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#2 of Silence Before The...

Thank you for the kind comments from last time! I hope everyone enjoys this chapter as much as the last. This chapter goes further into Nathan and Jamie's relationship, as well as explaining some other characters in more depth. ~Enjoy! Disclaimer goes here: If you are not over the age of 18 or are not into sexual acts between two males, underage at that, kindly close the door on the way out as this is not for you. * * *


  • * * At about half past twelve, Nathan opened his eyes slightly to see sun shining in through the blinds of the window, filtering the beams of light over his still half asleep face. He turned away from the light and groaned. "Ugh too bright... Stupid sun." He whispered to himself. Propping himself up on his arm, he squinted through the brightness to see the clock. The time he read was worrying, as he had to meet up with his friends for coffee at half one. He wearily pulled back the covers of his bed and tapped Jamie lightly on the shoulder. "Hey, wake up, if we don't start getting ready now we won't make it on time." There was no reply except the sound of the lion's deep breathing. Nathan tapped Jamie on the shoulder again and there was no reply again. It was then the coyote decided to go a little further in waking up his new lover. He reached his paw around and placed it just on top of Jamie's chest and began moving his clawed fingers around in a circle. The lion began squirming and his breathing became more erratic as Nathan tickled the lion's chest. Nathan's paw moved further down Jamie's chest to the hem of his t-shirt. He slipped his paw under the hem and onto Jamie's stomach and continued his assault from there. It was then Jamie sprung up clutching his stomach and laughing aloud. "Hey, don't do that! It tickles!" He blurted out through fits of laughing. "Well that was the idea." Nathan said his paw came out from Jamie's t-shirt and rose to his chin instead. "So, did you enjoy last night?" Nathan's paw pulled the lion's chin up towards his own, intending for them to meet. "It was... ok." Jamie said struggling for words, his eyes looking off to the side to avoid contact with Nathan's. "Oh you haven't gone shy on me have you?" Nathan giggled as he leaned in closer to Jamie's face. "N-No I-" Jamie was cut off as the coyote's tongue dove into his open maw. Jamie's eyes quickly shot Nathan a wide eyed look, but it was not received as Nathan had closed his eyes and was pushing the lion back down onto the bed. Jamie moaned into the kiss and treated Nathan's own intruding tongue to his own sweet muscle. The two remained together, laying down and holding each other for a good five minutes before Nathan pulled away and sat up. "Well now that you're up its time to get ready. We have just a little less than an hour." Nathan explained as he stood and went to the door to head to the bathroom to grab a quick shower. Jamie nodded and sighed as he looked down at his tented shorts. Their little session just now left Jamie in a more aroused state than he had thought. At least he was awake now. As Nathan crossed the landing to the bathroom door, he was caught by his mother coming up the stairs carrying a stack of towels in her arms. "So did you enjoy having Jamie come to stay?" She said while watching her step on the final step of the staircase. "I checked on you before and you both looked so content that I couldn't stand to wake you up!" Nathan ran this over in his mind and figured that his mom must have seen the two asleep with his arm over Jamie. He was stuck for words as he spoke up. "Y-You should have woken us up. It'll be a mad rush to get ready now..." He muttered as he eyed the floor. "Nonsense, there's plenty of time for you both to get a shower and be dressed, especially if you share!" Karel laughed as she handed two tiles off the top her stack to Nathan who had flushed a deep red colour under his fur. "M-Mom! What's come over you? What are you getting at?!" Nathan blurted out, which pretty much finalised everything his mother had thought about her son. "Listen, you don't have to worry. Your father and I are absolutely fine with your decision. You are our son, and anything you decide on in your life is fine with us. We will always love you, even if you became a mass murderer! So don't worry about hiding things like this from us ok?" She smiled warmly, her face only just visible from over the pile of towels in her arms. Nathan couldn't help but move over to his mother's side and hug her arm tightly. "Thank you... Thank you so much!" Nathan felt as if he were going to cry as Karel could do nothing but stand there. "Hey, come on now. Get that butt of yours in the shower or you'll be late!" Nathan smiled wide at her before bounding off into the bathroom and locking the door. Karel continued to where she intended to go and entered her room and left the towels on her bed and picked up the phone at her bedside and began dialling in a number. "Hello, Luan? It's Karel. You'll never guess what I know..." * As Nathan finished his shower he heard a knock at the bathroom door. He swiftly tied a towel around his hips and opened the door. "Oh hey Jamie, if I knew it was you I wouldn't have bothered with the towel." Jamie looked away from Nathan standing in the doorway and asked quietly if he could get by. "Oh sure, sorry, I'll get out of your way." Nathan stayed inside the bathroom but stepped to one side to allow Jamie access. As Jamie came into the bathroom, Nathan went to leave, slapping Jamie's ass on the way out. The coyote closed the door for Jamie on the way out, winking at the lion as he did. Nathan stepped into his room and discarded the towel he was wearing. He sighed as he thought about Jamie and how shy he was. "It's cute but it just means I'll have to keep making the first move..." He said to himself as he heard the sound of the shower starting up. "...not that I mind." He laughed a little to himself as he picked out the clothes he would wear for the day. He opted for loose fitting jeans and a long sleeved grey shirt to go out in. As he was pulling on his shirt, Jamie came through into the room in just a towel. Nathan could see the lion's slightly defined chest through his wet fur which stuck to his body. He knew Jamie had been working out a little as he could smell the sweat on him from time to time, and it had begun to show. Nathan had no visible muscle to speak of, which was fair considering he played games all day and very rarely did any exercise except for at school. Despite this however, Nathan still had a lithe form which baffled most of his friends who were sure his lifestyle would of left a little fat on his body. Nathan blamed high metabolism. The coyote watched carefully as the feline lowered his towel and dried his lower legs and foot paws. The way Jamie was bent over gave Nathan the perfect look at the lion's tight asshole and a view of Jamie's ballsack from in between his legs. Nathan kept staring even as the feline turned around and caught the coyote's head looking downwards at his midriff. The lion felt shy being stared at like that but did nothing to stop Nathan from looking as he went to get new clothes from his bag for the coming day. He took out a beige t-shirt with brown shorts which both went well with his golden fur. Nathan kept watching as he resumed getting dressed himself, putting on a pair of black boxers before pulling up his jeans. Nathan then took a seat on his bed to continue watching Jamie getting ready. The lion was pulling up a pair of boxers when Nathan decided to break the silence that had entered the room after Jamie had come in. "So blue 'ey? Nice choice of colour, it contrasts well with your fur." The 'yote spoke while noting the colour of the boxers Jamie was wearing. He was sure the lion's cheeks would stay red if he kept going on like this and embarrassing Jamie. Jamie had turned away from Nathan to hide his blush. He brought he shorts up to his waist before trying to do the clasp on his belt. Nathan cam up behind him then and grabbed both ends of his belt and started connecting the clasp for him. "I can do it myself you know..." Jamie said quietly as the coyote went about his work. "Oh I know, I just felt like lending a helping paw, that's all." Nathan replied as his clawed fingers dipped down below the lion's belt to cop a quick feel of the lion's cock from within the confines of his blue boxers. As Nathan finished up, he turned to Jamie's face and gave it a quick lick with his canine tongue. "Ok, all done." "We best be off now as we won't be there on time if we take much longer." The lion pointed out while motioning to the clock which read quarter to one. "Right you are, you go on ahead, I'll just tell mom we're off." The two left Nathan's room and headed towards the stairs. Nathan heard his mother in her room and so turned and went in to tell her that they were both leaving for town. As he opened his parent's room door, he could hear his mother laughing. He poked his head around the door and peered in. Karel was in hysterics whilst talking down the phone to somebody else. "Hey mom, Jamie and I were just off now." "Oh sure honey, you have fun now ok?" Karel waved Nathan away as she continued her conversation with Luan Dowson. She made sure Nathan was headed downstairs until she continued laughing. "So, how did you find out?" Karel spoke while holding back her laughter. "Heh, well, my son doesn't exactly clear his internet history. I pressed a few buttons by accident one day and it was all revealed to me as clear as day!" Luan shouted back down the line. "Oh my! We've had our suspicions ever since Jamie first came over a few years ago. There's no mistaking the smell of hormones!" Karel spoke as she started to giggle. "I know exactly what you mean! Oh, we're awful parents talking like this behind our son's backs!" Luan said while giggling to herself too. "Oh I'm sure they'll forgive us if they ever found out." Karel said as she looked out her bedroom window to see Jamie and Nathan walking away from the house towards town. * The two boys arrived at the coffee shop they had agreed to meet at and sifted their way through the crowds until they found Viviane, Emma and her boyfriend seated in the back corner of the shop. "You two are late, Vi, Ryan and I have been waiting for what seems like ages! You were up late again weren't you Nathan?" Emma spoke as she showed the two the watch on her wrist. "Oh we're only late by five minutes, it can slide this one time right?" Nathan batted his eyelashes and tried to fake a cute expression. Viviane giggled at the sight. "Humph, I guess so. Anyway, this is Ryan. Ryan, Nathan." Emma said as she introduced the two to one another. Ryan was a large white wolf, covered head to toe in the dazzling bright fur. His black nose stood out against his fur, as did his blue shirt and cargo pants. "Hey, 'sup man?" The large white wolf lent a paw out while grinning widely. The wolf was a year older than the rest of them and it showed in his size. "Nice to meet you." Nathan greeted the huge white paw with his own, and shook it firmly. "And this here is my very good friend Jamie!" The coyote quickly shuffled behind Jamie and pushed him forward by the shoulders. The lion nodded and shook the wolf's paw as well before taking a seat on a long green sofa to the side of Viviane. Nathan joined him and placed his elbows on the lion's shoulders, forcing Jamie to support himself on his knees with his arms. Ryan gave a sort of odd smile before speaking up. "So you are the two Emma was telling me about. S'nice to finally meet you guys in the fur." Emma stood now and grasped Viviane by the wrist from across where she was sitting. "Well you lot seem content. We'll go order for all of us. Anyone want anything specific?" The wolf announced as the white rabbit joined her. "Chocolate cake!" The coyote shouted as he left Jamie's shoulders to stare at Emma. "Fine, we'll be back soon." Emma said as she walked off towards the counters at the front of the shop with Viviane in tow. "So, got a bit of a sweet tooth I see?" The large white wolf spoke while looking the coyote up and down. "Sweets, chocolate, candy, you name it. Anything sweet and it's for me. That's probably why I have this guy here with me." Nathan spoke as he nipped at Jamie's ear with his teeth. "He's just sweet enough." Nathan winked at Ryan and let go of Jamie's ear. The lion closed his eyes and nodded. "Cute. Very cute." The wolf smiled and nodded as well. A few minutes later the two girls returned with cups and plates filled with various coffees and confectionaries. There were only four mugs for coffee as Nathan refused to drink the stuff. There were also two plates with a slice of cheesecake on each with a cherry on top for Emma and Ryan, as well as Nathan's chocolate cake. As they all settled down, conversations kicked up about recent school life. "So, Ryan, you play any sports?" The coyote asked between mouthfuls of cake. "Nothing special, just soccer, basketball at a time. How about you?" Ryan replied while putting down his mug of coffee. "I'm not so big on the whole sports front, but Viviane here does pretty much everything! Volleyball, netball, hockey, the list goes on..." Nathan spoke why pointing to Viviane. Ryan nodded politely at the rabbit as she smiled back at him. "It's not much really, honest. It's just something for me to do, to pass the time so to speak." Viviane spoke as she finished her coffee. "Honey, would you finish off this for me? I never like cherries. I'll back soon, I just need to go freshen up." Emma passed her plate with the remaining top layer of cheesecake with cherry intact to Ryan. She stood and motioned with her head to Viviane to come with her. As the two girls left, Ryan spoke up. "I was never a fan of cherries myself, either of you two interested?"He held out the two remaining cherries, the one from his cheesecake and Emma's, by the stalk. Jamie took one and popped it into his maw. Nathan meanwhile lent in and took the cherry in his mouth, stalk and stone. A few seconds later he spat the stone out onto his paw, and with his other paw removed the stalk from his maw. Using his tongue he had knotted the stalk of the cherry into a perfect knot. He then handed the knotted stalk to Jamie and winked. Jamie looked away and pocketed the stalk in his shorts. "Pretty impressive! Hey, you know what they say about those who can knot a cherry stalk with their tongue don't you?" Ryan spoke while winking at Nathan. "No, I don't know, but I'll ask Jamie." With that, Nathan lent in and stuck his tongue into Jamie's maw. The lion was shocked at first, but he soon moved in closer to give the coyote better access. It was a short kiss, but it left the lion breathless. Nathan pulled away and stared into the lion's eyes. "Hey Jamie, would you say I'm a good kisser?" The lion needed no time to think about this before replying. "Definitely." He replied before blushing slightly and looking away. Nathan smiled smugly at Ryan, but the wolf was hunched over with his head down, his arms folded in his lap. "Hey you ok there? You don't feel sick or anything like that do you?" The coyote asked with a concerned tone. "Nah mate, nothing like that, I'm good." The wolf looked up to the 'yote's eyes revealing a light pink blush under his fur. The girls returned shortly, asking what the boys had been up to while they were gone. "Well I'm glad to inform you that Jamie and I have just gone further than a peck on the cheek, isn't that right Jamie?" Nathan said proudly as he smiled at Jamie. He didn't want to mention his escapades that occurred last night, so he decided to go as far as what Ryan knew, in case he told Emma about it later. Jamie reached into his pocket and pulled out the knotted cherry stalk. Emma stared at it a moment before forming an 'o' with her mouth and spoke up. "So you two have made out?" She spoke while eyeing the cherry stalk. "If by that you mean I put my tongue in Jamie's mouth for thirty seconds to see if an old wives tale is true then yes, we made out." Nathan rolled his eyes while Jamie put the stalk back into his pocket. Viviane smiled sweetly as she clapped softly at the boys. Emma huffed as she waltzed over to Ryan. "Ryan and I are much further than that and we've been together not nearly as long as you two. Isn't that right honey?" Emma sat on Ryan's lap and placed her head under his chin. "You bet we have!" The wolf spoke enthusiastically as he shook his head slowly from left to right while mouthing the word 'no'. Nathan and Viviane giggled a little while Jamie smiled a little at Ryan. "Huh? What is it?" Emma shot the three a glare from behind her glasses. "Oh it's nothing Em, trust me." Viviane smiled and nodded at Emma before she took her seat again. * The group stayed in the coffee shop a little longer, just to pass time until they all returned home. It was getting around half four when the five decided it was time to be going. "I have a bundle of algebra to work on when I get home." Viviane sighed as she lay back in her chair. "I did it all with Nathan yesterday, it won't take you long." Jamie replied to her as she smiled back at him softly. "I'll just use the bathroom before we go guys." Nathan said as he crossed over to the other side of the shop to where the restrooms were located. "I'll alert the media!" Emma called after him in a humorous tone as Nathan disappeared behind the restroom door. The restroom was empty, except for Nathan. He took the urinal furthest from the door and pulled down the fly on the front of his jeans before going about his business. Not too long after Nathan had come in, Ryan came in as well. He walked across the bathroom floor and took the urinal next to Nathan. Nathan couldn't help but look at the wolf as he came so close to him. The huge white wolf smiled back at Nathan before unzipping himself and turning his attention to the wall in front of him. The two stood in silence for a moment before Ryan began talking. "So you never gave me a proper answer before." Said the wolf as he looked down at the shorter coyote. "An answer for what?" Inquired Nathan as he tilted his head upwards to look at the wolf's eyes. The wolf's paw moved swiftly, holding Nathan's chin still while Ryan came in closer. The coyote knew what was to come and just let it happen. Ryan's thin velvet tongue pushed the coyote's maw open and danced along Nathan's own tongue. The wolf moved his paws off from Nathan's chin and positioned them around Nathan's back as he pulled him closer. Nathan could feel himself come into contact with the wolf, being able to feel Ryan's soft white fur on his face. Both the boy's fly's were still open as they came closer together. Nathan could feel something hard and wet pushing against his own hardening member. With a paw, he traced his way along Ryan's body until he hit the wolf's open fly. As his paw explored further, he could feel Ryan's massive cock in contact with his own. The large cock Ryan had matched his body proportions in both girth and length. Nathan grasped a hold of Ryan's and his own hardened dick in his paw and jerked his paw along the two quickly. Ryan was moving his paws under Nathan's shirt and was massaging his back as the coyote began pleasuring the two of them. He moaned into Nathan's maw at the feeling of his dick being taken care of by Nathan's expert paws. The fact they were in a public restroom where anyone could walk in at anytime added to Ryan's arousal, keeping him close to Nathan's warm body. Ryan moved one paw from Nathan's back and pulled the front of the yote's shirt up and over his head, exposing his chest. He took the paw he used to move Nathan's shirt and moved it over to the coyote's left nipple. Ryan traced circles around and around until the coyote's nipple had hardened completely. Ryan placed a single finger over Nathan's entire nipple and massaged it while pulling the coyote closer to his maw, lifting Nathan to the tips of his paw pads. Nathan was enjoying what was happening to him, but he was also thinking over what this could mean. He knew he loved Jamie, and yet here was, stroking off his friends boyfriends cock in the middle of a restroom. He tried to think it over when an all too familiar feeling to him made him focus more on the current situation. Nathan could feel his balls tightening up towards his body, as well as faint tingling sensation that was quickly growing. He turned his head slightly so he was able to speak. "Ryan, if we keep this up I'll explode." Nathan panted out as he looked down to catch a glimpse of the white wolfs giant dick. "Let's not stop now then!" The wolf replied cheerily as he craned his neck downwards towards Nathan's nipples. He took one in his mouth and sucked on it, making Nathan groan out in pleasure. Nathan sped up on the pumping of his and Ryan's cock, feeling every vein of the wolf's superior shaft. It wasn't long until Ryan felt his knees give way as he howled out. He slipped toward the bathroom floor, grabbing onto Nathan's shoulders to stop him sinking to his knees. Then, his massive canine cock erupted with his warm seed all over Nathan's own dick, his paw and lower stomach. The wolf's cum served as added lubrication for the coyote's paw, as he too yelled out. Nathan felt Ryan's thick, spent cock against his own as he came, his seed spilling onto Ryan's perfectly white fur, turning the fur around his cock a yellowish tinge. The two stayed held together for a little while, hearing the background noise of the coffee shop outside the walls of the restroom. Ryan then pulled himself up, tucked away his cock and zipped up. Nathan followed suit. Ryan looked down at Nathan and beamed at him. "Well I know what they say about those who can knot cherry stalks with their tongue now is true. Thanks Nathan." The wolf winked at Nathan before heading for the sinks. The coyote followed him and looked at Ryan's face reflected in the mirrors on the wall, over the sinks. "What about Emma? I thought you were in love with her?" The 'yote asked, while approaching a sink of his own and turning the taps so a steady stream of warm water ran. "Don't get me wrong, I do love Emma. I'm just not one hundred percent there, if you get what I'm saying." The wolf raised his paw and rotated it left and right to give Nathan the full picture. Nathan nodded and pressed further with his questions. "So, this just now, were you just curious and wanted a quick go with me?" The wolf sighed deeply and splashed some water onto his white furred face. "If you want to word it like that, yes. I think its best that way though, don't you think? I have Emma and you have Jamie. If this was to go any further I don't know what would happen, but it would probably end with someone suffering from a broken heart." Nathan nodded again. He felt guilty enough now, knowing he had just gotten off with another guy despite his love for Jamie. "You're right. I'll be off now Ryan, goodbye..." Nathan didn't make eye contact with Ryan as he turned and left. As soon as he was out of the restroom, he bid farewell to Viviane and Emma and apologised for taking so long. Before either of them could say anything he grabbed Jamie by the paw and left the coffee shop and started off home. * As the two boys neared Nathan's house, Jamie couldn't help but speak up. He knew something was wrong with Nathan ever since they left the coffee shop so abruptly earlier. He hadn't spoken a word to him or even glanced his way and Jamie felt bad for Nathan when he was like this. "Nate, what's wrong? This isn't like you." Jamie asked with a concerned tone. "Nothing, I'm fine." Nathan replied bluntly as he kept walking on at a slow pace. Jamie wasn't going to take this for an answer. He ran in front of Nathan and stopped directly in front of him, forcing Nathan to bring his head up. "I know when you lie to me Nate. Now tell me not as a friend but..." Jamie paused a little before continuing. "...but as your lover. Tell me as your one and only love what's wrong!" That one line caused Nathan to break down in Jamie's arms. He sobbed into the lion's soft fur, blurting out mumbled words and soaking the feline with tears. Jamie just petted the coyote's head in his arms, whispering things like 'it's alright'. Nathan raised his head up, his eyes bloodshot with crying. "No, it is not alright! That stupid wolf came onto me in the bathroom and made love with me! And I let him do it, I let him love me and I enjoyed it, and after I had told myself you were the only one for me!" Nathan broke down into Jamie's arms again after that. Jamie was taken back by what Nathan had said, he was shocked he had admitted this to him, but he also admired him for the same reason. Jamie knew there was thing he could do to stop the tears and help Nathan. He pulled the coyote's tear drenched face out from his arms kissed him passionately on the mouth. Jamie's tongue probed its way past the 'yote's rows of teeth to swim about Nathan's maw. Nathan returned Jamie's romantic act as his tongue moved with the lion's. The two stood like this on the sidewalk until Nathan had stopped crying. When the two broke apart, Jamie was blushing like mad. He never thought he could do something like that but now that he had he felt much better for it. "Listen, the fact you were able to admit that to me proves that you love me. If you hadn't of told me about Ryan, I would have had my suspicions and everything could have turned out much worse than this." The lion looked Nathan in the eyes while speaking, to make sure his message got through. Nathan sniffed a bit before smiling at the lion's face weakly. "Thank you Jamie... for understanding. I love you." The coyote buried his head under Jamie's arm and sighed as he rested he cheek against the feline. "I love you too. No matter what comes between us, know that I will always love you." Nathan thought back to this morning when his mother had said a similar thing, regardless of what he did, he would always be loved by them. He smiled to himself as the lion walked him home, his head still tucked under Jamie's arm. * It was getting onto seven when the two finally arrived at Nathan's home. Karel was watching from the living room window as the boys walked up the path to the front door, still held together from before. Luan joined Karel at the window to see her son holding Nathan under his arm. The two decided it best to meet up instead of racking up such a high price with the phone bills. Jamie pushed open the Rain's front door and guided Nathan inside. It was then his mother came out from the living room and into the hall to greet her son. "Oh Jamie, you look so cute, bringing your boyfriend home, huddled together like that! Luan brought her paws together under her face and beamed at the two. Jamie quickly flushed a shade of red to hear his mother saying those things. "M-Mom?! What are you doing here? I didn't expect to see you here!" Jamie exclaimed, trying to explain why he was guiding Nathan home from under his arm. "Shush dear, its ok, I know everything already. I'll explain on the way home." Jamie nodded and went upstairs to retrieve his bag from Nathan's room. Karel and Ben had joined Luan in the hallway. They all looked to Nathan, who smiled back to them all. "So did you two enjoy today?" Karel asked while she smiled broadly. "Nothing too over the top, but if you want to be sure, ask Jamie to show you the knotted cherry stalk I gave him." Nathan winked at his mother and father. The two looked at one another knowingly. "Well dear, I think you know what they say about people who can knot cherry stalks with their tongues don't you?" Ben Rain chuckled to himself as the two women turned and smiled at him. "Oh I haven't been able to do that in years Ben! It brings back some memories of when we were young..." Karel looked up to her husband with a far away look in her eye. "Ah young love..." Luan Dowson and Karel Rain exchanged looks before giggling to one another. Meanwhile, Jamie descended the staircase with his bag under his arm. "Are we ready to be off then Jamie?" Mrs. Dowson headed to the front door, looking back at her son. "Just a second mom, I need to give Nate some-" He was interrupted as Nathan kissed him on the mouth. Instead of shying away and blushing as he normally would of, Jamie instead let the kiss happen and savoured the moment they were having. "Thanks and your welcome." The coyote smiled brightly at the lion who couldn't help but smile back. "I'll be seeing you Monday, Nate. Goodbye Mr and Mrs. Rain." Jamie nodded to the two before smiling one last time at Nathan. He bounded outside to his mothers car and got in the passenger side seat. The Rain family gathered at the front door to wave Jamie and Luan off. As the car drew away from the Rain's home, Nathan's tail wagged back and forth in time with his waving. He continued to wave until he saw the car take a turn far in the distance and out of sight. With Jamie gone, Nathan's parents pulled him into a great hug at the front door. They all mentioned how they loved one another before Nathan pulled away and went upstairs to his room. Karel quickly followed him upstairs and entered his room. "So I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of Jamie now then?" She asked despite knowing the answer already. "You bet. At least twice a week probably!" Nathan responded as he flicked a switch on the wall and his computer whirred into life. "I also guess you'll be gaming to whatever hours of the morning?" The afghan female asked as her son nodded. "Well don't go to bed too late, there's school on Monday. I don't want you shattered again." With a grin, she closed the door to her son's room to leave him in peace. Karel went back downstairs to see her husband in the living room. "I trust we won't be seeing him again tonight?" Asked Ben, keeping his eyes fixed on the television screen across from him. "Probably not, he seems set for the night." Karel sighed as she joined her husband in watching television. A few seconds later, the sound of feet running downstairs forced both parents attention to the doorway. There stood their adopted son, with a content look on his face. "Is something the matter. Nathaniel?" Inquired Ben, expecting not to see his son until tomorrow morning. "Well, it's still quite early, so I was wondering if I could watch TV with you guys for awhile?" The coyote asked shyly. It had been awhile since he had done anything with his parents and he wasn't sure how they were going to take it. "Of course you can dear!" Karel shimmied along to allow room for her son between herself and her husband and the sofa. "How about I go make some popcorn and we watch movies together?" Karel asked as she stood and made her way to the kitchen. "That'd be great..." Nathan sighed as he leant back in the sofa enjoyed his time with his parents. The three of them watched movies until ten thirty until Ben noticed their son had fallen asleep on the sofa. The afghan male tapped his wife on the shoulder and motioned to Nathan, his head on his fathers shoulder. The two got up quietly turned the television off. Karel made sure her son was comfy and laid a blanket across him for the night as the two of them made their way upstairs. "At least he'll have a decent nights sleep tonight." Karel smiled to her husband as the two retired to their own room for the night. 'Sweet Dreams'. * * *

End of chapter two.

  • * * Once again, if you read through all of this, I thank you for taking the time to read everything. I hope you all enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Any comments you may have, on either errors or spelling mistakes, or merely your opinion on the story thus far are greatly appreciated. ~Dondake~