His Brother's Heat

Story by Simplified on SoFurry

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(Another random one-shot cuckolding erotica/drama? I'm getting back to my roots! :D)

Oscar's suburban life with his perfect mate is rocked when his big brother drops in for a visit, can the pine marten grow the spine to stand up to his bro? Read on!

(Apologies to anyone who comes in and sees an ugly-assed word wall now... I tried repeatedly to fix this and it still stays this hideous monster that I did not upload three weeks ago. :C)

His Brother's Heat

"Oh! Ah! Faster, Oscar!"

With those words of encouragement from his mate, a lovely marten female named Faline, Oscar bit into her shoulder then picked up speed, ramming his malehood faster, deeper in her birth canal. She arched her back and squealed with the onset of another orgasm brought on by her lover's passionate thrusts.

This latest cascade of her vulva drove him to his own climax.

Her mouth opened for a silent, breathless squeal as his warmth spread through her, his muscles encompassed her, and his breathing slowed to a hot breeze.

Oscar released Faline and they kissed with all the love they could muster for each other.

"You think that's it, Os?"

He laughed while he played with her breasts, buried his nose in her fur. "It better be it, I'm startin' to cramp down here, I feel like I'm havin' a kitten."

She giggled. "You don't have to worry; the baby'll be comin' out of me. You just have to put it there first."

They kissed again, then she broke the kiss. "Get some sleep, baby, we're getting' right back to it when you wake up."

"Yes dear." He moaned balefully.


Morning came and true to her word, she was on him as soon as he awoke.

Before he could protest, her mouth covered his own and her pussy covered his malehood.

She had him back inside her in two quick movements and his protests died as he grabbed her sleek hips and took control.


Outside their house, a car pulled up in front, the driver was a less clean-cut but well-built male pine marten. He got out, closed the door and walked up to the front door.


"Mmm, I'm so glad your boss gave ya the week off jus' for me." She cooed in his ear.

"An' I'm happy I got such an understandin' boss to begin with." He remarked playfully.

Ding-dong! The doorbell rang.

She growled and slammed her fist. "That better not be the neighbors complainin' about our noise again."

He got up with much reluctance. "Hey, I'm not the one screamin' bloody murder when we fuck."

"Well you're just too good sometimes, Os." She stuck her tongue out as she saw that precious cock go inside his shorts. "Go tell 'em fuck off, babe."

"Oh, I will." He laughed before walking out.


The pine marten looked around to see if anyone had seen him. He waved to a neighbor who was fetching his newspaper, and then flipped off the raccoon as soon as he turned around.

The door opened.


He turned and saw his little brother. "Hey, Oscar! Damn fuck, look at you!"

Oscar was surely surprised to see his big brother. "Wh-what are you doin' here? I thought you'd been..."

"Abroad? Yeah, Uncle Sam didn't want me no more so they kicked me out of the marines." He joked. "I've been back awhile actually; I'd been meanin' to call but..." He groaned. "I lost my house. My wife left me an' I don't got nowhere to go."

Oscar blinked. "Wait, Martha left you?"

Francis nodded. "Yeah, seems while I was away, she went in heat an' this fuckin' river rat that been livin' next door throwin' his loud parties every night, well he took her from me. She's pregnant with his kid now and she divorced me, left me an' bank took my house 'cause it was all in her name. I took the only thing I had left that was all mine an' now I'm here." He finished gesturing to his Cadillac in the driveway. "Can ya help me out?"

Oscar scratched his ears just as he heard his own wife's footsteps approaching.

"Baby, did ya ditch me or somethin'?" She stopped when she saw her husband standing next to a taller, stronger looking marten. "Os, who's this?"

Oscar cringed, "Faline, this is my brother, Francis."

Francis' mood shifted considerably when he saw the petite young thing his brother was mated to. "Damn bro, where'd you find this one?"

The young marten shook his head. "Oh no..."


The three sat in the living room. Faline had lightened in her mood as she got to know Francis. "It's an awful shame what happened to ya, Francis."

Francis drank a beer. "Yeah, God sure knows the right ways to fuck ya." He sighed. "Eh, it's not like I didn't see it comin', she was always flirtin' wit that damn otter. Hell, even if I was around I'd swear I'd catch her makin' eyes his way, made me sick. So I'm back in the market, only I think my price tags 're about ta expire."

Oscar listened to them talking, barely getting a good place where he could interject. The word hypocrite seemed to come to mind as he watched his brother chatting so nice and sweet with Faline. Sure, it was bad his brother was out on his ass, but in Oscar's mind, he had it coming. The marten was a serial fornicator of the worst degree, Oscar would know because he'd been a victim more than once when they were younger.


Nine years ago... when Oscar was fifteen and Francis 26, the young marten had his first girlfriend, she was a doe. They played mostly above-the-waist teenager stuff. They kissed, they fooled around, some nights she would give him head. She would get him to cum in her mouth then try to kiss him. Eventually, they went beyond teasing and they took the leap into adulthood together.

They made love a couple of times after that, he would always wear condoms, though. They both knew they weren't ready for that.

Then she met Francis...

His brother had been in jail for driving drunk and was resting at home when the doe came to see Oscar for another private rendezvous. Oscar wasn't home; he was seeing a movie with his friends. Francis answered the door, half-naked from masturbating to porn. He stank of male testosterone as he stood there before her. She never stood a chance.

Oscar came home to the sight of his brother's humping ass driving the doe into hysterical orgasm after orgasm. The young male felt sick to his stomach as he watched them carry on even when Francis saw him.

The big male simply beckoned his brother closer. Francis then put one strong, comforting arm about Oscar's shoulder and held him there, "Stay, bro. Watch." He whispered as he continued to hump away.

With a groan, Oscar did and he could see clearly the distinct lack of latex between his brother and her pussy.

"Look up, Oscar." Francis whispered with strain building in his voice.

Oscar did, his caramel brown eyes met with his brother's.

Francis smiled, then kissed his brother just as his climax hit.

Oscar was surprised but didn't fight back. Not even with another male's tongue in his mouth brushing over his own.

Francis' tail twitched as he filled the doe's unprotected belly.

What happened next changed how he viewed his intimidating older brother back then: Francis pulled out of the doe and let his creampie leak from her a bit, then he pulled down Oscar's pants. He was all smiles when he saw the experience had his bro at full salute. Francis positioned Oscar behind the doe. The young marten didn't need to be told what to do next. He gripped his girlfriend's hips then thrust his young shaft inside and was immediately struck by heat, his brother's heat mixed with the doe's own natural warmth.

Francis whispered, "That's all for you, bro. I love you." And he held his brother as he mated with the doe.

Oscar blushed from many things, mostly from his brother's words. He wanted to believe it, believe his brother really did this thing for him. "Why?" He wanted to ask. His body kept going however.

Francis nibbled the young male's neckfur and pressed his cock between the marten's cheeks. He pushed in.

Oscar gasped from the penetration. Seconds after, big brother started fucking him just as easily as he'd done the doe. Oscar fell into the rhythm, thrusting his length in his girl then being pushed deeper by his brother's thrust. Oscar's climax hit with the doe's and while he flooded her, he could feel warmth surging from his brother.

Things were different after that, Francis treated him different. His brother acted like a sexual guardian angel any time Oscar would bring home a female. Sometimes, Francis would bring a girl home so he could share with his brother.

Oscar didn't know what to feel. He thought he should hate him, but he didn't. He felt he should be disgusted after everything their parents taught them. He wasn't.

His parents... they had been gone a year before the incident. They were firm, strict, loving parents who sadly lost their lives in a car crash, leaving big brother as his new dad. Maybe that was it... They were so far apart in age, they barely had time to speak, to get to know each other, maybe this... maybe this was Francis' way of showing Os how he lived.

Oscar never got to ask, his brother met Martha soon after, they were married and Francis made his decision to join the marines to provide for his new wife.


Oscar's mind returned to the present and he saw that his mate and his brother had since left the living room. He shook his head as dread filled his heart. He stood up. His ears could already detect the sounds. He followed them to his bedroom and sure enough...

"Ah! Ah! Oh, Francis!" Faline cried out in ecstasy as Francis mated her with such ferocity that it put Oscar to shame.

Oscar pressed his head against the wall outside his bedroom. "Damn it... this one was mine." He sobbed. He put his paw on the doorknob then with a deep, labored breath he opened the door. An all too familiar sight greeted him: his brother's humping backside, low-hanging balls and the desperately moaning female beneath him. He closed the door to catch the attention of the pair.

His brother slowed, but didn't stop.

His mate eeped and blushed from being caught. "Os, I'm so sorry."

Oscar groaned. "God damn you, Francis. She's mine, you have no right."

Francis stopped at that. "Excuse me?"

Oscar slammed the wall behind him. "All the ones before, they were just girls and what we used to do, I liked it but..." He sobbed. "Faline is mine."

Francis, incensed, pulled his still hard cock from Faline then stood up. "You tryin' to fight me, bro? It's good yer finally showin' some balls but come on, look at her. She's no different, you see how easy it was for her to jump to me when I provided the opportunity."

Oscar sobbed. "Only because you made it easy, you always do. You did this every time." He turned his sight away from his brother. "I want you out. You're not welcome here."

Francis hesitated. "You really want me gone? After all I've done for you, after how I took care of you when Mom and Dad died?"

"And I'm grateful for that, but I don't need you in my life anymore, I have someone who loves me, who I love and won't make me feel little."

Faline felt touched he would say such a thing even under the circumstances. "Oscar..."

"Faline... You're my mate, I made the promise a year from now already that I would love you, I would keep you, and I would protect you, no matter what. I'm keeping that promise."

Francis snatched up his clothes. "So that's it? You're throwing your own flesh and blood out on the street for some bitch? You and Martha should talk shop since you both know how to fuck me." He stormed out, pushing his brother aside.

Oscar finally broke down in his mate's arms when he heard the front door slam shut. "Faline... I forgive you... I don't want to lose you."

Her tears joined his as she comforted him. "And you never will, Oscar."


The following week, Oscar sat at home playing Skyrim on his computer when Faline walked out of the bathroom in a single white towel. He saw her.

She had a pregnancy test in her paw.

He smiled, but faltered. "Are we sure it's mine?"

Faline's smile never failed. "Well, your brother never came in me... so I think it's pretty damn sure who the daddy is here."

He blushed, "Yeah..."


Meanwhile, Francis had gone back to that otter's house. He was greeted at the door by his pregnant ex-wife and the otter both naked and sweating.

Martha scoffed, "And what do you want now?"

Francis reached for her. When the otter tried to stop him... he locked lips with the male that stole his wife.

Martha gaped at what she saw. "What the f..."

He interrupted her by kissing her next. "Just shut up an' let me in, woman."

The trio went inside and Francis was king of the household once more.

The End