
Story by Ink-arrow on SoFurry

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#7 of The Surprise

*Disclaimer* This story contains sexual acts between two males. If you are not 18, or are just not into that stuff, then I suggest you do not read this. On the other hand, if you are 18 and like this stuff, then I suggest you do read it. By the way, you're all perverts, but so am I, so it's okay.

Nic and Axel got walked in on while making out...

Chapter Seven: Caught

The two boys face consequences of their actions...

Nic sat cross-legged on the edge of Axel's bed while the wolf paced back and forth across his room. Silence was a stark contradiction to the tension in the air, and it didn't make it the least bit more comfortable. Nic's heart was pounding with the different scenarios playing through his head, and none of them had happy endings.

It was probably a miracle of some sort that things went as smoothly as they had when Mrs. Watson and her date came home. Nic and Axel looked like deer caught in the headlights of the most bloodthirsty truck they'd seen. Ironically, the expressions worn by mother and son were nearly interchangeable. The moment seemed frozen in time until everyone jumped at the sound of the door slamming-the method by which Mrs. Watson's date had chosen to make his displeasure known. Mrs. Watson spoke quietly, "Go to your room." Both boys obeyed without a word, the gravity of the situation boring into them as they marched to their destination.

After what couldn't have been longer than ten minutes (but certainly felt like much longer), there was a knock at the door. The noise caused them both to start, and Nic lost his balance and fell off the bed. He gave a nervous chuckle and settled for sitting on the floor instead as Axel opened his door in a manner similar to how the bomb squad might. There was no explosion; however, only Axel's mother. "We need to talk."

Axel turned his head to Nic, who mustered up the most encouraging smile he could give at the moment. The wolf gave him a little nod and left with his mother, closing the door behind him. The new silence was much worse than its predecessor. The fox sat on the floor in his boyfriend's room-alone, quiet, and small. He didn't know what Axel and his mom were talking about, but he was certain it couldn't be good. He imagined the terrible things being said in hushed voices, his wolf being slowly crushed without him there to hold him and help him through it.

The little fox hugged his knees and started to tear up at his conceived consequences. He was scared that he wouldn't be able to see Axel again, scared to have him taken away so soon after things had finally started going right. He climbed up onto Axel's bed and snuggled up to the wolf's pillow, breathing in the light scent that had become so familiar to him recently.

He realized he'd fallen asleep when he felt arms wrap around him from behind. He wiggled around quickly to face the wolf, and he immediately received a soft kiss on the nose. "Axel, what...?" he started to ask, but the wolf just pressed a finger to his lips and smiled.

"It's alright, sweetie. Mom was just... surprised. And a little upset with me for not having told her. But she's pretty cool with it after the initial shock. She likes you, and she told me that she's glad I've got someone who can really care for me..." Axel smiled and gently wiped the wet fur under the fox's eyes. "I'm sorry you had to get so worried over it." He planted another kiss on the fox's muzzle and hugged him tight.

Nic sighed happily and hugged Axel back. He was so glad that things had gone well; he snuggled lovingly against the wolf and wagged his tail happily. They held the embrace for a while, neither caring to do much else but be close to the other. Axel finally broke the cuddle when he got up to use the bathroom.

Almost as if on cue, Mrs. Watson entered the room a moment after Axel had left it. She sat down on the bed next to Nic and placed her paw on his shoulder. He looked down for a bit before turning back to the older wolf and smiling nervously. "Mrs. Watson, I'm-"

"There's no need for apologies," she said with a smile. "Axel and I talked it out, as I'm sure he told you. Boys can be so silly sometimes. I was mostly surprised that he thought it unwise to tell me-he should have known that whatever he does, he's still my son, and I love him no matter what." She started to rub Nic's back absently as she talked. "As long as he has someone who loves him as much as he loves them, it really doesn't matter to me if it's a man or a woman..." A minute or two passed as she sat there rubbing his back, and when the wolf finally spoke, it startled Nic. "It's rude to eavesdrop, Axel."

Axel coughed from around the corner and came in looking like a kid who got caught stealing from the cookie jar. "Sorry, Mom..."

Mrs. Watson stood up so that her son could take her place was about to leave the room again when she stopped and turned. "You can stay with Axel tonight if you want," she said to Nic. The fox glanced at Axel and caught his eye momentarily before looking back at Mrs. Watson and nodding emphatically.

"Alright. I'll let your parents know. And don't be loud," she said before leaving, causing both boys to blush a little. The warning was ominously vague, which left them to wonder what exactly she'd meant by it. In any case, she'd closed the door behind her as she left.

"So... you wanna play some video games or watch a movie or something?" Axel suggested.

Nic smiled and hopped off the bed. "How about some video games? It's been a while since I've played with you." He knelt down by the game shelf and traced a finger along various titles until he settled on one. "Soul Calibur?"

Axel hopped off the bed and grabbed the remote from his night stand. "Which one?" he asked as he turned the tv on.

Nic glanced at the cover again to make sure before answering: "3."

"Sure. It's been a while since I played that one." He watched as Nic set the game up, not really being lazy, but preferring to catch nice glimpses of his boyfriend as he got everything in order. Nic turned the system on and grabbed both controllers before plopping back down on the bed next to Axel.

They played for a while, starting off about evenly matched, though gradually Nic started beating Axel down as he learned the wolf's tactics. After a couple more rounds, Axel found a move that Nic couldn't stop easily, and he spammed his way to victory. Nic tossed his controller and tackled the giggling wolf. "You cheater!"

Axel just kept giggling as the fox wrestled him down to the ground. "It's not cheating! I didn't do anything the game doesn't let you do."

Nic growled and thumped the wolf against the ground once. "It is too cheating! You can't just use one move over and over to beat me!"

"I did." And Axel turned the tables on Nic in a second, now pinning rather than pinned. "I'm stronger than you, you know..." he smirked.

The smaller fox struggled and growled, frustrated at not being able to do anything in retaliation. "Grr... stop it!"

"Stop what?" Axel snickered, holding Nic down with little effort. He might not be as good at the video game, but he could definitely win without cheating here. However, he didn't expect that the fox would try cheating.

Nic ground his crotch against the wolf's in a moment of inspiration, and his effort was rewarded with a shiver and a groan from the older boy. Axel grinned and leaned down to plant a kiss on Nic's waiting lips. The fox murred and melted into the kiss, his body relaxing as his thoughts concentrated on the growing passion of the moment. He parted his lips when he felt the wolf's tongue lap at them, seeking entrance. With delicate, well-placed flicks of the tongue, Axel got the fox to quiver and nearly moan from the sensation.

Gently, Axel backed out of the kiss and let go of Nic's wrists to stroke his cheek affectionately. With his paws free, Nic reached up and slipped them under the wolf's shirt, letting them roam through the tufts of fur on his chest. He had to let go for a moment as Axel tugged the fox's shirt off. After Axel tossed the shirt aside, he put his paws back on Nic's chest and began roaming down. Nic's breathing got a little heavier as the wolf's paws started to push under the waist of his pants and the elastic on his boxer-briefs. Axel brought his gaze back from his paws at work to the fox's eyes, silently asking him if this was okay. A little smile and a blush gave him his answer, and he looked down again to undo Nic's pants.

After he loosened the fox's pants, he tugged them off gently, lifting the boy's legs up a little to help him get the clothes completely off. He took a moment to eye the fox's bulging package greedily before he began slipping the now-too-tight underwear off. Once he got the boxer-briefs past Nic's feet, he tossed them aside and bent down, shamelessly nosing right into fox nuts. Nic jumped at the cold nose, but shivered as the wolf sniffed him eagerly, gorging himself on the fox's scent.

The fox moaned happily when he felt the wolf's tongue grace his waiting flesh, lapping at his nuts, slowly making its way up his bloated sheath, toward the still-growing foxhood. But as he got to the edge of the sheath, Axel pulled his muzzle back and wrapped a paw around the throbbing red flesh. "Ooohhh, Axel..." Nic groaned, thrusting his hips forward into the wolf's tight paw. "This feels... so good..." he panted.

Axel squeezed the dick in his paw firmly before he started pawing his fox off slowly. "Don't worry about it, foxy. You just let the big wuff take care of you," he said with a sly grin. He set a good rhythm as he stroked Nic's length, aiming to sync up a bit with the fox's labored breathing. The result was a healthy little spurt of precum from the tip of Nic's cock, which worked to slicken the wolf's paw a little and thus increase Nic's pleasure.

Nic knew he wasn't going to last much longer, so he gritted his teeth, dug his claws into the floor, and started thrusting into Axel's paw with needy little whines. But just when he was about to let loose, Axel let go, and Nic growled in confused frustration. Before he could even look down to see why the wolf had stopped, an electric shock ran through his spine as he felt hot, wet muzzle on his length. As close as he already was, Axel hardly had to do anything before Nic erupted into his muzzle, quickly filling up the wolf's muzzle with his hot, thick load. He moaned loudly and kept coming for longer than he was used to, but Axel sucked it all down obediently.

After Axel made sure he'd cleaned off the fox's member completely, he pulled his muzzle off with a loud slurp, letting it smack wetly against Nic's tummy. He stood up and licked his lips as Nic let his head fall back out of exhaustion. Nic panted heavily, trying to catch his breath after the intensity of his orgasm. His ears twitched a bit at some noise, but he didn't bother to open his eyes and look up to see what it came from. It was when the smell hit him that his eyes snapped open and he picked his head up from the floor.

Right in front of his face was Axel's cock, fully erect and leaking pre. The wolf's cock was a bit bigger than his in both length and girth, and Nic just stared at it in awe until he was awakened from his trance. "Paw me off," Axel commanded gruffly. Nic blinked a bit and slid himself up a bit so that he could grip the handsome cock facing him more easily. Once he'd grabbed Axel's member, however, the wolf let loose with hard thrusts, his canine instincts controlling him. Nic kept his paw nice and tight as it got fucked, and he reached up with his other paw to fondle Axel's big wolf balls.

Nic wasn't quite sure if he lost track of time or if it just didn't take much time for Axel to get off-the fox was still a bit foggy from his afterglow, and getting a close-up of his lover's crotch didn't help the matter-but soon the wolf was growling with lust as his full knot slapped against Nic's paw. He felt the member twitch and swell slightly before spraying his chest and muzzle with a thick stream of musky wolf cum. Axel bit his lip and moaned to keep from howling in ecstasy. Nic kept sliding his paw over the spasming wolfhood, not minding getting a heavy cumbath from his wolf.

Once the majority of Axel's seed was spilled, he slid himself out of the fox's paw, still lightly gripping. Gently, the wolf lay down on top of Nic and kissed him tenderly. He wrapped his arms around the smaller fox and hugged him close. "I love you, Nic."

"I love you too, Axel," Nic murred. He nuzzled against the wolf and kissed him again. Both of them lay peacefully for a few moments, just being close and embracing one another. Finally, Axel felt he had to break the moment and speak up.

"Umm... Fox, I'm sorry to tell you, but you're pretty messy."

Nic glanced down at his chest, which was heavily matted with cum. He laughed and kissed Axel on the nose. "Your fault."

Axel got up and held a paw out to help Nic up off the floor. A quick glance at the clock told him that a considerable amount of time had passed, and it was pretty late. "Wanna go take a shower before bed?" he asked casually.

Nic shook his fur out a bit and nodded. "Mind if I go first?"

"Only if I get to join you," Axel said with a wink. Nic blushed, so the wolf added, "I have to make sure you get clean."

Nic rolled his eyes and smirked. "Sure you do. C'mon, wolf."

They walked paw in paw down the hall to the bathroom, and both were glad they didn't have to worry about being seen naked. Once they reached the bathroom, Axel locked the door as a little precaution. He was pretty sure his mom knew what they were up to-they were both hormonal teenage boys, after all-but that didn't mean she needed to walk in on them showering together.

Axel stepped into the roomy shower and got the water started. He yelped and jumped a bit when it came out cold, but it quickly grew warmer. Soon, the room was filled with steam, and he popped his head out of the shower. "Alright, Foxy. I got the water ready for you."

Nic grinned and stepped in, his tail curling around his front modestly. As soon as they were both under the streaming hot water, Axel wrapped his arms around the fox and kissed him passionately. He nipped Nic's lips a little and deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue into the fox's muzzle. He gently licked the tongue waiting inside, then flicked it over the roof of his mouth, which caused Nic to shudder a little and step up on his tip-toes.

When Axel finally broke the kiss, Nic swooned a little and leaned against the wolf, dizzy from heat and passion. Axel just smiled and reached back to grab the shampoo, which he poured a generous amount of into his open paw. He started by lathering up the fox's chest and tummy, scratching under the fur lightly with his claws. Nic murred appreciatively and put his paws on Axel's hips to steady himself as the wolf washed him thoroughly.

Nic jumped in surprise when he felt paws on his crotch, washing his package with special attention. He couldn't help getting a little aroused, and his foxhood started to peek out from the tip of his sheath. Axel was relentless with making sure he was clean, with maybe a little too much effort in this area-he gently rubbed his soapy paws over the sensitive flesh. Nic curled his toes and moaned a little, but the sensation was gone before he got used to it, and the wolf went on to wash his thighs and legs, and eventually the rest of his body with care.

Once he was done washing Nic, he washed himself, being more quick than he was with the fox. Nic just watched and admired the wolf's body. He liked the way Axel was built-he was strong, but not bulging with muscles everywhere. His eyes followed the trail of thicker fur leading down from Axel's navel to his sheath, and he couldn't resist getting a little feel. Axel just smiled and kissed him on the nose before moving the fox's paws to his sides. "Feel better now?"

"I felt good before," he giggled. "But I definitely liked showering with you," he cooed, nuzzling against the bigger boy.

"I can't sleep with a soggy fox though, so how about I dry you off?" he said, stepping out from the shower and grabbing a couple towels.

Nic smiled and folded his arms across his chest. "I can't dry myself off?"

Rather than answer with words, Axel pounced on the fox and started toweling him off vigorously. Nic laughed in surprise and wiggled around under the towel while he was rubbed dry all over. When Axel pulled the towel off, his fur was poofing a little, and his tail was especially bushy. Nic made sure to return the favor, whisking the other towel away from the wolf and tackling him to the ground to dry Axel the same way he'd been dried.

When they were finally tired out from wrestling around on the floor of the bathroom, they got up and stalked into Axel's bedroom, leaving the damp towels on the bathroom floor. Axel hopped into his bed and patted next to him, telling Nic to join him.

"We're sleeping nude?" the fox asked, padding toward the bed.

"We had sex and showered nude-why not sleep nude too?"

Nic laughed and climbed into bed next to Axel, and he hugged the wolf tightly. He looked up into Axel's eyes and kissed him on the lips. "I love you."

Pick me up

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