Engangered - Open Ocean, part one

Story by Dakota on SoFurry

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Boring legal stuff - This story contains material not suitable for persons under 18. This story contains adult material involving incest and minors, so don't read if it offends you or it's illegal to read. All characters are copyrighted and property of their creator, and any resemblance they have to anyone or anyone else's characters is coincidence.

Dakota closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath, savoring the salty tang of the ocean air. A week on the waves and he was still enjoying each and every minute of it. The smell in the air, the feel of the ocean breeze tugging at his fur, the warm sun shining down on him and the small yacht on which he sailed the ocean. And above all of this, he enjoyed the company he shared the boat with, his mate, Mary.

His heart swelled with pride and love for her as he tossed the word around in his head again. His mate. She was eight years younger than he was, and he had known her for her entire life, and known that she would one day be his mate for almost as long. But the fact that they were truely mates now still came as a pleasant shock to him now and again. They hadn't had any ceremony, just recieved the lisence and had the words spoken at the local courthouse, but it was enough to make them legal mates. They had considered themselves mates for weeks until then, ever since they had reunited after years apart, but it still felt good to know that it was the truth in every letter of the law. Mary of course had wanted the grand ceremony, but Dakota had managed to talk her out of it without too much effort. Partially because they had no family except for each other, but partially because they were the only family each other had. Mary was not only his mate, but his younger sister as well. And though the law allowed such close marriages for endangered species, which he and Mary were, much of the public disapproved of such unions, and they both saw the wisdom in keeping certain facts discreete, if not exactly a secret.

Still, his heart swelled with his affection for her as he looked over to where the ferret was sprawled out in the sun, reclining on a beach chair on the deck of the yacht they had rented for their honeymoon, thanks to the inheritance left to them by their deceased parents. His eyes eagerly drank in the sight of her sixteen year old body stretched out for the sun's rays. Their markings were very much the same, the dusty greys and browns of their pelts, lighter on the front, as well as the teltale black mask around their eyes and on their hands and feet, the markings possessed by the few of the black-footed ferrets there were left. It was her form, not her fur, that he was admiring at the moment though. Only four feet tall, but puberty had blessed her while still leaving her with the lithe slinkiness that ferrets are known for, from the pleasant swell of her hips to her rounded breasts, as small but firm as ripe peaches. Each were capped by her dusky-pink nipples, slightly hardened by the cool ocean breeze as she was wearing nothing but a bright blue sarong wrapped around her waist.

With a smile, he reached a paw out to cup one of those little breasts, gently holding it with a soft squeeze, feeling the nipple rubbing against the paw of his palm as she stirred underneath him, grinning at him as she peered up at her brother and mate through her sunglasses. "Are we there yet?" she asked teasingly.

He chuckled at her words. "Why, are you so eager to get back into your clothes? In the week we've been out that's the most that you've ever worn, and often enough you've worn a lot less."

She giggled in response, that wonderful sound that never failed to bring a smile to his face. "I studied the island that we're going to in school, and the girls there wear about as much as this, if not less. I'm just looking forward to getting there in time for their festival, as well as you should be too." "This festival you're talking about, everything that I've ever heard about it makes it sound like more of a three day mass orgy than anything else. Hardly the place where I'd think you'd want to spend your honeymoon."

She grinned up at him with that mischevious grin of hers. "You're not getting jealous, are you? Afraid your little mate is going to get swept up in the arms of some burly native?" She gave her head a gently shake before returning her smile up to him. "You remember what I told you about that, right?"

He couldn't help but let out a little murr, remembering the exact words she told him shortly after their reunion. "What were the exact words you used? 'I'm a lesbian except for you, and you can fool around with any girl you want as long as it's the both of us'? Something like that?"

Again she nodded. "I enjoy the company of other girls, but it's you I love, Dakota, with all my heart and soul. I want you to enjoy the company with me, but you're the only male I've ever had and will ever have." With that soft smile of hers on her lips, she reached down to unwrap the sarong from around her waist, exposing the soft fur of her sex to the air and to his gaze, already dewy with her growing arousal. "And I want to have you now, my mate." He didn't need another second of encouragement, merely slipped his swimming shorts to the ground, the only thing he was wearing, stepping over to her beach chair and crawling atop of her, feeling her legs and her loving arms wrap around him. He gently removed her sunglasses, so that he could gaze into her eyes, loving nothing more than the expression on her face as he sank himself into her, her tight flesh yeilding to his hard cock as he sank himself into his sibling.

Nose to nose, their bodies slowly rocked against each other, each enjoying the slow, gentle mating as much as the other, her chest rubbing against his, his flesh steadily pistoning in and out of hers. Nose to nose, they gazed into each other's eyes, feeling the love and affection they felt for one another passing between them, the bond of brother to sister only reinforcing the bond of mate to mate. Each thrust drove those emotions higher, as lust and passion added to the love and affection already there, soft hisses and growls filling the air along with the sounds and scents of the ferrets' mating. Mary's sweet moan harmonized with Dakota's growl as they came together, the jill's hot, strong muscles squeezing and massaging the hob's cock, milking each spurt of his potent musk deep into her body, the girl's softly cooing as she felt that warmth spreading through her, the male moaning as he released what was pent up.

Arms and legs tangled with each other, they lay there as the sun set and the stars came out over the ocean, one day closer to their destination.

Mother and Daughter 1 - Claiming the Daughter

"Yes Ari, I know perfectly well where the place is... Mmm hmm... I know, I know. Just give me two hours, and I'll be ready... Look, you don't need to convince me anymore, I know fully well what this raise means for me... For crying out loud, you would...

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Endangered - Introduction

Boring legal stuff - This story contains material not suitable for persons under 18. This story contains adult material involving incest and minors, so don't read if it offends you or it's illegal to read. All characters are copyrighted and property...

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The Slumber Party

Boring legal stuff - This story contains material not suitable for persons under 18. This story contains adult material involving minors, so don't read if it offends you or it's illegal to read. All characters are copyrighted and property of their...

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