All Mine

Story by ignacious on SoFurry

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A continuation of Mine. It's a little different in content (namely in that it's M/M instead of M/F) so I'm sorry to anyone who was expecting exactly the same. (Really the story is exactly the same, but whatever)

The characters of Raz and Cath belong to chetchaka, and Iggy is mine.

Still new to posting my own material. I didn't really proofread this extensively so I apologize for any glaring errors. Give me your honest feedback, I very much appreciate it. If it sucks, PLEASE let me know!

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy.

Raz paced anxiously around the crackling fire within his cave. Night had fallen and the ferret was not in the mood to sleep. He glanced out to the opening of the cave, the light from the nearby flames only barely reaching more than a few steps out into the forest shrouded in night. He furrowed his dark-furred brow, the guilt of what transpired earlier in the day weighing hard upon him. His fluffy tail twitched as he turned away from the cave entrance with a frustrated growl and sat down against a rock wall. He wrung his paws together and stared into the roaring fire.

He felt out of control of his own body that morning, when he had pounced upon his sleeping twin sister, the ache in his loins having reached a fevered peak. He could have told her it was her own heat that was driving him mad, that his urges overtook him completely, but they were just poor excuses. He should have known better, he should have restrained himself, he should have talked this over with Cath instead of just ordering her out. Raz had piled up all his regrets upon himself throughout the day. As the hours passed, he mentally debated the idea of going out into the forest to find her and bring her back home, only to remind himself that she was still a female in heat. Who was to say that despite wanting nothing more than to make amends, he would only end up making things worse?

As the sun waned, his concern for his sister only grew, but Raz remained hesitant to act. Despite the worry of harming her sister more should he try and track her down, he knew that he was her only hope. None other of their kind lived in this forest. Neither of them had encountered any other intelligent creatures in their extended foraging trips over the past year. He knew he was Cath's only hope, but still worried that he would leave her with no one should he again fail to keep his self-control.

It hardly mattered now, however, as night had settled in several hours ago. Even if the ferret had made up his mind, he would be unlikely to be successful in finding his sister. She could be lost, huddled in a dark, unfamiliar cave. She could have found another of their kind...or she could have found a predator, and been torn limb from limb before being devoured... Tears welled up in Raz's eyes as the countless possible outcomes flashed through his mind.

Crack! The sound of a small branch cracking came from the entrance of the cave. Raz snapped his head over to see a darkened figure, only dimly lit by the fire of his den. The shape was similar to his own though, and traces of a scent came to his nose that were all too familiar. The ferret shot up from his wallowing seat to get a closer look. "Cath?" he said in surprise.

The figure stumbled forward a bit, the light of the fire showing Raz that it was indeed his sister, Catherine. He rushed over to help her remain on her own two hind legs. Her fur was slightly mussed, and her sides and back were matted with dirt. She gave a weak smile at her brother. "Hey Raz," she said in a soft reply.

The brother ferret embraced her, so relieved to have his sister back. "Cath, I'm so sorry," Raz said, trying his best to hold back tears of joy. "I'm so, so, so sorry." She gave a weak hug in return and only responded with a muffled groan as she rested her head against her brother's shoulder--she was exhausted. "Let's get you to bed," he said as he wrapped her arm around him and supported her as best he could.

He took her deeper into their cave, settling Cath down upon a pile of soft leaves near the rear of their home. She curled up in the familiar bedding and sighed happily. Raz looked upon her with a soft smile, but it soon faded as he began to notice something different about his sister. The scent of her heat was gone, replaced with something different entirely. It was heavy and pungent, and not like anything he had ever smelled from another ferret before. The unfamiliar musk was enough to send shivers down his spine. Even still, he noticed that her stomach seemed to have a gentle swell, and some moist splotches seemed to cling to the fur between her hind legs.

The ferret's stomach sank as he began to piece together the clues. "Cath," he began to ask, "What happened to you?"

"Nothing bad, I assure you," came a voice from behind him.

Raz jumped in surprise and turned to see a massive creature right at the cave entrance: a blue-scaled, reptilian monster. Large wings folded to its sides as he strode into the ferret home, settling down close to the warming fire. The corners of his muzzle curled in a slight smile that only served to unsettle the frightened ferret.

"Who are you?!" he shouted, stepping back a bit, trying to obscure his exhausted sibling from the sight of the home-invading beast.

"My name is Ignacious," the creature said, "Though Cath just calls me Iggy."

The ferret was thrown for a loop as he heard the beast speak the name of his sister so casually. He looked back to her dozing form before shooting an angry glare back at the lounging lizard. "What did you do to my sister?!" he said angrily.

"There's no need to yell, Raz," the creature said, "Come sit by the fire and we'll discuss this like civilized adults."

The sound of his own name coming from this unfamiliar beast was unsettling, to say the least. Raz wanted this creature out of his home, but he was in no position to be laying down threats. Powerful muscles rippled slightly underneath the thick scales of the reptilian creature, his legs ending with paws that were equipped with thick, sharp claws that the ferret imagined could easily tear his comparatively puny form apart.

"Raz," Ignacious said, snapping the ferret from his frightened stupor. "Come. Sit."

The ferret gulped and inched forward, compelled by the words of the large creature, and sat across the fire from him. He pressed himself as far back as he could against the cave wall, wanting to keep as much distance from the beast as possible.

"Is something wrong, Raz?" Ignacious said as he watched the ferret back himself against the wall.

The ferret kept his gaze locked with the creature, his heart still racing with fear. "Y-you're a dragon," he said.

Iggy's eyes widened a bit, not expecting that kind of remark. "Oh," he said. "Yes, I am."

"But dragons don't exist. They're just folk tales."

The dragon chuckled at the stern response from the ferret. "Well, I assure you," he said, "I am quite real."

"Why are you here?" Raz asked.

"I was escorting your sister home," Iggy explained, "And I thought I would finally introduce myself to you."

"How do you know Cath?"

"Oh, I met her several months ago while she was out foraging for food," the dragon said. "I had never seen one of your kind in this forest before. Naturally, she had never seen any of my kind before, so our shared curiosity for each other helped us become friends."

The ferret looked away towards Cath's sleeping form. "She never told me about you."

"Well she thought that you wouldn't be happy with her associating with someone like me," Iggy said.

Raz turned his head back towards the dragon to give him a sour look. "She thought right," he said.

"I'm no threat to you or your sister, I just very much appreciated the company. I've been in these woods for quite a while and I don't often meet many creatures capable of carrying on a conversation."

"Do you normally converse with your prey?"

Iggy let out a quick laugh. "Prey?" he said, "Cath has never been prey to me. I'm not certain what kind of 'folk tales' you've heard, but I promise you I don't live up to them."

"They mention that you dragons are expert liars and manipulators."

"Oh please," the dragon said with a scoff, "Now I'm just insulted. Clearly your people have never taken the time to get to know a dragon."

"What did you do to Cath?" the ferret asked.

Iggy raised an eye ridge inquisitively. "Beg pardon?"

"Don't get coy with me. Your scent is all over her," Raz said, his muzzle crinkling in disgust. "What did you to her?"

The dragon gave a sly smirk. "Nothing she didn't want," he said, "I assure you."

Raz bared his teeth in anger as fury built inside of him as this monstrous creature mocked him so casually. The ferret leapt at the dragon--the fire briefly singeing the light fur of his belly--hoping to wipe that infuriating smile off of his face. His mid-air momentum was halted as a thick dragon paw collided with him, pinning him hard against the ground. The dragon stood over him now, his large paw easily keeping the lively ferret pinned, even as he attempted to claw and bite at his thick scaled hide.

"Calm yourself, Raz," the dragon said, "I am not your enemy."

"You raped her!" the ferret yelled. "You raped my sister!"

Iggy growled and lowered his snout to press hard against the ferret's own muzzle. "I did no such thing," he said.

Raz halted his struggling as the dragon had pinned his snout against his own, the intense stare of the dragon's light blue eyes scaring him still.

"She came to me. She asked me to mate her. She begged for me to give her my clutch," the dragon growled as he bared his teeth in a wicked smile, "So I did."

The ferret's amber eyes narrowed in anger. "You monster..."

"You dare call ME a monster? After what you did to your own sister?!"

Raz's eyes widened.

"Yes," Iggy said, the dragon's eye ridges furrowing, "She told me about how you were driven mad by her heat, how you tried to mate her this morning, how you ordered her to leave her own home when she wouldn't submit to you. And you call ME the monster."

The ferret's muzzle quivered as the dragon reminded him of his transgression against his own flesh and blood. "I lost control," Raz said, his eyes watering as he tried to turn his head away from the dragon, "I didn't mean to hurt her."

"And yet you did," the dragon spat back. "You were all she had in the world after you fled from your village, and you betray her trust because you can't keep your primal urges in check."

The ferret looked confused, and the dragon grinned wickedly at him. "Oh yes," he began. "I know where you both came from. She's told me all about how your home village was attacked and burned to the ground. How your family was slaughtered. And how you fled to the forest. You brought her here to try and create a new home in safety. And then you try to forcefully mate her, and send her away to fend for herself."

"I didn't know what else to do," the frightened ferret said, squirming beneath the dragon's paw. "If she stayed here, I could have hurt her."

"And forcing her out of her only home is the safer option?" the dragon said, a growl building in his throat. "You're lucky that she has me, or else you most likely would have never seen your sister again. She came to me frightened and alone, and she needed comfort. So I gave it to her. And I'm going to make sure she is never frightened or alone ever again.

"I'll be perfectly honest with you, Raz," the dragon continued, "Despite having only just met you, I don't like you. If it were up to me, and if I didn't know you as well as I did, I'd have swallowed you whole by now. And while you lay dying in my gut, I would be giving your sister another good, hard rutting." He spread open his muzzle, his maw inching open from beneath the two thick rows of razor-sharp dragon teeth, the rank breath of the dragon washing over the ferret in a pungent haze. The ferret's eyes teared up at the stench as he gazed into the dragon's cavernous maw.

"But it's not up to me," Iggy said, closing his mouth. "I know that Cath still loves you. And even despite your wrongdoing, you still love her. You kept her safe and brought her here when you both had no home left to go to. And because of that, she was able to find me." The dragon gave an unsettling smile to the frightened ferret beneath him. "You were all she had in the world, but now she has me, too."

The dragon lifted his head away from the ferret and released him from under his strong paw. The ferret scrambled away, pressing back against the cave wall while clutching at his aching chest, his heart racing while he breathed heavily.

"So here is what will happen," the dragon said, inching closer to the ferret. "You don't need to worry about taking care of Cath anymore. I will."

Raz tried to dart away toward the cave entrance but a dragon wing quickly lowered and blocked his path. The other wing lowered to his other side and effectively boxed the ferret in.

"After all, she will be swelling with my clutch soon," Iggy said with a pleasing rumble.

The ferret looked at the dragon in confusion. "" he asked, completely dumbfounded.

Iggy chuckled as his smile grew wider. "Oh, we dragons are quite adaptable," he said, "We're able to claim most any female in need. In a few short months she'll be giving birth to quite a few little ferrets, and maybe even a few dragons."

"So what then, you're just going to take Cath and leave me here alone?" Raz asked indignantly.

"Oh no no no," the dragon said, "I don't intend to separate you two. You just don't need to worry about taking care of her anymore. You don't need to worry about anything anymore. All you need to concern yourself me."

"Excuse me?"

The dragon's head leaned closer to Raz, the nervous ferret backing up as tightly against the wall of the cave as possible. "I won't lie to you, Raz," Iggy said, "I will be mounting Cath again. And again. And again. But she won't always be up to it--mating with a dragon is quite strenuous--and the last thing I want to do is hurt her doing something that we should both be enjoying. So when she needs rest, I'll need your...assistance."

"WHAT?!" Raz shouted. "No! I will not be your...plaything!"

Iggy only smiled, again showing a small hint of pearly white teeth. "Oh, come now, Raz," he said, "You make it sound like that's a bad thing."

"You perverted lizard..."

The dragon's paw wrapped around Raz's neck, squeezing him quite tightly. The ferret struggled desperately to breathe as his windpipe was constricted by the dragon's grip. "Now, now, let's not resort to childish name-calling," Iggy said in a mockingly polite tone. "I'm afraid you're not really in a position to refuse me. Like it or not, I am here to stay. If you wish to stay, you will obey me." The dragon's grip loosened slightly and the ferret felt himself just barely able to breathe.

Raz took in labored breaths as he tried to pry the dragon's strong grip from around his throat. He felt weak, he felt powerless, and he felt like he had failed his sister in every possible way. Letting her fall under the thrall of this treacherous beast--how could he have let this happen? The pangs of regret had returned to wreak their havoc, and all he could do was pathetically gasp for air while at the mercy of this dragon.

"Look at me, Raz," Iggy said. The ferret turned his head away and shut his eyes in defiance, and the dragon snorted in annoyance. His grip around his furred throat tightened slightly as he leaned his head in. "Look at me," he growled. The ferret snapped his eyes open at his menacing tone and looked at him. Fear and self-loathing were all too visible in his amber eyes as they locked their gaze to the dragon.

Staring in to the dragon's light-blue eyes, Raz began to feel strange. The pain from the dragon's grip seemed to recede. The horrible pang in his gut shrank. And he felt warmth, a warmth he hadn't felt in all too long. The same kind of warmth he still remembered from being curled up with his mother and sister beside a cozy fire on a winter's night. His clawing paws relaxed and dropped off from around the dragon's gripping paw, and his mouth hung open slightly as his teary eyes focused only on Iggy.

"Just relax, Raz," the dragon spoke in a low, comforting voice, a far cry from the terrifying command he gave a moment earlier. "Just look at me and relax. Doesn't that feel better?"

The ferret gave a weak nod.

A satisfied smile returned to the dragon's muzzle as he gently released the ferret's tender neck. "I can make things better for you and Cath," Iggy said, moving his head to gently press against the ferret's muzzle, making sure his eyes were the only thing the ferret focused on. "I can help rebuild your family, your life. I can keep you both safe. I can keep you both warm during even the harshest of winters. I can make Cath happy. Isn't that what you want?"

Raz wanted to turn to look back towards his slumbering sister, but he couldn't. He realized he didn't need to. She was safe, of course she was safe. Why wouldn't she be? Ignacious was here. Everything would be fine. He nodded slightly, not wanting to look away from the dragon for even a moment. Tears built in his eyes from not having blinked in many moments.

"I just need to make you mine," the dragon said, drawing his head back slightly and sitting back on his haunches, exposing his full underbelly to the enraptured ferret. "Taste me, ferret." He motioned his head down towards the bottom of his underbelly, where the dragon's ebony cock hung, sitting above the dragon's plump testes which lay gently upon the ground.

The ferret felt his heart sink as the dragon's head lifted away from him, separating him from his beautiful eyes. He only felt the need to move his head when the dragon gave his command, shifting his gaze towards his maleness. Raz dropped on to all fours and crawled toward the large maleness. It was so oddly captivating, just looking at it. The powerful scent that he smelled earlier upon his sister now wafted all around him, and it was marvelous. So heavy, so rich, and so powerful. He lowered his muzzle closer to the dragon's maleness, while opening his mouth wider ever so slowly. His tongue inched out, already tasting the dragon's musk in the heated air, and licked gently at the plump dragon cockhead.

Iggy drew in a short breath as he felt the rough ferret tongue along the tip of his member, breathing out a steamy sigh of pleasure. He watched the ferret with a growing satisfaction, pleased with himself at knowing that this lively male, who mere moments ago was defiant and attempting to attack him, was now on all fours and under his command. "More," he hissed softly.

The fuzzy muzzle of the male ferret opened at the moment of the dragon's command and swiftly engulfed the ebony cockhead. The dragon tasted so rich, unlike anything Raz had ever known before, as if every type of taste was dancing upon his tongue all at once. He slathered his tongue along the underside of his member, feeling the maleness begin to swell ever so slightly within his mouth. Inch by inch, he slowly began to take more of the dragon into his muzzle, the ferret's mouth soon being almost completely stuffed. He gently bobbed his head along what length he could manage to take, savoring the powerful, heated length that only grew thicker and stronger.

The dragon grit his teeth and hissed softly as he felt the ferret work more of his tight, hot mouth over his length. Iggy knew that this would feel stupendous but even still the pleasure was still almost too much for him to handle--he certainly had to get Cath to do this with him later. He reached a forepaw down to stroke gently along the ferret's back as he continued his oral servicing. "Good boy," Iggy said reassuringly, "Such a good boy...That's it, take all of me..." The dragon inched his paw up towards the back of the ferret's head and eased him further down his shaft.

The positive words filled Raz with a joy he had never felt before. He felt good to know that he was pleasing this dragon, this powerful, wonderful dragon. Feeling the strong grip against the back of his head, he pushed his muzzle further down the dragon's length, feeling the cockhead prod against the back of his throat. A warm wetness oozed out from the cock tip, dripping small drops of warm dragon essence directly down the ferret's throat. The warmth seemed to subconsciously trigger something for the ferret, as he soon pushed himself farther. Raz's furry throat bulged quite prominently as he engulfed even more of the dragon's length, the tip of his pink nose touching gently against the scales of the dragon's crotch.

Iggy gasped in surprise as he felt even more of his length disappear into the ferret's muzzle, shuddering slightly as he felt almost his entire cock wrapped around by Raz's tight, wet mouth. He had to force himself to keep from simply rutting into the ferret and mating his throat, less he suffocate him or break his neck. He gripped the scruff of the ferret's neck and gently eased him off his length. The ferret protested as he tried to stuff every inch of the dragon's throbbing cock into his throat, moaning weakly out from around his cock-stuffed muzzle. "Such an eager little ferret you are, Raz," said the dragon, chuckling slightly as he watched the ferret eagerly bounce his head along his shaft. Iggy kept a firm grip upon the ferret to keep him from going too deep into his throat again, despite how incredible it felt.

The dragon's incredibly musky taste was driving Raz wild. The soreness in his stretched jaw was hardly a concern to him as he spread his tongue all along the underside of the dragon's cock, feeling it throb gently and spurt more drops of warm, sweet precum from the tip. He wanted to taste more, he wanted to feel this incredible maleness throb and twitch within his throat. But the dragon tightened his grip along the back of his neck, and spoke definitely, "Enough." Raz halted, traces of drool and precum dripping from the sides of his muzzle. Hesitantly, he drew himself back, releasing the dragon's malenss from his mouth. It was the last thing the ferret wanted at that moment, but it was what Ignacious commanded, and that was all that mattered.

Sighing heavily as he felt his cock withdraw from the ferret's warm mouth, Iggy looked down at the disappointed ferret. He placed a single claw under his chin and drew his gaze up towards his. The dragon smiled warmly as Raz stared, his mouth still hanging open wide, showing strands of the dragon's own precum still sitting within and dripping out of his mouth. "Did you enjoy that, Raz?" Iggy asked.

The ferret nodded weakly.

"I knew you would," the dragon said, "All you had to do was just relax and let me take over." The dragon withdrew his claw from under the ferret's chin and leaned back slightly further, his hard cock lifting up to sit right atop the ferret's muzzle. He chuckled softly as he watched the ferret continue staring at him while his maleness oozed warm pre onto his head. "See how good it feels? Giving yourself up completely, letting go of all your worries and fears...Now you're mine." Iggy gave a slight thrust of his crotch to slide his cock along the top of the ferret's head, bumping his snout against his plump, musky balls. "Say it."

Raz instantly replied, "I'm yours," his tone soft as he smelled the hot and heavy male scent from the dragon's sac. His arms and legs quivered to hold his form up as the heated sensation of his musk flooded his senses.

The dragon grinned devilishly at hearing the ferret so willingly submit--this had worked much more effectively than he planned. He drew his cock back away from the ferret's head, leaving him staring up at him, his limbs shaking beneath him as he still sat on all fours. "Turn around and lift that fluffy tail nice and high," Iggy commanded.

The dumbfounded ferret shuffled around, presenting his dark-furred hind end to the dragon and lifting his fluffy tail high to reveal his tight, pink pucker. Iggy rumbled with delight as he crouched down and leaned his head to look closer at Raz's tailhole. He brought a paw forward to prod at the ferret's tight hole with a claw, sinking the tip in ever so slightly. Raz gasped as he felt the dragon's sharp claw teasingly enter his ass. The claw was soon replaced with the powerful, lively tongue of the dragon, which lapped along the surface of the ferret's pucker. He felt his hole relax as the muscular appendage lapped at his rear, putting up little resistance as the tongue tipped sank itself into him.

The inner walls of the ferret's ass hugged tightly around Iggy's invading tongue. The dragon was quite surprised to find the ferret tasted quite exquisite--he made a mental note that he would have to practice some oral pleasure upon Cath when he mated her again. He gripped the ferret's muscular rump cheeks and spread them as he dug his tongue deeper into him. The lively tongue spread the innards of the ferret and slathered them with copious amounts of saliva, making the inner walls of the ferret nice and slick.

Raz squirmed and moaned as he felt himself stimulated in depths that he didn't know could even be stimulated. His own maleness was now throbbing hard between his legs, dripping pre onto the ground beneath him. He sighed out as he felt the dragon's tongue slowly withdraw from him, leaving his hole feeling slightly agape. Shocks of pleasure shot through him as he felt the dragon's paw gently massage at his furry balls, causing him to whimper and ooze out even more pre--much to the dragon's delight.

Shifting himself down onto all fours once more, Iggy positioned himself entirely over Raz. He was pleased to hear the gentle whimpering of the ferret beneath him as he got himself into position, adjusting the tip of his throbbing cock directly against the ferret's moist tailhole. "It's time to get a taste of what I gave your lovely sister," the dragon said, lowering his bulk down upon the ferret. "The first time of many. I'll keep you both swollen with my seed." As he finished speaking, he thrust himself forward forcefully, sinking the first few inches of his cock within Raz.

The sudden feeling of being filled caused Raz to shout out in pain. Despite the quick prep from Iggy's tongue, the dragon's fat cock was still almost too much to bare. He felt his arms buckle beneath him, causing his upper body to fall to the ground. His chest was pressed harder into the dirt beneath him as he felt the dragon thrust again, shoving another few inches into his depths. The ferret tried his best to stifle his cries, and spread his legs farther apart, but the dragon was immense and unstoppable.

"Mmmmfff!" Iggy grunted out as he thrust hard once more. Raz was even tighter than her sister, which certainly didn't seem possible. He already began to feel the base of his cock swell into its knot. He certainly wanted to savor the time he would spend breeding his new plaything, but as the inner walls of the ferret hugged and squeezed around him, he knew he couldn't hold himself forever. "Mmm-mine!" the dragon said, as he felt his knot bump against the ferret's rump. "You will be mine!"

Raz felt completely stuffed, and only could whimper and groan as he felt Iggy hump and thrust above him. The dragon's cock would be withdrawn slightly just to be slammed back inside him harder and harder, each time his strained tailhole being pressed upon by the dragon's thick knot. He wanted to protest, to beg him to stop, but he knew that this was what Iggy wanted, and Iggy only wanted what was best for him and his sister. The ferret shouted in surprise as he felt the dragon's cockhead press against something deep inside him, sending a jolt of pleasure through his own loins. With each hard thrust it hit harder against that sweet spot, sending his cock into throbbing spasms. He cried out loudly as he felt the thick cockhead slam into him and press harder once more, the prolonged sweet sensation masking the pain of his hole being spread around the dragon's knot.

With a possessive growl, Iggy felt the ferret's tailhole engulf his knot, letting the scaly crotch of the dragon press firmly against Raz's fuzzy rump. He hissed as he felt the ferret's warm, velvety innards constrict around every inch of his cock. Tighter and tighter they squeezed against him as he heard the ferret scream from underneath him, clearly in the midst of orgasm. Shots of ferret cum splattered beneath them while the dragon began to buck hard and fast.

Pulses of pleasure wracked the ferret's body as he felt his achingly hard cock cum. He felt himself clench tightly against the hilted dragon cock, which soon began to throb back against him. The underside of the dragon cock pulsed as Iggy let out a triumphant roar. Thick, hot ropes of cum erupted from the tip of the cock, filling the ferret with the intense, radiant warmth of dragon seed. The flow of spunk into the ferret only grew stronger, overfilling the ferret's body quite quickly. The dragon's knot kept even a drop of cum from spilling out.

The dragon pressed his forelegs tightly to the sides of the ferret, growling with such pleasure as he felt the male ferret's belly swell with the warmth of his copious seed--just like his sister. Iggy couldn't help but shudder as the last moments of his orgasm rolled through his loins, the powerful flow of his spunk finally dying down. He felt his legs begin to buckle, so he rolled over to his side, clutching the swollen ferret still locked on to his cock. The dragon rubbed at Raz's cum-swollen tummy, chuckling softly as he felt wet patches of the ferret's own cum. "You're mine," he whispered, "All mine."

Soft whimpers were all Raz could manage to make as his orgasm finally died down. His whole body felt sore, but he never felt more relaxed and content. He rubbed his swollen belly, oddly fascinated by how it sloshed about and felt so warm. The possessive words of the dragon echoed in his mind, filling him with reassurance, and even a hint of pride. As exhaustion overtook him, he knew that he and Cath were in good hands now.

"Iggy?" said a voice from the back of the cave, "Raz?" Cath stepped forward to see the sight of her bloated brother hilted upon the cock of her dragon lover.

The dragon looked up with a soft smile to his lovely female ferret. "Hello, Cath," Iggy said. "Raz and I...had a good talk." He gave a slight thrust into the male ferret to punctuate his words, eliciting another whimper from her brother.

Cath looked dumbstruck--this was the last thing she expected to happen when she thought of Iggy meeting Raz. "W-what did you do to Raz?" she asked, still taking in the bizarre sight before her.

"There's no need to worry, Cath," the dragon said, "I assure you." He patted a paw down at the ground beside him. "Come, let's get some sleep."

All of her concerns seemed to vanish as she looked into the dragon's lovely eyes and smiled. With a nod, she walked over and slumped down next to Iggy's chest, curling up close to him and Raz. The dragon curled his tail around to surround the two exhausted ferrets and draped a wing over them to cover them completely. Iggy drew in a breath through his snout, savoring the smell of his scent all over the brother and sister. "All mine," he whispered, watching the cave's fire slowly die out after a long, lovely evening.