An Experienced Hand

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Living in an incestuous family can be a relief when one is a teenager and your girlfriend isn't putting out, but it's a whole nother thing when your father starts to take an interest in said girlfriend. A little cliche, but still had fun writing this for Fyrdragon.

The feel of the dirt bike vibrated between Hiss' legs, a pleasant thrill that ran up along his spine while he felt his girlfriend pressing along the line of his back as he took the paths that ran behind his parents' farm and through the woods. Her hands rested right over his stomach, an almost sensual feel as they brushed up along the line of her belly and traveled lower at times. It was the first time that he'd brought Holly out here, and he intended to make it something of an event for both of them. He had been bragging about his knew dirt bike for a while, though it wasn't exactly new, he had gotten it as a fixer upper. It had required time and patience, and nearly all of his money from his second job to get it up and running again, but it was his baby. He would have preferred to have a motorcycle, but his mother had been pretty firm on that mark. Still, this worked well enough for now, and it certainly impressed his girlfriend.

Holly was absolutely adorable, he had noticed her the first day back at school. She was short, just barely five feet tall, with the darkest black fur he'd ever seen mixed with snowy white. The fur made her look well padded, almost chubby, but he knew that beneath that fur she was quite lean. He assumed that naked she would look even more lovely, but he hadn't had that chance yet. He had only had a few kisses, some heavy petting so far, but he was hoping for more. They had been going out for three weeks so far, and each day she was a little closer to him. Even now she was quite sensual pressed up against the line of his back, her warm breasts pressing firmly against him while her helmeted head nearly bounced against his own.

"You wanna take some jumps?" He called back to her while deftly turning down one of the paths that would sweep them down the hill.

"Jumps?" She had to yell to be heard, but he could easily hear the spike of fear in her voice. "I don't think so, I'm... uh.. No, no jumps."

"Fine.." He laughed good naturedly, his tendrils twisted back to run around her, squeezing her in close against him while he turned away from the path that would have taken them down near the ditches, and instead chose a smoother past that ran along the pasture.

Once they were past the worst of the rough bumps on the path and smoothed out, he slowed the bike down and leaned backwards slightly. The warmth of her body was outlined by his tendrils as they curled and caressed in a light line. He loved the way she felt, the way that he would squirm at the unfamiliar feel of those appendages around her. She had never met anyone with infernal blood before, and she didn't seem to be bothered by the fact he had it. The superstitions that were normally associated with people in his bloodline were lengthy, but she simply ignored it and judged him by his easy going personality. He appreciated that, he also appreciated the long thick tail that he could see out of the corner of his eye when he turned to look back at her.

"We've got horses out that way!" He gestured with his head towards the main pasture where a few of the mares were grazing, only one of them had a foal at her side. "Ever been horse riding?"

"Yeah, once, but I was a lot younger." She called back, her attention focused on them with interest. "They're gorgeous, your parents breed them?"

"Yeah, we also got some cows, but they aren't that interesting, yanno?" He turned his head back to the path and took another turn, one that brought them onto the main road that ran between the fence lines. "Nothing really else, just this an' that."

"You should get some goats, you can have the whole set then." Holly giggled in her high pitched voice, even that was adorable, and slightly sensual. Just enough of a purr to it that it made a shiver run down his spine.

He kept his attention on the road as he deftly guided them up onto the grass where talking wasn't possible as they bounced and sped up. He didn't just want to take her on a little joyride, he had plans to see if she'd be interested in a roll in the hay. She had been excited to find out that he lived on a farm, most of the kids at school had parent that worked in the mill or they worked downtown. Farmland was expensive, and his parents had been lucky to pick up nearly a thousand acres for barely anything at all after it had been strip mined. He had seen pictures of the land back then, it had all been bare and scarred, hardly what it was today. Ropes had used some of his influence to help him get it back and fertile again. They hadn't wanted to grow crops, only to have grazing land, which was easy enough to supply.

Now it was one of the more successful farm ventures in the county, the beef and milk cows provided extra income, and the horses were rarely sold. They were his mother's pride and joy, and he could tell that Holly was just as intrigued by them. He wished he could take her out riding tonight, but it was getting late and they'd be getting restless so they could be fed. Still, she'd probably enjoy a good view of the stable, and there was a rather nice hayloft that they could sneak up into. Perhaps she'd actually go all the way, or simply enjoy a warm playful make out session. Either way, a shiver ran down his back as he pulled up to the stables.

. . . . . . . . .

~ ~ * ~ ~


"C'mon, right up here." Hiss pulled at Holly's hand playfully, his eyes bright with hidden laughter as he coaxed her up towards the stairs. "You can see all the stalls up here."

"Oh?" She crinkled her nose up at him, but didn't protest as she scrambled up behind him and went up the stairs. She knew that he was going to suggest once they were up there, and she curled her tail along her back in anticipation.

She'd never known anyone quite like Hiss, he was so strangely unique for their small town, full of mischief and just a hint of wickedness behind his calm nature. When she'd started her first day at school she'd been taken aback by the sight of the tendrils that were lightly coiled around his upper arms so they wouldn't get in his way. It was so strange to see any creature like him that he had barely been able to stammer a hello when she'd sat down. He'd been amused, and not at all offended by the way that she was so shy. He had just started to pursue her with a bit more ardently to get her out of her shell.

At first it had been little things, getting her introduced around the school, making friends with his group of friends. It had been a relief to have people that wanted to hang out with her, the move from Boston had set her on uneasy ground. She had spent her life in Boston, she had had friends, even a boyfriend that she'd had for years, lost her virginity too. And being uprooted and placed in such a small town was frustrating to her. Hiss had made that better, or at least tolerable, and then even happy. He'd started to ask her out on his own, teasing her, playfully flirting until they had just taken the next logical step. Still, she wasn't making it easy for him, she enjoyed teasing him and flirting, letting him earn every liberty.

It was thrilling to put a stop to him when he was nearly to the point of peeling off her shirt, or when his paw moved up along her inner thigh. She didn't want to stop it, he always got her aroused and worked up, but she wanted their first time to be built up and be something spectacular. Well, that and she wasn't entirely positive she wanted to just hop into bed with him. It hadn't been all that long ago that she had had a boyfriend of her own, and cared about him. Eventually she'd feel more confident, more like she'd managed to get over things, until then she just enjoyed more innocent play.

"C'mere!" With a laugh Hiss tugged her forward so she nearly fell in the loose hay that was thrown around the ground.

His arms instantly wrapped around her, pulling her closely against the broadness of his chest and his tendrils curled along the edges of her shoulders and trailed down towards the line of her back. He was warm, so terribly warm, the fur brushed against her while the fingers moved to trail upwards along the line of his back towards his shoulders. The fabric was balled up slightly and she didn't fight as his head tipped down so his lips caressed right along the line of her ears. The flick of a warm tongue trailed out to run along the outer edge, tracing it to send a shiver down her back as he used his hold to pull her shorter body up against him and twirled around.

Holly let out a squeaking squeal as she was turned about and tossed into a pile of hay, her back bumping right against a bale of straw before he dropped down with a lash of his tail. He did so with a bit of a pounce, startling another squeal out of her at the suddenness of the movement. He pressed his paws above her head, crouching slightly so that he didn't press against her, but hovered above her. A warm puff of breath spilled out against the edge of her neck before his lips caressed teasingly along the line of her throat. The heat of his tongue stroked against her fur, pushing upwards in a slow flickering line that sent a tremor running down the line of her spine. She squirmed in place as the tongue turned into gentle teeth.

She moved her hands up to spread along his chest, caressing and pulling it up so that she could feel his strong chest. His body was warm as slowly, inch by inch, he dropped his body so that he pressed against her and trailed his hands down towards the curve of his hips. His thumbs brushed upwards, curling right against the softness of her belly so she bit back a little noise. She loved the gentle touches, not quite trying for anything further, not quite pressing her beyond the bounds of her comfort, just enough that she knew he was behaving. She ran her fingers beneath his shirt, sliding around his back before lowering her muzzle to kiss along the line of his shoulder. Her lips trailed upwards, teasing towards the edge of his jawline as his weight soon settled over her.

She kept one leg against his own, but the other she slipped partially open so that she felt the intimate brush of his sheath against her loins. She loved the way that that bulge pressed against her, promising all sorts of intimate things that they could do together as his lips worked up to the sensitive ridge of her ears. Her hips rolled up, pressing against him firmly as he teased so deliberately that she let out a soft whimpering noise in pleasure. He was learning exactly how to touch her, how to get her to react, and she could feel his own body firming up and his pants tightening.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ ~ * ~ ~

Hiss did his damned best not to push his girlfriend too hard, but it was almost impossible to keep himself relaxed when her body was against him. Holly was so soft, her fur caressing over him, the way that her lips brushed his neck and the soft noises spilled out of her throat. He moved his hands downwards and trailed to either side of her hips, pulling them closer against him so he could feel himself grinding lightly against her covered mound. It made him arch upwards, bucking slightly at the sensation of her hips rising to greet him before he leaned down and kissed his way along the line of her collar bone and lower. Her scent filling his nose as he could feel his cock tip pushing out of his sheath.

She didn't stop him as he nuzzled down against her covered breasts, instead, her nails lightly ran down along the line of his back and towards his rump cheeks. He kissed her, pressing against those soft mounds before trailing towards the curve of her nipple. The gentle touch brushed to the stiffened nub, feeling it against his lips as he let out a playful purring growl. He pushed his tongue out while she squirmed under him, his lips wrapping around the fabric that covered her nipple before drawing it in in a straight hot line to make her cry out. He rolled his hips forward a bit more firmly, brushing back and forth against her mound as his pants grew tighter in answer to the shaft that started to push out from his sheath.

He wanted her, he wanted to peel her shirt off so he could roll her nipple on her tongue and feel the fur tickle his nose. He flicked his tendrils out to coil along her wrists lightly while his hands moved to push her shirt upwards, exposing her soft white belly as he did so. She didn't tell him to stop, she nipped playfully at his neck and rubbed her cheek along the top of his head as he ran his teeth lightly against her nipple. He didn't do it hard enough to hurt, no, just a gentle touch to make her wriggle back and forth against him in reaction. He lifted his head and pushed her shirt up, ducking down so he could run his tongue beneath the swell of her breast.

"Off.." She panted out and shifted up beneath him, helping him to pull her shirt upwards.

Yes, finally... He almost trembled with eagerness, pulling at her shirt to tug it over her head.

"IF YOU TWO DON'T STOP MOANING UP THERE I'M GOING TO HAVE THE HORSES IN A PANIC!" Ropes' voice was loud, an annoyed, freezing them both in place.

"Uhh.... S-sorry Dad.." Hiss' cheeks flushed hot and he dropped his head against Holly's shoulder. "We were just trying to-"

"I don't care what you two are doing, but it's feeding time and Auster is getting worked up because you're moaning and panting.." His father sounded well and truly annoyed, while Holly squeaked and ducked down. Her ears were dark red in embarrassment.

"Sorry, Holly.." He muttered under his breath, tugging her shirt down along her bared belly and chest. "I forgot what time it was."

"It's okay... I mean..." Holly gave him a nervous, embarrassed smile as she whispered back. She wriggled out from under him, while he leaned back on his knees and winced a bit at his half hard shaft pushed against his jeans.

"Timing.." He shifted just enough to see his father tossing grain into the troughs one at a time, the horses snorting restlessly. He didn't even glance up at him.

"I should probably be getting home anyway, it's kinda getting later and I have homework to do." She flashed a smile towards him while settling her shirt down around her hips.

"Yeah," He offered a weak smile. "C'mon, I'll get you back home alright, but we'll have to brave my Dad."

Old pervert, he was probably watching us.. He sighed a little, but wriggled towards the ladder with her, blushing, following him.

He had been so close, he was sure she would have gone the whole way with him this time. It wasn't the first time they had been interrupted, but it was still frustrating. The only reason he hadn't gone mad at this point was the fact he could at least count on his mother or sister fooling around with him. They weren't Holly, but it was at least some relief to the pressure that was building in his loins. He'd see her home and sneak up on his mother, she was always randy in the evenings. It wasn't really cheating on Holly, after all, they were his family. He held to that thought of relief as he helped Holly down under his father's annoyed glance, ignoring the knowing look that was lingering in the older puma's eyes.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ropes watched the pair leave the barn, his lips twitching up in a smile at the way the boy walked. It was impossible to miss what they'd been doing, from the time he walked into the barn he heard the panting breaths and little whimpers coming from the hay loft. He had assumed they'd stop once he started feeding the horses, he hadn't been quiet after all, but they had just kept going at it. He remembered what it was like to be young, and he was more than tempted to watch them as they had their fun, but the horses came first. FD would have his hide if he upset her horses, especially if he did it just to watch his son make out with his girlfriend.

"You two have fun now!" He called after them, just to see Holly blush again, her thick tail twitching above her shapely rump cheeks.

The girl was lovely, too pretty by half, with the soft curves that seemed to come with being a skunk. He'd been a bit surprised when he'd first met her, at seventeen she was finally growing in an adult body. He had always admired skunks, they were so boldly colored and those tails. A low growl escaped his lips as he dumped another bucket of feed into a trough. Her tail was snowy white all around the edges, thick enough that it set off the plump rise of her rump cheeks. No wonder his son was trailing after her like an eager pup, and it was even more interesting to know she was holding back.

He didn't have to get it out of Hiss to know that the boy wasn't getting anything out of the girl. Every time he had a date with her he'd come home and end up in bed with his sister or mother, or in the shower pawing off. Holly was no virgin either, he'd know it, he was turned off of virgins. It wasn't by his nature to be able to take innocence, so he had no idea why she was leading him along, unless she wanted to get him pent up enough to grow truly impassioned. If that were the case, she was waiting for nothing, the boy wasn't suffering. He was just getting his rocks off somewhere else.

The puma scratched one of the mares behind the ears and watched the girl get into her car to head out. He'd get into her pants eventually, he knew that, but she'd be assuming he was waiting just like she was. Not toppling into bed with his mother or sister, it wasn't fair in the least bit. Not for her. The poor skunk deserved a true infernal hand on her, one that would be able to give her all the passions her build up deserved. She'd end up bedding him and thinking that he had waited for her, just as she was waiting for him. If he was seeking relief, surely she deserved to have some as well.

"Doesn't she, girl?" He murmured to the horse lazily. "Hiss really shouldn't lie to her, you know, not when she's not getting any of the relief he is..."

Yet... He grinned to himself as he leaned backwards a few inches and stretched out. I'm sure I can make sure that she isn't left all worked up with no one to help with those... itches.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"I'm so glad you could help us out, Holly, I know that you really don't know us that well." Ropes purred softly as he pulled the car up to the main house. "Hiss has been running ragged lately."

"Oh, that's okay. I got his text earlier, I just thought he'd be the one to pick me up." The skunk was pressed into the passenger seat, glancing nervously over at the older puma who had picked her up.

She'd known that Hiss was going to be busy this weekend, he'd been complaining bitterly about the fact that he was going to be laying fencing and moving the cattle. The skunk had been rather aroused by the idea of him playing the cowboy, but disappointed that she'd spend the weekend without him. She hadn't really made plans, but his text had been a surprise, a simple request to see if she were free for the afternoon and if she wanted to help out on the farm. She'd assumed it was so he could get some time alone with her, so she'd readily agreed, but it hadn't been Hiss that had picked her up, but a harried looking Ropes.

"It's not often that we need to get some help." Ropes opened his side of the car and stepped out with a bit of a smile towards her. "Hiss and Helena are working at the pastureland and fencing, but they'll be back this afternoon."

"Am I going to be helping them?" Holly stepped out as well, fluffing her tail up a little bit from where it had been flattened against the back of the car seat. "I don't know much about that, you know."

"Mercy no!" Ropes let out a laugh, sounding far deeper than his son's. "If you don't mind, you can help me fixing up the hayloft, we're going to be doing some heavy work but not much. Hiss was going to be up here, but he's much better putting up fencing."

"Mmm, I wouldn't mind going out to see him work at some point." Holly licked her lips playfully at the idea of seeing him work in the fields. She'd begun to get more and more randy as time went on between them.

In the last few weeks she and Hiss had begun to get more and more serious, it was harder to deny that she wanted nothing more than to strip naked with him. She was playful, always stopping just before they went too far, but it was making it harder for her to concentrate. She wanted to go all the way, she was getting to the point that her fingers certainly weren't doing enough to make her feel any sort of relief, even when she tried several times an evening. It might be a good blessing to help out on their farm for the day, it would at least get her mind off of her loins for a little bit. Though, she was a bit embarrassed by her own desires.

Ropes didn't seem to notice her rapidly twitching tail as he began to point out the work that they'd been doing in the last week. There were stacks of new lumber set out near the barn, the truck was full of hay and backed up nearby. A new barn was in the midst of being completed, about partway there and he boasted that they were going to be adding a new stud to the farm and needed the extra space. It was a lot of work, and at the moment, she realized that there were nearly a dozen other people trotting around trying to help out. Some were working on getting the horses into trailers, others were carrying loads of wood about, and even a few were working on the barn. It was like a three ring circus of people she didn't know, and she pulled her ears back a little.

"C'mon, I think Helena's clothes will fit you." Ropes gave her a long look, his eyes sweeping over her in a way that made her flush a bit. "No offense, but you're going to get filthy today and I don't want you ruining your clothes."

"Oh, I didn't really think.." She glanced down at her loose pants and top, she had wriggled into. "I guess that's a good idea. I didn't realize things would be so busy."

"Well, it's the only day we can get everyone out here and Hiss thought you'd be handy. I promised to cut you two loose early so you can go down to the pond for some swimming." Hiss' father grinned amiably. "Let's get you changed!"

It didn't take long for her to wriggle into a top that was just a touch too tight on her, and a pair of worn jeans. They were both older, with a few patched holds and worn places, but it was serviceable enough and she felt better. She had half expected to be set to a task immediately, but Ropes had offered her a bottle of water and directed her to the barn to wait for him. Before she could question, he was off barking orders to a few people working on the barn, his tendrils lashing in agitation as she was left wandering to where he'd gestured. She felt out of place, she would have felt better if Hiss had been here, she still didn't know his family well enough to feel at ease on their property.

It was such a strange family, too. She could see the red dragon working on the barn, a dragon! There wasn't even a hint of dragon on Hiss, but he'd assured her that Helena and he shared the same parents. Holly got herself out of the way of most of the madness by perching on the hayloft steps and watching as a blue dragon, somehow related to FD, was trying to do his level best to get in Ropes' way as the infernal puma pointed at the plans. They all seemed to know exactly what was going on, but she had no experience with a farm, let along anything to do with working on one. The most she could do was whatever she was directed to do and hope that she didn't screw things up too badly.

At least Hiss and I can swim later.. And maybe do something more... She squirmed a bit at the thought, she was finally done teasing the boy.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ropes ran his paws along his head fur and turned away from the madness that was getting the barn built, and turned to the one that was abandoned at the moment. He had wanted to make sure everything was taken care of all the way down to the smallest detail before he left to do his own work. The thought made his tail curl a little bit as he padded across the barnyard and caught sight of the skunk perched on the hayloft stairs. He had an actual chore to do, they had to empty out the hayloft to get things ready to be shifted to the new barn. But that was only the second part in his plans for the day.

He had watched Hiss and Holly together as she had come over a bit more frequently on the farm. He wanted her, he wanted to teach her about the pleasure of his tendrils and body, and more importantly, he wanted to give her the relief that his son was taking advantage of. He certainly couldn't have simply gone to her house or asked her over, it wouldn't have been right, so he had had to be patient. Like today. A patience that had paid off when he'd idly suggested Hiss invite his girlfriend over to help with the barn move so she could get to know the family better. That was his lie, the truth was, he would have time to be with her, alone.

Well, in the midst of this madness, but no one will disturb me. He grinned to himself, watching the skunk lift her head up and show the white fur of her throat and upper chest.

He'd taken pains to pick out clothes that were too small for her from Helena's closet. The shirt was able to be buttoned, but it strained just enough that he got a good view of her warm full breasts. It was a shame she'd left her bra on, it muted the view of her nipples, but he would have a better view later. The pants weren't so tight to be uncomfortable, but they were a pale tan color that set off her fur and accentuated the curl of her thick fluffy tail behind her. Doubtless, Hiss would have been drooling by now.

"C'mon, Holly." He put a friendly smile on as he gestured towards the hayloft. "We need to get the hay and straw bales loaded onto the truck below and empty the place out."

"We're taking them out?" She blinked a little in confusion as he gestured for her to go up ahead of him.

"Of course, the new barn won't have a tendency to leak. We've nearly got the loft finished so we can load it up." He waited for her to step ahead of him, almost purring at the sight of her plush ass cheeks as she climbed.

He kept himself from reaching a paw out to cup them, the last thing he wanted to do was scare her off this early in the game. He planned on dragging it out, he wanted her to think it was only natural when he seduced her. He had no intention of raping the poor girl, no, she'd love every moment of it. And then he'd return her right into Hiss' arms filled with his seed and his son none the wiser for what had happened. That took patience, and he could be patient for as long as it took him to seduce her.

"I've never really done anything like this, Mr-" She started to use his last name and he snapped a tendril playfully at her.

"Ropes, girl. I'm not that old." He chided her and reached over to swing the large hayloft doors open wide. "Alright, what we're going to do is throw the bales down onto the truck. Normally we'd stack them, but there's no reason to do that when we're just driving it across the walk."

"And I thought you said we wouldn't be doing any heavy lifting.." She murmured ruefully, her ears twitched back. "Alright, I'll do my best at least."

"That's all I ask, my dear." Ropes gave a slight bow, his brows raised just enough to give him a roguish appearance.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Holly had always dreamed of one day having her own farm, her own land, animals of her own. She loved them, but she rapidly found out that it was far more hard work than she had ever imagined being on a farm. The bales of hay and straw weren't light, and haul them she had to pick them up by twine that bit into her palms and made her wince every time she tried to haul one up to throw it down onto the truck. Her breathing came out in short pants, sweat trickled down along the back of her neck as she worked as hard as she could, doing her best to make a good impression on the puma that labored beside her.

Ropes had an obvious advantage with his tendrils, he twisted them down and coiled around the underside of the bales to take some of the weight when he hauled it upwards. He could also peel off his shirt when he became too hot, baring the creamy white fur of his chest while he threw the bales down onto the truck, easily outdistancing her in the amount that was being cast down. She did make a dent, of that she was proud, her side of the barn emptied slowly bit by bit, the dust settled along the back of her neck as she tried to catch up with Ropes swift flings.

For being someone's father he wasn't as frail as what she expected, or as old looking. His body was lean and muscled, not showing the paunch that her own father had started to show. There was no surprise why he was in shape if he did this all the time. He looked quite a bit like his son, she could see the resemblance readily enough, but he was filled out. He was more complete. Hiss was more lean and softer around the edges, he hadn't grown to equal his sire's height and his legs and arms were longer than Ropes'. She watched him out of the corner of her eyes, enjoying the sight of him and imagining what her boyfriend would be like as he grew older. It was easy to see how he had managed to seduce his wife, dragons were notoriously species conscious, but he had claimed her.

These thoughts helped to keep her mind away from the exhaustion that crept over her body, his arms shaking slightly as her breath panted out in short shallow pants. Her own muscles were aching by the time she got all of the green hay down and stared down at the loaded truck a little bit doubtfully, her ears twitching back at the mess that they had made. Throwing the bales down without stacking them meant that a lot of them were half open, or tumbled about, not a neat pile in the least bit.

"Should I go arrange them?" She twitched her thick white and black tail along the line of her spine, trying to use it like a fan. "It looks messy."

"Hmm?" Ropes paused and peered down curiously, tilting his head. "Oh no, it's not being hauled down the road, you know."

He leaned out, the long green tendrils twisted along the edge of one of the poles before he whistled for someone and made a gesture towards the truck. The group that was working on the barn kept laboring on, but one of them came over with a wave and jingling keys in one hand. She glanced towards Ropes' side of the barn and grimaced a bit, he'd not only emptied out the hay, but a good portion of the straw as well had been thrown down.

"I didn't make much of a dent." She grimaced and dropped down into a seat, leaning backwards while she tried to catch her breath. Ropes offered her an almost patronizing smile, but blessedly didn't agree outright with her.

"We got it loaded up for the first run," Ropes grinned brightly and leaned over so he could use a tendril to pull a small cooler closer to him. "Here, gotta keep hydrated you know."

Holly caught the electric blue drink and wrinkled her nose up a little bit, but twisted the cap off so she could swallow down a few gulps to relieve her parched throat. She shifted a little bit on the hay bale as Ropes stood up and wandered over to flop down next to her with an amiable smile on his face.

"So.." She shifted a little awkwardly, "You guys do this stuff often?"

"Farm work?" The puma flashed a grin at her before snorting in laughter. "We don't do it to this scale that often, but it'll go easier with so many folks helping. Lightens the load all around."

"Yeah, well.. I'm not really that helpful. I thought I'd be doing something a little easier, you know?" She tried to not sound awkward, but she'd never really gotten know Hiss' family and it was strangely awkward having his unfocused attention on her.

"What? A young thing like you?" Ropes bared his sharp teeth in a smile. "It was just a few haybales."

"Yeah well, I'll probably be feeling it tomorrow." She rubbed her shoulder ruefully before taking another drink. "I think I'm going to have to seriously reconsider having my own farm."

"Ahhh it just takes time to get used to it." Ropes gave his head a shake and gestured with a paw. "Here, turn your back to me, I'll try and make sure you don't get too sore. You'd be surprised how often FD ends up with strained muscles after bringing in a new order of hay and straw."

The skunk blinked a little bit at him, but shifted in her seat so that her back was turned towards him like he gestured her too. Her back was really starting to hurt, the ache was formed right along her shoulders where she had strained her muscles. She didn't think anything about his offer, not when she was still embarrassed by the fact she hadn't worked as fast as he had. He was older, after all, he should have been slower than she was. She lifted her legs up so that her paws could brace right up against the edge of the wall and tucked her arms over her knees before two large paws dropped down to cover her shoulders. They were far heavier than Hiss' were, but when they curled down and worked against the muscles they were actually quite gentle.

The thumbs pushed down right along her shoulders while his fingers began to knead and squeeze firmly. She lowered her head with a sigh of relief as the gentle touch seemed to find the aching muscles that were protesting the amount of exercise she had demanded of them. The thumbs pushed inwards against his shoulders, rolling lightly to push towards the line of her spine before smoothing out again. A shiver ran down along the line of her spine while she let out a soft puffing noise and closed her eyes to try and relax her muscles for the massage.

She felt Ropes shifting on the bale behind her, the large puma's knees almost brushing the base of her tail before he leaned into his work. He wasn't lying about knowing what he was doing, he worked his hands down slowly to press against her shoulder blades, lightly trying to find the places where she'd overworked herself. He didn't make it strange, nor make her feel awkward as he kept his touch professional and gentle despite the fact that he was well over twice her age. The pads of his fingers kneaded in circles, tracing around and about so that she occasionally wriggled when he found a sensitive place through her shirt and began to push harder against it to make it relax for him.

She was dimly aware of the scent of him, a musty scent that she normally associated with Hiss, but it was more evident on the grown male. She twitched her nose a few times and opened one eye just a hair, half looking at him while he pushed his fingers more firmly upwards and returned to her shoulders. He wasn't like any father she'd ever known, he didn't seem to be patronizing her or trying to make small talk with her that might have been embarrassing. She'd always wondered what sort of home life her boyfriend must have, he was unique himself, and it was obvious that he had more than a few of his father's traits to his name.

The sound of the horn was what brought her enjoyment to an end, the touch on her shoulders lifting up before the bale moved under Ropes' weight. "C'mon, let's clear this out. Hopefully that relaxed you a bit."

"Yeah, it did." Holly straightened up, arching her back slowly until she felt her spine crack and then shook herself out. She felt almost good, just a lingering sense of exhaustion. At least this would hopefully be the last load.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ropes hid his smile as he went back to work, mentally savoring the feel of the girl beneath his fingers as he had massaged her back. He hadn't pressed his advantage, it would have only startled her, or scared her. He had enjoyed feeling her react to him, the way that her back had arched or the soft noises that had escaped her lips at odd moments. She was reactive, something that he appreciated as he resumed his work and kept his eyes on her as she went back to lugging her own portion. She wasn't quite watching him, but occasionally she'd glance his way and flick her eyes down again if he caught her attention, so his first moves hadn't been in vain.

He'd picked the hay loft deliberately for his chore, for one, no one wanted the job in the hot sweltering stable and for another, it was a relatively quick job. If they had been forced to neatly stack the hay down on the truck it would have taken forever, but that job would be left to the rest of the people working. It also gave him more seclusion, this was the last bit of the barn to be moved today, there was no reason for anyone to come over here until it was time to begin tearing it down. He didn't have to worry about anyone watching him as he hauled the haybales and deliberately made sure he went to the opening of the loft each time Holly did.

The heat had taken some of the spring from her step, she was trying her best to keep up, but it was obvious that she had no real experience doing hard labor. And that made it all the more lovely to watch her. Each time she bent over to grab a bale of hay he could see the tight pants straining over her heart shaped rump, the snowy underside of her tail would flash before she hauled it up. Her breathing was rapid by the time she'd tossed the first dozen bales down, obviously trying to hide her exhaustion as he began to chatter to her innocently. Trying to offer her a distraction as they worked, and trying to see what lay behind those doe soft eyes.

"Come on now, just heave up there!" He laughed playfully and cast his own bale down. "You know, it's not always this hard a work around here, so don't let it sour you on your dream."

"Yeah.." She puffed and went back for another load, her tail drooping slightly behind her. "But I thought it would be more about the animals."

"Oh them," He shrugged and showed off the dexterous tendrils by coiling them around the bale of straw to steady it. "There's a lot to do with them, but this is our down season. The mares have all been bred, same with the cows, so not a lot of work except feeding and mucking."

The skunk dropped another bale, pausing to take another drink of the sport's drink he'd given her before answering. "Is breeding really that hard?"

"Only when it's done right." He answered smoothly, tilting his head so he could watch her flush and look flustered. "Our stallion is a handful, it's good to have someone to handle him when he's around the mares."

He continued seamlessly, as if his first comment had been in innocence, but she had still heard it. They kept on working, but he lazily talked about the breeding season, not going into graphic detail, but hinting at it. He knew FD, and he knew his daughter, both of them were always a bit flustered by the stallion when he was enjoying the mares. He enjoyed seeing her ears growing redder and redder, the pink cast to her white facial fur as he continued his cheerful chatter as they worked. He was no stranger to farm life, and he spoke of it as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Easing her into a new way of thinking as she struggled along despite her mild embarrassment.

"A shame, we had a maiden mare this spring." He grunted and threw another bale down. "Should have had a more experienced stallion break her in, she was in for a shock."

"A shock?" Holly dropped her own bale down before leaning back panting shallowly, still flushed and flustered, but also looking at the end of her energy.

"Here, you just take another drink, I'll get those last two." He smiled amiably and went over to her side. "Well, she wasn't used to being bred and our fellow is still young, so he can be a handful. Over eager."

He threw down one bale, and used his foot to nudge the other one off, his hands clapping together as he did so. He tilted his head back towards her and gave a playful wink.

"An older stallion knows how to take it easy, not frighten a girl." He watched her ears turn almost bright red and she shifted on her bare foot paws.

"I guess." The mumble was embarrassed, but he let it go before swinging out of the loft and giving a piercing whistle.

"KAO!! Come on, last load!" He hollered out, watching his brother in law stop from where he was trying to help an otter align two boards. "I bet you thought that would never end!"

"It wasn't that bad, sir." Holly answered faintly, making his smile broaden. "Just not used to it."

"Well, you deserve a break, I think. I don't want Hiss wound up because I overworked you, eh?" He watched the blue dragon come to the truck and leaned out a bit further. "Hey Kao, you guys alright over there?"

"Yeah, FD is going to call a break soon I think." The drake glanced up at him. "You going to help put the stalls up?"

"No, I want to give this place a good once over, you know how barns are. We've got so many damn cubbies that we've probably missed stuff tucked away." He ran a paw over his head, sliding his gaze towards Holly. "I'll have Holly help, that way I don't have FD skinning my hide because we lost any of her ribbons or Helena's riding boots."

"FD wouldn't skin you." Kao swung up in the truck and leaned out to give him a wicked smile. "She'd just make you sleep in a stall for a few days."

"Heaven spare me." He growled in response before extending his upper tendrils to catch the large doors that opened up the top of the loft.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Holly watched the hay loft doors shut with a sense of relief that they had finally gotten done empty it out, even if she was still flustered over the conversation that Ropes had been having with her. The moment they were pulled shut the empty loft felt cooler, the sunlight was turned into just a thin band that illuminated the area enough to see pretty clearly. Bits of dust settled as she moved away from the wall and felt her shoulders starting to ache again. She was going to be so sore tomorrow.

"Want me to start looking through up here?" She asked diffidently, not really looking forward to scrambling around the barn while she was still overheated.

"No." Ropes smiled and turned about, stretching slowly so that the muscles rippled along his chest and belly. "I said that because I think you'd fall over if you were made to work over in the barn."

"I could still-" She started to protest, but the puma gave his head a shake, a smile lingered on his muzzle.

"We don't need the help that badly." His expression turned sly as he gestured towards the stairs. "Besides, this means I get out of work too."

"Oh.." Holly laughed a little in understanding and followed his gesture to the stairs, relieved to get out of the stuffy hayloft.

Ropes followed behind her, not even grabbing his shirt as she went down the stairs and felt the air growing cooler so she could let out a happy sigh. As she reached the bottom step something cold suddenly pressed right along the line of her spine making her yelp out and scramble away. She twisted around to see the adult puma grinning at her and holding another sports drink in his hand, holding it out where he had pressed it against her back. His grin was playful as he extended his arm a bit more so she could take it, pouting slightly.

"I could have tripped." She rebuked him, but took the drink from him, happy to feel the cold bottle against her paws.

"C'mon, the tact room is here and I think there's a blanket in there so you can lay down." He didn't show a hint of being abashed as his arm slipped through her own and guided her past the empty stalls.

"I think I'm okay." She protested, looking at the empty stalls and guided her to an empty room at the back. "I don't have to lay down."

"As much as I'd love to believe you, m'dear, I'm not going hear Hiss bitching at me because his girlfriend is too sore to go horse riding with him tomorrow." He gestured to the room and she almost groaned to see another bale of straw.

"I am not carrying that over to the stable." She grumbled as Ropes walked into the room and picked up a rough looking blanket, shaking it out to send a few loose bits of straw to the ground.

"I think we'll be safe not hauling this over." Ropes flung the blanket out to cover the bale and gestured to her. "Lay down, I'll give you a massage for your hard work."

Holly's ears pricked up slightly. "A massage?" She couldn't keep the hope out of her voice, her back was already starting to protest everything she'd done today.

"Of course, I need to make my helpers happy after all." Ropes patted the spread blanket lightly.

Holly didn't think twice as she moved onto the haybale and dropped down onto her belly, feeling the rough fabric brushing against her arms. She dropped down and stretched out, her legs resting out as she moved her arms up to cup beneath her chin. At least if she was going to be stuck working like this she wouldn't be totally sore. Ropes moved above her, just as professional as before as his large hands dropped down to her back and started to curl against her sides and towards her shoulders. It was a firm touch, designed to work against the muscles and pressing up along her shoulder blades so she sighed out again in relief.

Ropes' laughter reached her, but he didn't stop as he began to move up towards the ridge of her shoulders before back down. The length of her fluffy tail dropped down to cover her legs, baring her back to him completely as he spread his fingers open wide to the curve of her sides. It felt so good to be laying down, perfectly relaxing for her to stretch the full length out while the fingers moved downwards towards the base of her back. He seemed to know every muscle that might have been overworked and tried to massage the tension away before it could grow painful.

"So, back to our discussion.." He rumbled, moving his body a little so that she felt him above her. The skunk opened one eye to see him standing above her, straddling the haybale, and her. "You have never been on a real farm before?"

"Well, no, there just aren't a lot about." She shifted and arched upwards as the fingers pushed harder against the small of her back. "You're the only people I know that have one."

"Well, it is a lot of work, but well worth it." The fingers trailed up either side of her spine. "It might be easier if we didn't run a breeding farm, but the challenge is enjoyable."

"Aren't stallion's dangerous?" She tilted her head, resting her cheek against her shoulders as the male worked towards the nape of her neck.

"Sometimes, especially if they get worked up, but they can be trained." Ropes murmured softly, his thumbs working back and forth to ease her tense neck. "The new stud will be younger than our current one, so he'll be a bit harder to train."

"Train how?" She closed her eyes entirely, her body melting under his touch as he worked back down again, his fingers spreading against her sides lightly and bunched up her shirt as he kneaded. "Can they be ridden?"

"Of course!" There was a startling burst of laughter, the fingers moving down so she felt the pads brushing the bare fur right above the line of her pants. "FD is quite good with them, but they take a firm hand. They only breed in the spring, so the rest of the year they can get worked up. The older fellows aren't so bad though."

"Just the young ones?" She lifted her head and then let out a short squeak as the fabric was pulled up along her back, pulling it higher up towards her shoulders before she could stop him.

"It's easier if I can get your back." He explained before the warmth of his paws closed down along her soft furred back and began to knead again. "And the young ones are full of hormones, you know. Not that much different from the boys in your school, always so needy and wanting to move to the next girl."

"Not all of them." She shifted a little, feeling the fingers stroking along her fur, smoothing down towards the base of her tail before gliding up again.

"Perhaps not," Ropes agreed easily and shifted a little, his weight dropping lightly on her upper legs as the paws pressed harder against her, pushing up against the grain of her fur. "But many of them are, they think with their loins. Our current stud, Onyx, barely thinks about the mare's pleasure, he only thinks of plunging in fast and hard with one simple ending."

The words were soft, an almost drawl that hinted at a purr as he spoke about the stallion. She squirmed at what was being said, a shift of the hips as she remembered the one night she and her friends had watched videos online of horses mating. She had seen first hand the scrambling rush of the stallion to leap up and over the female, his legs would tug around her as he pinned her down and started to plunge into her body. At the time she had been flustered and too embarrassed to think about it, but Ropes talking made her bite her lower lip as the fingers moved up to knead against her sore shoulders.

"If we're lucky they'll nuzzle her, but mostly they only have that one goal." His voice was a throaty as he spoke, almost sensuous while the fingers curled and stroked against her muscles. "They'll bite her neck to keep her in place, finding the mark before claiming her. Perhaps she might grow aroused, feel the need and pleasure, but before she can even embrace it, it's over with a hot rush straight into her body."

"Mmhh." She tried to be noncommittal at the mental imagery that came to mind, her body tensing slightly as she felt her cheeks flushing hotly.

It was hard not to think about the video she had watched, her heart beat started to pound in her ears with a mingling of embarrassment and arousal as Ropes continued to speak. His voice was soft, suggestive and almost seductive as he spoke about how often FD would be forced to grab the stallion's member to aim him when he was too excited to even find the mark. Her mind was all too happy to bring her imagined sensory images of what it would be like to come so close to a pair of mating horses. Her ears splayed to either side, barely feeling the stroke that trailed the fingers up higher, the spread that moved just enough that her bra was pushed up.

Ropes' fingers were gentle, almost enough that she could have assumed it was an accident as they grazed beneath the bare edge of her breasts, but they lingered there. The weight of him pressed against her legs, a warm steady pressure while his fingers pushed up higher and slipped her bray enough that his long powerful fingers almost cupped her breasts. She froze, stiffening at the sudden change in his touch as it went from gentle and firm to sooth her muscle, to sensual and teasing as the brush pushed higher up until a finger pad nearly caressed along her nipple.

"That is the problem with young stallions, you see." He leaned forward, the touch of his bare belly brushed against her tail base. "They are too eager to care for the pleasure of a mare, and mares deserve to be thoroughly pleasured, especially the young ones who are not so experienced."

This is wrong.. She tried to make her mind to work as the hands lifted her up so her arms went down to brace her. A tremor traced down her spine as the full large paws cupped her bare breasts so her nipples were pressed along his palm.

"S-sir.." She stammered, just before they squeezed down and kneaded gently drawing a noise from her throat.

"Did your first time leave you thoroughly satiated, entirely limp with pleasure, unable to take another touch?" He purred into her ear while she drew in a trembling breath, the musty scent of him filled her senses as he drew another noise from her.

Her mind flared back to her first time with her old boyfriend and the heat rushing to her cheeks nearly made her dizzy. It had been filled with passion and need, but he had been her first and he had been so eager. She remembered pain, the first moment of being filled open wide around the cock as her untried walls tried to clutch around him, and then a brush of pleasure. It had been over too soon, leaving her shaking and gasping while he rested over her groaning. They had done it again, so often she had felt those moments of pleasure, leaving her shaking and eager, but it never got her past that point of no return. Only her own paws managed to do that, only she knew her body well enough to get herself off.

"No..." She whispered the word, not resisting as his paws slid upwards, peeling her shirt from her body before his head ducked down. The heat of his tongue ran along her spine, trailing all the way up to her shoulder blades and flicking lightly upwards so she jerked in place.

"Exactly." He murmured against her neck, throwing her clothes to one side before his paws returned to her body. "He was too young to know how to pleasure you, and you waste your youth on their clumsy attempts without knowing what it should be."

"Oh god.." She whimpered out as the paws moved back to her breasts, the fingers curling lightly to catch right against her nipples to roll them back and forth teasingly. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"I mean you should experience an older male, one that knows your body, and knows how to make you truly feel pleasure." The fingers trailed and teased her tensing nipples, making her tremble in reaction. "Before you slide into another pair of untrained arms, know what it is like to climax with a male plunged inside of you, know what it is to have yourself pushed so far that you can barely take another touch, another stroke..."

The fingers moved down towards her belly, caressing her and stroking along her fur while Holly tried to find a way to protest what he was doing. He was her boyfriend's father! He was an adult! He was far older than her, but his hands knew what to do to make her squirm in place. The gentle touches made her arch upwards, trembling while the finger tips ran along the rise of her hips to brush against the band of her borrowed pants. His lips caressed the nape of her neck, before something else touched her and curled beneath her prone body. The tendrils slipped under her, twisting and curling around her breasts while the hands remained teasing the edge of her pants. Hovering there lightly as she squeezed her eyes shut, her entire body flushed with arousal under his attentive caresses.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ropes rumbled low in his throat, looking over her upper body and the fur that was exposed. She was lovely, as beautiful as his mind has imagined, from the bold stripes that ran down along her back and slid up towards her head fur. She was warm beneath his touch, shaking and trembling, but not with fear. He would have stopped if she had been afraid or offended, if she had tried to push him off or truly protested, instead she arched into his touch with the softest noises of pleasure that egged him on. Her head turned just enough that he saw her eyes were closed when he moved his tendrils to coil around the firm young breasts.

Age and bearing eggs had not made FD lose her attractive sensuous body, but she had lost that true tautness of youth. This skunk was just growing into her curves, her hips were pushed up into the air as he used his tendrils to stroke right along the tips of her nipples and heard her bite back a whimper. Her hips tried to push up beneath his weight momentarily as his fingers trailed along the edge of her pants and spread towards her stomach. With a grin, the puma shifted up and lifted his weight enough that she could free her thick sensual tail and pushed her hips up into the air so he could use one of his lower tendrils to curl beneath her legs.

"Exactly, my girl.." He rumbled softly and spread the tear shaped spread of his tendril up between her tight jeans to massage her covered mound. "You don't want to give all your youthful years to fumbling males, you should experience someone who knows what you need. Don't you?"

"Yes.. y-yes I do.." Holly panted out shallowly as he rolled his tendril right along the plump covered lips.

His hands traced the buttons of her jeans, feeling how they were pressed firmly along her waist as he deftly used a finger to pop them open. The fabric loosened, he could feel it falling down as he reached down to nip against the back of her neck, his teeth scraping lightly along the edges before pushing her pants downwards. Her thick soft tail brushed against his chest, caressing him while he moved his tendril out of the way and edged the pants lower and lower. The moment he felt it slipping along the curve of her ass he slipped his tendril down the fabric and pushed between her furred thighs. The panties were soft under his seeking touch, her mound damp as he rubbed along the outer folds ever so gently.

Her body bucked under him, her hands moving out to clutch against the hay bale while she shook in place and let out the softest whimpering sound. Her breathing was fast and rapid as he pulled at the fabric of her panties and let out a low growl of pleasure. He didn't need his hands, he could help pull her pants off while his tendril pushed between the lips and traced along them. He unerringly curled right around the tender bud of her clit so that her hips bucked against the air, jerking forward. The protests didn't come, not even when he swirled his tendril tip in slow gentle swirls, coaxing her body into reacting to him.

The scent of her was so sweet, a mingling of vanilla and strawberries that made him suck in a deeper breath as he managed to pull the jeans all the way down. He moved his body up higher in the air, throwing the clothing to the side as she let out another whimper and rocked her hips forward. Her knees were pushing up into the air, lifting higher in answer to his caresses.

"On your back," He murmured softly, his tongue flicked out to tease the back of her neck. "I want to see your pleasure."

~ ~ * ~ ~

This can't be happening.. Holly tried to make her mind work up a protest for what was happening, but it didn't.

He wasn't like her former boyfriend, his touch was gentle, but confident, as he knew every part of her body despite never having touched her before. The tendril on her folds made her pant faster as he stood up and slowly his touch slipped away. The slow drag pulled backwards, brushing along her upper thighs and gliding towards her calves as if he didn't want to stop touching her. The skunk felt the tendrils on her breast slip away last so she could slowly turn over on the hay bale. The rough cloth stroked against her as she looked up to find Ropes' eyes staring at her hungrily as she exposed her bare soft breasts. Her pink nipples jutted out from her fur with her arousal, offsetting the pink rise of her folds.

The puma growled out his approval as is eyes slid along her nude body, making her curl her thick tail up nervously. The smile lingered on his lips before his hands traveled down to his own jeans, letting her watch his fingers work the button and zipper. He deliberately took his time, drawing it out for her so that she saw the trail of his lower belly before something dark red came into view. The fabric spread open to frame the heavy sheath, just his tip jutting out into view as it slipped them downwards to reveal the swell of his balls as they rested between his thighs. He was larger than her former boyfriend had been, heavier looking, intimidating as he stepped out of his jeans and moved over her.

She half expected him to drop over her, to push the weight of his sheath against her gleaming lips and claim her, but he didn't. His tendrils twisted down and coiled around her, reclaiming her body with two caressing her bare breasts, but a third slipped down to trace just between her folds. Her back bowed with pleasure, arching higher in the air as she felt the nimble tip curling along her clit again and flickering teasingly to make her rock upwards. The fourth tendril dropped down lower, slipping between her sensitive folds to curl just against the opening of her body, not penetrating, just teasing. She moved her hands back to clutch the edges of the hay bale as she muffled a moan.

I should stop him.. She managed to get the thought out as the tendril on her clit flickered rapidly so her entire body bowed up in reaction.

"Y-you're Hiss' father.." Holly gasped out, trying to make that protest stick as her entire body trembled in place.

"Yes..." The heat of his tongue rushed up to push along the underside of her breast. "I am. And I will show you what passion should be."

The skunk licked her lips and started to protest again, but the tendril against her glistening passage suddenly pushed forward. Her walls stretched open around the narrow tip, clutching around him as she let out a higher pitched call. She couldn't stop herself, the sensation of the mobile tip stroking into her body made her squirm back against the hay bale, bracing herself as best she could. The one on her clit seemed to know exactly how to make her body react, the fluttering touches were matched with slow swirling movements that made her stomach tense up and rock higher up in the air.

Something hot and slick spilled along her inner thigh, she could feel it rolling downwards before she lifted her head to try and focus her attention. The tip of the cock was pushed out entirely, the sheath pushed around the base as it throbbed along the line of his belly. She could see the fleshy barbs around the tip, bristling upwards with his arousal as he teased her. His eyes were focused on her intently, the pupils flared open wide as he worked her to keep her on edge, deliberately finding every part of her body that made her squirm back against the ground. Her breathing came out in shallow gasps as he moved above her and the hay bale shifted with his weight.

"Do you want this?" Ropes' voice was gruff and deep, demanding an answer from her as the tendrils slid along her upper thighs and left her trembling in place, her entire body screaming for that touch to return.

The puma's tendrils twisted around her calves, tensing up and pulling them so that they rested along either side of his hips as he moved his hands down to either side of her upper body. Her eyes were locked on the dark red spire that hovered just above her folds, a syrupy spill of precum oozed out of him to glisten on the tip as he held himself in place. He was waiting for her to answer, holding himself back as her mind tried to find what she should say. She knew she should tell him to stop, she should get dressed and leave, save herself for Hiss. She knew it, but her body only knew one thing, arousal and need. She'd never felt this on edge before with a male, never felt as if she were being pushed so close to orgasm.

"Yes.." She whispered the word, her eyes squeezing shut before his teeth nipped lightly at her shoulder before his hips dropped down.

The fleshy glans rubbed right along the line of her folds, nudging forward firmly before pushing and spreading her outer lips open. She was barely able to brace herself before the puma rolled his hips and a cry burst out of her lips. The cock tip spread her open, wedging her open wider and wider, straining the walls open to wrap tightly around him as her inner muscles contracted and pulled around him. He was thick, thicker than her old boyfriend, forcing her muscles to stretch as he growled out his pleasure and gave a firmer push forward. Her outer lips were pushed inwards as he carefully caressed her sensitive passage.

A spill of heat rushed inside of her, oozing deep as another rock sank nearly half his girth inside of her. Her legs were held tightly by the tendrils, locked in place around his hips and feeling the muscles tense up before he pulled backwards and the fleshy barbs spread open within her body. They stroked over her, catching along her g-spot while Ropes' hands moved to grip either side of her hips and pulled her up from the hay bale. It made her tremble and writhe under him, the gentle pull that worked over her had her muscles contracting down powerfully around him as he nearly pulled all the way out before plunging back into her.

This time it wasn't a slow gentle push, it was a powerful buck that drove his cock into her and forced her walls open lewdly wide. He bucked down until his furred orbs pushed right up along the curve of her ass cheeks and he snarled out against the curve of her shoulder. The fingers clutched her hips, keeping her pressed tight against him before dragging back again, purposefully using his barbs to tease her with a slow caress meant to make her writhe beneath him. He didn't pound into her, didn't rapidly pump so fast that the pleasure was lost, he deliberately used his strokes to keep her body worked up, pushing her higher.

His lips glided down to run along her collar bone, his breath puffing out against her as he drove back into her body with the firm clap of flesh on flesh. His feverishly hot mouth suddenly curled around her perked nipple and pulled it tightly along the length of his tongue. His lips tightened and squeezed, rolling the nipple back and forth as he rolled his hips against her before dragging backwards again. The slickness of warm precum spilled into her with a rush of heat as the barbs teased all the way back along the rise of her g-spot before he started to thrust in short shallow movements.

He worked over that spot, caressing her, teasing her while she writhed under him and bit back a call. The edge of his teeth curled down against her breast as each movement was designed to push her closer and closer to the edge. Only a few inches of his cock worked in and out, each time he pulled back he nearly slipped free of her before rocking forward again. She could feel the pressure growing up along her lower belly, the need starting to build up, a need so familiar from her own fingers, but never like this. Her legs tensed up around his hips, feeling the muscles rippling as his tongue suddenly rolled down to drag right along the tip of her nipple.

Holly arched her back upwards, her walls starting to contract tightly around him, squeezing and milking as the first wave of pleasure rolled through her. She arched her back upwards while Ropes gave a sudden buck downwards, driving himself into her spasming body, spreading her open wide in long smooth thrusts that rolled her back and forth against the hay bale. The skunk dug her fingers harder into the stiff bale, crying out, not even trying to muffle the sound as the tip sank in deep before pulling out. She tightened her legs, squeezing down around his hips as the puma released her breast and ran his tongue hotly along the line of her throat, teasing towards her jawline.

He didn't give her a chance to calm down, didn't let her body begin to relax from her orgasm as he began to drive in powerful hard thrusts against her. The fleshy barbs pulled through her so that her walls continued to ripple and contract around him, trying to keep him deep inside of her each time he dragged backwards. The spill of his precum mingled with her own arousal so that it was pushed out around the thick base as his orbs clapped up against her rump at the apex of each thrust. His pace building as his paws clutched her hips and pulled her back against him, his snarl ringing in her ear.

The barbs stiffened around the tip, flaring open wide and rising up so that she felt them pushing against her overly sensitive passage. With a final thrust he forced his heavy orbs right up against her ass, burying his tip as deep as he could possibly go inside of her before shuddering to a stop. The weight of him was the only thing that kept her in place as Ropes' teeth gripped down against her shoulder and the first pulse ran along his stiffened spire before a hot rush of seed spilled out of him. She jerked, her hips twitching as the warmth was flung deep into her eager body rope by sticky rope, hitting deep against her cervix as she clung to him.

The light brush of the barbs kept her shaking under him while she let out a breathy noise in her throat and rocked her hips up against him. The last warm spill of his cum oozing out into her as he rocked his hips gently back and forth, rubbing through her to coax a high pitched whimper from her throat. The fingers moved from her hips and glided upwards along her sides and towards her breasts as she was allowed to drop down onto the hay bale, going limp with pleasure. Her breathing was still fast and short, her lips spread open as the warmth of the tongue worked up along the line of her throat before Ropes purred out throatily.

"That is how every time should be." He murmured against her neck, his fingers caressing the edges of her breasts sensuously. "That is what experience can bring you..."

Holly squeezed her eyes shut, she knew she should have felt a moment of shame of what she'd done, but her body was too relaxed. She let her head lean back slightly and simply savored the last edge of her orgasm as his cock softened inside of her. She'd never felt this way before, not with her old boyfriend, she couldn't imagine that Hiss would make her feel this way either. She closed her eyes and just held onto the relaxed sensations.

"What he doesn't know, doesn't hurt him.." Ropes murmured against her neck softly. "After all, it is certainly helping you..."

~ ~ * ~ ~

"HEY! Damnit Helena, stop running." Hiss panted as he tried to catch up to his sister, the dragoness bolting under the fence before he had a chance to get closer to her.

He growled in amusement, watching the flash of her scaled tail base and the hint of her ass beneath the tight shorts. He had been so damned tempted to pin her down while they were laying fences, she had been deliberately teasing him because she knew that they both had a list of chores to complete. She also knew that he was getting more and more frustrated that Holly wasn't getting any closer to putting out for him. He had tried everything, and still she was eluding him. It was making him insane, the only thing that kept him from truly getting worked up was the fact that Helena often took pity on him.

He swung onto the road in front of the barn as Helena looked back at him with a bright smile on her face a wink as he caught up to her finally. There were benefits coming from a nontraditional family, especially considering that his sister was so close to his age and open with her affections. He growled playfully and gave her ass a swat as they stopped, toying with the idea of suggesting they grab a shower together if Holly was still helping out around the new barn. At least then it wouldn't matter if she was just going to tease him again. He squeezed along her firm rump cheeks playfully as he came up to her side.

"Stop that.." She laughed and wriggled a bit, glancing towards the work that was being done on their new barn. "Listen."

"What?" He blinked a little and looked towards the new barn, he didn't see Holly about, so what did it matter if he was coping a feel on her.

"No, listen!" Helena laughed and nodded her head towards the old barn, making him lift his ears up a little bit.

He had to strain to listen, but there was no mistaking the female moans that were coming from inside the old barn and the slap of flesh on flesh. He pricked his ears up higher in the air and grinned, realizing that they must be in the tack room given how much he could hear. Not that it was surprising, it was either his mother and Uncle Kao, or his mother and father having one last go in the old barn before it was torn down. With a laugh he shook his head and hooked his arm around Helena's waist before glancing towards the barn to ensure that Holly wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"I think they have the right idea." He murmured against the dragon's neck softly. "I bet they wouldn't even hear us if we got up into the hayloft to have one last go before it's torn down."

"Pervert.." His sister's eyes were bright and she glanced at the new barn as well. "better hope Holly doesn't see."

"What she doesn't know, doesn't hurt her.." He murmured and ran his fingers down along the line of her spine before wrapping right around the base of her tail.