Ruzzle's Experiment

Story by Minsc9 on SoFurry

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Another short-short story from my Pirates! series. This time we find Ruzzle, a goblin tinker, doing some testing with a new milking machine on the slumbering stud, Taerik. Hope you enjoy it! ^^

It must have been around midnight when the small goblin darted through the town of Ratchet, sneaking aboard The Stacked Coffer which was docked close to the neutral settlement. Takrin was on guard, but he was clearly rather tired, not noticing as the small, green man darted down belowdecks.

The blue-haired mechanic, Ruzzle, was rather short, even for a goblin, but had a slightly stocky build, wearing his more casual clothing, a dark green pair of pants, a dirtied white vest and large black boots. He was a member of the Greased Rockets, a small group of goblin engineers from Ratchet who the Bouldershot Buccaneers often hired to install new machinery on their ship. Earlier that same day he'd managed to convince Baelek to let him install a 'milking machine' in one of the crewman's cabins. It was basically designed to milk the crewman in their sleep, if programmed correctly, and gather their dairy in large vats. The goblin promised this would save the captain's crew the time and hassle of having to milk themselves during the day.

Anyhow, Ruzzle was rather interested in giving his device a test-run, not having done one before, but doubted the pirates would knowingly allow him to carry it out, so he was now heading to the cabin-in-question to milk whoever it belonged to.

He soon came to it, slowly opening the door and creeping inside, shutting it silently behind him. He didn't have to be too quiet though, the room's owner snoring rather loudly. Regardless, he rummaged around in his pocket and pulled out a small mechanical sphere which he activated, it rose into the air and immediately gave off a weak light, enough for the goblin to get his bearings at least while his eyes got accustomed. He looked to the corner of the room to find the two large vats, a control panel on one of them. He strolled over and pressed a few buttons, the machinery humming lowly to life, Ruzzle beaming to himself. Next he grabbed two massive hoses nearby on the floor, each with a big suction cup at one end, the other feeding into the vats. He lugged them up over his shoulders and headed for the large bed, hoisting himself up so he could climb onto it.

He was met with the sight of the bulky blood elf, Taerik, or at least one of his massive feet, the goblin barging his way past it as he actually climbed atop the behemoth death knight, Tae only wearing his boxers at the moment, and they were doing little to conceal the goliath bulge filling them to bursting point that the mechanic had to traverse. Soon Ruzzle was sitting on the elf's stomach, eyeing those simply monstrous breasts of his, each one possibly larger than he himself if he curled up. The elf's long, lustrous blue-black hair hung down, resting over that mighty chest of his, the engineer brushing it away to get at those oversized nipples of his.

"Right, lets see here...", Ruzzle pressed the suction cups down around each nipple, each one fitting firmly around it, the huge pads of flesh already lightly twitching from the gentle suction the hoses were giving them. "Perfect, now, the milking process should kick in right aboooout...", he flashed a wide grin as the hulking blood elf shuddered in his sleep, the suction quickly growing stronger and the cups automatically gyrating against those massive nubs, pumping them essentially as they soon hardened, the strong suction causing them to swell to a larger size than normal, filling the cups near-completely. "Everything's looking about right, c'mon big boy, don't hold back", the goblin lightly stroked at the underside of those tremendous melons, the death knight just groaning loudly in his sleep as his nipples erupted, sending vast quantities of his milk gushing through the hoses and starting to gather in the vats, Ruzzle mighty proud of himself.

"Hah! I amaze myself sometimes", he decided to get comfortable, laying down on Taerik's bulging abdominals, resting his head against those mountainous pillows, watching his creation so efficiently extracting cream from the brute. He glanced downward to see a rather intimidating pillar shaping up in the elf's boxers, a wide grin crossing his lips. He hurriedly hopped down off the enormous hunk, then off the bed, and hurried over to the vats that were already over a quarter full, and these were some -big- vats. He picked up an extra-large hose which fed into one of the vats and quickly darted back onto the bed. He climbed back aboard the blood elf, just in time too, his boxers just then gave way for that gargantuan manhood to burst free, it throbbing dangerously. The goblin had to climb it a bit so he could cram the hose over it, Taerik's entire monstrous member soon being sucked off by the extra-thick hose. This of course caused an even greater moaning to fill the cabin, precum soon flooding out of that titanic beast, pouring through the pipe to mix in with his milk in the tank. Ruzzle was amazed, he'd never actually expected it to go off without a hitch, looking around to marvel as the death knight's ample supply of milk and preseed bulged the hoses with the high pressure of his expulsions. From the mild quaking beneath him, he could tell that the black-haired stud was getting close to his limit, Ruzzle helping him along, roughly man-handling those monumental mountains of his, grinning dumbly as he groped the warm, soft flesh in his large, greedy hands.

"Hngh, oooooooh!", Taerik groaned out as his nipples blasted out even more powerful rivers of his thick cream surged through those hoses, a slight tear forming so some of the milk sprayed out wildly over the two, Ruzzle pulling out a plaster and slapping it on the hose with a content smirk. His cock was shuddering violently, a few seconds and a bellowing murr later, it began unloading his reams and reams of extra-potent cum, the vats nearing max capacity and he'd only just -started- shooting. Content with his test, and not wanting to be caught in a flood, the goblin slunk out of the room, dashing through the innards of the ship, though the death knights groans still reached him. The vats began to crack as the cum and milk just continued to pour in, soon both industrial-sized containers exploding open, sending waves of the stuff throughout the room and through the open door, which the mechanic forgot to shut behind him. The flood sped through the large ship, nearing the goblin, Ruzzle staring over his shoulders with wide-eyes as the tidalwave seemed to home in one him. Just then the stairs upto the deck came into view, the engineer so close, was he going to make it?! There was no other choice, Ruzzle leapt for the higher steps; everything seemed to be going in slow motion for a moment. Thankfully he made it, hurrying up the stairs as the deluge smashed against the stairs below him, the goblin cheering inwardly to himself as he crept back past the now-sleeping orc on watch, bounding back towards Ratchet, looking back and grinning as he saw thick white liquid pouring out of the sides of the pirate's vessel.

Of course the best part of this whole success had just hit him, he'd be able to charge the crew for another couple of brand new vats, the goblin's eyes practically becoming gold coins at the thought.


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