Izers Life 3: Mistress Emily

Story by dusty779 on SoFurry

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#3 of Izer's Life

Next chapter is now out! I hope you enjoy this. it nearly moved me to tears writing some of it. Its a change of pace from whats happened sofar, but i started to feel like i was punishing him too much.

This story is 18+ rated! If you are under this get lost.

Izer (c) me

Izer's Life: Mistress Emily

The drive was cold, bumpy and uncomfortable with his tail and Izer spent a large portion of it crying. Sarah tried to drive and give sympathy at the same time which sadly wasn't working. Eventually Izer cried himself to sleep laying out on the back seat. They drove for hours weaving from one street to the next till they finally came to their destination, a small bookshop on the outskirts of town, the sun was starting to come up already as Sarah turned off the car.

"Izer, Izer Honey" She cooed opening the passenger door and leaned in "Wake up"

"mmm, S...Sarah?" he groaned groggily and sat up getting a smile from her

"That's right, Were here" She said smiling more "this Bookshop belongs to a friend of mine, shes been needing help for a while, so we decided you would do best"

"B...But why me? Why here?"

"Because your a kind, sweet Lizard" she said gently rubbing his cheek "and you'll be perfect for the job" he sighed and nodded and she helped him out of the car. Knocking on the door it was opened by a lady in her mid to late sixty's

"Izer Sweetie this is Emily Villarreal" Sarah said introducing the elderly lady "Em, This is Izer, the Slave I was telling you about"

"Oh So your the little Darling shes been talking about for all these weeks" she exclaimed smiling wide and bending down to look him in the face "She'd Told me allot about you! Its nice to Finally meet the little scalley ray of sunshine as she calls you" Izer would have blushed if he could, instead his belly went a light pink.

"Y...yes Ma'am, I...its a pleasure to meet you" he said shyly and he could have sworn she squealed.

"Em, we should get inside, there's some paperwork that you need to fill out" Sarah said getting her attention "Izer, your stuff is in the trunk" Izer nodded and headed to the back of the car to grab out a large backpack

"Your room is up the stairs and to the left" Emily said as they headed inside, Izer nodded and made his way there carrying the bag while Emily and Sarah went into the small downstairs kitchen. The room was larger than what he was used to. It was a full sized bedroom with a dressed and wardrobe. A large double size bed sat against one wall with a cute floral pattern on it. He was almost overwhelmed by it all but quickly pulled himself together and started to unpack his bag. He hung his clothes up, pulling on his yellow shorts realizing he was still nude from being woken and moved before he had a chance to dress. Thinking about it he wouldn't have had a chance to seeing as they had packed it all already before they woke him. He then noticed some extra things in the bottom of the bag, there was a lunchbox with some leftovers of the meal from the night before in it. There was also a picture with Sarah, Kevin, Boyd and himself on it with a number on the back he could only guess was a phone number. Lastly there was an envelope with money in it, a large amount of money.

"Found everything I see" Sarah said and he turned to see her at the door

"Whats this?" he asks holding up the envelope and she simply smiled

"Concider it a thank you" she said walking up to him "Youve been the ray of sunshine in our days, you made us all smile, This is our way of thanking you. Its for you to spend on whatever you fancy"

"H...How much is..."

"Three thousand, thats a thousand from each of us" She said gently placing he hands on his shoulders

"I...I cant accept this...I...I'm not wor.." she slapped him sharply and he blinked looking up at her

"Don't you EVER say that again" she said shaking, she looked like she was about to cry "If you weren't, we wouldn't have done all this for you" he whimpered and nodded

"Thankyou... Sarah" he said hugging her tightly

"Any time Izer" she hugged him back and smiled "Any time"

Sarah stayed for a few more hours talking with Emily and Izer in the kitchen, going over the previous nights events. Soon tho she had to leave for work and got up slowly hugged Izer again not wanting to let go.

"Ill try to drop in as often as I can" she said with a smile "If not Ill get Kevin to drop by, I gave you my phone number if you ever need to talk, or if something goes wrong" Izer nodded and she turned to leave

"Ill Miss you Sarah" Izer called

"See you soon Kiddo" she responded and then walked out the door. There was silence for a while, izer just sat looking at his cup of orange juice before finally he spoke up.

"s...So Master... what do you want me to do?"

"Well first off, its not Master, I'm a Lady so its Mistress" Emily said softly "But you can Just call me Emily. Secondly, I got some new stock in, so maybe you can put it away on the shelves? You'll just need to put them in alphabetical order by reading the names"

"Umm... Mistress?" he asked meekly "I don't know how to read"

"Really?" she asked a tad shocked and got a nod response "Well I guess well haft to teach you wont we?"

It was hard going to start with, learning the alphabet he started putting the stock away. Soon he was reading simple children's books and that escalated quickly into more advanced stuff. Sarah stopped by occasionally and was impressed at his progress, telling him that most children have trouble reading at first. She would take him out to the shops, and he used the money they gave him to buy some new clothes and he was rapidly starting to outgrow the ones he had. Eventually he decided to buy himself a tailcuff, it fitting snugly against his tail and it suited him well. The next three years passed by slowly, and he read all the books he could get his hands on. He had even read the dictionary from cover to cover, it helping him to understand what was being said in the books. Using some of what he had, he purchased new shelves for the store as a gift for his Mistresses Birthday. It helped update the stores aged look, and in turn boosted the clientele somewhat. Children often called him the Book Dragon, and he would have 'Dragons reading time' during the school holidays when he would read books for them, he even wore a pair of novelty wings. The activity had the effect of making the children's parents buy the book for them because 'the dragon was reading it'.

"You Know Izer" Emily said walking up to him after closing the store "I don't know why they ever wanted to get rid of you, Since you arrived here two years ago, you've made everything so much better"

"I do try Mistress" he said with a smile "Shall I start work on dinner? Sarah taught me a new recipe"

"Ok, ill lock up" she smiled and they parted ways for a moment. She locked the doors, closed the roller security shutters and turned off the lights making her way out to the kitchen where Izer was busy cooking. He only had his shorts on as usual, and she didn't object when he said that it made him more comfortable. She sat at the table and he turned arround to see her placing something down on his side close to his plate.

"Mistress?" he asked walking over "Whats that?"

"Open it" she answerd simply nodding towards it. He sat down and opened it slowly gasping as he took out about one hundred dollars.

"M...Money?" he asked looking up at her and she smiled and nodded

"Yep Money, Its your allowance, one hundred a month if your good. Your still a growing boy, so youll need more clothes eventually"

"I cant accept this Mistress... Im just a slave, were not supposed to be paid"

"Yes well slaves arent supposed to do allot of the things you get away with" she grinned leaning forward to place her chin on her wrist "They cant tell me what to do with my own money"

"Th...Thank you Mistress" he said smiling

"And dont worry" she grinned again "I have a fair idea of what you may spend it on other than Books and clothes"


"According to your Record, your nearly twelve Izer, You've come into puberty already. I know what books you read and then put away thinking I haven't noticed" he meeped and his belly went bright pink making her chuckle "Ill have Sarah or Kevin Escort you to somewhere when they next visit" he nodded slowly then returned to making dinner.

Kevin visited a few days later, and they went out together for lunch and shopping. Using the very last of what he had saved from when he first arrived he got new clothes and purchased lunch for the two of them before Kevin dragged him to somewhere Izer was embarrassed to go near.

"I...I cant go in there" he protested "I'm not eighteen"

"Your a slave" Kevin said "they make allowance for you because normally you'd be getting it for your master or mistress"

"O...Ok.." he mumbled as they headed indoors

"Hes too young!" the clerk called and Kevin made Izer turn around

"He is a slave, and is exempt form the eighteen plus law" Kevin stated and the owner nodded

"Very well" he said waving them on. They walked to the back of the store and started looking at various products, several of which were specifically designed for Seahorse lizards like Izer.

"I...I don't know if I want to put anything in me" he mumbled softly to Kevin "N...Not after.." he trailed off and Kevin nodded

"I know, but remember, it can be enjoyable" he smiled "One Day you may want Kids, And on that day, you'll find out that there is a Big difference between what happened to you, and actually making love" Izer nodded slowly his belly a bright pink.

"Here" Kevin said grabbing a medium sized toy, designed specifically for his species off the shelf "well go with this one ok?" Izer nodded looking at it. It was about four inches long, made of silicone and had bumps at what seemed to be specifically specified spots down the length. It was tapered to a rounded tip and was about an inch and a half wide at its base. There was a picture of a male seahorse lizard putting it to use on the packaging.

Izer was a little uncomfortable as they walked up to the counter, the guy at the counter didn't seem to bat an eyelid as they paid with cash for the item. He put it in a brow paper bag and stapled it shut before handing it back. They walked out to the car. Izer's belly didn't change from light pink the whole way making Kevin chuckle when he looked at him. Getting in Kevin started the car to drive back to the book store.

It took a few weeks till Izer got the confidence up to us this device, he had placed it on his small night stand and had looked at it each night before going to sleep. He'd been doing more and more research into sexuality and the strange feelings he was having more and more often. Finally he couldn't take it anymore. He would later realize it was mating season and he had gone into 'heat'. He whimpered softly as he opened the package taking out the rubbery silicone toy. He pulled out the instructions that came with it, a little confused as to why it came with them. Apparently there was a specific method that helped alleviate his heat.

Deciding to try this method he spread his legs exposing his already damp sex. Flashbacks to what happened years prior going through his mind, he nearly stopped fearing if it would be the same. But Kevin's word echoed in his head so he continued. Looking at the instructions he slowly pushed it into himself, he gave out a moan as it slipped deeper hitting all the right spots. Soon he had the full length in, causing him to shiver around it. It felt so good, he never thought it would be possible for it to.

He tried to stay quiet, not wanting to wake up his Mistress who would be nosy and wander what he was up to. He groaned as he continued building up to his inevitable release. Panting heavily he got quicker and quicker, thrusting the silicone device into his folds. It built so quickly, and his release was so sudden he didn't know what happened, but he'd cried out, burying his face in his pillow to muffle the sound. Left panting, he rolled onto his back and passed out with it still inside him leaving him feeling pleasantly full.

He woke up the next morning with a start. Jolting to a sitting position he looked at the time. Nine AM, he had slept in! The store opened in half an hour! He went to move and then groaned feeling the toy still inside himself. He reached down to touch it, pulling his hand back at the discomfort he experienced when he touched it.

"Oooh, i should have taken that out" he groaned slowly and carefully getting to his feet and making his way to the bathroom to have a shower.

He turned on the water in the shower and got in once it was warm. He gave a groan as he grabbed at the base of the device then jumped when there was a knock on the door.

"Izer, I'm opening the shop soon" Emily called "are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm ok Mistress, ill be out soon" He called back shifting nervously in the shower. He waited till he heard her footsteps walked away from the bathroom and he gave a gentle tug on the device groaning softly at the discomfort. He rolled his eyes and pulled sharply wanting to get it over and done with. He moaned out loudly at the feeling, finding the pleasure more overwhelming than the pain, he quickly clamped his hand over his mouth.

"Dear god" he thought "i hope she didn't hear" he showered quickly and then moved slowly back into his room. He put the toy back in its wrapper and then away in the bedside table before he got dressed and headed downstairs.

"There's some breakfast waiting for you on the table" Emily said waving him towards the kitchen. He nodded and walked swiftly in to sit at the table. Bacon and eggs on toast, was she giving him a treat for some reason? Grabbed the salt and sprinkled it lightly before he cut a slice off of each thing on the plate before he placed it in his mouth. He looked up to see Emily standing at the door with a grin on her face.

"So i see you finally revealed yourself last night" she said and he gave a soft yelp and nearly fell off his chair

"H...how did you?" He asked nervously

"You left the empty container on the floor" she answered laughing and sighed and hung his head "Don't be embarrassed, I've been waiting for you to, you've been getting a little more twitchy and nervous the last few days"

"I'm sorry mistress, i didn't mean to cause any problems" he admitted and she chuckled

"You never caused any problems, i was just getting worried about you" she confessed "If i can remember its around mating season for your species, so i knew that you would give in to it soon enough"

The next six months went smoothly from then on. He used the toy every few weeks and she never complained about him on nights he was slightly louder than he should have been, Altho Izer started to notice a change in his Mistress. she began to get slower, more sluggish, tired early, and she just seemed to become more and more frail. Soon she was bed-bound, and Izer had to handle the shop as well as take care of her.

"Time to open the shop" Emily said with a smile as she ate her breakfast.

"Yes Mistress" Izer said returning the smile, he got up and made his way downstairs to open the shop. The day went smoothly enough, it was busy and Izer spent most of it serving customers. He never noticed Emily Standing at the stairs watching him occasionally, the last time was around two o'clock, disappearing upstairs.

A few hours later, Izer closed up the shop and cooked dinner heading upstairs with it on a plate.

"Mistress" He called "I have dinner" he pushed the door gently open when he got no response and walked in .


The paramedics announced that she had Passed away because of a stroke. Strangely she still had a smile on her face, and they found a note close by for Izer.

"To My Dear Sweet Izer

You may be unaware of this, But I am getting close to my end. Even tho you are only a Slave, and technically I didn't purchase you, and that you are a person not a book or table. YOU are the my greatest treasure, my greatest possession. You were like a son to me, and I have made preparations to make sure you are always happy. Do not grieve my passing, don't cry for my death, Celebrate my life. No matter what life brings you, no matter the obstacle, keep smiling that sweet smile that made me fall in love with you and has allowed me to die happy.

My Sweet Little Lizard, I love you and goodbye"

Izer cried loudly, staying by her bedside not wanting to let her go but in the end was forced to remain at the bookshop while she was taken away on a stretcher. He continued to run the shop, keeping the smile on his face as she had requested, always finding ways to make the customers happy.

The will was read a few days later and he was the only person to get much other than Sarah and Kevin who had been his and her greatest companions. The Store was being handed to him to take care of, but Izer was to be its owner for as long as he lived. To their greatest regret, he was not freed in the will, and was to be sold; all money he was to receive was to be put in a trust fund for him when he turned twenty one. The auction was a few days later, and the he was purchased by a military liaison. Packing his stuff away, Kevin told Izer that they would keep everything safe for him until he returned. The only item he took with him was a Photo of himself, Kevin, Sarah and Emily.

Izer's Life 4: Army Life 1 revised

The Jeep ride was uncomfortable, and Izer kept getting his tail crushed by the seat he was sitting on. Pulling up to the Military base Izer was pushed out roughly landing face first in the mud on the side of the road. He groaned and got up scraping...

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Izer's Life 2: Master Fred Revised

Izer awoke with a start. He was curled up on an actual bed... in a room he didn't recognize. Bright white walls, a light blue floor and the same coloured curtains around the bed. He was in some discomfort, but that was nothing new, he started to...

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Izers Life 4: Army Slave Part 1

**Izer's Life: Army Slave Part 1** The Jeep ride was uncomfortable, and Izer kept getting his tail crushed by the seat he was sitting on. Pulling up to the Military base Izer was pushed out roughly landing face first in the mud. He groaned and got up...

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