Chapter 1

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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#1 of Crystal

In a seedy city, a lonely figure walks the streets and heads into an underworld of sin and debauchery.

Chapter One

"Imagine a world where you can be stronger, smarter and more powerful..."

"Have you ever felt frustrated by the limitations of your own body?"

"Have you ever come so close but never first?"

"There is a solution... We are Phoenix Grace Pharmaceuticals, are dedicated to helping you achieve your dreams. We have improvements, all natural and virtually untraceable on the surface without even leaving a scar."

"How do you ask?"

"Well... our improvements are made with extensive use of "nano-technology", a new and experimental form of treatment which does its work actually inside the body, leaving no visible scars. We have already used this technology to benefit and improve the lives of thousands of people and now we are making it available to you!"

"All you need is one small injection and get ready for a worry-free, limitation free life..."

Or so the commercial said as it droned on in the aftermath of the storm.

The rain was pounding the concrete pavement with people of all different species diving for cover under the various umbrellas and shelters along the street. There was an eerie, almost ethereal sense of calm in the air though. Almost as if the worst of the storm that had pounded the city of New Providence so relentlessly for the last few days was almost over. The rain was still heavy but much lighter than it had been over the last few days.

Most of the shops along the boulevard had shut as the night had rolled in and the darkness swung over the city, only with the bright shining of the street lamps and moving advertisement signs which helped ward off the total darkness.

The city was one of the major cities in the southern continent of Terra, so rainstorms were somewhat common due to the humidity in the air, despite people running for cover like it was the first one they had ever encountered.

But the city lived on regardless... a population of almost three million, all either asleep or going about their business. It was true what they said about New Providence... the city by the bay that never slept.

New Providence once been a naval construction port for the democratic Vulpine State, almost a hundred years ago since the end of the Reptillian Wars which brought about the armistice between all the nations of the planet and lasting peace. Since that time, New Providence had become a very powerful and influential commercial dockyard which served as the economic centre and mercantile gateway into Vulpus.

The city had always been considered important and was one of the largest cities on Terra with large world-wide corporations setting up their main offices here, meaning that skyscrapers towered into the sky.

But for many of its citizens, the city was not the charming huge delta metropolis sat at the mouth to a great river which the tourists saw, to them it was simply one thing... home.

It was fast approaching one thirty in the morning and most of the city was sleeping, except for a few motorised automobiles which were travelling down the road of the main boulevard as the rain continued to hammer down, travelling into each stream of light from a streetlamp to look like falling stars.

However this road was not completely empty.

A figure in a large, full-figured coat walked down the road, past the large talking billboard which had moved on from talking about nano-augmentation and instead was now attempting to sell a new form of mobile phone.

The figure passed two small off-licences which were still open at this time of night and turned off the main boulevard and out a much smaller and more dimly lit street. There was noise along this street, apart from the distant sound of the cars passing from the main boulevard which was now behind the figure. However the clashing for the rain on the pavement was still fairly distinctive.

The figure turned halfway down this road and walked into a smaller, cramped looking alleyway which looked far more desolate, with refuse stacked from nearby shops piled quite high out of the huge bins.

He grabbed his hat, the only thing that was keeping him dry for the moment. It was a large, wide-brimmed hat reminiscent of one of those cliche spy movies that were so popular in the cinema. However in real life, the man rarely saved the day and got the girl at the same time.

He approached a large metallic and rather uninviting door with a metal viewpoint which could be slid back from the other side to check who was calling. He took a deep breath, scratched the back of his furry hand and then proceeded to knock on the door, creating a large thud with each loud knock.

He then waited, looking down at the floor and then back at the door, waiting for some kind of response. Even if that response was a rather burly looking wolf telling him to go fuck himself.

"Yeah" shouted a deep voice as the slider stood back to reveal a pair of bright, yellow and menacing looking eyes.

"Eh... Hi" spoke the figure outside, somewhat uncomfortably. "I erm... wondered if..."

"Look mate" said the pair of yellow eyes, now checking over him almost like they were scanning the figure for some kind of deception. "Either tell me what you want or fuck off..."

The figure shifted uncomfortably on the spot, he was waiting for the words fuck and off in the conversation to come out eventually. Maybe this was not the best idea...

Too late...

"I eh... heard you have... guys here? My friend told me about this place... you got "S" too right?"

The eyes growled a little and a sniffing sound was heard behind the door. The eyes were beady, yellow and completely full of suspicions and the figure in the trenchcoat did not want those eyes to be the last thing he ever saw.

"And whose ya friend?" the eyes booming voice asked with a sniff.

"Eh... Ryden, Ryden Kain..." replied the figure nervously..."

Suddenly the viewpoint slammed shut again and various muffled voices could be heard behind the door. It was far too loud from the rain to work out exactly what they were saying but the way the figure saw it. He had two choices...

One: Run away now why he had the chance...

Two: Wait for a group of armed thugs to open the door and possibly shoot the shit out of him.

Neither option seemed particularly appealing...

The door suddenly swung open to reveal a large, black, muscular wolf standing there with a large cigarette stuck in his muzzle. He was massive, the figure assumed that he must have been a bodybuilder or something because he could have easily flattened him by just one punch.

"You got cash?" growled the wolf as he ushered the figure inside.

The figure walked in, albeit cautiously, making sure that he turned in open, facing the wolf so that he did not get a knife in his back while he wasn't looking.

The room was tiny and smelled heavily of smoke and other noxious chemicals. The room was essentially a small kitchen with piles of washing in the sink and a small television which was one some kind of illicit sexual video of two masculine dogs fucking.

There was only one window in the room, above the piled up sink which looked out into the blackness. A small table and chairs were in the middle of this tiny kitchen with a large, gangly-looking hyena sat there, smoking on something that was quite obviously not tobacco. The awful smell of whatever he was smoking almost made the figure gag on entry but he managed to keep the urge inside of him.

He nodded to the wolf, taking off his hat to reveal small blue eyes and a very chiselled muzzle which indicated that he was a fox. He had deep brown fur and a white patch down over the top of his long snout which was indicative of most of the vulpine species. His ears were slightly longer than the average fox, with little freely flowing tuffs of darker, almost black hair on the end of them. Compared to the massive hulking wolf who had opened the door in nothing but a pair of yellow shorts he was tiny, about four foot five inches tall.

"What's ya name then?" asked the wolf.

"Jack..." said the fox, looking over his surroundings, examining the musty, once-white, now yellow sheet the hung over the doorway into the next room like a makeshift curtain. There were some strange, odd noises coming from behind the curtain.

"Jack... right? Well its two hundred, you get to pick and one of the boys will give you some S if you ask him. You come here, you do it, you leave and you only get two hours... got it?" bellowed the Wolf. His voice was so angry that it made Jack wonder if he always sounded that menacing.

"Got it..." replied Jack as he proceeded to reach into his coat pocket and pulled out a large wad of notes. Passing them to the wolf who snatched them out of his hand and began counting it. He completed the counting and with a large sniff, of which he was making a consistent few, he drove the notes into his pocket as the Hyena in the corner just stared into space with the same vacant expression that he had when Jack had walked him.

"Is... eh... he alright?" asked Jack, nervous about saying something to upset the wolf who glared at him with his piercing yellow eyes as if how dare he ask a question. He looked back to the Hyena who was vacant but still breathing the corner.

"Yeah... he's fine... He's just a little out of it right now eh..."

Jack nodded and felt that it was better to not ask any additional questions upon fear of being flattened by a wolf about twenty times his size.

The wolf gestured to the curtain, as he finished putting the money away in his pocket. "Right, come 'ere" he said, ushering Jack through the curtain.

As Jack passed through the curtain, the moans of the various different species all joined together in coitous became much louder and much more sexually explicit. He was standing in a large, dimly lit corridor which looked as if it had not been decorated in year and had tacky wallpaper from twenty years ago which was quite obviously falling apart.

One each side of the corridor were three rooms, two of which were slightly open while the rest were closed. From the closed rooms as Jack walked behind the wolf down the hall could be heard every expletive under the son and the clashing of sexual desire, all at different stages.

This symphony of excitement strangely made Jack somewhat aroused as he walked with the wolf towards the two open doors at the end of the hall after hearing "Yeah, fuck me there... Oh daddy, please fuck me harder!"

The wolf came to a halt, taking a look at both rooms and then turning to Jack. "You pick..." was the only thing he said before walking back off down the hall and disappearing behind the curtain that they had just came from leaving Jack in the corridor along.

Jack looked somewhat out of his depth as he shuffled nervously, not sure what he should do, should he go into the rooms either side of him or just back out now, tell them to keep the money and not go through with this whole thing. He suddenly felt a lump in his throat as the reality of the situation hit him.

What the hell was he doing in a gay brothel?

Curiosity got the better of him as he chose the room on the left to peek in first. The room was comfortably lit, with a strange and again very tacky red motif on the walls and a double bed with some hideous satin imitation sheets which looked just as cheap as they probably were. The carpet was a horrible maroon colour which did not compliment the look of the room at all, making this whole place seem just dirty and seedy.

"Well... are you going to come in or not... I haven't got all day..."

Jack froze as he realised that he had be spotted by the young, slender cat whole had been sat on the bed smoking a cigarette. He could not have been much older than eighteen and with a body that was very femine, his sumptuous curves were just something even Aphrodite would be jealous of. He lay there, fully clad in some kind of underwear which was made from lace.

"I take it you are new.. ain't seen you before" he continued, reaching over for the small glass ashtray by the bed.

"Umm... Yeah" said Jack, almost blushing at how blatant this boy was and how he seemed to be some comfortable in selling his body for money which the wolf out front probably made. There was a loud thud from the wall as the room next door was obviously getting close to orgasm.

"Will you close the door!" shouted the boy as he looked back at Jack. "There is draft coming in here!"

Jack walked into the room and closed the door behind him before he realised what he had done. Now he was trapped and with that he had sealed his fate, not that the boy was not attractive, he just felt increasingly uncomfortable.

"So... what you do you want... a blow job? Fuck me?... What?" asked the boy, proceeding to get up and get on all fours on the bed which let Jack glaze his eyes over his wanting body. "You're better looking than the punters I usually get."

Jack was taken aback at just how blatant the prostitute now showing him his small, tight entrance hole was being. He was not sure how to respond to the question. This was not something that he usually did. The moaning next door was not helping matters either. The boy lifted his tail and looked back at Jack with a small devilish grin.

"Its not often that I get one that I want..."

Jack was mesmerised by the way the boy was waving his tush about so freely, he felt movement beneath his coat that he had never felt for another male before. He had been married for a long time to a female and it just seemed as if this had been an awakening for him.

Jack felt compelled to at least allow himself to try some things with this boy that he had paid for. He walked over and ran his hands over the boy's very skimpy little knickers which were made of lace and were somewhat translucent.

The soft feel of the boys fur sent a powerful reaction to his groin which caused a large bulge that continued to throb warmly and pleasurably as he kept it contained for now. He ran his paws over the contours of the cat's soft white fur, grinding it over the bump of his buttocks as he slowly groped them, making the boy moan gently in pleasure.

Every second was becoming more and more difficult to resist the feelings that this boy was giving him. He ran his fingers over the boy's soft, small hole which made him gasp and give out a gentle, softer moan then the one next door.

Jack noticed the boy's sheath begin to bulge and rise in the anticipation of being touched, seeing that he was getting the same pleasurable sensations that Jack now had in his pants, making it much much harder to resist his soft, young touch.

"What's your name?" asked Jack softly?

"Shiron..." said the boy looking up at him...

Jack recalled the name but he was split, part of him wanted to take this boy and slip his cock in his rear until Shiron cried out in pleasure and he exploded in his own creamy fountain. But he had other plans, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out something, long, black and stiff which the boy could only imagine was some kind of toy.

"You know you can't bring your own toys, rig..."

"Good job this isn't a toy bitch... now where is the S" commanded Jack, switching his personality almost immediately. The boy looked back to see that Jack had a large, black handgun pointed at the back of the boys head.

"Shit... you a cop!?" he exclaimed in almost panic.

"I'll leave that for you to wonder... Now where is the S!?" confronted Jack in a hushed voice so that the others would not hear him.

"T-T-There" said the boy, pointing to a drawer by the bed. Jack reached over while keeping the gun in the back of the boys head He pulled out a back of green powder which he knew to be the substance that he had been looking for.

Quick as a flash, the boy kicked Jack out the way and attempted to make his escape for the door while yelling "COPS!" at the top of his voice. Jack gave a short sigh, turned and shot the boy in the leg with the handgun causing a loud bang, causing the boy to tumble to the ground, incapacitated but alive.

Almost as quickly as the gun went off, he heard the rushed sounds of footsteps as the wolf and his friend came scurrying down the hall to the room brandishing a shotgun as Jack had just enough time to jump to the other side of the bed for cover before a scatter-shot of pellets came whizzing past him. He flipped up a device that looked like a wristwatch and spoke into it quickly.

"Code Black... Officer in danger... need back-up!"

"Roger, jack..." said a female voice over the watch. He shouted to the wolf, who was standing in the doorway still holding the shotgun.

"Give up Cortez! We know you got the drugs... now tell us who supplied you and nobody needs to get hurt!"

"FUCK YOU!" shouted the wolf, firing another burst into the room as Jack crouched under the bed to avoid it. Behind the wolf, clients and prostitutes alike were running out in a half dressed state, trying to escape into the night.

Jack sighed as he climbed under the bed and used his marksmanship to expertly shoot cortez right in the leg, causing him to tumble to the ground.

"I'll kill you... I'll fucking kill you!" shouted the wolf in pain as he attempted to reach for his shotgun, almost grabbing it before Jack was able to get up.

"Scumbag" said Jack before lining up a perfect shot, right into Cortez's head which made him sink to the floor, up against the doorframe, lifeless.

"Crap..." exclaimed Jack as he realised that he had meant to shoot him in the hand to stop him from getting the gun. "I'm in trouble..."

Chapter 2

Chapter Two "You shot a key suspect!", the police commissioner slammed his large bear fist down onto the table with a frightening crash. His desk was untidy, papers laying about with various reports which had not only covered his desk but also...

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