Fuzzy Love 2

Story by Dusk Delano on SoFurry

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#4 of Love

Second story in the "Fuzzy Love" series. Gotten to a little action hope you all enjoy.

AGAIN, no rude comments, creative criticism will be greatly accepted and respected so please feel free to ya know drop one off in the comment box other than that again enjoy and share with friends :)

The silver moonlight shined through the curtains hitting the sleeping pair, the large canine awokened from his slumber to look at the human with a warm smile as he almost forgotten he was there or that he was in his house. He began to rub his back gently as he enjoyed his company, bringing his muzzle down to the boys neck nuzzling his cold wet nose against his warm soft skin murring quite loudly as he pulled him closer, seeing the human fidget and squirm around, slowly his eyes open to the wolf nuzzle his nose into his neck gaining a dark blush on his cheeks as he let out shaky breath one that the wolf heard as he stop to look at the human to see some of his night sky like hair cover part of his face moving it back from his face, the human looked down as he felt his heart skip a beat as he got a touch of the wolfs paw such a soft feel it was large something that belonged to a brute but it was the paw of a gentle person, someone who was sweet, kind, and soft to the touch.

"Sleep well?" the canine asked as he placed his forehead onto the humans staring into his yellow dawn eyes chuckling as he saw the humans cute blush stroking his hair being quite gently keeping a paw on his back. "Indeed I did, how about you?" the human responded as he scratched under the canines chin giggling as he saw the canine raise his head as he was scratched murring as he pinned the human and went nipping at his neck hearing the boy giggle, feeling him squirm around as he heard him yell out, "Zyrex quit it that tickles!" wrestling him around for fun but he didnt overdo it he didnt want to hurt him. As they got back into the position from where they first started they looked into each other eyes both smiling at eachother, Ryu lightly giggling while Zyrex just chuckled before it got quiet almost as if the two had something to say to eachother.

"Um so...what would you like to do?" Ryu asked as he played with his hair a little awaiting a response from the canine, "Hmm I guess I can go for a shower I did have gym today." he said with a slight chuckle watching the human stand up and wave a hand in a 'follow me' motion leading to his bathroom then showing his shower explaining to him that towels are in the closet on his right, soap is in the shower already, and wash cloths were on the rack in front him next to thr mirror. "Well there ya go I guess, but I will come in after youre done." he said before walking which was then interuppted by a light grasp on his hand he was then yanked by the canine, blushing as he was hugged by a nude dog, wolf, or whatever he is. The canine then slowly slid the boys pants down as well as his panties revealing a surprising vagina, something quite rare to find in a male, the wolf tried not to look as he didnt want to be seen as...well a perv, he then removed his shirt with the clothes set aside, Ryu, even without breast looked like a beautiful young lady even though he was a boy his body was female like; perfect curves, beautiful eyes, soft wave like hair, and a nice rounded rump things a guys loved in girls but all those qualities along with his personality, he was..just...simply amazing .

"W-wow you are just...wow." he said as he looked at the blushing human with such amazement getting such a view of the boy one that would take a mans breath away, Ryu stood there shyly trying to hide himself but then perking his attention to the canines as he felt an arm grasp his back while a paw held his butt to then be picked up and carried into the shower. Zyrex then turned on the hot water setting making it warm enough so it didnt hurt the human, both under the shower head as water ran down both their bodies causing the canine to murr and the human to sigh out with such sensation, he felt the canines paw graze over his back, the human moving his hands over Zyrex's chest adoring how built his chest was feelinghis muscles around his arm getting a good feel of it relaxing as he was at great ease abd peace. Zyrex using his tail to grab the soap and his hindpaws to get the rag, lathering the two getting it quite soapy, rubbing it over the humans arm slowly moving it around to then get his back all soapy, then his legs. The human took the wash cloth to then rub it against the canines chest hearing him murr put a smile on his face moving towards his slowly rubbing up and down his arms getting a feel of those great big muscles. After a while the two were covered in soap and was as clean as a cabin in the military, letting the water run the soap off their bodies the quickly stepped and grabbed towels, beginning to dry off looking at each other as they did so, Ryu was able to find a shirt large enough for Zyrex along with boxers and pajamas if he wanted them which he didnt, so he just climbed into bed wearing a white tee and black boxers, feeling Ryu jump on him just wearing a small tight he quickly caught nipping into his neck again hearing him giggle as he gently nip and nip before looking into his eyes for a moment, their faces began to move close to each other, their lips slowly meeting as their eyes slowly closed Ryu wrapping his arms around Zyrex's neck while Zyrex placed his paws at Ryu's waist, Ryu gently grinding on him as he slipped his tongue into the canines mouth playing with his tongue as the two wrestled for dominance which was given to Zyrex. He moaned a little in his mouth as he felt Ryu grind on him gently his large cock slowly rising in his boxers grinding back on his pussy hearing him moan as well, his member slowly poking out of his boxers, Zyrex slowly pulling back from the kiss a trail a saliva connected from their lips as he kissed down his neck down his chest as he gently moved him on his back getting to his waistline hearing Ryu squeak and moan a little before letting out a light gasp when he felt a warm tongue slowly lap over his clitoris slowly taking his boxers off, letting light moans out as he the canine soon licked the lips of his pussy Ryu having a dark blush on his cheeks as he moved a hand onto the canines head rubbing it softly as he kept moaning from the gentle licking, Zyrex reaching down to his growing cock rubbing it as it throbbed and release a little pre, spreading some of the pre over his somewhat hard length, his knot slowly grew licking his lips as he backed away from the cunny as he then crawled over Ryu looking him in the eyes before going to his neck to slowly lick it hearing "mphhs" from to then hear, "Zy, be gentle." nodding a little as he rubbed his fully eleven inch cock against his wet cunny taking hold to slide in slowly using his free paw to hold one of Ryu's leg hearing a light gasp from him as he felt the large cock slowly slid in, the tip slipping no problem but the rest was a struggle to get in. Since he had a half of his cock in he just went from there and slowly slid in and out of Ryu groaning a little from his hot wet tight pussy, Ryu moaning a little loud as he placed his hand on the back of the canines head both having dark blush on their cheeks, as they went on more of the cock slipped in to the point where the knot slapped against Ryu's cunny lips Zyrex slowly picking up his sped taking a tight grip on Ryu's butt, both moaning louder as his cock stretched Ryu out, Zyrex letting his tongue hang out as he panted heavily as he sped more on Ryu, the bed creaked as the two continued pre squirted into Ryu as Zyrex's throbbed inside of him. "Ryu, h-how ya feeling?" the canine asked as he looked at him feeling sweat on his face seeing some on Ryu's face too panting more as he kept going feeling his knot really slap against Ryu almost ready to press it in him, "I-I'm fine...dont stop!" he answered panting himself as he felt the canines cock throbbed more vigirously almost as if he was ready to release, Zyrex pulling Ryu up as he stood on his knees holding him close as he went hard on him groaning and growling as he was getting close, Ryu moaning out loudly as he digging his finger into the canines shoulder his legs feeling like jelly. Zyrex grunted and growled as he began slamming his knot against Ryu howling as he managed to get his knot and seed inside Ryu hearing him moan out as loud as he could feeling loads of seed be released in him his stomach swelling as he kept releasing but slowly stopping, Zyrex laying on his back with Ryu on top panting a little as he rubbed his butt gently gripping both cheeks as he slowly pulled out of him hearing a popping noise as his member, knot, seed come out of Ryu.

Zyrex chuckled a little as he kissed his forehead feeling Ryu lick his lips, murring as he looked into his eyes. "Hey Ryu?" Ryu quickly perked to attention as he tilt his head a little awaiting what Zyrex was ready to tell him. "Now I know we've just met and all but I feel like I known you for some time its like...well I dont know how to really explain but what I'm trying to say is...I love you Ryu and I hope we can be together..." Ryu stunned a total lost for words as a light blush appeared on his face not knowing what to say or what to do, but he had to say something so he smiled warmly as he pecked the canines lips then saying, "I love you too Zyrex and I would love to be yours." laying his head against his chest drifting off to sleep the canine smiling placong his paws at the boys back before falling into a blissful slumber.
