Chase Your Dreams Chapter 1.

Story by KittehKitteh on SoFurry

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Well,here goes with more word vomit. D;

"What does daddy mean by you have problems Momma?"

Sophie was always the kind of child to ask too many questions. Most of the time,they were ones Annuh didn't want to-or know how to answer. Annuh stopped her small silver Focus beside the sidewalk leading to Sophie's elementary school. "Soph hunny,you are going to be late." The little pup looked down and sighed,grabbing her blue backpack as Annuh handed her a brown paper bad. "Here is your lunch. Have a good day peanut." Annuh said softly as the pup leaned up to kiss her mother goodbye for the day. Annuh let out a big sigh as she watcher her pup,amongst many others walk safely into the school. "She has grown up so fast..." Annuh slowly applied the break as she switched to drive,heading to the one place she hated most-work.

"Good Morning Ms.LaVelle" A tall,well built tiger,dressed top the nines in a designer suit stood before Annuh's desk. "Good Morning Mr.Blackwell,you look nice today." Annuh smiled as the tiger let out a chuckle. "As always,so do you!" Blackwell gave Annuh a small wink,and as always,she smiled back at him,twirling her hair around in her paws. "Mmm,you smell very nice as well. Do you have those papers for me?" Blackwell let out a rather loud yawn as we watched Annuh shuffle through her accordion folder,searching for the paper she had spent so much time filling and filling for him. "Here you go Sir." Annuh smiled as she handed him the papers,staring intensely as he shuffled them,one after another. "Wow! Look at you! Two days to do this assignment,others took at least a week!" The tiger clapped his paws lightly before pulling the extra chair in Annuh's office to the desk. Annuh giggled. "Well,I am good at what I do,that's why you keep me around!" The tiger raised an eyebrow,leaning over Annuh's desk. "It sure is Mrs.Lavelle,it sure is. You have done well today Annuh. How about we go grab some coffee." Annuh though about this for a second. The only time Blackwell had ever asked for her to do anything outside of work,it was for her to come to his house. Annuh knew very well what he need...or wanted,really,everytime he had called for her to come over. "Mrs.Lavelle?" Blackwell tapped his paw on her desk. Annuh shook her head,breaking quickly from her thoughts. "Yes! I mean...yes,i would love to Mr.Blackwell. It's not everyday an employee of yours gets this opportunity." Blackwell smiled as he reached over Annuhs desk to the telephone,keying in the code to the front desk. "Milly,I'm leaving for a bit. Mrs.LaVelle will be coming with me. Take care of business while the two of us are gone,alright?" Before the bunny could make a reply,Blackwell had already hung up,walking towards the door of Annuh's office. "Coming?" He smiled. "Oh,of course." Annuh grabbed her purse from under her desk,quickly getting up and heading straight for the door,locking it behind her.

Annuh sighed with relief as they finally reached the coffe shop. The ride was short,seeing as the coffee shop was only a few block away. For the most part,the ride was silent. The only words spoken were by the cab driver and Blackwell himself. Blackwell opened the door,holding a hand out for Annuh to grab as she proceeded to leave the cab. "Nice to get out every once in a while,aye?" Blackwell laughed as he opened the door to the coffee shop,the nice warm smell of java hit Annuhs nose bringing a smile to her face. They sat down,being greeted humbly by their waiter,a young most likely teen-aged fox. "Hi you two! What a lovely couple! What can i get you guys today?" The fox smiled,big and toothy as he held his pen and book in front of him. "Grande Vanilla Latte,please." Annuh smiled at him. He seemed as if he really loved his job,and did not have a care in the world. Something Annuh had wished for more than anything in these last few months. "Tall coffee,black. Small amount cream on the side. 4 pieces of cranberry bread." Blackwell's voice seemed to change since they had sat down,he did not seem as happy as he was. "Oh,alright you guys. I will get right on that!" The fox scurried quickly to the back after scribbling something in his book. Annuh had guessed he was good at remembering faces and orders,because his words were only squiggles. About 5 minutes later,the little fox was back at theire table with a tray,setting everything down. "Enjoy it!" He winked,walking a few tables down from them to another group that had just come in. "Annuh.." Blackwell sipped his coffee before her looked over at her. "I have another assignment for you." Annuh's eyes widened as she looked over to him,meeting his eyes. "You remember Russ in accounting,correct?" Annuh gave him a slight nod. Of course she remembered Russ. She and Russ had lunch together in the buildings cafeteria on many occasions. "I need you to do for him what you do for me." Annuh slammed her coffee down lightly on the table. "YOU want ME to fu...." Annuh stopped herself when she realized her voice had raised almost to a yell. "You want me want me to have sex with him!?" Blackwell gave Annuh a nod,and before she could say a word Blackwell had started to speak again. "Your next check will add up to $3,500 for this Annuh." Annuh's heart dropped. $3,500? She could finally pay the rent up to date,and for months ahead. Finally pay off the cars,and replace all of Sophie's clothes,get her new school supplies and even new furniture for her room. Annuh never wanted to have sex with Blackwell,but she was in a rough spot. She needed the extra $1,500 coming from her paycheck...but at times,she felt it wasn't worth it. But she knew she could never make this much anywhere else,doing anything else. Annuh gulped hard before she muttered to Blackwell,hanging her in shame as she held the hot coffee in her paws. "I'll do it...." Blackwell smiled. "Good,good. Here is where you will meet,and the time. Call this number if you have any trouble. Oh,and there is your cab. Go home and enjoy the rest of your day." Annuh took the piece of paper she had been handed.


2465 Roland St. Apt. C


Annuh crumpled the paper in her hand as she walked out the door. She held her head high as she whispered. "It's for you Sophie...i wish i could do better,i really do." Annuh huugged herself closely in the backseat,not enjoying her ride home at all. "Mom did tell me to chase my dream....right?"

Well,this chapter probably sucked. My spark died and tried to rekindle. I don't think it worked....i'm sorry... >///<