Man X Beast: Chapter 2

Story by TheWoofMan on SoFurry

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#2 of Man X Beast

Chapter two of Man X Beast. Enjoy! ^-^

[A/N] Hey guys. Chapter one is doing fairly well, and AGH I'M SO HAPPEH!!! Stay tuned after the story, I'll leave some little bits of info about the story. Like the past between Man and Beast and all that stuff. :P


He held me in his arms, tightly. I looked right into his eyes, and he did the same. He pulled me closer, into his lap, so I faced him. He leaned down to me, his lips nearly touching mine.

"I love you, Kane." He whispered.

"I love you-"

I opened my eyes, the light nearly blinding.

"Where... Where am I?" I spoke, to nobody in particular. I leaned forward, slowly. I was in somebody's bed, with the covers pulled up over me. The room was small, the walls were painted solid white, with a single mirror hanging from it. There was a bookshelf on the far wall, with many books on the bottom two shelves, the top one had multiple trophies resting on it.

I pulled the covers off of myself, blushing when I saw I was stripped down to my underwear.

I stood, leaning against the wall, approaching the mirror on the wall next to the bookshelf.

I looked at my face. I had long dark hair, which I usually brushed to the side, over one eye. I had light brown eyes, which seemed gold when they caught the light. There was a slash across my cheek, the scabbed blood a dark violet, which greatly contrasted my pale white skin. I ran my fingers over it gently, probing it. "That'll scar..." I whispered to myself.

I walked over to the door, twisting the handle. It didn't budge. Frustrated, I sat on the edge of the bed.

'Where am I?!'

There was a click from the door, and it pushed open. Kilo entered. I remembered what I was wearing, or more, what I wasn't wearing; and pulled the covers over my waist.

Kilo smiled. "Are you feeling alright?" He asked.

I nodded, and spoke. "Where am I?"

"My house." He answered. "You needed medical attention."

"So you brought me to your house instead of a hospital?"

"A hospital could not have helped you." He said calmly. "The blade the Serpent used on you had a poison coating. Without the antidote, you would die." He explained to me, gesturing to my cheek and arm, which had a bandage wrapped around it.

"Is that why my blood is so dark?" I asked, tapping my cheek.

"Well, no..." His voice trailed off. "That's for an entirely different reason."

"What are you talking about?" I demanded.

"You're not human." He replied.


"Not entirely, at least. You're half Man, and half Beast."

"T-that isn't possible!" I panicked. "Children of Beasts and Men are stillborn!" I cried.

"You're different." He sat on the bed next to me. "I can't explain how you survived, but you did. It seems that your human genes are dominant. You show none of your Beast traits, besides your blood."

"But... The people who run the orphanage... They told me that both of my parents were human..." I was in shock. "You're lying. I'm human, I know I am!" I cried out.

"Calm down Kane." Kilo said. He reached out to me.

"No!" I shoved him back, running past him. "You're a liar!" I pulled the door open, rushing out through it.

"Kane!" Kilo wrapped an arm around my waist, and another around my arms and chest, pulling me back into the room.

"Let me go!" I shouted. "Put me down!"

"It's not safe!" He threw me onto the bed, pinning me down on it. I writhed under him.

"I don't care! Lemme out of here! Help! Somebody help!" I screamed, kicking and squirming in his grip.

Kilo grabbed my neck, sticking his thumb into the base where it reached my shoulder, hitting a pressure point.

"Get off... I'm... Human..." My voice faded, along with my vision.

I awoke, for the second time. Kilo sat at the foot of the bed, watching me closely. I shot forward in the bed, gasping. He immediately reached out, grabbing my wrist tightly.

"Let go." I ordered.

"Are you gonna freak out again?" He demanded. I glared at him, silently. He let my wrist go.

He passed me a pair of shorts and an undershirt, which I slipped into immediately. He then offered me a glass of water, which I gulped down.

"Why were the Serpents after me?" I asked.

"That, I do not know."

I sat, silently, for a moment.

"So why did that man have a reptile's head? Beastmen only resemble felines and canines, right?"

"Recently, we've been spotting them everywhere. They come from a continent that we've never seen, on the far side of the planet. We call their species Scalemen. They're all reptilian, and consider both Man and Beast their enemy. They envy us for our large amount of land, while they're trapped on a small continent. They plan to destroy us, and take both Kaenas and Neimus for themselves." Kilo looked at me, his steely gaze showing no emotion.

"What does all of that have to do with me?" I could feel anxiety building in my chest.

"That, I don't know either." He answered, quite solemnly.

"What do we do?" I begged.

"For now?" He paused. "We can't do anything. But we have to find a way to control your abilities."

"Abilities?" I was confused now. "What are you talking about?"

"When threatened, I believe you may show your Beast traits. When that Serpent attacked you, you didn't feel that animal instinct inside? You didn't notice your hands?" I raised my brow, and he grabbed my wrist, holding my hand up in front of my face.

In place of my old fingernails, were long, sharp claws. They protruded about an inch from my finger, viciously.

I gasped, raising my other hand, to find that it looked the same as the former.

I turned them, from front to back, looking them over.

"Will they stay like this?" I asked.

"You can file them back down, but they'll probably quickly grow back." He said. "Are you okay to walk?"

"Well I showed I was capable of that before you knocked me out." I glared.

"Sorry, you weren't coping well." He stood. "Come on, let's go."

"Where to?" I followed him, as we left his apartment, into the streets. It was early morning, the sun only just turning the sky a beautiful violet color.

"Somewhere safer. I've a place only a few blocks away." We approached a car, sleek and black. Kilo went to the driver's side, and I got in the passenger's seat.

He started up the car, turning the key in the ignition. He pulled out into the streets, there was nearly no traffic at all.

We drove in silence, the only sound the engine's revving and the tires on the road. Out of boredom, I stared out the window, into the mirror.

"Kilo?" I spoke.

"What?" His voice replied gruffly.

"I think we're being followed." I pointed into the rear-view mirror, at a black SUV that was trailing us.

Kilo turned down a road, watching as our pursuers did the same.

"Definitely." He slammed the pedal to the floor, speeding away, and the SUV did the same. The tires squealed as we made a sharp turn, down the street, swerving around what few cars there were.

"I think we lost em'!" I looked back, seeing no SUV.

"Kane!" Kilo threw his arm against me, holding me back against the seat, as an 18-wheeler rammed us, T-boning our car and throwing it to the side. We rolled, the car flipping and bucking me in the seat, the only thing holding me in place was the seatbelt. The car, stopped, leaning against a wall, Kilo's door pinned shut.

"Kilo." I groaned. I shook my head, clearing my vision. We were upside-down, hanging by our seat belts. Kilo hung limply. "Kilo?!" He didn't respond.

I pressed the release on my seat belt, dropping to the roof of the car with a thud.

I kicked my door open, rolling over to face Kilo. His eyes were closed, a thin line of crimson flowing from his forehead.

I undid his seat belt, catching him as he dropped. I wrapped my arms under his shoulders, dragging him backwards out the car.

I pulled him out, looking around. Our car was totaled, smashed into the brick side of a building. Whatever bystanders had been there had fled, due to the dozen or so Scalemen approaching.

"Kilo, wake up!" I cried, patting his cheek. "You gotta wake up Kilo!" He groaned, opening his eyes.

"Kane?" He took in our surroundings. "Shit, this isn't good." He stood, only to fall back to a knee, clenching his teeth.

He reached into his leather jacket, pulling out a combat knife. The Scalemen approached, ignoring the weapon, each pulling out there own.

I felt an urge, a instinct in my brain, telling me what to do. A Scaleman stepped forward, kicking the knife from Kilo's hand, then catching Kilo across the face with a heel, knocking him onto his back.

"Kilo!" I cried out.

"Run, Kane." He grimaced.


"Dammit Kane, listen!" He shouted.

The Scaleman flipped the knife in his hand, facing it towards Kilo. He drove it downwards, aiming for Kilo's chest.

"No!" I screamed, taking action.

I suddenly found myself under the blade, the knife inches from my my eye, my wrist against the Scaleman's, holding his arm back.

"Little brat!" He struck at me with his free arm, which I caught with the my other hand, holding his fist in my own. I dug my claws into his skin.

"Agh!" He screamed, pulling his arms back and jumping away. "What the hell?!"

My body grew incredibly hot, as though it were on fire. Every inch of my skin burned, I could feel my bones cracking, snapping, rearranging themselves into a new skeleton. My face became a snout, my ears elongating and moving to the top of my head. My teeth grew in length, sharpening into fangs, a tail sprouting from my spine.

I'd transformed into a Beastman, seven feet tall, with grey fur, brownish-gold eyes, and claws that extended a solid three inches from my fingertips.

I reared my head back, a ragged roar coming from my throat.

I threw my arm forward, the five claws on each fingertip penetrating the Scaleman's chest and throat, lifting him into the air. I watched where his blood flowed from my claw-holes, lapping it up with my tongue.

I reared my arm, throwing the Scaleman off, into his comrades, three of which toppling over with him, into a bloody, broken heap.

The other reptilians shook with fear, one pulling out a magnum, pointing it at me, the tip shaking.

I roared again, holding it out much longer. I held my arm out, pointing a finger at the one with a gun, sitting perfectly still, glaring at him. I started towards him, slowly.

He shook harder, sweat beading on his face. He looked to his teammates, and turned the barrel to himself, sticking it to the roof of his mouth. He pulled the trigger, the bullet exiting through the top of his skull, splattering red everywhere.

I turned to the others, in a full on sprint towards them. I sped towards one, slamming a fist into his chest, launching him backwards several feet. He lay there, no longer breathing. I spun on my heel, snatching another up, my paw covering most of his face. He flailed, grabbing at my arm, tugging at fingers and trying to free himself. I tightened my grip on his head, hearing a disgusting crunch as his arms went limp.

I dropped his body, watching the remaining four run.

"My prey!" A deep, guttural voice growled.

I grabbed the closest one by his arm, swinging him over my head and slamming him into the concrete, his bones crunching. I swung him again, into another Scaleman, both of them dropping.

I pursued the remaining two, lowering my head and clamping my jaws onto the neck of the first, shaking him like a rag doll in my mouth, and biting down harder, separating his head from his body as I bit through his throat. I swallowed the meat whole, dropping the body. I grabbed the last by his ankle, watching him fall to the ground. I rolled him over so he faced me.

He shook in terror, cringing away from me. I reached out, dragging a claw down his cheek, making a thin but deep cut. He screamed, and I shuddered with pleasure. Using my other hand, I dug a single claw into his side, twisting and drawing a second scream of agony from the Scaleman.

"Kane!" A voice shouted. I turned, seeing Kilo. But there was no recognition on my part. I swiped my claws across my victim's throat, tearing it open, before I stood and turned to Kilo. I started towards him, grabbing him by the throat.

"Stop this-K-Kane!" He managed through my grip. I growled, tightening it. I raised my other arm, rearing to rake my claws across his face. I swung.


My claws stopped, inches from his face. I released him, lowering him back to the ground. I slumped forward, falling to my knees. Closing my eyes tightly, as I felt the burning return to my body. My bones returned to their normal positions, and my skin replacing the fur. I was back to my normal five foot, six inch self. However, my ears were still pointed, my teeth mostly normal, save for my canines being much longer and sharper.

I heard the rotors of a helicopter approaching, looking behind me to see a group of helicopters, in formation headed our way.

"Kilo, incoming!" I called.

"It's okay." He said calmly. "They're with me."

"Huh?" The helicopters landed, several armed men stepping out of each one.

A group of paramedics scooped up Kilo, putting him onto a stretcher, wheeling him off.

"Wait!" I followed after them, when a group of men grabbed me pulling me away. "Stop, I wanna be with Kilo!" I pulled back, trying to get free of their grip.

"Restrain him!" One said, and a pair of handcuffs wrapped around my wrists, behind my back.

"No!" I shouted. "Kilo!" I fought harder.

A sharp pain stuck into my side, and I felt electricity course through me. I collapsed. "Kilo..." I whined weakly.

"Hey!" A new voice called out. I looked over to see a man, sharply dressed in a suit and tie. His hair was black, with hints of grey near the hairline. He had dark eyes, but they didn't seem cold or unforgiving, but more solemn and pained. He had thin lips that stood out on his pale face. "Is all of that necessary?" He demanded.

One of the guards answered. "He's the Infiltrator, sir."

The Infiltrator?

I passed out, for the second time in the past twenty four hours.

"Wake up!" I cried. "Please, wake up!" I laid my head on his chest. "Don't leave me!" I felt tears burning my eyes.

I turned to the sick bastard that did this.

"I'll kill you!"

I gasped, leaning forward in my seat. I was no longer in the streets, but I was laying on a stretcher. The room I was in was large, with several empty stretchers, and one that had it's blanket in disarray, as though somebody had just gotten out of it. The walls were solid white, the floor linoleum tile. I could smell strong cleaning products.

I turned, seeing Kilo on the edge of my bed. He had a bandage wrapped around his head, and a few on his wrists where he'd been cut by the glass. Besides that, he seemed fine.

"Hey." He greeted quietly.

"Are you okay?" I asked, gesturing to his bandages.

"Only a few cuts and bruises. I'm fine."

"What happened?" I thought back to before the guard tazed me, but I couldn't remember anything after I stopped the knife, to before the helicopters showed up.

"You don't remember anything?" He raised his furred brow.


He pulled out a tablet, showing a video that replayed the events during my transformation. After it ended, I sat silently, staring at the floor.

"I-I did all that?" I lifted my hands, looking at my claws. There was still dry blood on them. My mouth tasted metallic, like the blood I'd lapped up. "I killed them?" My hands began to shake.

"What am I?" A tear streamed down my face.

Kilo grabbed me by the shoulders, pulling me close, my face against his chest.

"I never asked for any of this." My body shook with sobs. "I'm a monster. A freak!"

"Don't say that." Kilo whispered gently.

"What am I then?" Tears soaked into Kilo's shirt.

"You're Kane." He answered. "Even if you're not human, you're still you." He stroked the back of my head. "Don't let this one little change ruin you. You're always going to be Kane, with the same kind, smart, helpful personality."


"Yes, Kane?"

"Thank you." I looked directly into his eyes, and he did the same.

"I don't really even know you." Kilo broke the silence between us.

"Well, I'm usually a bit of a loner. People usually find it strange that I'm an orphan, and that I still live in the orphanage. They picked on me a lot, so I push people away." I began. "I'm terrible at athletics, but I make up for it with my academics. I also enjoy drawing, and painting." I ended. "You?"

Kilo furrowed his brow, deep in concentration. "I don't really have anything to tell." He said.

"I saw the trophies in your room." I said.

He rubbed the back of his head. "Oh... Heheh... Well, I'm a star athlete in track, and swim team. I'm also a straight-A student. I don't have any friends at our school because... Well, you know." He gestured to his dark furred body.

"Looks like we've got a bit more in common than we thought." I smiled.

"Yeah." Kilo agreed.

The door swung open, a group of guards entering. One pointed at me.

"You. Come with us." I looked to Kilo, worriedly. He looked down to the floor.

I approached the guards, who slapped cuffs to my wrists, a pole attached to it so they could keep me a distance ahead.

They pushed me out the door, leading me down corridors and through rooms, up and down stairs. I couldn't believe the size of this place. I was pushed into a large office, where the same sharply dressed man from before sat at a desk.

He looked at me and scowled with a sigh. "Honestly, I already told you, the restraints are not necessary."

"But sir-"

"I don't care!" He cut the guard off. "Take them off." The guards followed his orders, removing my cuffs and the pole. The guards left, silently, leaving me and the strange man alone.

"I apologise, they can be a bit excessive at times." He said. "Please, sit down." I sat in a chair across from him, looking over his desk. There was a small plaque, reading "Director Niles."

He looked me over. "You have your father's eyes."

"You knew my parents?!" I felt my heart race. "My real parents?!"

"Yes, Mr. Kane, I was very close with them." He answered.

"What were they like?" I felt so excited, so good to get to know a bit about my parents.

"I believe Kilo informed you of your unusual heritage?" He asked.


"Your mother was human, while your father was a Beast. I can see that your Beast form takes after him too."

'So who hasn't seen that?' I thought.

"Your mother went to school with your father. They were good friends, until they graduated. Something happened between them, that I don't know about, as they told nobody. Whatever happened, it caused them to be lovers. And they had you."

Some part of my brain said 'That's it?' While the other parts were screaming with joy to have learned even just a tiny bit about them.

"Now," he started. "You're probably wondering why you were referred to as the 'Infiltrator.'" He guessed. I nodded.

"When you were first born, you were near death. We did everything we could, but nothing was working. One of the lead scientists, one who was working on the Beast X Man DNA Splicing project. He said he could neutralise your Beast DNA and save you. So, naturally, we allowed it. All of your dominant Beast phenotypes vanished, save for your eye colour." He gestured to my face.

"Unfortunately, this scientist was later exposed as a Scaleman, which you're all too familiar with. His plans were to use you, to infiltrate Kaenas first, destroying everything in your path. He assumed he could later come and take control of you. However, it doesn't seem that you'll be doing that." He explained.

"So why am I not like other Beasts?" I asked. "Why am I so... Feral?"

"We can't seem to figure it out. When you transform, you're a much more primitive Beast, only listening to your instincts."

I sat silently.

"What happens if I lose control again?"

His eyes darkened.

"We will kill you."

I had no response to that. "Calvin." He called. One of the guards, presumably the leader, entered the room. "Escort Kane to his room."

"Yes sir." He grabbed me by the wrist, holding up handcuffs.

"Without restraints." Director Niles rolled his eyes.

Calvin dropped the cuffs back to his belt, taking me back through the corridors down to where my room was presumably located.

"Take a right." Calvin said. I listened, turning down the hall.

Suddenly, his hands were at my throat. He held me against the wall, squeezing my neck tightly, so tight I couldn't inhale.

"You monster." He spat. "Director Niles may not see you as a threat, but I see exactly what you are." He tightened his grip.

I grabbed at his arms, trying to pull them off, desperate for air.

"I'll kill you. I'll strangle you right here, I'm not doing anything wrong! I'm removing the threat!" He screamed, laughing madly. "Die, freak!"

There was a click, and Kilo stood behind Calvin, a pistol to the back of his head. "Drop him." He ordered. My vision was darkening.

'I'm going to die.'

"What are you doing?!" Calvin yelled. "I'm not the enemy, this monster is!" He tightened his grasp on my throat, the last of the air leaving my lungs.

I reached up, stabbing my thumb into his eye, the claw digging into it easily.

"Agh!" Calvin screamed, pulling away, holding his eyes. I dropped to my knees, holding my throat. "I'll kill you both!" He reached to his belt, pulling out a hand grenade, pulling the pin. "I'll kill you, even if it kills me!" He laughed maniacally, removing his hand from the lever.

Kilo rocketed forward, tackling Calvin to the ground, his hand wrapping around Calvin's, pulling the hand grenade free and holding the lever shut again. He held his foot to Calvin's chest, pinning him to the ground. Kilo scooped up the pin, sticking it back into the explosive. He pistol whipped Calvin across the face. His body went limp, and Kilo grabbed his radio off his vest.

"Hey Director, you might wanna put a leash on this son of a bitch, he just tried to murder Kane." Kilo dropped the radio back onto Calvin.

Kilo approached me, scooping me up in his arms. He carried me, through the halls, into what was probably his room.

He laid me on the bed, sitting next to me on the edge, looking at the floor."

"Kane." He started. "I know we've only just met. But even on that first day I met you, I knew what I felt for you. I don't know if you feel the same, or if you even consider me a friend in the first place, but I've got very strong... Feelings for you." He confessed. "And today, I nearly lost you. I wasn't even there, it's a miracle I got there when I did. I don't ever want to lose you." In the darkness of the room, only his eyes shone, the brilliant gold standing out in the darkness.

"I... I love you, Kane."

"I..." I started, my mouth unable to form words. Instead of speaking, I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him close. His lips brushed against mine, his breath warm. He tilted his head, his lips connecting with mine in a passionate kiss.

He slid his tongue into my mouth, his tongue rubbing against my own. He lifted me off the bed, pulling me into his lap. He held me tightly, against his warm body. This close I could smell his musk, which most Beasts had. It was strong and masculine, driving me crazy.

I tugged at his shirt, and Kilo got the message. He pulled away, pulling his shirt off over his head. I ran my hand over his torso, my fingers tangling in the dark fur, pressing against his hard muscles. He pulled my shirt off over my head, pushing me down onto the bed. He straddled my waist, and ran his clawed fingers gently down my chest, sending tingles up my spine. He returned to my mouth, sliding his tongue inside and invading my mouth.

He pulled away, and licked along my collarbone, moving up to my throat. I arched my back, high from his touch. He gently bit my neck, and I gasped.

I was aware of a sudden tightness in my pants, feeling it in Kilo's too.


He immediately knew what I meant. "Not tonight. Not now." He smiled, looking at me with those radiant golden eyes. We both took it as a message to calm down.

He rolled onto the bed next to me, wrapping an arm around me to pull me close, up to his chest. We laid on the bed, face to face, in each other's arms, for what felt like hours.

Before I knew it, Kilo's breathing was heavy, and his eyes were closed.

I couldn't help but smile, burying my face into his neck, and closing my own eyes.


THIS WAS SUCH A LONG CHAPTA! I enjoyed writing it though! Thanks to all the people who reviewed chapter one! ;D Er, well, commented on chapter one. I'm still used to Anyway, here's those little bits o' info I promised.

Corus - (Pronounced Core-oos)The planet that Kaenas and Neimus are located on. Corus is much larger than Earth, nearly twice the size of Jupiter. However, it's conditions are much like that of Earth, being mostly oceans, and having four seasons in a year.

Kaenas - (Pronounced Kay-En-Us) The continent the humans resided in. The largest continent on Corus.

Neimus - (Pronounced Nay-mus) The continent which was the original home of Beasts, until the treaty was signed.

The Red War - The war between Beasts and Man, which lasted roughly a thousand years. It is called the Red War for all the bloody deaths of the warriors, and often times the army to lose the battle would hold up a red flag, to signal their defeat. There were approximately a hundred and thirty-two recorded battles to take place in this war.

The Treaty of Unity - The treaty, signed by both of the kings of the opposing species, which ended the Red War and united Beasts and Men.

Beastmen - Referred to as "Beasts", Beastmen are anthropomorphic canines and felines, and are sentient, just like Man. When two Beastmen are related by blood, they have a mental link, referred to as "The Bond Of Bloods" in old times. With this mental link, Beastmen ca share thoughts, wether just having simple conversations or in times of danger. This link is also shared by two Beastmen who are mates, but it is seen as even more powerful, the pair being able to feel each other's emotion and pain.

Man - While Man is simply human like us, they have other traits. Their immune systems are much stronger than that of a Beast; they are almost never sick. They also were they natives of the larger continent, Kaenas, before the treaty.