Man X Beast: Chapter 1

Story by TheWoofMan on SoFurry

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#1 of Man X Beast

[A/N] So everybody... This be mah first story. I've written before, don't worry, I used and I have a quite popular story going on there right now. (StarFox: University) and it's kinda cool. :) I'm writing this because I want to go beyond fan fiction, and I also need a story to be interested in. I've looked through this site, and I just can't get interested in any stories. I'm not dissing any writers, I'm just saying that I can't get into a lot of it. :| I'm needy.

Soooooo without further adieu, let's get this party started!



Years ago, the world came into being. This world had two major continents; Kaenas, and Neimus.

Kaenus, the larger of the two, belonged to mankind. Neimus was somewhat smaller, and was owned by what mankind called "Beastmen." They were animals, animals that stood on two legs, animals that spoke, animals that were sentient. If anything, they were merely humans with fur.

However, mankind did not see the Beastmen in this way. They considered the Beastmen to be savages, rabid animals, with no right to existence. Man slaughtered Beast, and the Beast slaughtered Man. This feud of blood and death continued for nearly a thousand years.

Until one day, one Beast, and one Man, both generals of their kind's armies, were the sole survivors of a bloody battle. They looked around, staring at their comrade's lifeless eyes, their bleeding bodies, their broken bones. They turned to each other, swearing that they would end this war, with both kinds being the victors. They returned to their kingdoms, proposing this treaty to each of their kings.

Both of these kings, outraged by such an idea, turned down the treaty. The generals returned home, their heads lowered in shame. But they did not give up.

They proposed this idea, of a world where Beast and Man live in peace, together. The idea spread, from Man to Man, from Beast to Beast, until thousands and thousands of followers supported the idea. They beat on their kings' doors, refusing to take no for an answer. The kings, awakened to this idea, accepted it.

They met, on an island between Kaenus and Neimus, signing a treaty to have Beast and Man live together, hand in hand.

However, while they may live together in peace, they still are not free. Segregation exists between them, Man and Beast have separate churches, restaurants, neighbourhoods; Men try not to associate themselves with Beasts, and Beasts avoid socialising with Men.

"Okay class, that's enough for today. We've only five minutes." Mrs. Duval ended her lecture on the history of Beast and Man.

I sighed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I honestly never understand why we have to learn these things. Why do I need to know how people treated each other over a thousand years ago?

"Mr. Vatros, can you please see me at my desk?" Mrs. Duval called. I watched as the Beast, a solid black wolf, approached her desk. They quietly talked, the wolf nodding every few words.

Most schools held purely one race, but often times there would be a few students of the opposite race. This was a human school, and only about twenty Beastmen attended, the other three hundred or so students were all human.

The bell rang, and I grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. I headed to my second period, Physical Science.

I made my way down the hall, moving through the crowd of students. I stopped in front of my locker to grab my science book. Suddenly, a hand grabbed the back of my head, slamming it against the metal locker. I clenched my teeth, and slumped to the floor, holding my head.

"C'mon you little bitch, I didn't do it that hard." A voice spoke behind me. Lance was that one asshole that every school seemed to have at least one of. And I was his unfortunate victim.

"Just leave me alone for pete's sake!" I cried.

"Grow a pair already, man up." Lance kicked me, his foot hitting my side, knocking me over. I heard his footsteps down the hall. I groaned, pulling myself back to my feet.

Rubbing my head, I grabbed my bag and slung it back over my shoulder. I turned to see that same wolf watching me from down the hall, his yellow eyes piercing.

I shuddered, continuing on my way.

Some time later, I sat in my seat in science, my side aching. I looked over to see a dark wolf slip into the classroom just before the teacher, Coach Sylas, closed the door.

He sat down in the back of the room.

"Alright guys, today you're gonna finish that assignment from yesterday. " He pointed to the board. "You can have a partner." I glanced at the board.

Pg. 273, No. 1-20

Question & Answer!

I groaned. I'd forgotten to get my science book from my locker after Vance paid me a visit.

"Kane," Coach Sylas started. "Do you not have your book today?" He raised his brow.

"I-I forgot-"

"He can be my partner, we'll share." A voice in the back answered. I turned, the same wolf from the hall holding up his text book.

"Alright then." The coach turned back to his desk, sitting down.

I stood, approaching the empty desk next to him, and I sat.

"T-thanks." I stuttered.

"Does that guy usually mess with you like that?" He asked, his voice calm.

"Lance?" I turned to look at Lance, who was currently flirting with his partner, and thin girl with fiery red hair. "Y-yeah... Mostly with me."

"Why don't you tell somebody?" He demanded.

"I have." I answered. "He's the principal's son. Nobody cares what he does here."

"That's just fucking stupid." He said, frustrated. "Don't just take that from him. If you need help, just ask for it."

I sighed. "Sure. Thanks for letting me work with you."

He was silent, and simply pushed his paper towards me, all twenty answers on it.

"Thanks again." I smiled, copying the questions and answers, before speaking again. "So what's your name?" I asked.



"Kane. I heard Coach Sylas call you that." He said.

"Well actually, I go by Luke." I corrected him.

"You should use Kane. It fits you better." He said.

The bell rang, and everybody stood, scrambling to get out of class.

"I'll see you later then, Kilo." I said holding my hand out.

He took it. "Later, Kane."

After school ended, I put everything into my locker, watching over my shoulder for Lance. When he didn't show up, I relaxed. I shut my locker, leaving the school and starting the walk home. Well, not exactly home. I lived in an orphanage. I'd lived there since I can remember, yet I still never think of it as home. I turned, off the school grounds, weaving between buildings, and down the sidewalk. I looked over my shoulder, completely out of habit, as I was having to walk through one of the bad parts of the city, bad meaning gang territory. You can always make it through okay, as long as you don't make yourself look like a target.

Today was different though.

Behind me, a tall hooded man followed, closely. On his wrist I could just see the edge of a tattoo, depicting an eye, with a snake circling the pupil.

A Serpent.

The Serpents were one of the largest gangs, and many of their members were wanted fugitives.

I could feel my heart racing, I sped up, as did the hooded man. He came closer. I broke into a run, as fast as I could run, turning down alleys and climbing fences. Despite my best efforts, he stayed close behind.

I looked in front of myself, seeing a second hooded figure, then a third, and a fourth, all blocking the alleyway's exit.

I stumbled, and the first Serpent was upon me. He wrapped an arm around my neck, holding me tightly. In his other hand was a knife. He held it up, near my face.

"Where is it?" He demanded, his voice in a hiss.

"What do you mean?! Where's what?!" I panicked.

He scraped the edge of the knife along my cheek, making a small cut, which burned like it was on fire. "Don't play stupid boy!" He tightened his grip, making a long score down my arm. I screamed in pain, the burn even worse. The blood coming from the wound was turning black. "Talk!" He shouted in my ear.

Then another figure dropped in, from above. He landed in a crouch, sweeping his leg out, catching the ankle of the second Serpent, then leaping forward, grabbing one Serpent's arm, sweeping his leg around into the back of his, knocking him off his feet, and he flipped him over his shoulder, right into the fourth, and they both fell to the ground. The second was back on his feet, his hood had fallen. Underneath was a...

...A reptile's head?

The saviour then swung his body through the air, his heel catching the reptile in the side of his cheek, and he fell to the ground, limp.

The figure turned around. It was Kilo.

"Try anything, and I kill the boy!" My captor shouted.

"Really?" Kilo said calmly, approaching. "Think about it. You kill him, and you've no leverage against me in the first place. No matter what you do, I'll still attack. So how about you leave him and run?" Kilo's eyes were narrow, his stance predatory.

The Serpent holding me scoffed, and threw me to the ground, turning and running.

Kilo ran over to me, wrapping his arm around my back, holding me up. "Kane, are you alright?"

My breathing was shallow, my voice weak. "Arm..." I managed. Kilo grabbed my arm, looking it over. His eyes widened as he saw the dark blood dripping from it, staining his dark fur.

He scooped me up in his arms, one arm under my legs, the other under my shoulders. He ran, down the alleyway.

My consciousness faded, and the world was shrouded in black.

[A/N] Well guys, first chapter, and we've our first cliffhanger already! MWAHAHAHA

Tell me what you guys think. I'm fairly excited, and hope this story will get plenty of views.

SO COMMENT OR I WILL EAT YOUR CHILDREN (Or at least when you have children.)

I'm so strange. X3