Jack's Tavern II

Story by ArosOrcidae on SoFurry

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#2 of Jack's Tavern

Devon had to tell him.

He'd never felt so strongly about it. He'd wondered if maybe Joesef might have been the one for him, but now he knew. He knew that he loved Joesef.

He had fidgeted the entire day at work, especially when he was around the snake, barely able to contain himself. But he couldn't tell him in public like that, especially since Joesef was convinced he was straight. Devon wanted to show him what love truly meant, that it wasn't divided by gender.

But he had to keep his cool.

When they were both stocking the shelves in mid-afternoon, he calmly remarked to the snake.

"Hey man, I've got something to tell you when we go to Jack's tonight. We're still up for that, right?"

"I can count the times we weren't up for it on one hand, man." Joesef said back.

That gave the dragon enough calm to keep working until the end of their shifts in the evening.

As the familiar glasses slid in front of them, Devon was even able to think about how the tavern always seemed understaffed for a few moments before his thoughts turned back to the snake.

"So what was this thing you were going to tell me?" Joesef asked.

Devon only shook his head.

"No, man, I can't tell you here. There's way too many people." The dragon replied. Joesef gave a cynical look around the room. There were more guests than usual, but they had a nice corner of privacy in their booth.

"Are you joking? Nobody could hear us over here if they tried."

"Let's just finish these, and I'll go check if there are any open rooms upstairs when we're done."

"Whatever," said Joesef dismissively.

For the next twenty minutes, Devon made awkward small talk with the snake, which certainly made them both extremely uncomfortable.

Almost waiting for that last sip to disappear, Devon jumped up as soon as both glasses were empty to check upstairs, leaving the snake to deal with the awkward moment alone.

The dragon was able to find a room pretty quickly, as most of the business for the tavern was revolved around the bar that night. As he returned back downstairs, he noticed that Joesef was getting up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Devon asked, crestfallen.

"Dude," Joesef sighed, "You're acting really weird, so just call me when you're feeling normal again, okay?"

"No, man, please. I just have to tell you this." The dragon pleaded, "Please, just this once."

Joesef sighed and agreed. Devon wasn't going to quit, and they were attracting attention.

The dragon led him to the room where he quickly closed the door, turning to face his friend, and hopefully future lover. The room was bare save for a bed, dresser, and ceiling fan.

"So, what the hell, man? Why this weird act?" The snake asked.

"I love you." Devon blurted out.

Joesef stood there, frozen.


"I love you." The dragon repeated.

"Dev, you know that I'm...straight, right?"

"I love you."

"Don't you get it man?" Joesef said. "I'm not into guys, not like that."

"I love you." Devon said again.

"And I fucking get that." The snake said, confused and annoyed. "Can we move on?"

"Sorry I'm late, my beautiful dragon." A voice from behind the door said, "Open the door for me."

The lion stepped close to the door of the only free room in the tavern.

"I'm not into guys, not like that." A muffled, annoyed voice said.

"I love you." Came the reply.

"And I fucking get that. Can we move on?"

The lion chuckled to himself, smiling as he pressed against the crack of the door.

"Sorry I'm late, my beautiful dragon. Open the door for me."

The door opened before him, and Devon stepped into view, smiling. The lion lifted a hand and caressed the dragon's chin.

"You served your Master well, Devon." He said, eliciting an ever larger smile from him.

And during the entire exchange, Joesef stood back from them, staring in horror at what his friend had become. When the lion turned his gaze on the snake, Joesef seemed to freeze in place.

"Sorry about that. I didn't give Devon any commands after confessing his love for you, so he just kept repeating himself." The lion said, and brushed his hand across the dragon's chest. "Like a broken computer, actually. Go ahead and help Joesef now."

Devon smiled again and approach the snake, who was unsure what to think.

"Dev, what's going on? Who is this guy?"

The dragon stayed silent as he fetched something from the dresser and bent in front of the snake, restraining his coils to the floor with some kind of system of weights and straps. Joesef didn't even realize what he was doing until he couldn't move his coils without straining himself.

As he was trying to free his lower body along with attempting to figure out just why his friend was following a stranger's directions, Devon lifted his arms up and tied the hands to the ceiling fan by a rope.

"It's more of a precaution than anything else Joesef." He heard the lion say. "Just in case that desire to escape actually does surface, but if all goes as planned, you're already finding it hard to move."

The snake tried to move his arms, but found they wouldn't cooperate. He tried again, but a whisper at the back of his mind took his attention.

"You don't need to move. You don't want to move."

It sent a shiver through his entire body, one that was filled with fear and comfort, a strange schizophrenic feeling tearing his mind in two. He wanted to listen but knew that he couldn't. Or was it the other way around.

"Who are you?" Joesef finally spoke.

The lion simply smiled back, stepping toward him.

"Who I am doesn't matter. In the end, you and Devon will serve your Master happily and without question. And don't tell me that you don't want to. I know that you both are trapped in menial, mind-numbing labor, serving a faceless corporation." The lion stepped toward Joesef, leaving Devon at the snake's side. "Really, you should consider this as an improvement."

"Why bother with us? Why didn't you pick someone else?" The snake spat out.

The lion reached up a hand and caressed Joesef's chest.

"Devon, take the scissors from my bag in the other room and cut this ugly shirt off of Joesef." Within moments, Devon disappeared and returned, cutting the oversized tee off the snake, exposing his nude body to the others.

"Frankly, Joesef, it's because I have to. As soon as I saw you two in that same booth together a few weeks ago, I knew you were perfect for me. But you, my handsome snake, presented a challenge. It'd be easy to convince Devon. He was curious, a risk-taker. But you, no, you were cautious. You always left early or left with Devon. I couldn't get you alone until I got Devon first.

"So I focused on him. Found out he didn't know about his family, his heritage. Perfect bait for me. I posed myself as a scholar of dragons, studied up on a few things, pulled everything else out of my ass, but he followed me anyway. And as soon as I got him in the room, I made sure that the right track was playing. I had him. It was only a matter of minutes before he submitted to me.

"And he loves it. Don't you, Devon?"

The dragon grinned and nodded. "Yes Master! It feels so good to serve you, sir."

Joesef swallowed down his rising fear.

"Devon? You...you...No..."

"It feels great, Joe. It feels so nice to obey." The dragon said.

"Devon, tell him what I said to you last night." The lion smirked. Devon stood up and looked Joesef in the eye.

"Well, he pulled me close, wrapped his arms around me and asked me if I had ever thought about being with you. I said yes, and then he helped me realize that I love you. He told me that I shouldn't keep those things bottled up, but if I told you when I still thought I was a slave, it wouldn't be honest. So he made me forget. He told me to tell you here so he could see it. It felt so good to tell you, Joe. It felt so good to obey..."

Through the entire explanation, Devon's eyes looked empty to the snake, but really, he was just relaxed. The snake was panicking.

Until that whisper in his mind popped up again.

"You want to feel good. You want to feel nice."

He did want to feel nice...but the only way...

His thoughts were cut short by the lion's hand on his jaw.

"So handsome. You're starting to feel it, aren't you? You're wondering, just what it will feel like to obey. Devon's right, and you know that. You can trust him." The lion told him.

"No...I don't want it...I don't like men...I just..."

The lion fingered the snake's slit, eliciting a moan and bringing his growing member out into the air.

"Feels so good. Just submit. Obey. Let it feel good." That whisper was back. And it succeeded.


And then the lion leaned in and kissed Joesef, sending wonderful sensations through his body, placing his free hand on his jaw as the moment continued, pressing himself into the snake.

The moment never quite seemed to end, one thought echoing through Joesef's mind.

"Feels good...Feels good to obey...Feels so good..."

Then the lion let him go, smiling at him first, then looking down at the throbbing snakehood in his hand.

"Devon, come here and show your friend how much you love him with your mouth."

The dragon leapt up and took the spot in front of the pulsing member, instantly grabbing the base and licking the underside of it eagerly. The lion knew that Devon was enjoying himself merely from the moans below him. He stepped to the side and turned the newer slave's head to start another kiss.

Both their minds now belonged to him. He'd accomplished his mission, and he could finally reap the benefits of all his work, of all the days of planning, of the good luck he counted on.

The moans rumbled through each body, and the snake started to breathe quickly in the midst of the kiss. Devon was now bobbing back and forth on Joesef's shaft, murring at the taste of the pre leaking out. The lion grinned.

"Feels wonderful, doesn't it? You can feel all of that resistance, that illusion of control, feel it all welling up inside you, ready to leave. Ready to leave you pure and clean as a slave. Do you feel that?"

The snake nodded quickly, his eyelids fluttering as the dragon continued to move back and forth.

"You're so close. So very close, but you can't release it until everything is ready. Until all of your resistance, your free will, all of it, is replaced by the desire to obey. Only then will you find release."

"Yes...Yes!" The snake shouted, so close at that point that he felt like he could explode. His entire body tingled from head to the tip of his tail.

The lion leaned in and whispered to the snake.


And suddenly, the dragon started to gag, taking the member from his mouth and letting the warm seed from the snake cover his face. Watching it all and rubbing his own tenting bulge, the lion looked down at the dragon.

"Devon, go and clean yourself up in the bathroom. Don't come back until I ask you to. I want to spend time alone with my handsome snake."

Smiling, Devon stood up and went straight to the bathroom, closing the door. The lion went around to the snake's front.

"Ready to serve?"

Just as eager as the dragon, Joesef nodded.

"Yes sir."

"Good," the lion said, slowly taking off all his clothing, "Because I want you to stay right there." Soon, he was completely nude, holding his own throbbing lionhood before the snake. He pressed himself against Joesef again, causing a moan to come from the snake's mouth.

Slowly, he pressed himself against the snake's pucker, then gently pushed himself inside.

"Oh my," He moaned, "You're so much tighter than your friend..."

The snake only smiled and looked at the lion as he felt the shaft slide inside him. It was almost as wonderful as feeling Devon's lips around his own member, but he was serving the lion now, which only seemed to make it all the more pleasurable.

The lion hilted himself inside the snake and let out a low groan as he started to thrust shallowly, letting the distances of the thrusts grow with each. The groans and moans from both of them mixed together, harmonizing as the lion grunted, pushing himself harder than ever before.

"Damn..." He muttered as the snake clenched around his member, feeling his orgasm only moments away. "You're pleasing your Master, Joesef...my handsome snake..."

The snake cooed as he felt each thrust inside him, his mind clouded with pleasure and whispers of comfort, that he made the right decision.

Suddenly, the lion slammed into the snake, his shaft erupting and flooding Joesef's rear with his seed. He kept himself there for minutes, nuzzling the snake, whose head was now limply hanging in front of him, dazed with pleasure.

With a smile, the lion pulled himself out, his shaft covered in his own seed.

"Devon. Come back now."

The dragon appeared from the bathroom quickly, looking eagerly to the lion.

"Lick me clean and remove Joesef's restraints. Then I want you both to lay on the bed comfortably, face up."

Devon gave the lion a thorough cleaning, leaving the shrinking member glistening with saliva. The lion watched the other two lay on the bed as he put his clothes back on. He climbed between them and rested a hand on each chest, gently stroking them.

"Comfortable?" He asked.

They nodded in unison.

"Good. Feeling obedient then. I want you to remember everything I tell you now. Let it become true in your mind. Let it overwrite everything that could contradict it.

"I am not your Master."

Naturally, I am their Master.

I stood by and watched them come into the bar every evening after work. I contacted the lion, who I had been told was an expert in hypnosis and subliminal messaging. I told him how I needed cheaper labor than minimum wage would provide. He promised me two free workers, only needing to provide room and board for each. On top of that, they would obey my every command. He asked me who I thought would be best.

I thought about them, sometimes coming in their work uniforms. I remembered overhearing how dissatisfied they were with their lives, with their jobs. I remembered hearing about how Devon had no idea of his heritage. I knew how cautious Joesef was about strangers and his restrained sexuality. I told the lion about all of this.

He said that it'd be expensive, but the result would pay for itself in less than a year. He'd provide the tape with the subliminal messages. I just had to clear out the rooms next to the one he was staying in and place speakers against the walls so the messages would be understandable in the other room. And I'd have to sacrifice one drink, a blueberry-flavored vodka with some food coloring.

I admit I'm happy with the outcome. I have free labor. Devon works the tables downstairs and I have Joesef working housekeeping in the rooms upstairs. And if I'm bored during the slow periods of the day, I can call a staff meeting in one of the empty rooms for some "personal relief."

I was a little confused by the lion's parting words, though. It was as I was writing the check out to him that I asked the name I should address it to. He told me simply.

"Gerald Lupiv. Though, that's not me. He's my partner, and he's better at finances than I am. Especially when I put him under."

I could have sworn that his eyes were a bright, almost glowing blue when he said that.