The Housepet Games

Story by ThisAdamGuy on SoFurry

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Chapter One

"Grape, I'm BOOOOOOOORED!" Peanut whined.  He was hanging upside down off of the couch,

his head resting on the floor.  A

Wii-Remote dangled from one hand, and the other held a comic book.

"You just got that new game!" Grape said in annoyance, lifting

her face from her pillow.  "I thought

Smashing Super Brawlers, or whatever it's called, was going to be the best game


"It IS the best game ever," Peanut replied.  "But now I'm BOOOOOOORED!"

"Well, go be BOOOOOOORED somewhere else!" the cat

snapped.  "I'm trying to sleep!"

Before she could plant her face in the pillow again, she

suddenly found Peanut directly in front of her.

"Let's play pretend!" he exclaimed.

"Later, Peanut!" Grape argued, her ears lying flat against

her head in anger.  "I'm trying to take a


Once again, she tried to rest her head again, but found that

Peanut had swiped her pillow.

"Hey, give that back!" she yelled, reluctantly getting up.

"Okay, if you insist!" Peanut said with a sly grin before

whacking her with it with all his might.

"You jerk!" Grape howled, rubbing her head.  "That actually hurt!"

Peanut laughed and wound up to strike her again, but the

purple cat had had enough.  With a savage

war cry, she tackled Peanut to the floor. 

Wrangling the pillow from his paws, she began to beat him with it.

"Okay, okay!" Peanut yelled after a few good

pillow-punches.  "I give up!  Uncle!"

Glowering at the pesky pooch, Grape reluctantly stopped her feathery

assault on his face and stood up.

"Now can we play pretend?" Peanut asked, his tail wagging.

Grape growled in annoyance and rolled her eyes, "Oh,

FINE!  You've got me too worked up to fall

asleep now anyway!"

"Yay!" Peanut yelled, leaping to his feet just as the

doorbell rang.  "I'll get it!"

Grape followed him to the front door, where Tarot, Bino,

Fox, King, and Max were standing.

"I foresaw that you were going to call us over to play pretend,"

Tarot said.

"Awesome!" Peanut shouted, fistpumping the air.  Turning, he led them into their living room.

Grape leaned down to murmur into Tarot's ear, "Um, not that

I'm upset that you invited yourself over or anything, but why did you bring Bino

with you?"

A sly grin appeared on Tarot's face, "Trust me, you'll enjoy

this," she promised with a wink.

"All right, what are we going to play?" Peanut asked,

bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Pridelands book 4!" Grape asserted.  "We're going through the whole series,


"I don't wanna play no stupid cat story!" Bino spat.

"How about we play MY FIST IN YOUR UGLY FACE?" Grape shot


"Actually, I was wanting to break away from that game for a while

too," Max put in.  "I just found an

awesome new book, and I wanted to try it out!"

"What book is it?" Peanut asked.

Max reached behind him and produced a paperback from... where,

Grape wondered?  He sat it on the ground

so all of them could see.  It had a black

cover, with an image of a golden bird with a ring around it.  "The Hunger Games," the title boldly proclaimed.

"I've heard about that book!" Grape piped up.  "Everyone says it's really good!"

"Why would you want to play a game about being hungry?" Fox

asked.  "That doesn't sound fun at all."

"That's not what it's about," Max explained, fighting off

the urge to make a snarky remark.  "It's

a story about a bunch of kids who are forced to fight each other to death while

the rest of the world watches."

"That's horrible!" Fox protested, standing up.  "That's even worse than being hungry!"

"I have to agree," Tarot put in.  "I'm not sure the spirits will like me

putting something that violent into our minds."

Grape grimaced.  For

once, she agreed with the dogs.  A bunch

of kids being forced to kill each other didn't sound like very much fun at all.

"Leave it to a cat to pick out a book like that!" Bino said,

crossing his arms in smug anger.

Then again, maybe it would be worth it just to be able to

murder Bino...

"Okay, I'm in!" the purple cat exclaimed.

"Me too!" Peanut exclaimed.

"All right," Fox said, uncertainly.

"Sounds like it could be fun," King chimed in, speaking for

the first time since he'd arrived.

All eyes turned to Bino, who glared at them each in turn, "All

right, fine!" he agreed at last.  "But just

so that I can see you all cry when I win!"

Everyone turned to Tarot for the final decision, since she

was the one with the magic powers.

"Well..." she said, twiddling her fingers indecisively, "okay,

but we need to set some rules.  First

off, I don't want to make any of us feel pain. 

When you get beaten, I'll just put you back in the real world.  And secondly, no blood."

Max shrugged, "Sounds fine to me."

Grape picked up the book and scanned the blurb on the back, "I

don't think we have enough people to play with, though," she said.

"It's better that way," Max insisted.  "If we had twenty four contestants it would

take too long to finish.  And let's skip

the opening part.  That way we can just

go straight to the Hunger Games themselves."

"So, all we have to do is kill each other?" Fox asked, still

looking uneasy about the whole thing.

"We'll all be put in the arena at the same time," Max

explained.  "You'll be on a pedestal

right next to a giant cone.  There will

be a timer.  If you step off the pedestal

before the timer reaches zero, you get blown up by landmines."

"What's the cone for?" Peanut asked.

"There will be weapons in it," Max went on.  "Swords, axes, bows, that sort of thing.  There will also be supplies, like food, and

things that can help you survive in the arena."

"Is there anything else we need to know?" King asked.

"Yeah," Max answered, a sadistic grin rising on his face, "stay

out of my way!"

"Enough talking!" Peanut shouted, "let's play!"

With that, all of the pets closed their eyes,

and allowed Tarot to pull them into another world.

Housepets: Curse of the Werenut, Chapter Three

Chapter Three   "I just can't figure it out," Mr. Sandwich exclaimed.  "Last night, there was a great big burn on his back!" "Well, I don't see anything of the sort," the vet replied.  He ran his hand down Peanut's back, and the pup didn't complain in...

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Housepets: Curse of the Werenut, Chapter Two

Chapter Two   "Mom!  Dad!" Grape yelled as she clumsily opened the door to her house, carrying Peanut inside.  "Wake up!" Hearing the desperate tone of her voice, both the Sandwich parents got out of bed and came running downstairs. "Grape, what's...

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Housepets: Curse of the Werenut

Chapter One   It was a dark night, and the silver moon peeked through the clouds, providing only the meanest amount of light for Peanut and Grape Sandwich as they made their way home from the movie theater.  They had begged for their parents to...

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