulged at the simple strain. However, he then realized he was basically sitting face to face with the thing as its strong warm breath blasted him repetitively as Echidna smelled him. In and out, simple movements that nearly made one of the strongest lizardmen fall over and get sucked in. Echidna seemed to almost smirk as he spotted the erection, and he growled lowly, which sent a massive shiver down Theron's spine.

'Hello Echidna... can you understand me? If so tap your talon once.' Theron said, not entirely expecting to simply be able to speak with Echidna, but to his surprise the talon raised and fell once. Theron smiled. 'I suppose I underestimated the work they put in you. Well, welcome to the world Echidna, your our pride and joy, and I'm here to offer my services and accentuate your already excellent abilities.'

Echidna made another draconian smirk and lapped over one of his teeth idly, the rather playful nature showing that while he was strong, and knew it, he was still just a really big child in his mindset. Even his drool is mighty though, thought Theron, and he isn't even the full-grown. Suddenly Echidna got up, again Theron saw nothing but Echidna's impressive package, and a new improvement. His shaft's head had poked out a bit, and the smell of testosterone was so thick in the air that it was impossible to smell even his own scales. Echidna seemed to be waiting patiently, looking around the compound slightly bored-like, always with that draconian smirk however, seeming as if he had something on his mind. This was starting to slowly wear on wear on Theron's psyche as he couldn't help but feel awe wash over him as well as the intense lust that he felt for this new beast.

'First step Echidna...' Theron started to say. Suddenly he was interrupted as Echidna leaned down and bared his teeth. This was probably a sign of dominance, which he thought was being usurped by Theron's assertiveness, or perhaps playfulness. But Theron knew it only by what he saw and what he saw were the awesome sharp and strong teeth, and the drool rolling off Echidna's eager teeth. Both of which terrified and fascinated Theron.

Theron, whom a moment before was ready to teach had nearly jumped out of his skin. He quickly thought of something. Perhaps flattery would work, empowering him to reassert his dominance over mine. Think, think... 'y-y-your incredible... and definitely better then... well... anything I've made... 'Theron admitted, hoping that his flattery would keep Echidna at bay, however he also realized his words rang true. Either way Echidna let out a low growl of approval, and gave Theron a lick with his tongue. Theron couldn't help but shiver and moan as his erection throbbed at this new development. Noting Theron's pleasure, Echidna did it again, and before Theron knew what was going on, he was on the floor, massive tongue rolling over him, and two talons on either side, blocking off potential escape routes. Theron tried to speak, but whenever he opened his mouth it came out as a loud moaning growl of 'More!' Theron growled, his shaft pumping his seed into this red wall of pleasure over and over again, a state of bliss covered him. He thrusted hard, again and again into it, seed mixed with saliva until finally Echidna stopped, looked at him in a way that told him that he respected him. Theron got up, licked himself clean, and nodded at Echidna, hoping this was the first step towards something greater in this odd relationship.

After Theron successfully regained his footing, albeit a bit reluctantly so, he tried to speak again, voice ragged from intermittent pants. 'As I was saying... your first lesson will be those... you don't show affection to. You seem to know who helped you, now I'll show you who'll try and harm you at every turn. Gregor, drop the cages please.'

Three cages came down almost directly on top of where the remains of the fun they had were. Twenty humans were crammed in each cage, naked, mainly female, and as Theron looked over the females, he again became aroused, both by the similarities in musculature that these females shared with the lizardmen's females... and because he knew what always came next.

'These are your enemies, your funnel for aggression, for anger, for your passion. They deserve no mercy, and I hope you show them none.'

As Theron spoke, he saw a noticeable change in Echidna, the once calm, rather friendly (if power hungry) dragon, was baring his teeth, growling at the humans as Theron spoke. He's really trying to please me, he thought. And finally, it hit him. If he respects me, it can't be for what I am, for that wouldn't be logical. Oh my... could it possibly be? Yes it must... I did it, why not he? He must think I'm his father! It must be it. It was in his instinct too after all, that the first person who it sees is your creator, your relative. He doesn't respect me as a friend, or even just a well-endowed person, but a father. When he licked me it wasn't to sate my lust, but simply because I enjoyed it. Theron grinned, and decided to play this card for all its worth.

'Yes, good. That's incredible. More though, these people deserve more anger then you would ever know. Death is too nice to them. Use them to please your loins, to wet your paws with blood, to feed your stomach, whatever must be done to eradicate them.'

Echidna looked truly frightening now, as he was baring his teeth his talons at the ready, and again, Theron couldn't help but stare at the magnificent package Echidna owned. He then looked towards the humans. All of them seemed to be terrified stiff. Theron growled lowly. This was going to be entertaining.

'Gregor, open the gates, I wish to see our creation in action.'

Gregor did his duty swiftly, opening the gates and then simply staring as they stupidly started to scamper in different directions, in the wide open. Theron immediately took cover, and watched as Echidna worked. The first group he leaned down and lapped up into his maw, letting off a low passionate growl as he savored his kicking meal as it went down. Echidna seemed surprised at first however, and only after did he realize how much he enjoyed it, closing his eyes for a moment, a low resonating growl issuing from his lips as his claws squeezed in power hungry pleasure. He started to gently rumble before he swallowed them whole, and looking around found another group.

For these he lifted his paw over, the massive broad pads overshadowing just about everything under it. He growled angrily at these, albeit not without a playful overtone as he slammed his paw down, his normally earthquake like steps were nothing compared to the boom felt by this fall. It sent shock waves that knocked Theron, and the other humans down. Echidna liked what he felt and again let out a rumble as he flexed his leg muscles, letting them ripple with sheer power as his tongue rolled out slowly. He smashed hard into the dead humans, turning them into a pulp with a low groan. Soon however he seemed bored with them as he continued walking. Theron grinned, with each passing moment his hand got closer and closer to his shaft, its beckoning throbs nearly unbearable to the lizardman as he watched. Echidna now had about fifty left, and he was popping many in his mouth, but not savoring them. Theron watched as he collected all fifty after giving chase to many of them. He popped them all out into his paw, and, onto a throbbing shaft that, strangely, Theron missed in his own blind lust. He ogled at Echidna's shaft again quickly, nearly forgetting his role as teacher as at last he figured it was this time that he teach Echidna another lesson.

'ECHIDNA!' Theron yelled over, and Even as Echidna's hot pants filled the air with humidity, he turned to listen, his hand already on his shaft, which now fully erect looked like thirty-five astronomically thick redwood trees lined back to back, his sack, full and ready almost dragged on the ground. Theron loved this lesson the most, and without him knowing, his hand had started pumping gently. 'ECHIDNA, COME A BIT CLOSER!' Theron said, and he did, his shaft lightly dragging on the floor, his sack miraculously not, he stopped with his shaft literally in Theron's face. Theron breathed deep and shivered as he felt the power behind that testosterone, the awaiting surge that would soon come. 'Echidna you were awe inspiring... but you need to learn more control. If you want to truly frighten your enemy with your loins you must work yourself into a frenzy.' Theron smiled, the irony in his words not lost on Echidna.

Echidna shot off that draconian grin, growling lowly, seductively low, and then closed his eyes. Theron marveled at the ease he began to draw on his desires to further bring out his lust. Echidna's tongue began to loll out fully, his wet tongue and his hot breath came out in droves as he panted. His shaft plumped even harder, ready for release as Echidna gently tightened his hips, the feeling in them most have enticed him as he growled pleasantly. He began to intensify his panting into low growls, his shaft lolling pre gently as he couldn't take the build up any longer. He began to thrust, the bodies of the humans, and his clawed paw only making it that much better as Echidna let off a huge moaning roar. He thrust across the rough concrete, his eyes closed as he let his instinct drive him further and further. Echidna liked the feeling of power and of pleasure as he thrust the humans deep into the folds of his shaft. Most were dead, but he continued, the feeling to good to stop as he moaned...

Theron watched this from afar, marveled at the power behind his creations loins. He already was in bliss from his release a bit earlier, and watched as the taut muscles in Echidna's form began to tighten, his wings folded back and he let out a low growling roar. Suddenly a flash of white was all he could see.

The scene was spectacular, seed came out like a rocket out of a silo, and didn't stop, Echidna's mouth opened roaring immensely as he kept thrusting, seed quickly filling into pools around Theron as his seed continued to pump, his shaft throbbing, unstoppable, as Echidna wasn't close to being done. Theron was wondering if he'd be able to get out as it slowly began to rise up to his knees, covering them in his slippery substance, Echidna still releasing, his panting only getting heavier. Finally however he began to settle with one last outpouring, opening his eyes, and looking at his handiwork with a smirk.

After the seed was cleared, Theron left, not saying much of anything to Echidna at the time as he had slowly fallen down, asleep on the cold wet floor. Theron knew what was coming next, and that truly, was his favorite part of all.

Real time combat environment training.

B.S.P.L.Des.52 (D.E.S Part 1)

Disclaimer/Authors Note: Right, this is my first story published here, so be nice... er then you all normally are around here. Of course, here I don't have to add in the mature rating, albeit its only mildly mature in this chapter, the first of three...

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