A Rousing Good Fight
Shooting Star Chapter 8 A Rousing Good Fight -o-O-o- As he closed his eyes, the fire and the burn didn't come, but he heard the explosions that shuddered through his body, almost deafening with their intensity. And yet he didn't feel the impacts....
-Ninth Life- Chapter One: Retrieval by Havoc "Is it less dishonest to do what is wrong because it is not expressly prohibited by written law? Let us hope our moral principles are not yet in that state of degeneracy." - Thomas...
Negotiating Under the Table
Shooting Star Chapter 7 Negotiating Under the Table -o-O-o- Things were hitting critical levels as the ships ascent began to slow considerably. The dash consoles in front of Li were flashing with all kinds of warning lights, the display looked like...
Behold! Kazawi the Living Orb God
Shooting Star Chapter 6 "Behold! Kazawi The Living Orb God" -o-O-o- Faced with the pending dangers that grew closer, Z turned to face them in shock, but with the sight of her silky wetness that glistened in the sunlight, they stopped in their...
Signal Received
-Transmission Lost- Epilogue: Signal Received by Havoc "In your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you...
...Et Mea Salvea
-Transmission Lost- -Sounds of Madness- Chapter Ten: ...Et Mea Salvea by Havoc "Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war." - William Shakespeare, _Julius Caeser_ _\*\*\*\*\*\*_ "All fighters, prepare to launch on command from the deck...
Into the Wild
Shooting Star Chapter 5 "Into the Wild" -o-O-o- On the central planet of the galaxy resided a focal point of the society that had been newly formed. A well-lit chamber housed numerous individuals from various species hailing from many different...
The Better Mousetrap
Chapter 4 "The Better Mousetrap" It had been quite a destructive day at Jasmine's expense, and nothing did her better than a good night's sleep while she hoped that the next would be better. Poor Martin had ended up in one of the other spare rooms,...
Li Xue
The Cruise: Li Xue by Havoc "Novelty is the great parent of pleasure." - Robert South \*\*\*\*\*\* Coumarine City, situated in the northern coastal region of Kalos, has always been a destination for anyone who was looking for a seaside getaway and...
...Meis Tumultus...
-Transmission Lost- -Sounds of Madness- Chapter Nine: ...Meis Tumultus... by Havoc "If we don't end war, war will end us." - H.G. Wells \*\*\*\*\*\* "Ow, fuck...," Jack hissed, putting a hand to his head. Everything seemed to hurt, but that was...
Good Doggy
Chapter 3 Good Doggy Walking down a vibrant pastel green-carpeted corridor of the main university building, with Z in tow several yards behind, Jasmine was a little nervous about the pre-enrollment interview for the course she'd applied for. Z, on...
Son of Mine
Son of Mine by Havoc "A mother's love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking." - Helen Rice \*\*\*\*\*\* Mena put the plates of scrambled eggs and sausage on the dining...