Candle of Hope

Story by librios on SoFurry

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#8 of Poetry

Random thoughts in my head. Hope this helps out for whoever needs it.

I'm sorry

But I don't want to follow

The ways of the world anymore

I would like to help fix

If not, fully heal people

We all want to do the right thing

Especially in a world so cold

But somehow we have lost our way

From being helpful

To turning selfish

And careless to each and one another

Greed has corrupted today's generation

And not a single soul has done anything

To help solve the problem

But rather worsen the issue

While money can buy us worldly possessions

It can't buy us happiness

It can't fill in the holes in our hearts

This cold world that we live in

Has so many things that are happening

While the war wages on overseas

Have we not yet realize the war

That we have been facing in our own country

The war that's been taking place within ourselves

Every day

The minute we wake up from our slumber

We face the daily battle

With our personal demons

Either it be from addiction

Suffering from depression

Or contemplating suicide

And so forth

Society has told us

In order to get better

Take medications to get rid of depression

To end the suicidal thoughts

Have we become so dependent on medicine

That we must sacrifice our own health

In order to heal

When an individual decides to end their life

And they pull the trigger

Does anybody hear it

Or do people see it

And they choose to ignore it

My fellow listeners

We have the opportunity

To change our ways

We have the ability

To start thinking on our own

Instead of having the world think for us

We have the chance to plant a seed of inspiration

To be a light for those who are lost in the dark

We can achieve peace

We can achieve a new life for all of us

If we could put aside our pride

And our fears

We can start listening to our hearts

Instead of religion telling us

On what to believe in

Even if this message only gets to one person

It's enough to help them

See through the dark

Because to the world you may be only one person

But to one person you may be the world.

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