Arrival: Night with an Orc

Story by Jake Carcano on SoFurry

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#1 of Strauss Manor

Wrote this for a friend after she inspired me to remake it. She also helped me edit it. There will be more chapters depending on the reception.

I have a few more furry specific content pieces in mind for the later chapters.

Alice shifted in the seat nervously, watching the orc sitting across from her. A few weeks ago, she would have been excited to ride in a limousine. Now it seemed as if the vehicle was taunting the elf. She could get out at anytime. She was handcuffed but her feet were free to move. The only thing keeping her here was on her foot. Alice looked down and inspected the small circlet around her ankle. At least it looked nice, unlike the rest of her clothing. The anklet was thin and made of gold, a mark of graduating top of her class. Her "dress" was actually just a large, dirty t-shirt. It was given more as a matter of principle than to actually cover her. The hem of her dress hung just below her groin. The shirt did little to cover her chest either, it had been ripped in a fight over it with another student of The School. The result was a large V neck that ended just above her navel. Her hair fell well below her shoulders and she would often let it drape in front of her chest, trying to retain some modesty.

Alice drew her legs up against her chest as the limo slowed to stop. The orc handler had not been gentle when she got in the vehicle, she doubted they would be when she got out. The orc opened her door and grabbed her foot, dragging her out as he stepped out himself. Alice's head smacked against the door as the orc threw her over his shoulder and started walking.

It took a second for Alice's head to clear from the hit as the fuzz cleared, she took in her surroundings. Alice was in an underground loading bay, dimly lit with yellow light. It was shaped like a large concrete square with two paved tunnels on either end, leading to the surface. On Alice's end of the square, there were three raised concrete platforms with closed metal doors for trucks to unload onto, with ramps on either end of the room for people to climb onto the platforms. At the top of ramps were two identical doors, dwarfed by their much bigger cousins, which were meant for people. The limousine Alice rode in was parked by one of these ramps and the handler was now carrying her up it.

First the limousine and now this loading bay, Alice wondered who exactly had bought her. She had overheard the driver saying that they were heading to the her owner's house, but this did not seem like any house Alice had seen before.

Alice felt something squeeze her ass and noticed that the hand the orc was using to steady her, had conveniently grabbed her left butt cheek. She felt a flare of anger before pushing it back down. It's not like she had not had worse done to her at The School and if what she had heard the driver saying was true, it would not be the worse done to her here. And besides, it had started feeling pretty good.

Alice and the orc had been waiting for at least twenty minutes before the door at the top of the ramp finally opened. Out stepped a thin, bald man wearing a suit, In stark contrast to the orc, who was wearing the standard unisex School guard uniform. A tan pair of cotton pants.

"You're early, Kirk. How was the trip?" The Bald Man said, pushing the door open farther to let the orc through.

"You don't have to carry her. I'm sure she can walk." David added as Kirk picked up Alice again.

"I have my instructions, David. Pointless with the anklet but orders are orders, right?" The orc replied. They walked through the door and into a long dimly lit concrete hallway.

"I supposed so." David frowned, and turned a left into a larger hallway with doors lining the walls, beckoning for the orc to follow him.

"Not taking her to the cells, eh? Your boss just can't wait to try out his new toy?"

"Mr. Strauss won't be trying anything today, he's away on business. But I'm supposed to make sure she meets the price we paid for her." David grimaced.

"Ah, an inspection. Not quite up to the task?" Kirk smiled wider, reveling in the man's discomfort.

"I don't understand how you and Mr. Strauss do it. This whole slave business always leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

"I could put the girl through her paces for your boss. Not like it's the first time I've done it for you."

David stopped at the end of the hall and glanced back at him. He looked from Kirk to what he could see of Alice and then back to Kirk again. The stress melted away from his face as he realised he was off the hook.

"That would be quite the favor to me, Kirk. I have quite a few matters to..."

Kirk smiled widely, pushing the door open before David had finished speaking. He closed the door and turned the deadbolt, cutting off David's voice.

The room's floor and walls were covered in white material that squished ever so slightly underfoot. Here and there, metal loops were sticking out of the floor, ceiling and walls. Next to the door, a long table covered with an assortment of tools, ran the length of the wall. Rope and harnesses, a few latex and leather suits, a collection of different costumes, and a giant array of sex toys were carefully laid out.

Kirk took one long look the table. "I love my job." He put Alice down and began inspecting the table.

Alice watched Kirk as he moved down the room. Most likely, she was going to have sex with this orc and she had decided she might be ok with that. He didn't seem as rough as the other guards she had to deal with at The School and was even kind of handsome, for an orc. He was well over six and a half feet all. He had long horns protruding from his forehead that swept back over long, combed back, black hair. His jaw was slender and square set. He did not have any protruding teeth or tusks, as orcs sometimes do. He was incredibly muscled and strong, a requirement for guards as they did not use weapons. Alice was just beginning to what was hiding under those pants when Kirk found what he was looking for. He picked up a clipboard and measuring type.

"Step One, Measurements." Kirk said to himself. He walked back over to Alice and reached into his pants pocket, pulling out the key to her handcuffs.

Kirk freed her hands and began taking her measurements. First, he had her hold her arm out straight and measured it. He then told her to stand up straight as he ran the tape up her back, measuring her height. He came close and nibbled on her long pointed ears as he reached the top of her head. Alice's eyes widened, she loved having her ears touched. Five foot, eight inches. He pressed against her from behind and reached around front, grabbing her tits hard. Alice could feel a small bump against her ass that she knew was his cock, slowly growing harder. He squeezed her tits and gently pinched at her nipples. Alice moaned softly, feeling herself start to get wet.

"Oh you like that?" Kirk asked, smirking. He brought his hands back around and got the measurements for her bust size. Thirty two Ds.

Kirk ran his hands down either side of her, stopping at her hips. He reached around front and rubbed her crotch through the dress. Alice let loose another moan and grinded back into him. The bulge in his pants now large enough to rest in between her butt cheeks for a moment before he moved his hips away from her.

He crouched down behind her, and set the tape against her leg. He brought the end of the measurement all the way up to her buttocks. Alice bit her lip as he moved the fabric out of the way to read the measurement. She could feel his breathing on her cheeks. Kirk leaned forward and brought his tongue up her ass in one broad stroke. Alice gasped and struggled to hold still.

Kirk stood back up, walking around to face her. She stared at the gigantic tent in the cloth of his pants. The fabric was loose and draped over his length, letting Alice imagine what was beneath.

"Step Two, Inspect." Kirk looked at her expectantly. Alice took a second to realise what he wanted her to do before she lifted her dress off. There was a soft flump as her boobs settled back into place. Alice looked into Kirk's eyes for a moment before looking away.

Kirk took in the sight in front of him, looking her up and down. He paced around her, making notes on the clipboard. Alice saw a few on how she looked, whether she was harmed and even one describing her trimmed triangle of pubic hair.

"Step Three, Fun. " Kirk gave another of his trademark smirks and undid the fastening button on his pants. His full nine inch cock was free in all it's glory. His length was headed by a foreskin that retracted as Alice watched and under his length were two golf ball sized testicles.

"Make yourself cum for me." Alice immediately laid on the ground, spread her legs and started rubbing at her pussy. Kirk watched for a moment, rubbing his cock up and down before walking out of Alice's sight, behind her. Alice had been top of her class for a reason, when she was given an order she would do it, and do it until told to stop. In truth, she had just learned that it was easier and more fun to just listen to orders. Even if you did disobey, they would just use the anklet to make you do it.

She could feel her orgasm building even as she watched Kirk grab things from the table out of the corner of her eye. A large length of rope, a couple of pulleys and a dildo which he tossed to her before moving past.

She snatched up the toy and slowly snuck it into her. She switched on the vibrations and started moving in and out as she used her other hand to rub at her clit. Alice was so close now, she started moving faster as her orgasm got closer. Her breath came in erratic bursts. Just as she was about to reach it, a pair of hands grabbed her tits. "Make some noise." Kirk whispered seductively in her ear.

Alice's back arched against Kirk, her toes curling as she hit her peak. Alice cried out as she writhed and bucked in pleasure.

Alice fell back against Kirk, who was sitting with his legs on either side of her. He kneaded her chest softly and bit onto her earlobe gently. Alice felt his length hot against her back and knew she was not done yet.

Kirk let go of her and slipped an arm under her legs, lifting her as he rose. He carried her over to the apparatus of rope that he had constructed while she was distracted and laid her down in the center of it. Two leather cuffs with ropes attached went around her wrists. The ropes pulled until her legs were stretched and spread as far as they could go. Kirk stepped around to her head, giving Alice quite the view from her position looking up at him. He lifted her head and pulled her hair back into a ponytail, clamping it with a much smaller cuff. Her hands were bound in their own cuffs and Kirk began tightening the ropes attached to the three bindings. Her arms were tugged up as her head was pulled back towards her feet. Alice placed her hands flat beneath her, holding her up as the rope tightened. Another tug on the rope brought her head back even farther and completed the position. Alice was tied in a loose back bend.

Kirk tied off the ropes and walked back over to Alice. "You love this don't you? You're soaked!" He leaned in and licked up her slit, gaining a gasp from Alice. He came up, licking his lips and moved up to Alice's head.

"It's my turn to get soaked." Kirk said, kneeling so his cock head was just touching Alice's lips. She darted out her tongue, running it over the underside of his penis. She pulled her tongue back in and flicked at the head while bringing her tongue back to her mouth. Kirk began thrusting against her closed lips, slowing pushing them open little by little. Alice grinned at this and, as he retreated from one of his thrusts, brought her head forward. This pulled on her hair but allowed her grab his head with her lips before he was ready. Kirk thrust back in reflex, hard. His entire length was shoved into her mouth and throat, it was a feeling Alice loved. She moaned as he began thrusting into her slowly. With every thrust, she ran her tongue under his length and ended at his head licking up and pre-cum she found there. It was only a few moments before Kirk changed noticeably, his thrusts becoming a bit hard, his breathes getting ragged. He shoved himself into her mouth as far as he could go, his balls smacking her nose and drawing up to his body. Alice felt hot spurts hit her tongue and throat. She began gulping down the seed greedily, loving the taste but soon the amount was overwhelming her. It started leaking out around his member, dripping through her lips to the ground. Kirk, knowing it was too much for her, pulled out. His cock sat jumping for a full ten seconds, spraying onto the floor before finally stopping. Alice gasped for breath.

"Sorry about that slave. We orcs are built for breeding. Lots of cum." Kirk stated walking around to her feet. "I could go ten more times, but I think one will do." He lined up with her slit and thrust in all at once. Almost immediately, he pulled out and thrust into her anus, groaning as he sunk in. He pulled out again and Alice could tell this was part of the test.

"Normally, it's up to the master what we do next but honestly, I don't care." He slipped a two fingers from each hand into either hole, moving in and out gently. "Where should I could cum, slave?"

Alice moaned before she could answer but managed to choke out. "Please master, cum in my pussy."

"Congratulations on passing, slave." He grinned and shoved his cock back into her.

Alice did not understand as the orc sunk his full length into her, this orc was unbelieveable. Every thing the elf liked, the orc somehow knew. From him touching her ears, to pulling her hair, to the ropes that held her. Alice was riding the edge of her orgasm before he thrust in and burst as he began pumping in and out.

Kirk kept pounding away. He grunted once in pleasure as her walls moved around him, her orgasm obvious. Even as Alice was panting trying to recover, her next wave was building. Kirk leaned forward, still thrusting and suckled at her tits. Little waves of pleasure rolled across Alice's body adding to a much greater one. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she tried to stay in her bent over position while enjoying the pounding. Kirk began to pick up his speed and force, making Alice's body rock back and forth as the ropes held her in place. His balls slapped against her with every thrust. She held on for dear life as he sped up even more, a thick sloshing coming from where the two of them met. Huge drops of lube fell from Alice around his cock. Alice's wave was building, just as Kirk's was. He was past a few grunts now and then, letting out a noise on every thrust. He rubbed against a rough spot deep inside her and moaned in synch with Alice as her walls spasmed around him. It almost enough to force him over the edge but he was determined for her to cum first. He shoved as far as he could, bottoming out against her cervix while he simultaneously rubbed at her clit.

Alice exploded, her hips throwing back against Kirk even as her back arched further, her body fighting against the ropes. She yelled out Kirk's name as he forced in and out of her gushing slit. He shoved in one last time as his cock began spurting again. Alice could feel the heat begin spreading through her as she was filled and her orgasm began anew. She thrashed as hard she could and the knot holding her hands and head broke free from the metal loop set into the wall. She landed with a soft thump onto the soft floor, still bucking in the throes of her orgasm. Kirk's cock sprang free of her, spurting his seed over her groin and chest even as more began to leak from between her legs. Alice was coming down from her own high as Kirk's cock finally stopped twitching.

"Looks like we made quite the mess, eh slave?" Kirk grinned widely, picking up the clipboard and writing a few notes. He grabbed his pants and put them back on.

Alice whimpered happily, not quite able to form words yet. She could feel her eyes drooping, wanting to close.

Kirk walked back over and removed her cuffs, lightly rubbing where they had had been. She felt two strong arms around her as Kirk picked her up again, one arm at her back and another under her knees. She leaned against him as he carried her out of the room.

They walked through a few different halls making turns here and there. Eventually, they reached a hall with a line of four doors running down either side. There was a door with Alice written on it that slid open automatically as they approached. He stepped inside and, even though it was completely dark to Alice, found a bed and laid her on it. It was the softest thing Alice had laid on in weeks and she immediately began falling asleep.

"Well Alice, I guess this is goodbye. The others back at The School are gonna make fun of me for this, say I'm going soft. But I think I'm gonna miss you." Kirk planted a kiss on the top of her head and walked out the door. The last thing Alice saw was his silhouette before the door slid shut and the room was dark.