No Relief

Story by dancing6666 on SoFurry

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I warn you, if you've read my other stories this one is much more darker in tone. Enjoy!


Cailean woke up with a shock out of a fitful dream. He wiggled. Yup, he still in the stocks. The rabbit sighed as he tried to slump down to relieve some of the pressure on his aching back: no relief. The wooden slats had his neck and arms firmly in place, and his feet were tightly cuffed to the floor. His snow white fur bristled as he began to arch his neck - trying to take away some of the earlier cramps and pains from the night before, at least that posed some relief, but not much. His inner thighs fidgeted, unused to the cold touch of the metal between his legs.

Slowly it dawned on Cailean that something must have woken him.

"Oh good, I see that my bunny's awake," came a lustful growl; you didn't need to see the perpetrator's face to know they were smiling.

Cailean visibly whimpered, and felt a rough large hand cup his nether-regions - feeling roughly - paying no respect to the rabbit's ravaged intimacy. The hand found its prize: two shaved globes that hung low and large through the small loop in the chastity belt's confines; Cailean's whimpering became more urgent as he felt his testicals rubbed softly between another's thumb and forefinger.

"I see these are all large and heavy for me," the voice whispered, "how long has it been, three, five days? What's that in rabbit terms, a month? Maybe two?"

The rabbit's whimpering became more profound, and he felt another hand on his exposed back, rubbing softly and making reassuring, soothing noises.

"There, there my little bunny," the voice was almost like honey to Cailean's ears, yet within its siren's song it contained strong, untrustworthy and sinister motives that the rabbit had grown all too familiar with, "I know you're frustrated," it continued, "ever so frustrated. But...I'm not satisfied, I'm afraid we're going to have to 'up the ante'."

The rabbit was visibly shaking now, 'up the ante'? What did that mean? Was he going without release for longer? Was the rabbit to stay in his metal cage forever? The rabbit bit his lower lip and tried to hold back the tears, trying not to imagine too much the fate that awaited him. Suddenly he felt that same hand on his shaved scrotum, rubbing what felt like a very cold oil all over his swollen globes. A smell like turpentine invaded his nostrils, and he sneezed at the strong chemical stench.

"This is a little substance called 'Love'," the voice explained, taking obvious, great delight in the rabbit's predicament, "I picked it up at the Vanity Market, because I knew you'd just love it."

The rabbit squirmed under this clinical touch. His balls felt weird, they felt warm...on the inside, and it was a feeling that slowly crept up his groin, past his pubic bone and into his sheath.

"It enters the bloodstream through the skin," the voice continued, reading Cailean's mind, "quite potent I'm told. It's supposed to bring insatiable sexual desire, but you may find it just...painful."

The rabbit gritted his teeth and squirmed horribly, his cock was growing inside that fucking metal envelope, he could feel it. It was awful. It pressed and prodded against the metal but his member couldn't grow to its full potential, it just engorged and strained, causing him to squirm and buck his hips in the uncomfortable confines; it was futile trying to dislodge his pained penis! Suddenly the warm feeling of the chemical crept into the back of his brain; the rabbit was seeing stars, his sex drive was out of control, he wanted laid, needed it, yearned for sex in any way shape or form! No longer were his thrusts into the air trying to dislodge the discomfort, but instead they were a pure insatiable desire to hump something, anything!

"Oh fuck...please!" Cailean wailed, the chemical doings its work to scramble his brain out of all logic. He was trying to make love to the empty air from his wooden prison.

The voice's owner began to stroke the rabbit's fluffy tail, while at the same time Cailean recognized the oh-so-wonderfully and familiar sound of the stocks being opened, and then: release! Blood rushed to the Rabbits head as he stood up immediately, causing him to lose balance and fall into those strong dark arms of his twisted master, but he didn't care, he was free!

"We're an eager little bunny this time, aren't we?" said the voice, looking down upon his horny subordinate.

Cailean looked up at the face of his master - that strong ash-grey equine muzzle, those brilliant eyes that burned like stars, and that lustrous mane - and suddenly the rabbit found the face of his nightmarish tormentor increasingly attractive. He knew it was the chemicals; but he needed release so very bad! His cock showed no signs of dying down within its tight prison walls.

The stallion sat down upon the paddling bench, and grinned an evil, small smile to himself as he saw the panting rabbit crawl towards him, a dazed and lust-filled look glazing Cailean's normal emerald green eyes.

"My, my, bunny, that does look painful," the Stallion almost whispered under his breath. The belt was not so much a belt as a single metal envelope that covered the rabbit's groin area almost entirely, with a single metal loop that clasped round the back of the balls and a leather strap that went round the waist. The rabbit's testicals did look rather red and swollen, the horse noted with great satisfaction.

Cailean kneeled between the thighs of his massive master and pressed his body against the equine's muscled bulk. A look of constant frustration flustering the rabbits face as he tried to grind their bodies fruitlessly, before he gave his master one long, deep horny kiss, holding onto the stallion's gigantic head for support; but even the kiss failed to release any of the rabbits pent up desire, and he stared down at his entombed crotch, tears of frustration running down his snow-white cheeks.

If anything, these tears only served to make the equine even hornier, as his semi-erect horseflesh began to fully rise to the occasion.

"This is mine now, bunny," the horse said, grinning as he grabbed onto the rabbit's shaved balls and gave them a tight squeeze.

Shots of pain shot up the rabbit into the back of his eye sockets. Fuck! Why did his groin have to hurt so much?

"And I'm afraid I find your predicament incredibly hot," the horse continued, positioning his sizable dick beneath the rabbit's tail-hole, "who knows," the horse's voice was barely a whisper now, "I may never let you have release. Five days. One month. A year. The longer I keep you pent up like this, the more I'm turned on, little bunny, and this 'love' adds an entirely new twist to things..."

The warm salty tears were visibly rolling down Cailean's face. A year? Like this? Constantly horny? NO! The rabbit quivered and went limp with fear and horror in the stallion's massive arms. The horse only grinned and thrust - hard!

Cailean tensed every muscle in his body and let out a small "augh!" The lube from yesterday's ravishing was barely slick enough to stop the pain from subsiding, but it sufficed. The horse stroked the rabbit's head-fur softly, as if in the guise of a caring lover, but his veiny stiff cock betrayed the truth: his violent, long thrusts and aggressive grunts proved he had no real care for the rabbit, it was a game he played, he liked to send confusing messages, it was just his other way of toying with his "bunny". Cailean felt the thick mushroom head of the horse's massive pole ricochet of his insides - which was complete heaven in his highly-aroused state - and he began to let himself get into the rhythm.

"Enjoying this are we, bunny?" the horse asked slowly.

The rabbit slowly opened his eyes, and noticed his facial expressions must have given the game away.

"This is for your masters pleasure, not yours," the stallion hissed, a hint of menace in his voice.

Suddenly Cailean felt himself being dragged across the room, and the oh-so-familiar touch of the wooden stocks around his arms and neck greeted his still-stiff body. The rabbit began to apologize - but suddenly found his mouth assaulted with the horse's huge appendage - deeper and deeper it went - he could feel it stretching his throat, that flared mushroom tip creating a painful bulge in his airways. It took three short, violent thrusts before he could feel the cock-head swell up - almost choking him - and he knew his master must have been filling him up with gallon after gallon horse cum, he could feel it in his stomach.

The stallion pulled out - leaving a slight aftertaste in Cailean - and he looked at his exhausted, gasping slave thoughtfully.

"I'll tell you what Bunny," the Stallion bargained, "if you can cum within an hour, I'll let you off and I may not give your hide a good thrashing. But mind it's only for an hour, so make the best of it."

There was that wicked smile again as the stallion disappeared behind the stocks. Cailean could hear some rustling somewhere, and suddenly felt his anus assulted by a vibrating dildo!

"There," the horse said lovingly, "I'll be back for you soon, little bunny."

The rabbit was alone with that single vibrating dildo in his ass, but it was too small! It didn't reach, it didn't give him the buzz he needed! He needed a real stallion's cock! FUCK!

So the rabbit stood trapped there, bending, squirming, humping thin air - trying desperately to cum, cum soon, he was desperate, so desperate.

And he was sure that his master was smiling all the way out of the room.

Steam and Snow: an experiment in pleasure

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