Experimenting on a Roo

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a story commissioned by FA: Caroo and turned out to be a very fun one to write. The roo in this is, of course, Caroo, while the tigress is my character Tatyana. You might know her from the Hacker Battle series, but this is kind of how I originally envisioned her. This was a fun commission to write, and I hope you guys enjoy it.

Comment, please.

Experimenting on a Roo

Caroo wasn't sure if it was the pain of a headache or the soothing feeling of cool metal behind his head that woke him up; both of them were strong enough to manage it, and the two of them in combination were impossible to ignore. The roo groaned, and slowly opened his eyes.

The bar from that restaurant last night was gone; tables and chairs had been replaced by a featureless room of metal and grates and lights. Panels of metal covered the floor in place of carpet, and behind his head, he could feel the smoothness of similar metal panels. A grate in the wall above him let out cool air, keeping the room at a low enough temperature to make him comfortable without being too cold, and the lights in the four corners of the ceiling and floor illuminated the room with a red light that didn't hurt his head.

A twinge in his wrists - oddly enough from above his head - made him look up. The roo blinked at the sight of handcuffs keeping his wrists about six inches apart above his head, the handcuffs themselves attached to a set of wires that ran into the wall at some point near the ceiling. A few tugs on the handcuffs proved that they were too strong to pull free from, and only made his wrists sting a little bit more.

The roo looked down again, and this time, he looked down enough to see something he hadn't expected.

"Ooooh boy, I think I would have remembered that," Caroo muttered under his breath as he looked over his naked body. Pants, shoes, socks, shirt; all of them were missing, leaving him completely bare. The feeling of the cuffs holding him to the wall were forgotten as he pulled himself to his feet, looking around fruitlessly for any sign of his clothes. Of course, logically he knew that there was no chance of them being in the room with him, but he couldn't stop himself from looking around anyway.

But, of course, there was nothing to be seen, save for the red light that reflected off of the black metal panels. Shaking his head, Caroo turned towards the opposite side of the room.

At least there was a door to this chamber; the roo hadn't been sure if he'd get even that lucky. Wherever he was, it was clear that it was meant to keep people inside without chances of escaping. He doubted that there would be a chance for him to get out anytime soon, but at least there was a way for people to come and get him from outside. That was something; he might have been in some alien chamber where the only way out was through teleporting or some crazy dematerialization and rematerialization.

Though, admittedly, that would have been kind of cool.

He shook his head. No time to think about that. He needed to try and figure out how he had gotten here. Pacing along with the little extra slack that came from standing up, Caroo muttered to himself as he tried to collect his memories of the last night.

"Let's see...I went to Torino's...no reservation, so they had me wait at the bar...couple of lovely ladies there, some smiles...they were seated...I got a bit of water to keep me from feeling too thirsty..." the roo muttered under his breath, shaking his head a few times. "Someone...

"Someone sat down by me..." He remembered her smiling, and smiling back at her. He remembered a bit of conversation, too...but nothing after that.

Caroo shook his head, the light yellow roo sitting down again, leaning back against the wall. If his hands had been free, he would have been rubbing his head, both in frustration and from the still-present headache. "Why can't I remember what happened next?"


Caroo's head whipped up - and brought a wince with the motion - as the click of an intercom turning on was heard. "Hello? Is...is someone there?" he asked.

"This thing is on?" The voice on the intercom was female, he was surprised to note. It was tinged with a bit of a Russian accent, as best he could tell, and it sounded...somewhat familiar. "This thing on? Hello, is thing on?"

"Yes, yes it's on," he said, getting to his feet again. "Who are you? What's going on here?"

"I Tatyana," the voice said. "Sorry for headache; side-effect of drug in drink."

"Drug..." He blinked. "What are you...are you saying...did you just..."

"Since you awake, will be down soon. Medicine for headache, and few answers for you, cutie."


"Wait, can't you - ugh!" He groaned, leaning his head back to press it against the cool metal behind him. The smooth panel was soothing enough to ease some of the discomfort, but the roo wasn't going to be shouting like that again for a while.

The rattle of a knob being turned brought his attention back to the room, and he lowered his head just as the door on the other side of the room opened. It was wooden, which was kind of surprising considering everything else was made of metal. Very out of place, but then again, this whole situation was weird enough that he was amazed that he could even have thoughts like that.

It opened quickly and silently, and the silhouette standing in the doorway was undeniably female. He blushed slightly at the curves in her shadow, the way that her breasts were just big enough to see from her stance, and her hips swayed slightly as she took a few steps into the room. A tail that looked feline in thickness and fur length was just distinguishable, flicking back and forth behind her as she walked.

As she stepped under the lights, he could make out the stripes of a tigress along her arms and face. The rest of her body was covered by a white lab coat, going down to her knees, with the rest of her exposed legs covered by black boots. She wore no goggles, letting him look into her green eyes without obstacle. She was rather tall, he realized as she walked close; the white tigress stood a little over half a foot taller than him, and loomed over him in a way that made him feel even smaller.

She paused a few feet away from him, and she cocked her head to the side. He was all too conscious of her eyes flicking up and down his body, lingering in various places. It was expected that she would look down at his groin - where else would people look at a naked person - but he was a little surprised that she seemed to spend as much time looking at his arms, his stomach, even his feet as she did at his crotch. She said nothing as she looked around, and Caroo fought the instinct to speak up. As the captive here, he didn't want to make a mistake and speak when he shouldn't.

Soft furred hands reached out and stroked along his cheeks. He could feel the little threat of claws beneath the furred caresse, and he barely suppressed a shudder at the realization of how sharp they were; the slightest pressure would be enough to leave his cheeks scratched, but the tigress was keeping it to something gentle, something almost...tender.

A smile exposed the tigress's teeth, but Caroo didn't feel quite so much of a threat from them as he felt he should have. The tigress pulled one hand back, showing a pill in the palm of her hand. "Here. Is medicine; you feel better."

"But you drugged -"

"That before; now you here, I help." She pressed it closer to his lips, and he didn't really have much of a choice in the matter. It was swallow or choke, and he didn't want to choke.

As the pill went down his throat, he felt it break up in mid-swallow. He went wide-eyed as he felt fluid explode inside of his throat, and coughed as his body tried to expel it. It was a futile effort, however, as it soaked into his throat and...disappeared. It must have absorbed right into him, getting into the tissues in there and then getting into his bloodstream.

In seconds, his head stopped hurting, and the roo blinked as he realized that the pain was gone. "That...how did that...how did you do it that fast? I've never seen any kind of painkiller like that."

"Ha! Tatyana medicine is best medicine," the tigress said. "And Tatyana is brilliant best tigress."

"I...guess you are." He would have rubbed his throat, but his hands were still tied up. "Um...do you think you could...maybe...untie me?"

"Heh, why untie? You be tied up again soon, anyway." Tatyana chuckled, leaning in and stroking his cheek again, this time with the back of her hand and without the claws. It sent shudders down the roo's spine nevertheless. "Oooh, is cutie afraid of me?"

"A...A little," he admitted.

"Awww, no be afraid." She smiled a little wider, leaning in a bit closer, her chin resting on his shoulder for a moment. She lifted her head up, and he felt her teeth nibble lightly on the side of his ear. "No be afraid...not yet. You, me, we have much fun."

Her rough tongue slid along the side of his ear, dipping inside for a second in a way that made the roo tense up with a soft moan, before she pulled back. Caroo's cheeks were on fire, blushing brighter than the red lights around the room; what was going on here? Why was this Tatyana teasing him like this, and why had she brought him here?

His questions must have been plain on his face, because she started talking again. "I see you last night, at Torino's. Cutie roo. Nice to people." Her hand stroked down along his side, stopping at his hip and squeezing enough to make him groan. "Nice cutie booty, too, hehehe. Wanted to try few things on you."

"What...kind of things, Tatyana?" he managed to ask past the quiet moans that threatened to get past his lips.

"Little things. Experiments. Fun stuff, you'll like." The tigress smirked as she reached up, her breasts pressing against the roo's face - and doing nothing to help his blush and his budding excitement - and undid the wires from the wall. She held them in her hand like a leash, and gave them a little tug. The resulting pull was surprisingly strong, nearly yanking the roo off of his feet as he attempted to follow along. "Good boy. Now, follow Tatyana; I have special room for you."

The chance to ask further questions seemed lost, as the tigress pulled him along at a brisk pace. The roo wobbled and shook, almost running into the doorway as Tatyana tugged him along before he managed to get his balance back. Despite having no pain in his head anymore, the roo still had a hard time keeping his breath; the tigress must have quite a workout routine if she was able to treat this near-run as a normal pace.

But even if Caroo had been able to keep enough breath in his body to speak, he didn't know if he'd be able to find the words amidst all the sights around him.

As soon as they exited the little containment room that he'd been kept in, Caroo noticed that the black metal shifted to something more chrome-like. It was lighter than the silver that chrome tended to be, and more malleable, as well. He could see the metal almost re-arranging itself before his eyes, like it was still at least partially liquid. It melded with other panels, forming different shapes, occasionally turning an entire wall into a solid block rather than being segmented into panels before changing back again.

The hallway of panels was lit from above and below by alternating types of light, one light source in a ceiling panel above with no light source in the floor panel directly below, followed by a light in the floor panel ahead with no light in the ceiling panel above. For now, the color of light seemed more normal, but the roo wouldn't have put it past the tigress to have a way to turn the hallway into a veritable disco dance floor.

The hallway itself was relatively narrow, barely wide enough for two people to walk side by side together through it, though it was comfortable enough for a group to go single file. The tigress seemed to prefer that as well, and kept the two of them in that formation. Caroo had little choice but to look at either Tatyana's back as he walked, or to look at the lab around them. Despite the feline's flirting, he chose to look at what was around them; she had drugged him to get him here after all, and that didn't usually mean that one's captor had a lot of sanity to them.

After they'd walked for nearly a minute down the hallway, he spotted a few doors amidst the panels ahead of them. It was surprising to see that they were exclusively metal, without a single wooden door in sight. Was there a reason for that, he wondered? Was the room he'd been held in the only one with a wooden door? If so, why?

His thoughts on the matter stilled, then faded as they passed by an open door, and the roo's face burned red again at the naked male jackal hung from the ceiling, with his hands outstretched and the palms and spaces between the fingers getting stroked and rubbed by various mechanical arms. He paused, staring, until the wire 'leash' attached to his wrists tugged him along again.

"Come, come, no time waste. Fun ahead," Tatyana said.

A small part of his brain cautioned him to keep quiet, but his curiosity was too strong to ignore. "Um...Miss -"

"Oooh, is Cutie already thinking me as Mistress?" She laughed, the sound echoing quietly in the empty hall before fading away. She turned around, patting him on the cheek and giving him a little kiss on the nose. "Cutie booty is smart roo, isn't he? Yes, call Tatyana 'Mistress', keep happy."

That...hadn't been his original idea, but was there really any harm in calling the tigress mistress? It was her place after all, and it wasn't something that was that bad. "Um, Mistress, what was happening to that jackal?"

"Oh, him? He experiment, subject, work on nano-sensitizer. Palms have much nerves; see if can make nerves stronger."

Nano-sensitizers? That was something he'd never heard of, but then again, he hadn't heard of a lab where a tigress brought people for experiments either. But at least it didn't sound that dangerous. Nanos were something on the edge of understanding for him, but he'd seen a few newspaper articles describing them as the next big thing in technology. Someone that was just testing applications to make people more sensitive wasn't doing anything THAT bad, he supposed.

She led him on, and he followed without question. At least, at first. As they passed by more open doors, the roo's eyes got wider and wider, and almost against his will, his member started to grow harder and harder.

There were both males and females among the test subjects, though the males formed the definite majority. To a one, they were all tied up in some shape or form; some were tied up by ropes, while others were bound in metal chains, and others still were wrapped up in different machines, held down by molded metal that seemed to conform to their body. The males were predominantly canine, though he saw a few avians in there as well - including a snow owl - while the females seemed to be mostly feline, including one cat that was shouting something about this never breaking 'the great and powerful Ashley'. He had no idea who she was, but there was no fear on that female's face; she was all smiles.

Of course, considering that almost everyone in the experiments were smiling in some way, that wasn't saying much.

Caroo tried to keep his eyes down as they kept walking down the hall, but every time that they passed an open door - and there were more than a few - he couldn't help but look.

One room had a leopard suspended over a pit of spinning feather wheels. Each feather dipped itself in some sort of liquid beneath the wheel, and wetly stroked against some part of the leopard's body when it came up. The big cat would laugh or moan, alternating between the sounds as her sides, stomach, and neck were tickled, while the spot between her legs and her breasts were stroked by the wet tips.

He couldn't help but stare when he saw the liquid somehow absorb into her body, leaving no mark behind after a second. Each time it got absorbed, he saw the leopard moan loudly, her body arching in her restraints, and a little more moisture dribbling down her thighs before falling to the ground below. Blushing at the sight of the female in such pleasure, he hurried on, trying once more to keep his eyes glued to the floor.

Of course, that didn't work, and soon he looked up again. This time, it was another male. A wolf, he thought, though with the mix of red and gray fur, it was a little hard to be sure. Like all the others, he was naked, his muscular body bound tightly in strips of metal, his arms and legs completely covered, leaving only the center of his body exposed. A massive, veiny cock was held tight inside of a milking tube, and the clear fluid inside left little to the imagination about what was happening to the large canine.

The look on the wolf's face made it clear that he didn't even know that he was being watched, or that the door was open. His eyes were almost shut, down to slits as he stared into nothing. His tongue lolled out, and his body was utterly relaxed, all of his attention obviously focused on the suction tube at his groin. Surprisingly - at least to the roo - there was no smell of sweat or bad hygiene coming out of the room. Either Tatyana kept her subjects clean, or the wolf hadn't been there for long.

He wanted to believe it was the latter, and he truly hoped it was; if Tatyana could break people into that state of mind so quickly, then he could be in big trouble.

They moved on, the wolf soon left behind, and he shuddered a little as his thoughts wandered back to the subject of what lay ahead for him. The tigress obviously loved her experiments, and she said that they were going to have some fun. What that meant, he could only guess. There were many clues here, but each experiment room was something different, and so far nothing had been the same between them. Was there something new waiting for him, or was he to be a second phase of one of the other experiments?

Tatyana suddenly stopped, and Caroo only barely avoided running into her. He looked around, thinking that they'd arrived, but there were no doors around. He blinked, turning silently to the tigress.

To his surprise, she actually looked a little concerned. She leaned down slightly, putting her face on a level with his, and nuzzled against his cheek. There was a slight vibration to her, and he realized that she was purring. Not loudly, but enough for her to have a little vibration to her face when she touched him.

"No fear, cutie; I not hurt you." Her throaty chuckle sent shivers down his spine as she reached his ear again, and he felt her lips press against the side. She kissed his ear once, twice, and gave it a nibble. Playful, but with a bit of teeth behind it. "I not hurt you...Tatyana make you smile...smile, laugh...moan...You safe with Tatyana...long as you do what Tatyana say."

"But...what will you tell me to do?" he managed to whisper. He realized that he was still hard, despite his fear; the sights of the various experiments were enough to keep him on edge, enough to keep him throbbing. With the tigress so close, it was only a matter of centimeters between him and her, and despite what he'd seen, he wasn't sure if she wanted to feel another male brushing up against her.

She nuzzled his ear again, her rough tongue licking along the side. Every little bit, she darted it into his ear, not deep, just along the more sensitive, unfurred bits that could be touched further up his ears. Each little lick there made him bite his tongue, trying to keep his moans in, but it sent little shocks of pleasure right to his crotch.

Suddenly, she pulled the wires again, yanking his arms above his head. Caroo grunted as she pushed him against the side of the hallway, her grinning face right in front of him as they stood nose to nose. Her free hand grabbed hold of his crotch, and he gasped at the strong grip she had on his cock. "Mmmm...Tatyana tell you many things...many tasks for cutie. Do good, Tatyana make you happy...because you do good, make Tatyana happy." She smiled, kissing him on the nose, and then on the lips.

Both kisses were quick, too quick for the roo to respond to. He barely knew what was going on, and his head was in a daze as the tigress started walking again. His mind wandered, even as his hands and member pointed the way forward as they moved along.

Tatyana was confusing him more and more. She talked like she liked him a lot, and then would show just how superior she was in this lab. She would kiss him, tease him, but then pin him against the wall and whisper how he had to do what she said. She was insane; absolutely insane.

And yet, he couldn't help but feel some attraction to her. The way that she just took charge was fascinating, and the confidence she carried herself with was amazingly attractive. Even ignoring her appearance - and he had to admit, she was more than alluring and sexy with that - Tatyana had him feeling almost like a guy on a first date rather than someone that had been kidnapped.

I must be going mad, he thought to himself.

They reached another door, one that was closed like about two thirds of the ones that they had already passed by. However, rather than walking by, Tatyana stopped and pressed her hand to the center of the panel that formed it. It glowed green for a second, showing a number on the front. 963, it said; Caroo wondered if it was the floor, or just the total number of rooms. Either could apply, considering the length of time they'd been walking down the hall, and just how far along his own room had been; he remembered the hallway stretching out in either direction when he'd been led out of it.

The panel slid open after a few seconds of Tatyana's touch, and she pulled him inside. It slid back into place rapidly, forcing him to yank his tail in after, and he pulled it around, keeping it at his side rather than behind him. At least, as best he could; roo tails weren't the most flexible.

Another gesture from the tigress turned on various lights in the room. Like the first one, they were arranged in the four corners of the ceiling and the floor, pointing down towards the center of the room to give maximum illumination, except this time, they were regular light rather than red. The gleaming effect off of the metal was momentarily blinding before the lights turned down, the tigress adjusting them with another little gesture, almost like the controls were tuned to her movements rather than buttons, like in most places.

With all that he had seen through the walk through the lab, Caroo thought that he was immune to being impressed by the tigress's home. But when he saw the room she'd picked for his experiments, he found that he was wrong.

In the center of the room was a large x-shaped frame, but rather than the sort of one that he'd seen in a few embarrassing porn videos - he still couldn't believe his roommates watched those in front of him - it had a plethora of mechanical arms hanging both behind it and above it. The arms and legs of the frame looked like they were adjustable, too, to allow for the person in it to be positioned as the owner of the thing willed. He saw a few little holes along the arms and back of the x-frame as well. At first, they almost looked like injection points, then he realized that there was a piece of glass in each one. Light displays, perhaps? He wasn't sure.

A tray of shimmering metal floated near the large frame, with various different vials and even a spray-bottle on it. The roo tried to guess what some of them might be, but without any labels on them, he didn't even have a chemical name to go by.

Tatyana turned him around so that his back faced the frame, and started to undo the restraints around his wrists. Her fingers found the little catches that his eyes had missed, and the padded metal fell from around his wrists in seconds. They didn't have a chance to clang against the ground, as some sort of pulse met them several inches from the floor. Defying gravity, they floated off to the side before seemingly lowering themselves to the ground, slowly.

His eyes bugged out at the sight, his shock at the sight of such high levels of technology leaving him without the will to resist as the tigress pulled him over to the x-frame. Her grip was gentle, but her movements were quick and firm, pushing his wrists into place. A soft beep sounded before a band of metal snapped into place around one wrist, and another beep announced the restraint of the other.

He turned his head to watch as the metal clicked into place, his eyes following the flowing bands of metal from the tip of the frame as they wrapped around his hands. His fingers were held outstretched, smoother bits of metal pushing between them to keep him from pressing his fingers together or from pulling his hands into a fist. Even when his hands and fingers were only partially covered, the metal was too strong and too close to his hands for him to move them at all. In seconds, his hands were covered in a metal glove, keeping them pinned and paralyzed.

She reached around, grabbing hold of his tail, and he felt it slide through a hole that opened in the x-frame. It would be good to keep it from getting squished, but with his tail held behind him, he couldn't help but think that this was leaving him all too open.

"Lift foot, please," Tatyana said.

Nodding dumbly, the roo lifted his left foot. She gripped him around the ankle, and slowly pushed his foot back against the lower half of the x-frame. It was a little strange to be balancing on one foot, with his weight mostly taken by his wrists, but it was doable.

Rather than wrapping his foot up in metal, the machine seemed to have different ideas. His foot was supported around the arch, keeping it from sliding through, but it had a sort of boot like surrounding along the sides. His toes hung over the edge, and for a moment, he wondered if it was simply an oversight with the measuring, and if it would render the whole thing useless.

No such luck there, he found, as the machine whirred softly. Metal pushed out from hidden pockets, mixed with see through plastic. It surrounded his heel and wrapped around the top of his foot, but left the bottom of his foot, as well as the toes, completely in view. Metal bands wrapped in several layers around the top, but there was enough plastic for Caroo to still see his foot through the top.

A few thin strips of...well, it wasn't metal, but it felt stronger than plastic, pressed between his toes. They forced his toes to fan out, leaving them spread wide. It almost looked silly, and he might have chuckled, if his foot wasn't restrained, and if his body wasn't so paralyzed.

Tatyana picked up his other foot while he was staring at the arrangement, and for a moment, he was dependent entirely on his wrists to keep from falling down. He grunted, his arms stinging in the wrist and the shoulder as his weight was suddenly put entirely on them.

Then the machine whirred again, and new restraints pulled him back against the forward leaning frame. He gasped as the weight was taken off of his arms, and shivered at the cold metal that pressed against his chest and stomach, holding him back against the center. Another band of metal reached around his forehead, pinning him back and keeping him from looking any direction except for straight ahead.

She walked around him, standing in front of him with a slightly embarrassed smile. "Eh heh, so sorry. Machine little slow; usually faster."

"Uh...yeah...I kind of -"

A finger pressed against his lips kept him from continuing that sentence, and the tigress leaned forward. "You no worry. I make sure you have MUCH fun. Make up for pain, Tatyana promise; cutie just stay still, and Tatyana take care of you."

So many questions. How was she going to do that? Why was she doing this in the first place? Did she really need to kidnap people for stuff like this? Why HIM?! Those questions and more whirled about in his head, and Caroo couldn't help but wonder how and when he would ever get answers for them. The tigress was teasingly closed mouthed about the whole thing, and he half wondered if she was enjoying keeping him frustrated and confused. It wouldn't have been surprising...nor would it have been that bad. A part of him found the whole mystery a little bit enticing.

He jerked as one of her hands patted his groin again, her soft, fuzzy fingers pressing lightly against his balls. The restraints kept him still, for the most part, but the roo couldn't help but blush brightly as she squeezed him gently. "Mmm, Tatyana like this...heh, my cutie likes experiments, yes?"

As he nodded his head, he caught the sound of her purring. She was very happy, apparently. He hoped that it was from his answer.

Her fingers squeezed his balls again, and his cock twitched above her hand. He felt the throbbing harder than he'd felt it in a long time. Simple masturbation didn't come close to the pleasure that this sort of teasing gave him, he thought, and he closed his eyes, his mouth opening a little wider as he panted.

She chuckled, deep, throaty, with that bit of a purr making it all the more sensual. "Mmmm, Cutie likes this lots..." Tatyana smiled as she pulled her hand back. "But now, experiment time. Just do what Tatyana says, you be fine."

The roo's cock throbbed in front of him as the tigress stepped away, and he panted to catch his breath. That had...felt so good. No mouth, no kissing, nothing like that. Just a simple touch from this crazy tigress, and he was flying to the moon with pleasure. Just the way that she handled herself, the way that she carried herself and talked with him. It was like she had taken total control, keeping it for herself. And the way that she treated him, like some sort of...friend? Toy? It was hard to tell; one second she was giving him light affectionate touches, then squeezing his cock and telling him that he'd have fun, and then still later telling him to just do what he was told. So many signals, so hard to think straight.

He blinked at a rapid series of beeps, turning his head towards the scientist at a console. That hadn't been there before...had it? They'd been walking towards the room's center so fast it was hard to be sure, but he thought that the room had been empty, save for the tray nearby and the machine he was strapped into.

Picking up a small cylinder, the tigress spoke in another language - russian, he would guess from the accent - as her fingers continued to roam over the console in front of her. The whirring sound of mechanical arms joined the beeping, and Caroo's eyes whipped back and forth. His head tried to follow them, but the band around his forehead was strong enough to keep him from being able to move. It even stung a bit when he tried, immediately making him stop trying.

At the edges of his vision, he saw the arms moving around above and below him. The smooth tips opened, revealing various tools that slid out. Some of them looked reflective, almost like glass, while others looked almost like dispensers of some sort. Feathers popped out of others, while one arm pushed out something that looked all too close to the milking tube that was over the wolf's cock in one of the other rooms. Others were too far out of view to tell what was coming out of them, but one thing was clear. Variety was one worry that this room did not have.

They waved around him, slowly moving closer to his body. The one with the tube moved close to his shaft, the opening at the end rubbing against his tip lightly, and the roo blushed as his cock actually stiffened further at the touch. He wasn't sure that he should want something like this, but his body was excited enough that it sure seemed to.

While he was worrying about what was happening, Tatyana surprised him again. A white and black furred hand pressed one bunch of mechanical arms out of the way, and she stood beside him. Rubbing his chest gently, she pressed herself against him, her cheek against his, her chest against his side. Her voice was a sultry whisper in his ear as she stroked his chest, both of them watching as the tube arm rubbed against his shaft. "Mmm, cutie's penis so hard. Cutie looks ready for fun, much fun."

"Is..." He gulped, gasping as the tip of his shaft slid into the tube for a second. It slid out a second later as the metal arm pulled back again, but it had felt soooo good. "Is this...is this the experiment? Teasing me like this?"

"Oh no...no, no, that only part of experiment." She chuckled, and the sound was a tickling vibration against his cheek. She reached down, grabbing hold of the base of his cock in one hand, giving him a few strokes as her chin rested on his shoulder. Her cheek rubbed against his neck, adding to the tickling feeling. "Collector version 2.5.2, Nano-Sensitizers version, Pleasure-Laze testing, egg buzz; have much here! And cutie perfect subject for tests!"

The only familiar thing on that list were the nano-sensitizers, and he couldn't help but feel that this was an untested model. "What...what version of those nano things were you using on that jackal?"

"Hmm?" She blinked, cocking her head to the side.

"The jackal...you said he was testing the nano-sensitizers?"

"Oh, him, him. He try version 0.9.8. Last version before this." She waved her hand dismissively, her ears flicking slightly. "You safe; all bugs out."

"Like the chair?" he couldn't stop himself from asking.

She paused, a slight blush on her face before she shook her head. "Minor mistake, not happen again." Clearing her throat, the tigress patted his head lightly, and then gripped his cock again. "Test starting...now." Her grin grew huge in the blink of an eye, and she looked slightly manic. "Fun time!"

The machines moved faster than he thought possible, and with his cock held still and unable to twitch away, the tube slid down around it instantly. Caroo moaned, his back attempting to arch against the x-frame and failing. His shaft was as immobilized as the rest of him now, held tight within the tube, the insides of the slick, clear plastic wet with some sort of lube. It rubbed and stroked his cock somehow, teasing it ever harder, making him feel more rigid by the second.

Suddenly, the entrance of the tube tightened hard around the base of his shaft, and he grunted at the constriction. He could see some veins on his member stand out harder, in stark relief towards the rest of his smooth cock. The tightness was almost familiar; it was like a cock ring, though a good bit stronger than he was used to. He couldn't look all the way down to see it, but he could feel the padding around the entrance swelling out, almost like those machines that doctors used to take one's blood pressure.

"Shaft Sealant applied. Commencing suction in t-minus ten seconds," a cultured but computerized voice said.

"S-suction?" Caroo managed to ask.

"Collector collects; has to use something," Tatyana said from her console. Her fingers moved along a few more buttons, and he felt the x-frame start to move, sliding backwards so that he was facing upwards a bit more rather than forwards. More of the mechanical arms moved into view as that happened, and he felt a little shiver go down his spine as they writhed and twisted around like great metal snakes.

"Suction commencing."

His eyes nearly bugged out of his skull as he felt the tube around his cock tug along his member. A slowly rising, slick pressure moved from the base of his shaft towards the tip, and everything that wasn't directly touched by the moving pressure was being sucked on like the tube was a giant straw, and his cock and balls were the soda at the bottom of a cup. The roo gasped at the sensation, groaning as he instinctively tried to turn his head to the side, to buck against it, to arch his back, something; but it was all denied, forcing him to watch as the Collector continued to suck and stroke at his shaft.

It barely took a few seconds for him to start leaking pre into the tube, and with it being as clear as it was, he could see the droplets rushing up it towards wherever the collection vials were. However, with the massive pressure around the base of his shaft, the way that it constricted it and made him harder, the roo could already tell that his climax was going to be quite a ways away. All that they'd get for a while was pre.

Beep beep went the buttons by the tigress, and the metal frame shifted again. The restraints that held his legs brought them up, the frame turning from an x-frame to something closer to a recliner, if recliners held one's arms above one's head. His legs were turned, pointed forward so that his feet were directed towards the tigress and her console. His toes were still fanned out, and if he forced himself to look down, he could just make out the sight of a few of the mechanical arms moving down towards them through the clear plastic that covered most of his feet.

"Cutie comfortable?" Tatyana asked, raising her voice to be heard over the sound of machinery.

"Comfortable?" he parroted, groaning a bit. He supposed that was a word for it; it was hard to think of a better one when his cock was being sucked on by a machine, pumped and teased like crazy.

"Happy? Comfy? Cozy? Maybe cutie's penis happy?" she asked.

There were so many words for this, and he didn't know how to say a single one of them. It was like his brain had been pulled down to his crotch, swallowed up by the tube as much as his pre was. He shuddered as the suction suddenly ramped up, moaning loudly enough for it to echo off of the metal plates in the room before he quieted down again. Through the clear parts around his cock he could see a sliding ring around his member, milking it, teasing it from base to tip. Whenever it got to the top, he could feel the suction momentarily stop as it held itself there, almost feeling like a series of tongues licking all the way around the top of his cock before it slid back down, the suction replacing the hyper stimulation of that stroking band.

"Cutie, answer Tatyana, or I make machines go crazy on you."

Yes...yes, answering would be a good idea. Not a good idea to let the tigress think he was ignoring her, the roo thought to himself. "Yes...I'm comfy...comfy and...and happy," Caroo said. No need to rock the boat, he excused himself; better not to have her thinking that he was trying to get out...even if he wasn't really trying to get out...

It was hard to think. He was kidnapped here, shouldn't he be...well, angry or something? He was strapped to a machine, in bondage, having his cock sucked on by a machine, with other stuff around him...why wasn't he angry?


Did he like this?

He barely had a chance to consider the thought before he felt something new down near his feet. The roo jerked as much as the restraints let him, and he forced his eyes to look down again.

Around the edges of his foot restraints, he could see that two of the metal limbs were pointed towards his feet. They glowed with a green-blue light, and he could just make out the edges of a beam shooting out from them towards his feet. Aware of it now, Caroo felt the light dragging along his soles, as well as over his toes and down his arches. They almost felt like they were painting his feet in the light, but that was impossible.

The light beams left a tingling feeling behind as they moved from one spot on his feet to another, a pleasant if distracting sort of feeling. It was like there were little fingers rubbing along the skin after they moved on, but that faded in a few seconds each time, leaving nothing to show that there had been any sort of touch there at all.

The entire process took little more than a minute to complete, and the arms pulled back after they were done, apparently having completed their task. What that was, he didn't know, and with the continued teasing at his crotch, it was very hard to care.

Tatyana pressed a few more buttons before walking out from behind her console. Her boots clicked on the metal slightly as she made her way across the room, stopping at his side again as several mechanical arms - tipped with wavy tendrils - moved to take the place of the beam ones. The tigress leaned against him, and dragged a single clawed finger along his side.

"Mmm, cutie look good in machine," she said, her finger touching on several sensitive spots on the roo's side. As he stifled a giggle when she reached his armpit and then stroked down again, she continued, saying, "Do feet feel different?"

"My...my feet?" She nodded. "Uh...they tingled...felt a little...a little strange...but they feel fine right now."

"Good, good...Pleasure Laze different from Nano-Sensitizer. Nano bring all feeling high; Pleasure Laze make pleasure better." She chuckled, finger suddenly digging into his armpit on the next way up hard enough to make him burst out in laughter. "Oooh, cutie SENSITIVE already! Tatyana have fun with you, yes, much fun."

Weren't they already having fun? It was something he wanted to say, but he wasn't sure if he dared say something like that. Not when the tigress seemed so eager to upgrade the level of fun that he was already having. He could barely keep himself focused with the collector tube around his cock as it was, and she wanted to add more to the mix? This was going to either be heaven or hell at this point.

She kissed him on the cheek, her finger moving from his armpit towards his neck, stroking along the side before coming up under his chin. Kissing him again, she leaned her head up, whispering in his ear in a way that almost tickled, her lips stroking the sides of it. "Mmm, Tatyana make cutie squirm...Cutie booty, cutie footie. Have fun for Tatyana, hmmm?"

"Yes...Yes, Mistress," he hurried added on, remembering she liked that earlier.

The tigress giggled at that, stepping away with a bit more sway in her walk than had been there earlier. She reached over her panel, gave him a smirk, and then pressed one of the buttons.

With the speed of striking snakes, the tendrils just barely visible past the foot restraints struck. Their squirming, warm tentacles stroked against the bottom of the roo's feet, smooth and soft and wriggling like nothing he had ever felt before. They dragged themselves over his soles and between his toes, giving the lightest of touches to his soles, almost like feathers in how light they touched him. They tickled him, wiggling like fingers, frantic in their efforts to find his most sensitive spots. Which, with the lasers that had just gone over his feet, seemed to be every single bit of his foot.

Caroo's eyes clamped shut as he twitched and jerked in laughter, his arms and legs flailing against their restraints in the millimeters of movement that his body was allowed. Choked off laughter spilled from his lips as the roo squirmed, his toes trying and failing to curl down to protect his feet, his body on fire from the way that the tendrils lashed against the bottoms of his feet, tickling and teasing him.

His laughter easily drowned out the tigress's, but he could see her chuckling too out of the corner of his eye. She was amused at his predicament, and a small part of him couldn't blame her.

The rest of him was laughing too hard to think.

The tickling tendrils flailed over the bottoms of his feet, sometimes sliding between his toes, and other times working along his soles. They rapidly learned that they were getting more laughter out of him along the soles, and soon left his toes alone. For a short time, Caroo wondered if they were simply being merciful.

The invasion of two more tendrils, topped with feathers, proved that they were simply allowing room for something better suited to the task to work. The feathers were devilish in their work, slipping between his toes and stroking along the sensitive spots between them. Howling in laughter, he squirmed and twitched, but the bonds that held his toes apart and kept them from curling were too good for him to get free of. All he could do was hold still as the machine kept him in bondage, allowing them to tease and tickle him as much as they wanted.

And through it all, that Collector kept sucking on his cock.

He had thought that the powerful tickling sensation at his feet would be enough to distract him from the pleasure, but the opposite was more the case. The only reason he felt that he was still sane was because of the powerful pleasure at his crotch, taking his mind off of the worst of the tickling. Caroo still laughed and squirmed, giggled and trembled as he tried and failed to shield his feet, but the suction around his cock was keeping him from going crazy from the laughter. Even when he tried to throw his head back - thank god for the headband, or he might have cracked his head against the metal behind him - he was always conscious of that enormous, ever-present suction and stroking around his shaft.

He couldn't stop moaning, he couldn't stop laughing, and the sounds mixed together in a cacophony that echoed through the room, a raucous din that made it even harder to think. The roo panted, gasped for breath between screaming in laughter; he sucked air between moans of pleasure. Every touch from the machines, from the flailing tendrils along the bottom of his feet, to the flickering feathers between his toes, to the sucking, stroking band along his cock contributed to the growing confusion and strange happy pleasure that filled his mind.

The clinking of new arms barely registered over the sounds he made, and even that was blocked from his mind as several different tubes opened above his arms. With his eyes wet and filled with happy tears, Caroo thought that he was just seeing things as a colored, sparkling dust fell from the tubes, but when they touched his armpits, his sides, even his neck...

"HAHAHAHAHA!" he screamed in renewed laughter as the tickling suddenly got worse. He felt infinite little limbs rubbing through his fur, burrowing through the thin protective layer that they provided and stroking over his skin beneath. It was like a million little fingers, a billion little tongues were teasing him everywhere, and the restraints were the only things that kept him from slamming his arms down and jerking his head from side to side to try and stop them. "HAHAHA! WHAT - HAHAHA - WHAT IS - HEEHEEHEE - THIS?!"

"Nano-Sensitizers." Tatyana giggled, her lab coat undone. When had that happened, and why did she wear almost nothing beneath it? "Making way inside. Will make cutie SUPER happy!"

The...those robots were climbing inside of him? He tried to frown, but the laughter only made him grin wider. He felt some slight twitch of discomfort, but it was displaced in seconds, replaced by the giggles of tickles, and the moans of pleasure. He thought, even, that there might have been a few of the nano things near his groin, because the pleasure from that suddenly spiked higher.

He twitched his hips, trying to thrust into the tube more, trying to get a little more stimulation, but all that the roo managed was to frustrate himself. His balls tried to pull up to let out a load, but the tight band around the base of his cock kept him from being able to release. The pleasure remained, dulled only slightly by the strong sense of denial that came with the inability to actually release.

The machine whirred and shifted again, bringing new limbs down to his sides, to his neck. Caroo blushed as he realized that the tickling and the teasing wasn't going to be limited to his feet, and he turned his eyes back to the tigress. He could no longer speak, no longer had the air or the willpower to break through the laughter and moans, but he begged for mercy with his eyes.

There was none.

A multitude of the tendrils descended on his body, featuring flailing finger tentacles, feathered ends, and even more of the laser-like emitters. They rushed around, finding their best spots, and started attacking his body, each one providing a powerful stimulation, and yet unique against the others in the background.

The metal ones went to his armpits, the finger-like appendages flicking and digging into his pits the way that the ones along his soles did to his feet. They flexed, twitched, and rubbed his pits, finding anything that would make him squeal and then attacking it. His arms stung with the pressure he put on them, trying to pull them free, but the machine held them still. His armpits were helpless, and he laughed, his throat almost aching from how hard he laughed.

They swept back and forth, up and down, but mostly curled upwards over his pits, sweeping over them in rapid motions. It tugged on his skin slightly, and the roo was helpless to resist as they tickled him, driving him out of his mind.

The feathers were hardly better, attacking his stomach with their soft edges and wiggling along the sides of his stomach and over his belly button. They didn't have the same pressure as the metal fingers did, but they didn't need it. Their tickling was softer edged, rubbing and stroking rather than flailing and digging in. He sucked in his stomach, his only defense, but the feathers gave chase, pushing in closer and still dragging along his belly. Caroo wiggled, feeling his flat stomach bouncing slightly from how hard he laughed, but there was no way he could stop. He kept sucking his stomach in, and then letting it out again when the tickling made him burst out in laughter again, his body helpless against the assault upon it.

Many colored feathers were dragged along his belly, sweeping up to his nipples before heading back down to his waist. They wiggled back and forth, they drew in circles, and they drew long, slow lines along his body. They were more sensual than the fingers, but they were just as ruthless, driving his body to the brink of oblivion before giving him time to catch his breath, only to drive it out again.

Perhaps the worst, though, were the lasers that were shining against his neck. Unlike the previous lasers against his feet, these ones sent an irresistible tingle through his neck, and he felt his skin tingle with tickles. It was like the lasers just turned on certain nerves in his neck, telling them to transmit tickle instructions all the way up to his brain. Everywhere that the light from the emitters touched, he felt the same feeling as at his sides and along his stomach, but there was no physical sensation to actually back them up, no sign of what was actually causing it. In his head, he understood the feeling, but he couldn't justify it, making it all the more insane.

Metal arms shifted around his head, changing the angle and the end position of the lasers blasting his neck. One second, they were making him laugh around the spot where his neck met his shoulders; the next, they got his throat perfectly, making simple breathing tickle him. Even the act of laughing made him want to laugh more, and the twitching muscles around his jaws, bringing his mouth up and down, even made his chin and his lips tickle, which was completely new.

He barely felt the tube suddenly speed up around his cock, his mind almost consumed by the tickling. His body wanted to move, flail, twitch, jerk, but the metal bondage was too much. The roo could barely keep his eyes open, and what little he could see was blurred through tears that came too fast to blink away. Laughter, with slight moans slipped between them, was all he knew, the tickles getting worse and worse. Even his hands inside of the metal restraints were not protected, as he felt the same tingling tickles as he'd felt when the nano-sensitizers had been dropped on his sides. The things had to be digging into him, some part of him thought, but he couldn't care. All he could do was laugh.

At the edge of his consciousness, he felt another hand on him, a warm hand rather than a warmed set of metal, rubbing at his chest. Another was under the tube, fondling his balls. Both squeezed, rubbed, and tickled with the rest of the machinery, but they were oddly warm, oddly...kind, in a way.

And in his ear, he could hear words. Faint, far away, quiet against his laughter, but there nevertheless.

"Cutie...cutie happy...cutie silly happy..." Tatyana. It was Tatyana again.

"Cutie want cum?"

Cum? What was cum? Was that something outside of tickling?

"Cutie want be happy?"

Wasn't he already?

"Cutie want Mistress happy?"

Well...that was something that he did want. Even if he was afraid of her - and he wasn't sure about that anymore - he did want her happy.

He must have given her some signal of that, because she giggled a bit. "Mmm, cutie good. Cutie be happy, but soon MUCH happy." Her lips pressed against his ear, something that was soft, something that he felt because it was so different. "Just wait."

She was gone again. Out of sight, out of hearing. He didn't know where she was, and the tickling overwhelmed him again. The fingers, the feathers, the lasers; they covered his body and they covered his thoughts with laughter. Twitching fingers along his sides and feet, dragging along his soles, making him scream with unwilled laughter; feathers drawing letters and patterns, interpreted as many long 'hahahaha's; lasers that gave him the chills and the laughter to express them wherever they beamed; all combined to make it impossible to think.

And then, suddenly, the tightness at the tip of the Collector vanished. The tight barrier around the base of his cock was gone. With the barrier gone, his pleasure suddenly skyrocketed as his body made the connection that his mind was too overwhelmed to realize; he could cum.

Spasms erupted all over his body as his balls emptied what they'd been forced to keep inside last time. Everything shook; it didn't matter that his body was restrained in the tightest metal bondage that he'd ever seen, the roo's body spasmed, shook, and convulsed in sheer rapture as his body was pushed over the edge. His mouth still wide in laughter, he managed to blink his eyes enough to make out the white spurts heading up the tube that sucked on his cock, heading off who knew where.

The tickles and suction continued throughout his orgasm. He didn't know how long that lasted. A few seconds? A minute? Half an hour? Time had lost meaning long ago, and he had no idea just what was going on around him, not when his mind was taken up with two things: pleasure, and laughter.

Still, it eventually faded as the machines drifted away from him, one by one assuming a position that was either above or below him. The frame that he was on shifted again, placing his legs back in a standing position, and leaning him forward, facing the tigress that had put him through all of this.

Tatyana's lab coat had been abandoned. When, he didn't know. Under it, she wore her boots, and that was it. Her fur was slightly shiny underneath the lab lights, and he could see that she had been sweating a little bit. Probably not nearly as much as he had been, considering how hard he'd been laughing, but still enough to make her fur look slightly wet.

With her naked, he could see that she was more than a little aroused, as well. Her nipples were hard, and it was not from a cold temperature. His eyes drifted instinctively between her legs, and his face somehow found the blood to blush again, as he saw that she was wet. A few little trails of moisture ran through the fur along her thighs, soaked into it before it could go far, but with more coming behind it.

She walked over to him, and he blushed as his shaft refused to go down, even with the Collector having been turned off. A few little button presses and a little tug from the scientist pulled the device off of him, and he groaned at the way it rubbed his oversensitive shaft. "Is...is that all, Mistress?" he managed to gasp out, his sore throat barely forming the words.

She gave him a smile. "All? Why cutie think that all? We not even finish first list."

That...Caroo groaned, lowering his eyes. That was true, he realized; the list had included some sort of vibrator egg, too, and she had only been rattling off stuff off of the top of her head. There might be dozens more things that she had planned for him to go through.

Whatever other questions he had, though, were silenced as the tigress leaned in and kissed his lips.

Caroo's body stiffened, then melted as he accepted the kiss. He tried to return it as best he could, but without any mobility to move his head, no freedom to lift or adjust an arm, he couldn't do anything really good. All he could do was press his lips to hers, and hope that she didn't think him too foolish.

Tatyana held the kiss for a half minute before pulling back, licking her lips playfully. "Mmm, cutie good kisser. Tatyana like." She smirked at him, patting his cheek lightly before suddenly stepping away again. "Now. Next test."

She walked over to the table near him, bending over and fiddling with a few things. Despite his situation, Caroo couldn't help but stare a little bit. A soft whimper slipped past gritted teeth at the sight of her rear, the shapely curves and tightness of it sending a thrill down his spine and right into his crotch. Whatever lack of life most men suffered after an orgasm, and what he usually had, was banished; no matter how tired he was, how wet and sweaty, he wanted more.

The tigress turned around with two egg-shaped objects in her hand. One was as long as her finger and as wide as two, the other about the size of half a pinkie finger. "Now, cutie has stamina test."

His eyes went wide, and she laughed. "Oh, no be baby. You scared of egg?"

"Of that one, yes!" he said, flicking his eyes towards the larger one.

"Oh, this one?" She turned to it, and then laughed again, shaking her head. "No no no, that one mine. Cutie good show, means I need fun too."

Well, at least that meant that she wasn't thinking of sticking anything up the other end. He wasn't sure if he could take that, on top of everything else that was happening so far. And a stamina test wasn't going to be too bad; after all, he'd just cum, and the oversensitive bit was over with. It wasn't like a lot of the nano-sensitizers had been placed on his cock, either, if any.

Tatyana paused in mid-reach for his cock, and then pulled her hand back. "Hmmm...Cutie just have fun...Penis maybe dull..."

She started reaching for one of the tubes that he remembered let out the lasers from earlier. His eyes went wide as she pointed it at his cock, turning it on. In seconds, pleasurable tingles covered his member from tip to base, and even his balls buzzed lightly with the strange, pleasant sensation. The slight breath of wind that came from the tigress's hand sweeping through the air felt as good as a grip on his cock, and he couldn't suppress a little tremble of pleasure.

From somewhere - maybe the table, maybe somewhere else - she pulled out some sort of cord. It attached to each side of the little egg, and she wrapped it around his cock, placing the vibrator part just under the head of his shaft. Tightening the cord until it was secure, Tatyana looked up at him with a little smirk. "Egg use vibration, um..." She shook her head, tapping her finger on the metal. "Um...How cutie say...Lightning?"

His eyes went wide again, and she giggled. "Not that big, but, like..." She looked around, pointing at one of the lights behind her. "Like light!"

"Electricity?" Caroo guessed.

"Yes, yes! Electricity and vibration, egg make penis REALLY squirt." She smiled and patted his cock from the side, chuckling a little bit. "See how long cutie lasts," she said with a grin.

He whimpered at the thought of just what was about to happen. He'd never gone into e-stim stuff before, even though he'd heard of it; having it combined with vibrations, a ridiculous laser that was making his cock more sensitive than it had ever been, and this level of bondage and being unable to get it off made him a little bit worried.

And yet...he didn't say a thing.

His mind was still reeling from the tickling rush a minute ago, and he was still catching his breath from laughing so long. But he was still capable of talking. The roo could still actually protest if he thought about it, could still try and reason with the tigress.

But he didn't want to. On some level, he wanted to see what she would do, wanted to find out what sort of experiments she had in mind. And the thought of it actually brought a slow smile to his face as he watched her walk back to her console.

She turned, pressing a few buttons, and slowly looked up at him. Seeing his smile, she smiled back, her finger hovering over what he guessed was the start button. "Cutie ready?"

He nodded.

Grinning, she lifted her hand. "Test starts...now!" Tatyana said as her finger dropped down.


The End.

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