The Missing Lynx - Deleted Scenes

Story by SagaDC on SoFurry

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#1 of Story Scraps and Cheat Sheets

I don't usually cut entire scenes from my stories, but I'll be the first to admit I got a little carried away with the ever-growing roster of baddies in The Missing Lynx. It was a bit painful, but I managed to trim this scene from the story after convincing myself that Empress was the least important of the baddies I had come up with.

Still, I really enjoyed writing this scene. It's silly and perverse and absurd all at once, perfectly capturing the off-beat style that I wanted for Empress the Succubus (who's been mentioned in previous chapters of both "A Gryphon's Tail" and "The Missing Lynx"). I liked the idea of a laid back immortal who never quite takes anything seriously, despite being a creature of pure and absolute evil (and carnal desire).

This scene ended up evolving into a second appearance for poor Vargos the Fleshsmith, too. He was the snake necromancer (snakeromancer?) that very briefly appeared in TMLp4, serving largely as a plot device intended to introduce the much more dangerous Ser Grundle. But of course, I ended up growing attached to Vargos while writing his intro/death scene, and a part of me really wanted to give him some more screen time. Plus, you know, I haven't had any snake characters in my stories before, and I've been kind of itching to experiment with a character who has internal 'nads.

But alas, Vargos will have to wait (as will Empress). For now, neither of them is important enough for an appearance in the short term. Maybe I'll give them another chance in a much later chapter, or another story entirely, but for now they are condemned to wallow in my Story Scraps bin. Sorry Empress! Sorry Vargos!

A shame, though. I really did like the spellephone.

As always, the following snippet involves ballbusting and implied kinky sex. Do not read it if either of those things offends you. There are also some minor spoilers in there, but all major spoilers have been tastefully edited out of existence.

The Missing Lynx, Part 4

Deleted Scene - Empress & Vargos

The black-scaled serpent grunted lustfully as the whip bit into his back. "Angh!"

Empress yawned silently, out of the snakekin's line of sight, then sighed as she lashed him twice more. He made the same pleasured sounds again, and she relented. Pacing around him, she thought for a moment.

The serpent had arrived in the sixty-eighth layer of the Abyss a week ago, and the succubus was still tasked with tending to him. By mortal perception he had only been dead for an hour, but time passed differently in the Abyss. Especially when you were living impaired.

Honestly, the snakekin was barely worth her time. He had been a second-rate necromancer at best, and had died in one of the stupidest ways possible. But he had been a devout follower of her master, Fornicus, the Demon Lord of Bondage and Pain. As such, he warranted special treatment upon being ushered into his eternal reward. He wasn't important enough to get any face time with the boss, but he was still important enough to require a warm welcome from one of the Demon Lord's favored servants.

Empress sighed again, eying the serpent for a second as she briefly gauged his position. He was long and curvy, as all snakekin were, but it only took her a second to pick out the right spot. She moved to the right stretch of coil and lashed the toe of her boot into him, hard. The blow struck firmly between his ribs, unerringly plowing into one of the necromancer's internal gonads, and the sharp lance of pain set his whole body to writhing. That was an almost impressive sight.

Vargos groaned breathlessly, squirming beneath the female's heel as his fingers gouged into the charred dirt beneath him. Oh, Gods, that hurt so GOOD!

The succubus yawned again, rolling her eyes. Ugh, and to think she had enjoyed this kind of thing once. And she still did to an extent, but it wasn't nearly as fun when she was doing it under orders. Or to someone who enjoyed it. Especially someone with this kind of stamina.

Seriously, she had been at it for a week now. A week!

She stepped lightly over the serpent's squirming coils and drove her heel into the necromancer's other side, sending a piercing jolt of pain through his other elongated gonad. Vargos gasped again, squealing this time as his eyes rolled upward in their sockets. Empress held her breath for a second - was this it? Was he finally going to pass out?

"Ohh," he crooned. "Godsss... do that again...!"

She sighed, kicking lightly at the serpent's coils before she lashed her whip across his side instead. The leather bit into the snake's scaled flesh, cracking one of his many ribs, and lashed smartly over the full length of one of those hidden glands. He squealed again, the sharp sting sending spasms through his impossibly long spine.

"I don't do requests, scum."

Vargos panted hard, his eyes rolling wildly as he tried to stomach this new pain. Yes, that perfectly placed lash had a profound effect, and Empress quickly repeated it to his other side. He squealed again, his voice cracking, and his blunted muzzle pressed firmly to the dirt.

The succubus snorted, then moved over to the side. That bought her a few minutes, at least. Honestly, she should have tried that ages ago. Maybe if she kept hitting him like that, he'd finally pass out...?

With a thought, a smooth obsidian throne erupted from the ashen plains of the Abyss. This was her own personal patch of the infinite planes, and it could be reshaped to her every whim. It was nice, but again a millennium of such privilege had worn on her. When you could enjoy anything you imagined, you soon found that nothing satisfied. It was almost like masturbation, really. Fun, but eventually it got old.

She pursed her lips, her barbed tail flicking. Well, unless you added the static background of the material plane. The unpredictability of live, unsuspecting mortals. By the Dark Lords, it had been years since she had last been summoned by some daring wizard or lusty neophyte. She missed the unnatural chill of Skarn, and the moans - both pleasured and pained - of the living.

Vargos stirred and Empress flicked her wrist. The whip lashed out from where she sat, the tip tearing into the male's side again. Another piercing surge of agony punched through one of his 'nads, and he collapsed once more. He uttered a wavering sob and a pleasured moan all at once, a hand planted to his muzzle as he writhed shamelessly.

The succubus rolled her eyes again, her chin resting against her other hand. Ugh. Well, at least the novelty of internal genitals livened up the experience a little. Not by much, but a little. And the snake was kind of cute, in an exotic sort of way. Especially now that he was hurt too badly to talk. By the Dark Lords, he had talked so much when he had first arrived. Wouldn't shut up, in fact. Not until she had gotten out the whip. Wizards were so boring and pedantic, but they reacted just like any other male when she started lashing them.

All things considered, things could be worse.

An imp appeared in a small puff of smoke and brimstone, a strange contraption perched atop a tarnished platter on one upraised hand. "Spellephone for you, Mistress."

Empress perked, her brows arched. A call? For her? Well, that was promising. She leaned over, plucking up one part of the demonic contraption and holding it to her ear.


'Empress, I require your services once more.'

A grin cut across the demon's face, her own voice lilting into an enthusiastic squeal. "Bitchy! I haven't heard from you in ages!"

There was a pause, and then the voice murmured. 'Er, it's only been a few years.'

Empress snorted, leaning back against her throne. "Well, it feels longer when you're stuck in the Abyss. And you never call anymore! What have you been up to, girlfriend?"

'I've been dead.'

"Aw," the demon pouted. "That sucks. Guess it had to happen, right? I mean, that whole 'take over the world' gambit NEVER works. So, who got you? Anyone I've heard of?"

There was another pause, and then a hint of a snarl. 'I don't want to talk about it.'

Empress laughed, then paused as the snake rose again. Ugh, by Fornicus, why couldn't he just stay down? She smiled at him, though, keeping up appearances. Her lashes fluttered, and she lowered her whip to give the necromancer her best 'come-hither'.

"Okay, I get it. Sore spot. So, what's up?"

Vargos slithered to the foot of the throne, and the succubus was a little amused to see the odd lilt to his usually smooth motions. She had never seen someone with no legs show such a pronounced limp. That was new, at least, and it tickled her to no end. She reached over to curl one hand about the serpent's head, pulling him close for a kiss - although he couldn't really kiss, given his lack of lips and his forked tongue. That didn't stop her from going through the motions, though, and he certainly wasn't complaining.

'I'm staging a come-back, and I need help to make it happen. Can I count on you?'

The succubus was silent for a moment, her tongue languidly swiping over the serpent's muzzle and lightly against his nose. She knew that was disorienting for the male - something about snakekin sensing body heat through their noses, or something. But she did it anyway.

Her hand stroked along his back, then lower to caress his more intimate regions. His gonads might be internal, but there was another bit that wasn't - sometimes. And it most certainly wasn't internal, at the moment.

"Mn," she purred. "I'd love to, Bitchy. When's the party?"

'Soon,' the voice murmured. 'I'm still mustering my forces, but it will be soon.'

Empress grinned, settling back against her throne again, her bare thighs spreading. She felt the necromancer's scaled fingers pressing to her chest, and her one free hand guided his lower coils - or one coil in particular - up against her. She grunted softly, and locked one leg about the serpent to ease him into place.

Oooh, yes, that was nice. Okay, she had revised her opinion of the snake. She could probably put up with this for another week or two.

"So," she moaned. "Who else is coming?"

There was a long pause this time, and Empress remained silent as well. Or, ah, silent but for her slightly labored breathing. Oh, but that snakekin could set up a lovely rhythm with his slinky frame. Yes, that was... mmm...

'... are you having sex right now?'

Empress paused, straightening up a little. She slid her hand higher against the serpent's back, trying to hold him still for a moment, but he kept writhing against her. "What? N-... no, of course not."


The succubus squirmed a little as the serpent rocked against her again. Panting softly, she finally balled her free hand into a fist and thumped it hard into the male's side. He uttered another pitched squeal as the blow caught one of his well-bruised testes, and his body went limp against hers. She smiled at that, savoring the sound of his sibilant whimpering as his muzzle pressed firmly into her cleavage.

"Really," she purred. "You know how it is. Just another day at the office. Just doing some paperwork for Lord Fornicus. Taking care of some clients. Same old."

'Well... okay.'

Empress smirked, absently running her fingers through her long, black hair. "Mn, so, who's coming? Dish!"

'So far I have the Dogs of War, the Lycans, and Grundle-'

"Oh, yeah." Empress grinned. "I'd heard that old Grundle was back in action."

Vargos twitched at that, his head drawing back and his slit pupils narrowing. A week with the succubus had dulled the bitterness of his sudden and violent demise, but that name rekindled it in an instant.

The succubus stuck her tongue out at him, and ground one knuckle sharply between his ribs - just over one of those lovely, tenderized glands. The necromancer winced, gasping as his muzzle planted right back against her chest.

'You heard about that already? It just happened an hour ago.'

Empress giggled, wriggling her hips up against the breathless snake. Almost without goading, his own body set back into motion against her. He was playing through the pain, and she could appreciate that.

"Yeah, I've got a pretty good inside source on that whole debacle. Don't ask."

'I won't. It doesn't matter.'

The succubus drew in a slow breath, resisting the urge to moan. She glanced sidelong at the spellephone, eying the gleaming box that displayed the Caster ID. "So yeah, I can be there in an hour. You want me to meet you at, uh... oh, hey, you're at Zura's place?"

'No, not here.'

Empress drew in a sharper breath, as the serpent suddenly spasmed against her. His whole body shuddered with orgasmic release, and the demon eagerly squeezed her thighs about him to coax out as much of his addled seed as possible. Her eyes closed to slits, her body eagerly absorbing the energy that the necromancer was so willingly - if unknowingly - surrendering to her. Not that he really needed it anymore, being dead and all.

A long moment of silence passed, and then the voice spoke up again. 'Uh... Empress? Are you still there?'

The succubus snapped out of her reverie, and remembered to breath once more. Smiling blissfully, she purred. "Oh, yeah, sorry. Just distracted. Lot of work to do today. So, where...?"

'The Sundered Mountains. I'll contact you again once you get there.'

Empress frowned. "The Sundered-? You're not going where I think you're going, are you? You know that 'remake the world' stuff never works out, right? Bitchy? Seriously, come on."

'Look, are you going to help me or not?'

The demon sighed, her pitch-black eyes rolling in their sockets. "Yeah yeah, you know I can't say no to you. So, like, I'll be there in an hour. Or, no, make it two. If you're all the way over at Zura's place, I guess I won't need to hurry."

Vargos panted softly, squirming again once he had recovered from the bliss of his climax. He shivered lightly, his scaled muzzle nuzzling at the demon's hair, and then he surprised her. He whispered into her other ear.

"Hn?" She perked, then eyed the necromancer dubiously. "Uh, hey, Bitchy. Is it cool if I bring a friend?"

'What? Er, I guess. Who?'

"Oh," Empress grinned. She stroked her hand along the back of the snake's neck, and then uttered a surprised squeak as he started rocking against her once more. Being dead did wonders for the stamina, sure, but still. The succubus was impressed by the snakekin's staying power. "J-... just some guy I know. Don't worry, he's cool with the world domination thing."

And a sigh, before the voice muttered hesitantly. 'Okay, well, just don't get too distracted. This is a job, not an orgy. Two hours, and then I'll be getting in touch with you again.'

"Sure," the demon crooned softly. Her back arched, her hips pressed eagerly back up against the serpent. "Two hours. Got it. Say hi to Zura for me."

'I will.' And the spellephone swiftly dissipated into insubstantial shadow and air as the connection was broken. The imp vanished just as abruptly as it had appeared, leaving the succubus alone with her most recent paramour.

"Ssssoo," she purred. Both arms wrapped about the snake now, and with a thought her throne folded backward, seamlessly sliding into the shape of an impossibly comfortable bed. "Two hours. That gives us, mm... about a fortnight down here in the Abyss. How should we pass the time...?"

"I'm sssure we'll think of something," Vargos panted breathlessly. His body rippled, his coils all pulled up onto the bed to cuddle with the succubus from a dozen different directions at once. His thoughts, though, turned toward revenge.

Oh yes, less than a month in the Abyss, and already he'd have a chance for revenge. That thought was almost better than the sex. Almost.

"Hey," Empress grinned. She slid both of her hands downward, until they were settled over the serpent's most tender coils. His bruised muscles ached at her touch, and the bruised organs beneath those muscles practically throbbing with both the agony of his abuse, and the blissful afterglow of his release. "Less internal monologuing, more thrusting. Just because you're dead doesn't mean it won't hurt if I burst one of these things. Or both of them. So don't try my patience."

Vargos laughed breathlessly, briefly debating whether he should comply or not. He wasn't certain if the succubus would actually carry through with her threat, but a small part of him was curious as to what it might feel like to actually lose a testicle. But... no, he was still using them for the moment, so he set dutifully back to work. Yes, the sex was definitely better than the thought of revenge. But still, having both would be even better.

And to think, some people still insisted that villainy didn't pay.

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