Jack's Tavern I

Story by ArosOrcidae on SoFurry

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#1 of Jack's Tavern

Two glasses of beer slid in front of me, one kept going for Joesef, the other stopped for me. We grinned at each other and clinked the glasses together, doing our best to out-drink the other on the first gulp.

I lost.

"Jessica's such a bitch, isn't she?" I remarked to Joesef.

"Yeah, I wish we had Jeff back. He was way better. Jeff understood that having me behind the register made it hard for everybody else to be there." He said.

I was talking about our new manager at Press Play, a music store that both Joesef and I worked at. We were just lowly "employee service representatives" but I liked it that way. At least I'd have a few good stories to tell when he and I came back here after work.

Joesef was complaining because Jessica hadn't seemed to grasp the concept that he was a snake, and had nowhere to store tan his coils in the cramped space behind the register. When Joesef wasn't wearing a uniform, he usually kept an oversize tee on his upper body, a color that contrasted from his body, green or blue mostly.

I didn't have as much of a space problem as Joesef did, but it was still hard to navigate being a dragon, with a pair of wings and a tail I had to make sure didn't damage merchandise.

"You don't think she's going to try and fire us, do you?" Joesef asked.

"No, but if she did, she'd have no proof. We've never broken anything. Well, except that phone, but Jeff took care of that. Besides, if somehow we did get fired, we'd just hang out here until they figured out she was the bitch and then rehire us."

"Here" was Jack's, one of the few operating taverns left in the city. We lived in a town that was mostly for suburbs, foodservice and truck stops, so there was a real need for the single-night attitude of a tavern.

I drank another third from my glass and looked around while Joesef worried about Jessica for a few more minutes. There were a few others in the bar: a miserable-looking lion at one of the stools, a pair of gushing lover wolves in another booth, a threesome of suits talking business after hours, and naturally the bartender, a tall muscular tiger with a towel over his shoulder.

"Dude, I'm beat. I think I'm gonna head out early." The snake said to me.

"All right," I sighed, disappointed. "But I expect overtime tomorrow."

"I might need it, man." Joesef laughed as he slipped out of the booth and out of the door with a wave. Heads turned to watch as he left, except for the lovers in their booth. I was ready to tell them to get a room already.

There wasn't much reason for me to stay after Joesef left, so I enjoyed the rest of my beer and checked my phone before as I started getting up.

The bartender was in my way as I looked up. He was holding a blue drink, one of those cocktails that has a gradient color from top to bottom, housed in a beer glass.

"For you. It's anonymous. Because you have a nice color." He said to me, explaining the correlation between my blue scales and the color of the drink. I sat down and pulled the drink toward me. Smirking, he added, "But I don't think it'd be too hard to figure out who sent it."

He went back behind the bar as I took a taste of the drink. It was sweet but had a pretty strong bite. Probably some kind of blueberry vodka mix. Not my thing.

I checked again for potential buyers. The lovers didn't seem observant of my body, they were more focused on each others'. The businessmen were now drunkenly imploring each other to quit their jobs. No, the only candidate was the lion at the bar.

I gave him more than a quick glance. He wasn't as depressed as he looked before. I wouldn't have said chipper, but the way he raised his glass at me and smiled eliminated any idea of sadness.

The drink before me fizzled. I guessed that it was carbonated too. I was so shocked by the vodka, I hadn't noticed the second time. The more I drank, the softer the taste became.

"Mind if I sit?" came a voice from above me. It was the lion. Now that he was closer, I saw that he had a leather jacket around a forest green button shirt with some khaki pants. He wasn't large, at least compared to my athletic body, but he wasn't bad to look at. I might have even considered taking him home if I wasn't so tired.

"Go ahead. You said something about color when you sent the drink, right?" I asked.

"Yes," He said, his voice neither high nor low, but a pleasant middle ground, "I'm a bit of a fan of dragons and other scaled creatures. It just has qualities that fur never will have. You have a wonderful deep blue color, very aesthetically pleasing."

I grinned. "Thank you. I never really looked into my heritage very much, so you probably know more than I do."

The lion nodded. "Yes, I probably do. I've been studying dragons my whole life."

"Really? So what kind of interesting things did you learn?"

"Well, what struck me most was that the color of scales can vary over a dragon's life. Not the base color, like red or green or blue, but the subtle variations. The brighter and deeper the color, the better shape the body is in. It takes on a metallic sheen when it's at its best."

I really had no way to check if he was right, but it certainly felt true when I looked down at the color of my own hand, noticing just how nice and brightly deep it was.

"Clearly, you care a lot about how you look and I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate that." The lion said, jerking me out of my fantasy about myself. He was right, though. I did care, enough to wake up early and go jogging and visit the gym on weekends. It was worth it. I loved my body.

"Yeah, thanks. That's really nice of you to say that. What else do you know?" I asked, curious.

We talked for several minutes, enough to see the other patrons of the bar leave, a grin on my mouth when the lovers ditched, unable to keep hands to themselves. The lion told me of draconic history, varying species, how the most pure species were more vulnerable to diseases, differences in wingspans and designs, snouts and ears. It was all fascinating.

"I have a room here tonight, if you'd like to see some of the books I have. I don't have very many with me as I'm only stopping on the way through, but I think you'll like them." The lion told me.

"Sure!" I said, excited to learn more. I was surprised at how I hadn't realized how intriguing this all was earlier in my life.

The lion grinned and led me to his room upstairs, which was mostly bare except for a few toiletries on the dresser and a suitcase open on the bed. He dug beneath some clothing and pulled out five or six books of varying thickness, all with "dragon" in the title.

"Those are the ones about dragons that I brought. I have a few more about snakes and lizards, but I figure you'd rather read those first." He told me, and he was right. I was already fingering through one of the dragon books, which was showing diagrams of height, weight, and wingspan.

I didn't even notice the soft whispering noise being piped into the room.

I was so enraptured by the books and the facts that the lion told me, I didn't even think to check his facts in the very books I was holding. I didn't think to suspect the lion of anything. I just listened to him tell me what could have been lies, and I was content.

"You know what I find the most fascinating, Devon?"

"What?" I asked, not even realizing I hadn't told him my name.

"The image of the dragon typically brings the ideas of strength and valor and leadership to a viewer's mind. But a surprising amount of dragons aren't as socially dominant as that image. In fact many of them are submissive."

"Submissive." I repeated back, with a slight smile on my face.

"You are submissive, deep down. Aren't you, Devon?" He said, approaching me.

The thought never occurred to me, but as he stood there while I sat on the bed, so much taller, so much more commanding, so much more authoritative, the idea became more appealing. I heard a whisper from somewhere, maybe even in my mind.

"Submit...Feel happy..."

"Yes..." I nodded to the lion. He smiled back and placed a finger on my chin, tilting my head up to look me in the eye.

"Do you want me to help you submit?"

"Yes...I want you to help me."

"Do you want me to be your Master?"

"Yes...I want you to be my Master."

"Good." Master said. "Then you will become my beautiful slave. Tell me what you are, Devon."

"I am your slave, Master." I said.

"Do you want to show me how obedient you are, my slave?"

I nodded slowly, some part of my mind still resisting. It shouted, pulled at my awareness. That this wasn't me, that I would never agree to this. It pushed and reasoned, but it was always silenced by the same whisper. I wanted to submit. I wanted to feel happy.

"That's my good slave. I want you to undress for your Master now. Let me see your wonderful body."

I slipped my overshirt off first, then my t-shirt underneath it. I placed the books to the side and stood up, sliding off my jeans, leaving my body only hindered by my briefs.

"Stop," Master said. "Undress me now. You may continue when I allow you."

"Yes Master." I said, standing up as he stretched his arms out. I took off his jacket first, then moved to his front and unbuttoned his shirt, exposing the tufts of chest fur underneath them. After that I knelt down and unbuttoned his pants, taking them down to the floor and slipping them out from around his feet.

"Stop." He told me again. "Stand up." I did, and he paced his hand around my package. "Oh, very nice. You like this, don't you? You know that you will be rewarded for your obedience." It felt better than I could have imagined. I had obeyed and been rewarded. That protesting voice in my mind was gone.

He surprised me further by pressing his own package into mine, sending waves of ecstasy through my body. It was wonderful.

And as soon as the feeling started, it stopped. Master stood in front of me and smiled. "Now, finish undressing us. But know that if you touch me, you must serve my desires."

I nodded, and obeyed, bringing my own briefs down, which exposed my throbbing dragonhood, and then I slipped his off. From that, his entire length came out of his briefs, hard and throbbing right in front of me. I wanted to touch it, to taste it.

I needed it.

I looked up to Master, and he smiled and nodded. I happily licked the member in front of me, moaning from the delicious taste. I knew that I was doing well for my master when I heard him moan as well. I licked it several more times, the same waves of pleasure surging through my body, my own shaft throbbing between my legs.

Slowly, I started to suckle on the tip of the member, closing my eyes and enjoying the taste of obedience. I took more and more of that beautiful shaft in my mouth, my hands groping wildly at Master's balls. It tasted so wonderful, felt so amazing.

I started to bob back and forth on his member, panting through my nose as my desire only intensified. I started to move madly on his shaft, hearing him moan and gasp in pleasure. It felt wonderful to hear the product of my obedience for Master.

"Stop." He said, almost painfully. "My good little slave. Now go lay on the bed for me. Tail up." I reluctantly took my mouth off his shaft and obeyed once more, lifting my tail up and exposing my rear to him.

I heard Master say from behind me, while touching the scales at my side, "Devon, my beautiful dragon slave, when I cum inside you, you'll feel intense pleasure and will orgasm. When that happens, all your free will will disappear, to be replaced by obedience to me. Understand, pet?"

"Yes Master," I said, shivering.

Without a moment's hesitation, Master plunged himself deep inside me, causing me to gasp out in pleasure. I had been penetrated before, but it never felt like this. To feel my Master inside me was pure bliss, painless, wonderful bliss. He pushed as far as possible, hilting himself in my rear. I instinctively clenched, and I heard Master gasp in pleasure.

Then he started to thrust himself in and out of me, pushing against me so hard that my shaft pressed against the bedsheets below me, adding to that wonderful sensation. My entire body shook in the pleasure, receiving my Master's gift, being rewarded for obeying. I must obey Master, it felt so good to obey.

He grunted loudly, whispering to me, but I could not understand it through my moans and the sounds of his shaft sliding in and out of me. Then, seconds later, I felt a surge of warmth inside me. Master's seed was delightful, so amazing as it filled me that I felt my own shaft erupt, spraying my load onto the bed.

Master stayed there, hilted inside me and whispering compliments of my obedience to me. I felt joy inside me. I was Master's slave, nothing more.

He said to me, "Devon, my beautiful dragon, I want you to listen carefully to these words I am about to tell you. They will change your life."

And then it faded away.

I woke up in my bed, the alarm rudely interrupting my desperately needed sleep.

Checking the time, I panicked. Only 10 minutes until my shift. In record time, I put on my work uniform, packed a lunch and started my way over.

But only one thought kept echoing through my mind the entire time.

I had to tell Joesef that I love him.

To Be Concluded