The Stable Boy

Story by capthavoc123 on SoFurry

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A request from Deleter (

Colby is the young steward of a ranch owned by a wealthy benefactor who is never there, preferring to keep hands off as long as the ranch brings in a profit. The Flarestar Pokemon Ranch is a breeding ranch, inhabited by a population of Rapidash and Ponyta mares. Colby breeds the mares with stallions brought in from other farms, and he loves his job, but it's a lonely job. The only company he has is the mares, and they're not able to take care of the more...personal needs a human male has. Or are they?

The Stable Boy

by Havoc

"Sex is like snow: You never know how many inches you're going to get or how long it will last."


Evening was setting in at the Flarestar Pokemon Ranch, and Colby was sitting in his kitchen at the ranch house, having a light dinner before he got to his bedtime chores. A lot of people might linger as much as they could over their meal, if finishing it meant they'd have to work, but the young man enjoyed his job. How could one argue with getting to work outside for most of the day and being your own boss? Colby was the only ranch hand at the Flarestar, a breeding ranch owned by a rich benefactor who was never there, and didn't much care what happened day to day so long as the ranch continued to make him money. So Colby got to live the life of a cowboy, basically, taking care of the Ponyta and Rapidash mares that the ranch was well known for.

Working on the ranch had a lot of benefits. For one, the pay was outstanding. Colby was good at his job, tending to the mares and training them for sale or for breeding whenever stallions were brought from other ranches. He commanded an impressive salary for one as young as he was. And the work was tough, which had whipped him into impressive shape in short order. He spent a lot of the day outdoors, as well, so his skin had a healthy bronze tan.

The only problem with living on the Flarestar was that he was alone, most of the time, except for the mares. That meant he didn't have much in the way of female companionship. Though he was able to take care of that himself, for the most part, as his hand could serve the purpose quite adequately. The solitude was good for that, since no matter where he was, whether it be out in the fields, in the ranch house, or in the stables, he could pretty much drop everything and jerk off if he felt the urge.

Colby stirred a little in his seat as he finished up his dinner. He was starting to get that urge right now, as a matter of fact, but he told himself that he would have to wait for that. He wanted to get his chores done before it got too dark, and tonight he had to muck out the stables, all three of them, and clean the water troughs. He grinned to himself, gathering up his dishes and carrying them to the sink. He'd have plenty of time to take care of business later, and he'd rather do it when he had the luxury of all his work being done.

By the time Colby got to the third stable, he'd worked up a pretty good sweat and his back was aching slightly. He knew that would go away quickly as soon as he finished up. The first few weeks he'd been working at the Flarestar had been the roughest, since he'd been in relatively weak shape back then. As soon as he'd built up some strength, he'd been able to handle all the chores with no problems.

A quiet nickering greeted his ears as he walked into stable three. Colby grinned as he looked at the stalls lining the walls. He always saved this one for last, no matter what kind of chores he had to do, because the mares who resided in this stable were the ones he got along with the best. Only three mares lived in this one, whereas in the other stables they were fully occupied with ten mares each. Here lived two Rapidashes and one younger Ponyta.

As he walked in, the Rapidash nearest to him was Aideen. She was the oldest of the three in the stable, twelve years old, and had been at the Flarestar for quite a long time. She was one of the most profitable breeding mares that the ranch had, and was quite the wild Rapidash even at her age. Colby had to pay more attention to her than most of the other mares, as she would get quite rambunctious without a lot of exercise to deal with her excess energy. She'd knocked down the walls of her stall more than one time in the past. Recently, though, she'd been quieter since she'd injured her leg a few months ago. Colby had been pretty upset when she'd injured herself, since it had meant she hadn't been available for breeding the last time stallions had been brought to the ranch. Aideen had been in heat at just the right time, so Colby knew she would have been with a foal right now if things had gone according to plan.

In the stall right next to Aideen's was Paulette, the Ponyta. She was only two years old, just coming into maturity, and had been one of Aideen's foals that Colby had decided to keep at the ranch instead of selling. He'd been working with her so that she would hopefully evolve soon, and be a more desirable candidate for breeding when her first heat came, which shouldn't be long now. Paulette, thankfully, didn't seem to have much of her mother's wild personality, and was a bit quieter though she did have her own energy. Paulette preferred to play, and if she was loose she'd usually chase Colby around the fields while he rode or exercised the other mares.

Finally, across the aisle from Aideen and Paulette, was the other Rapidash in stable three. Her name was Raine, and though Colby tried not to play favorites with the mares, he failed when it came to Raine. She was his favorite on the ranch by far. Raine was eight years old, and she was a sweet, shy, quiet mare who preferred to stay in the stable unless Colby brought her out himself to exercise. He'd had to work on her quite a bit for her to get to where he could be around her without the flames on her mane and tail burning him, but he'd managed it and now he was pretty much the only person who could get near her.

Colby went and said hello to all three of them, giving them each a rub on the nose and a crunchy apple for a treat. He noticed that Paulette seemed a little more fidgety than normal. Colby wondered if she was already coming into heat, but he didn't have time to examine her right now. The night was quickly growing dark, and he needed to get through this last bit of his chores. Pulling his shirt off, which was drenched with sweat by now, Colby picked up his broom and got to work sweeping out the stable.

After nearly an hour of work, Colby was just about done with his chores. He'd finished sweeping out all of the stalls and the mares' troughs were clean and filled with fresh, clear water. All he had left to do was sweep out the aisle and bring in some fresh hay, and then he'd be done for the evening. He picked up his shirt, wiping his forehead dry of sweat. The stable was quite hot tonight, as always. The fire-type equines could cool off their flames when Colby was handling them, but otherwise they allowed much of their natural heat to radiate. Colby was going to need a long, cool shower after he was done with his chores.

He set his broom against the wall, stretching his arms for a moment. Colby was feeling that twinge again. He was getting restless, and anxious for the end of his chores for quite a different reason than the stifling heat of the stable. He'd gone the entire day without masturbating, and for a guy who lived alone on a farm that was a pretty long time. Colby glanced around, though he knew he didn't have to worry about anyone being nearby.

I can't wait any longer, he said to himself. I need to jerk off right now.

The ranch hand went outside and grabbed the pitchfork. There was a shed right outside, attached to the stable. From it he took a few forkfuls of the soft, dry alfalfa hay that he fed the mares and brought them into the stable, creating a sizable pile in one corner. This wasn't the first time he'd given himself some relief in here, and he'd had some experience with how to make it more pleasant. Once he had a large enough "bed", he stripped off his pants and laid down on top of the hay, making himself comfortable.

Colby was already sporting a pretty hefty erection, and he wrapped the fingers of his right hand around his cock. He tilted his head back, resting it against the soft hay, and closed his eyes as he started moving his hand along his length. Colby never really had any fantasies when he masturbated, he just focused on the sensations of his hand along his cock. He started off slow, almost teasing himself, then slowly began to speed up.

Meanwhile, unnoticed by Colby, the mares had definitely taken notice of what he was doing. After all, this wasn't the first time he'd done this in their stable, and being Pokemon they were quite intelligent. They knew exactly what was going on here. And the walls of their stalls were low enough that they could all see clearly to either end of the building. Raine turned her head away, her flames warming considerably as she tried to pretend that she hadn't seen him begin to stroke his cock.

<Mom, he's doing it again,> Paulette whinnied to Aideen. The Ponyta tossed her head in Colby's direction, a little embarrassed, though she was still watching him. Her mother looked over that way.

<Gah, he is....> She eyed him, flaring up a little as she saw Colby masturbating. The Rapidash watched him stroking his member, stamping a little in her stall. She was worked up, and furious over having been too injured for the last time stallions had been brought to the ranch. Aideen was a female with needs, and the breeding days were her favorite times on the ranch. She stared at Colby, who took no notice of her, so absorbed he was in his activity.

The human was moving his hand up and down his cock faster now, and he was fully rigid. He had an impressive length for a human, though nothing compared to what a stallion would be endowed with. Colby was moving his hips along with his hand, pushing up off the hay with his rear whenever his hand squeezed down to the base. Precum was glistening on the head of his shaft, dripping down onto his hand and getting smeared all along the length.

_I wish he wouldn't do that while he's in here,_Raine thought to herself, still trying to look anywhere except at her human caretaker. Every now and then, though, her eyes would drift over to him. She was frightfully bashful when it came to all things sexual; it took all of her courage to allow herself to be bred whenever stallions were brought to the ranch. Despite her embarrassment, however, she loved watching him do it just as much as the other two mares. Colby never seemed to notice that they all watched him when he jerked off in front of them.

Colby felt like he was close to cumming. He was breathing harder now, his fingers squeezing himself tighter as he tried to prolong his session. His hand flew along his length, the slippery precum making an audible schlicking sound as he masturbated. All of the mares' ears twitched as they heard it, but Colby didn't notice since his eyes were still closed. He moaned softly, feeling his balls start to tighten as he got closer to orgasm.

Aideen snorted in an upset manner. <This isn't fair at all!> she said, stamping even harder on the ground. <I didn't get to be bred at all the last time the stallions came around, and here he is just...just...doing that right in front of us! It's not fair!> She whinnied loudly, kicking her legs against the back wall of her stall.

<Mooooooom...Calm down...,> Paulette hissed, though she was feeling kind of the same way as the elder Rapidash. She was coming into her first heat a little early, and watching Colby was getting her quite hot and bothered.

Raine swished her tail anxiously, watching as Aideen started to go out of control. <Aideen, quiet down,> she said pleadingly. <Colby doesn't need you hurting your leg again. If you don't calm down, he'll tie you up...>

<I don't care!> Aideen neighed. <I'm horny, and he's just being inconsiderate!> Both of the other mares blushed at her brazen words. Aideen kicked forward with her front leg, smacking the door of her stall very hard. The wooden latch on the door cracked, but didn't break all the way. Aideen began bucking and thrashing about in her stall, kicking the walls over and over in her frustration.

Colby's eyes jerked open, his hand pausing on his cock as he noticed the commotion. His eyes went even wider when he saw Aideen causing such a ruckus in her stall. Forgetting about his raging hard on for a moment, Colby got up from the hay, not bothering to put his pants back on as he rushed over to Aideen. The last thing he wanted was for her to injure herself again, since she'd just gotten over her previous injury.

"Hey, hey, Aideen!" Colby said, trying to sooth her. She was bucking about too much for him to get a good hold on her halter, and he was wary of the unicorn-like horn on her forehead. He stood right at the door to her stall, speaking to her in quiet tones in an attempt to calm her down. He really didn't want to have to tie her down, but he wanted even less to have to rebuild her stall...again.

The frenzied Rapidash mare turned her head his way. She saw him standing there, still naked, his cock still standing proudly out from his body, just beyond the door to her stall. Aideen couldn't stand it anymore. She came forward, approaching the door. With a quick movement she dipped her head down, her long, broad tongue coming from between her lips and dragging along the side of his shaft. Colby's eyes went wide as saucers, and he took a step back from Aideen, his jaw dropping.

"Aideen, what's gotten into you?" he gasped. The hot, wet slurp of her tongue along his cock had sent a shiver up his spine.

Raine's eyes went wide as well, and she gave a shocked whinny and took a step back in her stall, not quite believing what she'd just seen. Paulette stamped one foot on the ground, whispering <Mooooom, what are you doing?> Aideen ignored both of them, looking up at Colby and giving him a wink, swishing her flame tail behind her.

"I better get the tiedown...," Colby muttered, trying to banish the thoughts running through his head right now. He started to turn away, but then there was a loud cracking crash, and he watched in a mixture of surprise and terror as Aideen gave the door of her stall a mighty kick, breaking the latch and sending the door to the floor of the stable. Colby lost his balance, and he fell forward into the mare's stall.

That was exactly what Aideen had been planning. As soon as Colby was off balance, inside her stall, she butted him with her flank, knocking him against the back wall. Mindful of how much stronger she was than him, the Rapidash mare backed into him, pressing her rump against his chest and face. Her flames warmed his skin, but she was careful not to burn him as she flagged her tail, lifting it up and away.

Colby stared at what was now before him. Aideen had her rump right up in front of his face, and he was looking right at her plump, teardrop-shaped vulva, and right above it was her puckered tailhole. Colby was no stranger to what a mare's rear looked like, since he was working on a breeding ranch, after all, but for the first time he found himself thinking of them in a sexual way. He could hardly help it, as hard as he still was from his incomplete jerkoff session. Some very interesting ideas were going through his head right now...

But he didn't have a chance to act on any of them. Before he knew what was happening, Aideen had turned around so that she was facing him. Colby swallowed as she nuzzled at his cock, her equine lips brushing against the rigid flesh.

_I'm going to get what I didn't get last month,_she thought to herself. _Even if I have to take it by force!_With that thought, she opened her mouth, pushing her lips down over the human's cock. Colby gasped loudly as he felt the warmth inside, his palms flat back against the rear wall of Aideen's stall. The Rapidash mare bathed him with her tongue, holding him inside her mouth. She could taste the salty tang of his precum that still coated his length. Aideen had never done this before, since it generally wasn't something a mare did to a stallion, but she was an inventive female. She would adapt.

"Aideen, what are you...what are you doing...," Colby moaned. He knew he should have tried to get out of the stall, to keep the Rapidash mare from doing what she was doing, but she was keeping his pressed up against the wall. He couldn't have moved even if he wanted to, and his desire to do so was rapidly bleeding away.

Aideen treated him roughly, bumping her nose against his belly repeatedly as she moved her mouth over his cock. Her flat, broad teeth rubbed against every inch of him, shooting tingles of pleasure through his body. Her thick tongue wrapped around him, her taste buds alive with the flavor of his precum as it leaked from his tip. Raine and Paulette watched in stunned silence, unable to tear their eyes away from the erotic spectacle. Aideen was making loud slurping noises as she blew Colby, rivaled only by the labored breathing and groans coming from him.

Colby, already on the edge from his solo session before, couldn't bear such an onslaught from the sex-crazed Aideen. The mare's tongue just felt too good on his cock, and it had been quite a while since he'd been with any female at all. His balls tightened, and he brought his hands forward and put them on the back of Aideen's head, an indistinct grunt escaping his lips as he pushed himself as deep into her mouth as he could.

Aideen nickered softly, closing her eyes as she felt Colby start to cum in her mouth. He shot streams of his hot, thick human semen straight down her throat. She swallowed the tasty treat, still licking along his meat as she milked him for every last drop. The mare had never actually tasted cum before, since it went quite a different place when she was bred, so this was something unknown to her. A welcome kind of unknown. His cock just kept twitching, rubbing against the roof of her mouth as her tongue continued to tease him.

"Whoa...," Colby said, when his orgasm finally subsided. He put a hand on Aideen's nose, and she let him push her head off of his cock. He winced slightly as her lips slid off the sensitive organ. The Rapidash mare took a few steps back, licking her lips. Colby stared at her, not quite believing what had just happened. "Aideen, I don't know what's gotten into you..."

Neither Paulette nor Raine could believe it, either. Of course, though Raine wouldn't have admitted it, they'd all had their little fantasies about their human handler. None of them had ever dreamed about acting on them, though Aideen obviously had now. But just watching it had turned them both on immensely, especially young Paulette since she was already in heat. All of the mares now had thoughts of lust in their minds.

Aideen stepped forward again, nuzzling at Colby's stomach and chest. At this sign of affection, he rubbed the side of her head in return. He did care for his mares very much, even when they shocked him in a way like this. She looked at him with an innocent expression in her eyes.

<Why would you want to masturbate,> she whinnied, swishing her flaming tail, <when I've got a perfectly tight, hot pussy that you can have whenever you want?>

Colby couldn't understand much of what she was saying, but he had picked up a little of the mares' language from working with them for so long, and he thought that he got the gist of it. He was certain of it when she turned around and lowered herself to the floor, folding her legs underneath her body. Aideen lifted her tail, again displaying her equine pussy and tailhole to him. Colby could see that she was glistening with moisture, her teardrop labia slightly parted to reveal pinkness within.

<Mom, wh-what are you doing?> Paulette asked, craning her head over the partition between hers and her mother's stalls.

<Just watch and see,> Aideen answered. She waggled her rump a little, looking behind herself at Colby, watching for his reaction. She was gratified to see that his cock was already stiffening again. Good. She was ready to be bred, and unless he was brain dead he would know that she wanted it. <You've never seen a breeding before, Paulette. Now's your chance.>

<Aideen!> Raine admonished her, though she was only half serious about it. She wanted to see it just as much as Aideen wanted to do it, though her own cheeks were red with a blush.

Colby wasn't paying attention to either of the other mares. Right now, his attention was completely focused on Aideen. His heart was pounding now, and his cock was jumping up and down slightly in time with its rhythm. He'd only just cum, but any weariness he might have felt disappeared as soon as he saw Aideen's pussy. She seemed so inviting right now, and though he knew he shouldn't it was obvious that she wanted him to fuck her.

_Well, if she wants me to, what's the harm?_Colby reasoned, throwing aside any lingering doubts that he had. With that, he stepped away from the wall and over to Aideen, kneeling down on the floor behind her sizable rump. She tossed her head a little, her fiery mane rustling, gazing back at him expectantly. Colby decided that she wasn't after tenderness, considering the way that she'd manhandled him before, so he went right to it.

Gripping the Rapidash mare's flanks on either side, Colby shuffled forward on his knees. His cock hovered just outside of her pussy, aimed right for her entrance. He could feel her heat on his exposed skin, and as he looked down at her sex, it winked outwards once as though inviting him inside. The human took a deep breath and then pushed forward. His cock plunged inside the waiting mare's vagina, and he sunk in right to the hilt in one go. He groaned loudly as Aideen whinnied, her rump pressing back against him.

Still sensitive from her rough blowjob, Colby was unable to restrain himself. Shuddering, he almost instantly came a second time, emptying a second load inside the mare's pussy this time. Aideen glanced back at him, looking amused at the poor human who was clearly overwhelmed. Colby hunched over her back, gasping at the intense heat inside of her. His fingers were squeezing her ass, his cock pulsing inside of her as he filled her with his cum.

"S-Sorry, Aideen, I just...I couldn't help it...," he apologized, stroking a hand along her flank. He pulled back slightly, drawing a shuddery breath as his cock dragged along her inner passage. Aideen whinnied softly again, her raised tail waving slightly, clearly unconcerned and willing to give him another chance.

Now that he was a little calmed down from the initial shock of entering the mare, Colby set to fucking her, for real this time. He pulled out of her and then pushed back in, feeling untold pleasure through his body as the mare's pussy twitched around him. The human was surprised at how wonderful she felt. She was very hot on the inside, and supremely wet for him. While the Rapidash wasn't tight in the least, considering that she was built to handle something much, much larger than a human cock, her walls still hugged him comfortably.

Colby started thrusting in and out of the mare harder, aiming to give her just the same sort of rough and fast treatment that she had given him. Aideen loved every second of it. His cock was not as big as a stallion's, but it felt so different that she thought it gave her even more pleasure. She'd only ever had other Rapidash males, and now she was being bred by a human. The mare knew it was wrong, but that was exactly what made it feel so good. He was fucking her hard and rough, just the way that she liked it, and she pushed her rump back against him with each inward thrust. She whinnied and snorted her pleasure, the heat from her flames intensifying enough to singe some of the hay on the floor of her stall. But she was careful not to allow them to burn her human lover.

Paulette couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight. She'd never seen any sort of mating before, though she'd had a basic idea of how things were supposed to work. Watching her mother being bred by Colby was making her quite hot and bothering, and she couldn't help neighing along with Aideen as she was fucked. Raine, also, was enjoying the show, but she kept silent and didn't show it like Paulette did. The shy mare was even starting to feel a little jealous of her stablemate.

Colby lasted a little bit longer this time, but not much. He felt a shuddering going through Aideen's body, and realized that she was beginning to cum. The muscles in the mare's neck were straining, her head arching up. All of a sudden he felt a powerful tugging inside of her, and her pussy clamped down as tight as a vice on him, a sudden jet of hot liquid spraying out of her and drenching his front. Moaning loudly, Colby gripped her flanks and pulled himself deep inside of her, letting himself go and shooting a third load into the mare. Aideen cried out as well, able to feel him jerking inside of her. Her womb was splashed with the human's cum, his seed quenching her fire.

When he finally couldn't stand it anymore, Colby slowly pulled out of the mare. He fell back on his ass, gasping for breath as a dribble of his own semen seeped out of her pussy. His vision was hazy with the pleasure that was slowly ebbing away, and he was vaguely aware that he had a goofy grin on his face.

Aideen looked back at him, her eyes slightly droopy, with just as goofy an expression on her own face. The Rapidash mare shifted around slightly where she lay, and began nuzzling at Colby's neck and shoulders. He laid a hand on top of her head, rubbing between her ears and around the base of her horn. She snorted quietly, teasing her lips over his chest. She could smell herself on him, and saw that he was wet with her own fluids. Aideen felt an immense sense of satisfaction, now that she'd _finally_gotten the breeding that she'd missed.

Colby, for his part, was exhausted. In the last twenty minutes he'd had the ride of his life, and when one added that to all the work he'd done that evening, it equaled a young man who had very little in the way of energy left. He closed his eyes, his body telling him that it wouldn't be such a bad idea to just lay against the warm mare and fall asleep.

A loud stamping sound and a whinny made him open his eyes again. He looked up, turning his attention in the direction that the sounds had come from. What he saw was Paulette, standing in her stall and staring at him and Aideen.

"What's the matter, Paulette?" he said, frowning and standing up. He walked shakily out of Aideen's stall, going to the door of Paulette's. The young Ponyta mare came up to him, her nose twitching as she sniffed at him. While the Rapidashes had a good amount of height on Colby, Paulette stood at more or less the same height as the human, and her nose was right at chest level. He was certain she could smell her mother on him. She was clearly agitated in some way.

Sighing, certain that his need for sleep was going to be delayed a bit longer, Colby unlatched the door of Paulette's stall and stepped inside. As soon as he got in, the Ponyta's nose dipped down to his groin, sniffing around at his cock and balls. Colby immediately felt himself starting to stiffen again.

Belatedly, he recalled that Paulette had been fidgety earlier in the evening, almost as though she was going into heat. With a fresh surge of energy, Colby had an idea enter his head. Maybe Paulette wanted the same thing that Aideen had just gotten?

"Did you see what just happened over there?" Colby asked her. She didn't make any sort of reply, but just kept nosing around at his cock, which kept growing in response. Before long he was fully erect again, and more than a little bit interested in seeing what the smaller Ponyta mare had to offer. "You want to have some fun, too, Paulette?"

Paulette turned a little red, and looked over the wall dividing her stall from her mother's guiltily. After all, Aideen had gotten to Colby first, so she might not be willing to share. Rapidashes could be territorial when it came to mates. But Aideen was gazing back at her daughter unconcernedly.

<Go ahead, Paulette,> Aideen said. She sounded perfectly content, her lustful hunger sated. <I don't mind. You'll like it, I promise. Just turn around and lift your tail, and let him see you.>

Blushing even more, but feeling a strange thrill of excitement, knowing that she was about to be mated for the first time, Paulette did as her mother instructed. She stepped away from Colby, towards the back of her enclosure, and turned around so that her backside was facing him. She lifted up her flaming tail, revealing an extremely swollen, heat-engorged pussy to the human. Paulette whinnied with embarrassment as she felt and heard her pussy winking repeatedly. Droplets of moisture fell to the floor of the stall, creating a small puddle between the young mare's hind legs.

Licking his lips, Colby advanced towards the virgin mare. He imagined that he could almost smell the scent of her heat, as though he was a stallion about to mate her. Just the sight of her exposed to him like this was driving him crazy. He wanted to just grab her flanks and fuck her as hard as he could, like he'd done with Aideen, but right before he grabbed her he stopped. Her pussy just looked too inviting, and he had the urge to give something a try. Colby dropped to his knees, putting his hands on Paulette's rump to brace himself, and leaned in close.

Paulette turned her head curiously, wondering why he wasn't doing what she'd expected, and then she whinnied in surprise as she felt something wonderful and unfamiliar on her rear. She tried to see what the human was doing to her, twisting her neck as far as it could go. Colby had his face pressed against her pussy, and he was licking at her, his tongue pressing in between her lips and into her slick, swollen folds. He suckled at her clit, which continued winking out into his mouth as he ate her.

The flavor of the Ponyta's pussy was unlike anything Colby had ever tasted before. Her slippery fluids coated his tongue, hot and spicy, almost searing his taste buds. He slipped his tongue deep inside her, licking around her slick walls. As he toyed with her pussy, he moved one hand in between her hind legs, where he felt her teats. They were slightly engorged since she was in heat, and he cupped one in his palm, squeezing gently. He heard Paulette neigh softly, and felt her body shudder from the combination of his hand and his mouth. Her vagina twitched around his invading tongue, signaling her increasing pleasure from his attention.

<Mom...,> Paulette said, her flame tail swishing back and forth through the air. <This feels really good...>

Aideen nickered softly, chuckling. <Just wait until he actually breeds you for real.> The Rapidash was standing now, looking over the dividing wall between hers and her daughter's stalls, watching the scene before her with amusement. She glanced over at Raine, who was watching as well, but trying to look as though she wasn't. <What do you think of all this, Raine, hm?>

<Oh, I...> Raine's cheeks reddened even more than they already had. <I don't...I'm not going to answer that question.> She stamped the ground a little, then gave a small noise of shock as she felt and heard her own pussy winking, giving away just how turned on she was. The mare turned her head slightly, glaring back at her treacherous backside.

<I think you already answered it,> Aideen teased her, laughing even harder.

Raine seethed silently, thoroughly humiliated, but she was distracted by Colby and Paulette. The human had both of his hands on the youngest mare's pussy, using his thumbs to spread her open. Colby was licking very deeply into her, and her fluids were dripping down his chin. Paulette was panting very hard, her front legs moving apart as she adjusted to keep her balance.

The virgin mare was feeling something very new come over her. Up to now, she'd felt incredible sensations of pleasure in her pussy, like nothing she'd ever felt before, but this was something different. She was shaking very hard, and there was a steady, climbing tingling inside of her that was completely strange. Before Paulette could even begin to deal with it, she whinnied loudly, and then she began to cum for the first time. Colby wrapped his arms around her hind legs, holding her in place so that she wouldn't fall down, smiling as he felt his youngest mare bucking against him. He kept licking at her as she came, encouraging her and drawing out her pleasure as long as he could.

When she felt her body coming back under control, Paulette's heart was racing. She'd never felt anything like that before had felt absolutely incredible! Better than anything she'd ever felt before, and she wanted more. Instead of having been satisfied, her heat seemed to be more intense than ever. She blew out a quiet snort from her nostrils, shaking her head from side to side, her fiery mane scattering small sparks through the air. The Ponyta mare backed up, pushing her rump against Colby insistently.

"Whoa, easy, Paulette!" Colby said, nearly falling back on his rump with the force of the mare's bumping. He stood up, placing a hand on her back to calm her down. He stroked back and forth along her back until she quieted down a little, and he moved to her side to brush her nose. "Calm down, girl. I know what you want. I'm not going anywhere, so just calm down. That's it."

<I need you to mate me,> Paulette whinnied, her voice sounding desperate even to Colby's unstudied ears. She felt a sense of urgency, as though nothing would be right again unless he was inside her this instant. But she tried to remain calm as he said, comforted by his words to her.

"Good girl...," Colby praised her, trailing his hand along her side as he returned to his place behind her. "Easy now...Here we go..."

The human placed both of his hands on top of her rump. The Ponyta was exactly the right for him, and in a second he was lined up just perfectly. Breaking the codes of acceptable conduct for the second time in one evening, Colby held onto Paulette as he pushed forward into the mare's virgin pussy. He shivered, moaning quietly. Because she was a lot closer to his size, she was much, much tighter than Aideen had been, and even hotter on his cock.

Paulette whined quietly, feeling a slight pain as the human entered her. While he'd been small compared to a Rapidash stallion, Colby's size was just about right for a Ponyta, enough that she was being stretched by him. But though there was a little pain, Paulette felt overwhelming pleasure on top of it. The underside of his cock dragged along her clit as he pushed into her, sending sharp tingles through her body. When he was all the way inside of her, she took a few breaths, getting used to the feeling.

Colby closed his eyes, exhaling slowly as he reveled in the feeling of being hilted inside the mare, virgin no longer. After a few moments, he felt her pressing back against him insistently. He opened his eyes again and saw her looking over her shoulder at him, her expression telling him _Go ahead, I'm ready._Smiling at her, he patted her rump, and then he starting thrusting in and out of her.

Paulette was neighing very loudly, pushing back against Colby. Her mating instincts were running at full force now, since her pussy didn't know the difference between a human cock and one of her own species. She had a vague idea of the difference, but she didn't care at all. He felt very, very good inside of her, and filled her quite snugly. Every time he thrust deep into her, she felt an overpowering pleasure in her depths, one which spread all through her and penetrated her mind. So this was why her mother looked forward to the stallions' visits so much. _This_was the feeling that the other mares talked about all the time. Paulette lost count of the number of times she came while he fucked her.

As he pounded in and out of Paulette's pussy, Colby kept speeding up until he was rocking her body hard with each inward thrust. His balls were slapping against her clit, while loud, wet sloshing noises filled the stable. The Ponyta mare was like a fountain, and they were creating quite the mess. Colby knew he would have a cleanup job waiting for him, but for now he didn't have any regard for that. He was enjoying himself too much, loving the way that the mare's sex was hugging his cock. He could feel her passage squeezing him as she kept cumming over and over, her pussy practically begging him to join her and fill her up with his human seed.

His fingers tightened their grip on Paulette's flanks as he felt himself about to acquiesce to her body's demands. Colby thought he heard himself call out her name, but he wasn't sure. His brain seemed to shut down for a time, and he thrust deep within the young mare as his cock started to pulse its load inside of her. He held himself still inside of her, letting his balls empty into Paulette's womb. The Ponyta was being very loud, stamping her front hooves on the floor of the stall, and Colby felt heat wash over his face as her flaming tail flared up intensely

Finally Colby gasped, taking a breath for what seemed like the first time since he started cumming inside of the Ponyta. His body felt very weak, and he needed a drink of water. No surprise, considering the number of times he'd orgasmed tonight. He felt his face, and noticed with amusement that his eyebrows seemed to have mostly been singed off. Poor Paulette had cum so hard that she'd lost a little control over her flames, though luckily she hadn't burnt his skin.

The human gradually pulled out of the Ponyta. She hugged his cock the whole way, as though trying to keep him inside as long as possible. Paulette whinnied in disappointment as she felt him leave her, and her sex winked as a mixture of her fluids and his semen drizzled out, dripping down to the floor below her. Colby went up to her front, rubbing her nose and stroking the top of her head for a few minutes until her breathing was back under control. Then he made his way out of her stall, stumbling slightly, and walked over to the faucet from which he filled the mares' water troughs, turning it on so that he could take a long drink.

Straightening up from the faucet, Colby swiped a hand across his mouth and looked around, taking a deep breath of the air in the stable. The whole place smelled like sex. He looked down at himself. He was sticky from the waist down, and he chuckled to himself. Paulette had been deep in heat indeed, and had squirted a lot on him as he'd fucked her. As he looked towards the Ponyta mare, his gaze instead fell on Raine.

The bashful mare was looking at him fitfully, every now and then glancing away but always looking his way once more. Colby thought he saw a bit of redness bout her cheeks, like she was blushing. He hadn't ever noticed that the Rapidashes could blush. He walked towards Raine's stall, standing at the door. She shied away a little, but calmed down when he put a hand out and touched her nose.

"You've been quiet, Raine," he said to her, his fondness for Raine finding its way into his voice. "What do you think about everything that's been going on tonight?" She blinked, and then glanced away, the blush in her cheeks deepening. Colby found her bashfulness quite adorable.

<Tell him, Raine,> Aideen encouraged her, winking cheekily at her stablemate. She stepped out of the open doorway of her stall, putting her nose into Colby's back and nudging him forward. The human looked over his shoulder, not quite sure what was going on but not resisting.

<Tell him...Tell him what?> Raine asked, not meeting either Colby's or Aideen's eyes.

<What you want him to do, of course.> Aideen flicked her tail, stepping back from Colby again. <Go on, Raine. After all, you've talked about breeding him more than any of us. I know you really want to, so just go ahead and do it. He'll love it, and you need to stop torturing yourself with this shyness thing.>

<Oh, but...I couldn't...> Raine finally looked back at Colby again, and saw him looking at her, puzzled. She really did want him to have sex with her, of course, but she wasn't as wild as Aideen or Paulette. Raine didn't think she had the courage to offer herself to him.

Perhaps sensing her hesitation and her desire, Colby quietly unlatched her stall and slipped inside with her. The Rapidash shied away again, but he grabbed her halter and held her, pulling her close and putting an arm behind her neck. He hugged her head to him, whispering calming things into her ear. She was shaking a little, as she always did when Colby handled her, but gradually she calmed and grew more comfortable with his presence near her. Raine always required a tender hand, and he promised himself that this occasion would be no different.

"Shhhh, don't worry, Raine," he said to her. "I wouldn't ever do anything to hurt you." He stroked a hand along her neck, and kissed her on the nose. Her warm breath was drifting against his face, and finally she nuzzled back against him. Colby smiled, and slowly began kissing his way down her neck and along the side of her body.

Raine made a soft, happy noise, turning her head to keep nosing at his shoulders as long as she could. She was glad that he had understood her, glad that he knew that for now she wanted a soft, loving touch. She swished her tail back and forth as he hugged along her midsection, his hands coming underneath her to rub on her belly. Raine gave a little shiver, and her pussy winked, her tail raising slightly. Colby noticed this, and continued moving his way towards her backside until he stood even with her hindquarters.

Keeping a comforting hand on Raine's back, the human slid his hand back, placing it lightly over her equine sex. His palm rested against her teardrop-shaped vulva, not pressing in but just feeling her warmth and the wetness that was already starting to gather there. Colby had the feeling that this was the true goal of the evening, and that everything else had just been a build-up to this moment. Kissing her strong, muscular flank, he traced a finger along her nether lips. She winked again, and some of her moisture squirted out onto his hand. Colby chuckled as Raine made a soft noise of embarrassment.

"Don't be ashamed, Raine," he said to her. He placed his fingertip at the entrance to the mare's vagina, and then slowly slid it inside. She clenched at his invading finger. "Nothing to be ashamed of. I think you're a sexy mare."

Raine felt her face warm terribly at that comment, but it made her feel very happy to hear him say something like that. So happy that she could ignore the snickering laughter of Aideen and Paulette. The Rapidash tilted her head up, closing her eyes and letting herself enjoy the sensations running through as Colby teased her pussy. Her breathing quickened as he slipped a second finger in, then a third, and finally his whole hand. Before long his entire forearm was inside the mare, a quite appropriate fit for a creature of her size.

She neighed in pleasure as Colby started pumping his arm back and forth inside of her, his fingers clenching into a tight fist. He plunged his arm in as deep as it could go, keeping his pace slow and steady. All the while he rubbed a hand on her flanks, scratching her lightly with his nails and keeping up a steady stream of encouragement.

"Good girl...That's a sweet girl...You're doing great, Raine. Such a pretty mare, you are. This is all for you, I want you to feel good, sweetheart."

Raine adored every second of it. This was the sort of thing that she desired but could never get from the stallions that came to the ranch. All they were after was a quick fuck, a chance to spill their seed inside of her and make her pregnant. All she wanted was a little tenderness, a little loving, and now Colby was giving it to her. He was giving her just what she'd always wanted: slow, caring, gentle sex.

After a long time of giving her pleasure, slowly making love to her with his forearm, Colby withdrew it from her. Raine's body was totally relaxed now, and Colby himself was back at full arousal, his cock throbbing and twitching against her hind leg. He wanted very much to just bury his cock inside his favorite mare.

"Raine," he whispered, stepping back up to her head. Her ears twitched, and the Rapidash turned her head slightly to look at him. "Will you let me mate you?" He stepped back from her half a step, letting her look down and see that he was hard again. "I want to give you everything."

The Rapidash mare glanced away, her cheeks reddening once more. Then she looked back into his face. She nuzzled at his cheek, and then she nodded once. Colby smiled, petting her nose.

The mare was standing up, and her hindquarters came to his shoulders, so he looked around for something he could use to get himself to the proper height. He spotted a wide, empty metal tub hanging on the wall beside Raine's stall, so he quickly walked over and got it down from the wall. He brought it back to the stall and set it upside down behind her. Raine watched him, looking her usual shy self, though lustful excitement was present in her expression now.

Stepping up onto the upended tub, Colby brushed his hand back down Raine's rump, and she stepped backwards close to him. He took his cock in one hand, placing the tip against her pussy. As he pushed forward and began to enter her, however, she stepped away, making his cock slip back out again. Surprised, Colby looked up to see Raine looking back over her shoulder at him. She watched him for a moment, and then she backed up towards him again. Puzzled, but shrugging it off, the human again tried to slide his member into her sex. Again she pulled away, this time shaking her head at him over her shoulder.

"What's wrong, Raine?" Colby asked her, feeling a little frustrated. "Am I doing something wrong?"

Raine shook her head slowly, but she was hesitant to tell him exactly what she wanted. She'd only ever done it once, after all, when an overeager stallion in his first breeding had slightly missed the mark with her. So she decided to try to show him instead. She backed up towards Colby again, looking over her shoulder as she did so this time.

Still confused, Colby looked down at her rump, wondering what she was getting at. He saw the soft white lips of her sex, glistening pink on the inside, just as inviting as they had been from the start. But then his eyes glanced up to her puffy, puckered tailhole. As he looked, he saw it clench slowly several times in a row. Shocked, he looked back up at her face, and saw the desire in her eyes.

"Really?" he breathed, not sure that he was understanding her correctly. He put a finger on her tailhole, tracing around it slowly. "You want" Astonished, he saw Raine squeeze her eyes shut, clearly embarrassed, and jerk her head quickly up and down in a nod. Colby's face broke into a grin. "Well, if that's what my girl wants, then that's what my girl gets. But I need to get myself ready for it, first. Just hold still..."

Leaning forward, Colby pushed his cock into Raine's pussy a third time. This time, she let him, keeping herself still as he stroked in and out of her several times, coating his length with her hot, slick moisture. Her pussy twitched pleasurably, and he half wanted to just keep going like this, since it felt very good for both of them. But Raine wanted something else, and he wanted to give her what she wanted, so he pulled out of her. His cock pulsed with his heartbeat, dripping with slick fluids from the Rapidash mare's sex.

"Alright, Raine, here we go," Colby said. He bent down, planting a kiss on her broad, muscular rump. Then he took his slippery cock in one hand, placing the tip right against her puckered tailhole. He rubbed it around in a circle, spreading the moisture around until she was just as slippery as he was. Then he took his hand away, held onto her rump, and pushed himself forward.

Both he and Raine groaned at the same time as his cock slipped into her tight ass. She clenched around him, and he had to stop several times because the resistance was so great. But eventually he was able to push all the way in, hilting his full length into her tailhole. Colby stopped himself when his hips connected with her backside, and he had to take long, slow breaths in order to keep himself from cumming right away.

Raine was in absolute heaven. This was what she'd wanted for so long from him. She'd fantasized about it since the first time she'd watched him masturbate in her stable, and now she was finally getting it. His cock felt absolutely perfect inside of her rear. When he started pulling out and then started to thrust, her pussy winked hard and she whinnied loudly.

<Ohhhh, yesssss!> Raine cried, not caring what anyone heard her say anymore. All of her shyness dissipated as she pushed herself back on his cock, and Aideen and Paulette were the ones to blush this time. <B-Breed my ass! Oh, fuck my ass with your cock, as hard as you can! Oh, I love your cock so much...Fuck my tight little tailhole!>

<R-Raine!> Aideen neighed in surprise, taken aback by this sudden change in her stablemate. Then she grinned widely, her own heart rate quickening as she watched Colby making love to her friend's rear. <I always knew you were a dirty slut at heart, girl! Go for it!>

<Yesssss, I'm a dirty little slut!> Raine gasped. She looked back over her shoulder at Colby. <Fuck this little slut's ass! I want it bad!>

Colby didn't know what she was saying to him, but he got the idea. He could tell that she was supremely enjoying what he was doing to her, and he started pumping his cock in and out of her asshole faster. She was so tight, even tighter than little Paulette had been, and he had to work hard to force his cock to move within her. Her ass was even hotter than her pussy, which was winking madly and drenching his thighs with her fluids. Raine tilted her head back as far as it could go, braying loudly as she came hard.

The Rapidash mare's orgasm was long and intense, but when it ended she was far from finished with her human lover's cock. She jostled back against him, urging him to go harder and faster, to make her cum again. All Raine could think of was having him fuck her ass, until she could feel him cum inside of her. She wanted all of his hot human cum in her, as much as he could give to her.

Several times Colby almost lost his balance and fell off the tub, so strong was the mare's rocking, but he managed to hold onto her flanks and keep himself upright. His jaw muscles were straining now as he tried to hold himself back from his climax, to give Raine as much pleasure as he possibly could. His favorite mare deserved the best, after all, and he was going to give her his best, but it was becoming very difficult to stop his impending orgasm.

"Raine, I'm gonna...," he gasped, unable to finish the sentence. Colby leaned over, laying his chest against her back. His hips hunched as he continued humping her, his cock buried deep in her ass as his thrusts became short and rapid. "I'm gonna cum, Raine..."

The mare twisted her flexible neck around, nosing the top of his head, her lips playing through his hair in nippy equine kisses. Colby groaned, and Raine reared up on her hind legs slightly as she felt him thrust hard into her. A warmth started to flow inside of her, and the mare could sense his cock kicking and pulsing in her tight ring as he came deep into her ass. Raine's front hooves came back down to the floor with a thud, and her knees bent slightly as she came with him, her pussy squirting a second time onto him. She was blushing furiously, but she didn't have a care at all for how whoreish she looked right now. She was having the time of her life, and the Rapidash never wanted him to stop filling her with his seed.

But it couldn't last forever, and finally, thoroughly drained and spent, Colby melted against Raine's back. He was completely exhausted, and his balls had a pleasant ache about them that made him feel like he would never have to cum again. He tried to push himself up on his arms, but he didn't have the strength.

Raine looked back at him, seeing that he was too weak to move. Whinnying softly, she nuzzled the top of his head again, her tailhole clenching once more around his cock. Looking to the corner of the stable, to the pile of hay where everything had started tonight, Raine had an idea. She stepped out of her stall, carrying the human with her on her back. She was careful not to dislodge him too soon. When she got to the hay pile, she turned slightly and then bucked Colby off of her back. His cock slid out of her tailhole with a pleasant squish, and he flopped down onto the soft hay.

Colby just lay there, looking up at the ceiling of the stable with a stupid, wide grin on his face. What a night tonight had been! The best part of it was, he knew he would never have to use his hand again. Not when he had three lovely mares who were more than willing to lend him their assistance.

He heard a soft rustling sound, and turned his head to one side to see Raine settling down on the hay with him. She pressed her body up against his, and he lifted his head up so that she could lay her neck underneath his shoulders. He let his head rest on her neck, and brought a hand up to stroke the side of her head. Then a soft clopping noise was heard, and Paulette joined them on his other side. Finally, Aideen lowered herself to the floor at his feet. She looked up at his face, winked an eye, and then started to lick his cock clean.

Colby wanted to say something, but before he could gather the wits to form a sentence, his exhaustion overcame him and he fell asleep. Soon, the three mares accompanied him in slumber.