Housepets: Curse of the Werenut, Chapter Five

Story by ThisAdamGuy on SoFurry

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Chapter Five

Grape had no idea how long she stayed like that, crying on

her front porch.  She barely noticed as

the sky opened up and began to pour rain on her, soaking her fur and leaving it

sticking to her skin.  Lightning flashed

and thunder boomed, but it didn't matter.

She'd failed.

All she'd been asked to do was keep Peanut from escaping,

and she'd let him walk right out the front door.  Who knew where he was now?  What would happen?  Would he hurt somebody?  Would he hurt himself?  The thought of her best friend, her brother, lying dead in a ditch somewhere

caused a fresh wave of tears to erupt from her eyes.

"Grape!" someone shouted, but the cat couldn't work up the

will to see who it was.  "Grape, what


She felt a pair of paws grab her head and force her to look

up.  It was Tarot.  Sabrina stood behind her, holding some type

of plant.

"T-Tarot," Grape whimpered, "I'm so sorry!"

"What happened?" the Pomeranian asked again.

"I tried to do what you said," Grape explained weakly.  "But I couldn't.  Peanut changed, and now he's...  he's..."

Taror closed her eyes and looked down, "Are you hurt?" she

asked.  Grape shook her head, "Good.  Now come on, we have to go find him."

Grape sat up, but couldn't meet Tarot's gaze, "You should go

without me," she said.

"No!" Tarot retorted. 

"We'll need your help if we're going to find him and feed him the


"But I can't do anything right!" Grape howled.  "I've mess up everything!"

Tarot's paw lashed out and slapped Grape across the face,

"Grape, stop it!" she shouted back.

Grape stared at the little dog, stunned, her cheek tingling.

"How dare you

behave like this?" Tarot went on. 

"Peanut is in trouble, and we're the only ones who can help him!"


"No buts!" Tarot interjected.  "Get this through your thick cat skull: this

is NOT your fault!  None of it is, so

stop blaming yourself!"

Grape looked away and hugged her knees, "But I couldn't even

keep him inside when you told me to."

"That..." Tarot paused, and lowered her head, "that was my

fault.  I was so desperate to go search

for the wolfbane that it never occurred to me that you wouldn't be able to

control him when he changed.  I'm sorry,


Grape turned to look at the psychic dog, "But what can we

do?" she asked.  "He's way too strong for


Tarot looked Grape in the eye, and then raised her paw,

"Even now that he's a wolf, Peanut and I still have our mental connection.  Listen to this."  With that, she placed her paw on Grape's forehead.  At first, nothing happened, but then...


Grape gasped.  That

was Peanut's voice!

Help me...  I don't want to hurt anyone...

"Peanut!" she shouted, even though he was nowhere he could

hear her.

Grape...  Tarot... 

Grape... Help me...

Tarot lowered her paw, cutting off Peanut's voice, "Now will

you help us?"

Peanut's terrified voice still echoed in Grape's head.  Without a word, she rose to her feet and


"Good.  Sabrina and I

will keep him under control," Tarot instructed her.  "But we need you to talk to him.  Even if the werewolf has control, there's

still a small part of Peanut in there. 

We need you to talk to him, and maybe you'll be able to calm him down a


"I already tried to talk to him right after he changed,"

Grape pointed out.  "He didn't even

recognize me."

"It's the only thing we can do," Tarot said.  "Now come on, we need to find him!"  With that, Tarot turned and ran down the

street, Sabrina right behind her.

"But we have no idea where he is!" Grape shouted, running

after her.

"I think he went to Max's house," Tarot answered.  "If Peanut got mad enough to attack him

earlier today, then the wolf will still feel his anger."

Grape blanched under her fur, "You mean that thing is going

after my boyfriend?!"

Not waiting for Tarot to answer, Grape put on an extra burst

of speed, leaving the other two behind.

"Grape!" Tarot shouted. 

"Don't go alone!  It's too


But Grape didn't listen, she had to save Max!  She rounded to corner in the roar and

gasped.  Tarot had been right.  The front door to Max's house had been

smashed, just like her own.

"Max!" she screamed, running up his driveway.  "Peanut!"

A terrified scream rang out, and Bino came careening out of

the front door.

"THERE'S A MONSTER IN MY HOUSE!" He yelled, running past

Grape without a second glance.

Grape needed no further goading.  She raced the rest of the way up Max's yard

and through the door.  Claw marks gouged

the walls, and several more doors in the hallway had been beaten down.

"Max!" she called, not breaking her stride.  She ran down the length of the house before

she found them.  Peanut had managed to

corner Max in the kitchen, and was now holding the trembling cat in one of his

monstrous paws.

"Grape, you need to get out of here!" he yelled as he saw

her come in.  "Don't worry about me, just


The werewolf bared its teeth and brought Max in closer.

"Peanut!" Grape shouted at the top of her voice.

The werewolf paused and turned to look at her.

"Peanut, put him down!" the cat ordered, speaking slowly.

"Peanut?!" Max exclaimed in disbelief.

The wolf growled threateningly, but didn't release Max.

"Put.  Him.  Down," Grape repeated, pointing to the floor.

With an angry snarl, Peanut threw Max across the room, where

he collided with the wall and slumped to the floor, unconscious.  The wolf began to advance on Grape now,

holding its claws out threateningly.

"Peanut," Grape spoke to the monster, as she backed down the

hallway again, "I know you're in there. 

You don't want to do this!"

For a moment, the wolf's eyes changed.  They were no longer the savage beast, but her


"Peanut?" Grape asked tentatively.  "Is that you?"

"Grrrrrrr..." the wolf growled.  "Grrrrraaaaaa...  Grrrraaaaaaaaape?"

A relieved smile spread across the cat's face, "Peanut!  It's okay! 

Everything's going to be all right!"

The wolf shook its head, "Noooo," it replied, "Grrrraaaaaape...  Run!"

With that, the wolf shook its head, and the feral animal was

back.  With a howl of rage, it crouched

down and threw itself at Grape!  Grape

had no time to react, and could only brace herself for the impact.  The claws. 

The teeth...

They never came.

Grape opened her eyes and saw the werewolf struggling

against some sort of invisible force, unable to reach her!

"Grape, get back!" Tarot shouted.  She was standing behind the cat, holding both

paws out towards the wolf.  She was

successfully restraining it, but her face revealed how much she was struggling

to do so.  Grape willingly stepped behind

her.  "Sabrina, the wolfsbane!"

The black cat shot forward, the strange plant in her

paw.  She leaped nimbly into the air,

landing on Peanut's massive chest and clinging to his fur.  The wolf howled and thrashed around, trying

to throw her off, but the stubborn cat refused to let go.

"Get it in his mouth," Tarot shouted, still fighting to keep

Peanut where he was.  "Hurry!"

With grace that only a cat can have, Sabrina climbed further

up Peanut's body until she was within arm's reach of his mouth.  Taking the wolfsbane, she reached up,

attempting to force it into the werewolf's mouth.  But with one hand doing that, her grip was

loosened, and that was all Peanut needed. 

He grabbed the black cat with one hand, wrenched her free from his body,

and threw her across the house.

"Look out!" Grape warned, but could only watch as Sabrina

collided with Tarot, sending them both skidding across the floor.

This wasn't good.  With

those two out of commission, who was going to stop Peanut?  The wolf snarled and turned to face her.  Cold sweat ran down Grape's body.  She should run.  There was nothing more she could do

here.  If she stayed, she'd only succeed

in getting herself killed.

The wolfsbane plant fluttered to the floor, only a few

inches away from where she stood.  She

looked at it, and then back at Peanut.  Her

heart began to beat faster, but she was suddenly filled with a sense of grim

determination.  Peanut had been her best

friend ever since she'd been adopted by the Sandwiches.  Not just her best friend, her brother. 

With unwavering loyalty, he had always been there for her when she

needed him.  There was no doubt in her

mind that, should the need arise, he would give up his own life for her sake.

And now, she thought, it was time for her to do the same.

Reaching down, Grape picked up the wolfsbane and charged at

Peanut!  The wolf howled and raced to

meet her.  At the last moment, she leaped

into the air, flying straight towards him. 

But this time the wolf was prepared, and he caught her in midair.  There was nothing Grape could do but tighten

her grip on the wolfsbane as Peanut swung her around like a ragdoll.  Finally, just when she thought she was going

to lose consciousness, he stopped.  With

a glare filled with absolute hatred, he opened his mouth and leaned down to

bite her throat.  Just as Grape had


Not giving the wolf a chance to react, she threw her arm

forward, sending it straight into the werewolf's mouth.  The wolf instinctively shut its mouth, and

its teeth sank into Grape's arm.  She

cried out in pain.  More pain than she'd

ever felt before.  More pain than she'd

ever known existed.  But with one final

effort, she forced her hand open, and the wolfsbane fell from it, down Peanut's


The result was instantaneous.  The wolf's eyes widened with shock, and it

began to choke.  Its mouth opened, and

Grape's arm fell free.  Peanut's hand let

go of her body, and she fell to the floor. 

The wolf stumbled around the room, grasping its throat and making

gagging noises.  Then, before her eyes,

it began to shrink.  Every part of his

body began to slowly recede back its normal size.  Peanut's bones crunched and his fur shortened

back to its normal length.  With one

final howl, the wolf's voice turned back to the one Grape knew and loved, and

Peanut collapsed to the floor.

Grape looked down at her arm.  There were several puncture wounds where

Peanut had bitten her, and they were all bleeding profusely.  Her breathing was ragged.  She was in trouble.  If she didn't get help, she was going to die

from blood loss.

It didn't matter, though... 

She'd managed to save Peanut... 

That's what was important...

With that, her vision began to grow dark.  In front of her, she saw Peanut pick himself

up off the floor.  He stood up shakily, holding

his head.

"What happened?" he asked. 

He turned to see her. 

"Grape?  Grape!"

As the rest of Grape's vision faded, leaving her in the dark

embrace of sleep, the last thing she saw was Peanut kneeling down to pick her


Housepets: Curse of the Werenut, Chapter Six

Chapter Six   The first thing Grape realized when her senses began to return to her was that she was comfortable.  Her head rested on a big soft pillow, and she was laying on a smooth, silky bed.  The sheets that covered her were soft as well, leaving...

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The Housepet Games: Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight   Peanut couldn't keep himself from bouncing on the balls of his feet as he walked, humming a nonsensical little tune in anticipation of the upcoming fight. "Quiet," Grape ordered.  "He'll hear us coming." Peanut bit his lip, forcing...

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The Housepet Games: Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven   Grape sheathed her sword as King vanished in a cloud of smoke.  She couldn't say she was happy about that part.  The vanishing bodies took away from the realism of it all.  Then again, what had she expected?  Tarot had told them there...

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