Willow Falls (part 1)

Story by KayrinSF on SoFurry

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A group of campers hike to a hidden glade, unaware of the Kelpie who calls it home

A gift story for PiscesKelp (on FA)

After I stumbled across his profile I felt the need to write a vore story using him as a pred. I mean, who can say no to a well-built equine, yeah? Obviously not this hyena! I took a few liberaties with the kelpie's dining habits by implying a form of enchantment that keeps the prey subdued until it's too late... hopefully he won't mind!

This is part 1. Part 2 will involve the remaining two deerboys and will be written when I get a chance to write it! Originally I'd intended it to be in the same story, but this one was already nearly 9 pages, and 2 more prey would make for a loooooong story; I also think it's more considerate to separate the straight & gay material for the people who may like one but not the other.

Anyway, enjoy guys!

Predator (c) PiscesKelp

Rest (c) KayrinSF

He could see her lips moving, but the mosquito which had been buzzing in Nyle's ear for the last half hour kept him from hearing her. He could guess what she was saying, however, and as the young buck slapped at the side of his own head he shrugged.

"Another twenty minutes, maybe. Why? You got somewhere else to be right now?" The tall boy couldn't help but smirk as he shot down the hyena's unheard complaint.

"I probably would if you hadn't dragged me into the middle of nowhere" shot back the girl defensively. She had long since removed her shirt, the sunrise orange bikini top she wore shining brilliantly in the shifting shadows of overhead tree boughs. Adjusting the straps of her backpack, the short female looked back at her companion. "And did you really have to bring your brother? Bit of a third wheel, ain't he?"

The buck didn't answer, pushing some foliage out of his way as he stepped over a sprawling tree root. Both of their bodies showed the light sheen of sweat which had begun to form over the course of their hours long hike through the forest. His green shirt and khaki shorts were speckled by dirt from the trek, but a little dirt wasn't going to keep him from his goal.

"Hey, come on, Nelson hasn't been that much of a pain, has he?"

"No more than you, but that isn't---" the girl stopped and turned towards the buck, falling silent only as the soft rustle of leaves preceded the buck's brother as he returned from his momentary detour. He simply smiled broadly, chipper as always and unaware of the hyena's mood.

"I'm back, guys! You coulda waited a little longer though, yeah?" The boy fell in with the other two, looking between them almost expectantly. The hyena simply turned and continued along the increasingly rougher path Nyles had sworn would take them where they wanted to be; the sound of the beads she had laced through the braids of her short black hair clicked slightly as she turned on her heels and left. The two bucks--identical twins-- looked to one another, the confusion marring Nelson's eyes blinding him to the annoyance hidden in his brother's gaze.

"Come on, Nels, lets go." He gestured for the other buck to start moving before he turned to follow the hyena into the dense brush. The two boys fell in step with one another. Though they were twins, both an impressive 6'3" with the same mottling of white amidst their tawny fur and the same slim muzzle, that was where the similarities ended. As they moved through the foliage Nyles carried himself with a cervine grace that ran from the movement of his thin legs right up into the broad shoulders which carefully tucked and turned to avoid the lower hanging branches of the surrounding trees; Nelson simply ploughed through them.

"Sam seems annoyed" Nelson finally said, breaking through his own buffer of cheerful obliviousness long enough to speak. "You guys fighting?" He watched the hyena move nearly a dozen feet ahead of them, her khaki shorts leaving plenty of leg for the boy to admire. When she had taken her shirt off Nelson had nearly blushed, stopping himself only if to avoid the accusing stare of his brother, her boyfriend. Both boys knew Nelson stared when he tagged along with them to the beach, or the little glances he spared for her ass when she wore something a little too tight. Neither spoke about it; neither of them felt there was any need to. Nelson had been born only minutes after Nyles but still they found themselves playing the roles afforded to them by nature; Nyles the older, Nelson the younger.

"I think she'd rather be getting a pedicure" snorted Nyles, glancing to his brother with a smirk. "If we don't get there soon I think she might go full-girl on us and demand we carry her." Nelson stifled a snort at his brother's joke; Sam might have been Nyles' girl, but the twins shared something closer than that and Nyles routinely reminded himself not to forget that. "Right, Sam?" shouted out the older buck, perfectly aware that she hadn't heard what they'd said.

"Fuck you, Nyles!" came the response from somewhere ahead, playful even in its irritation. Nelson was ready to shout something back but a shriek of pleasure from ahead kept him quiet. "I think we're there!"

The two boys hurried their pace and as they stepped from behind a string of boulders they ducked away from a splash of water. The hyena was shin deep in the clear waters of a yawning basin, grinning as she sent a wave of it at the surprised brothers. Willow trees lilted gently above the shores of the rock-strewn pond and the soft thrum of a waterfall on the opposite shore demanded their admiration. Sunlight slithered through the water like snakes, dancing on the surface like some faerie fire trying to lure them in.

"Willow Falls" declared Sam happily, her earlier irritation forgotten as she bathed in the scenery. Nelson simply brushed the water from her initial greeting splash from his fur and smirked.

"You come up with that name all by yourself?"

"Sure, dork. It fits, doesn't it?" The girl's casual tease drew up the younger buck's hackles slightly.

"I suppose" he replied. Both boys dropped their packs, stripping off their shirts before rushing to join the girl in the inviting water. "It's a bit boring though." Nelson added, looking to his brother pointedly before tilting his head towards the hyena as they waded in.

"Oh yeah? And what's your brilliant idea?" she snapped, spotting that little tilt of the boy's antlered head and ready for whatever it was meant to incite.

"Shark Puddle!" It was an old joke between the three; Sam had once stated a fear of sharks and the constant torture she endured because of it was a fitting reward for her honesty. Both boys lunged at the same time; twin minds shared a single thought as they let their jaws fall open in terrifying mimicry. All three tumbled beneath the waters, their laughter echoing beneath the constant roar of the waterfall.

Night fell as it always did. Silence crept up on the small camp the three had created a few dozen yards away from the pond. A campfire crackled, embers floating upwards from the flame-blackened logs like fireflies trying to escape the blaze. Sam sat, quietly staring at the fire as though she were drawing some needed comfort from the pops and snaps of the burning wood. Nelson had crawled into his tent some time ago and Nyles was dozing even as he cradled the girl's head against his side.

"This is nice" she said at last. The deer jolted awake, eyes fluttering open as he mumbled out an incoherent reply. The hyena didn't scold him but instead allowed him to drift back into the half-slumber that she could feel creeping up on her as well. The light of the fire blotted out her view of the stars between the still branches above, but here beneath them she could only smile comfortably.

"Ready for bed, babe?" murmured the deer, waking just enough to adjust his position beside her. She shook her head, those beads creating a song in the soothing air as they bumped against one another.

"I'm going to go for a swim first. You get to bed, I'll need you to warm me up when I get back" she teased. Her fingers trailed along the inside of the deer's thigh, pressing firmly against the slightly baggy fabric of his khakis. She could feel the curve of his balls beneath his shorts but she resisted the urge to explore them more intently for now. Samantha rose to her feet, stretching her arms above her head. She still wore the orange bikini top, but as she stretched the waist of the matching bottoms began to peek from beneath her own shorts.

The soft swell of her bare belly was almost enough to entice the deer to follow. Normally unable to resist the lure, Nyles found he was more tired than horny this evening and nodded. Still, he watched as she turned and walked away. She was curvy; not in the sense of a supermodel, though he would argue she was far sexier. Hers was the body of a normal girl who did what she could to keep herself slim, but had never developed the discipline to lose the last five to ten pounds that would have made her truly trim. She carried it well however, her body soft yet firm at the same time and as she walked away his eyes followed every movement of her ass until she was out of view.

The waters of the glade were just as the three had left it; still and serene, save for where the constant crush of the modest waterfall churned it, the waters seemed to have been waiting for her return. Smiling, the girl slipped her shorts down even as she stepped towards the water's edge, her short black tail bouncing back up above the waist of her orange bikini bottom. Small ribbon-bows on the hips of the swimsuit jostled with each step she took and in the moonlit darkness Samantha allowed herself to feel sexy.

She dipped a toe in the water, nose crinkling as she pulled it back out swiftly; the quick movement caused her bows to bounce once again.

"Shit, shoulda known it'd be cold" the girl huffed under her breath. Even the split second chill was enough to cause her nipples to poke against the inside of her top, visible through the somewhat silky-feeling fabric. Biting her lip the girl considered her options; she could cut and run, heading back to the warmth of Nyles' arms though she knew he'd question her about why she was still dry. Or she could slide in slowly. The hyena already knew the answer to the question, though she didn't want to admit it. Without giving herself a chance to talk herself out of it, the hyena simply bolted towards the water and threw herself from one of the large rocks which ringed that portion of the pond-shore. Cold greeted her like a loving hug from a corpse, wrapping her up in itself and drawing the breath from her lungs in a rush of bubbles.

Samantha broke the surface quickly, letting out a shriek at the frigid sensations rushing through her body. The shriek melted into a bubbling mess of giggles as she shivered in the water. Her body quickly adjusted as the water seemed to warm around her. Dunking her head once more, the girl swam towards the heart of the pond before surfacing again. She played beneath the stars, their unblinking eyes following her every movement. Ever since she'd been little she had found comfort in their consistency, even as her life changed and evolved with each passing day.

Movement tore her from the peaceful repose the weightlessness of her watery bed provided her, her body floating peacefully across the pond's surface as she stared up at the sky. At first it was simply a phantom disturbance in the periphery of her vision. Sam didn't even bother to turn her head until it happened again. Lowering her legs so she could move to see it properly, the girl was surprised by the lack of anything to see. A series of ripples emanated from a tangle of reeds near the edge of the pond.

"A frog, maybe" she muttered under her breath, immediately aware of how alone she was even with the companionship of the stars far above. The hyena looked around the silent glade, expecting to hear the croak of a bullfrog but the only sound was that of the waterfall. Twisting in the water the girl let herself relax; Nelson's earlier joke about sharks tugged at the back of her thoughts as though there were any possibility of a shark living in the small pond!

The girl's legs kicked beneath the water, keeping herself afloat as her ears swivelled through the damp tangles of her black hair, listening for several more seconds before finally giving up. Letting out a little breath the girl looked back up at the stars just as something brushed against her leg. Samantha shrieked, caught unaware and the thought of sharks coming for her flesh burning through her brain like a wildfire.

Even the roar of the waterfall couldn't compare to the sound of the girl's frenzied thrashing as she made her way to land.

By the time the girl had reached the safety of the shore her breath was ragged, full of fear and hampered by the exertion of her sudden flight. As she crawled onto the pebbly sands which surrounded the pond on three sides, she turned to sit up and stare wide-eyed at the waters she had escaped. They were still, quiet, sharkless. Embarrassment blossomed in the girl's thoughts; though there had been none present to see her over-reaction to what may have just been a piece of kelp, her cheeks burned. Falling flat onto her back, Samantha frowned at the stars.

"I'm gonna kill Nelson" she said to no-one in particular.

"How unladylike" a voice replied.

Samantha bolted upright, her breath catching as her panic resurfaced. Standing thigh-deep in the water was a stranger.

He was a horse, tall and resplendent with water trickling from his grey-fur covered muscles. He was well built, and much to the girl's chagrin, just as well hung. The male stood naked, his darker furred sheath and balls hanging between his lean thighs. His green eyes seemed to burn in the moonlight and though she couldn't see the details of them from her position, she could feel them trailing over her own barely covered body.

"I... unh... I didn't..." she began, stammering out an explanation of who Nelson was and how she wasn't actually the kind of person to kill someone. As he began to move towards her, however, the words died in her throat.

"Of course not" he began. "Such a delicious girl doesn't need to resort to such methods to get what she wants, does she?" His voice was like a rusty purr, deep and comforting even as her body tried to tell her to get up. With each step out of the water the large male took, the more she found herself eagerly ignoring the demands of her body. The way his muscles rolled with his movements, the water trickling down the underside of his sheath and the weight of his footsteps, all of it created a nearly hypnotic lust deep in the pit of Samantha's belly.

"No. I.. guess not" she answered.

"And what is it that you want, dear girl?"

"You." The answer was immediate. Her gaze lifted to catch his green eyes and she quickly found herself lost in their burning intensity. As he grew closer the illusion that his eyes were burning grew more pronounced and she found herself seeing a thin trail of wispy flame seep from their edges.

"A simple request. I am yours."

His body enveloped hers as he knelt above her. His lips pressed against hers and she could almost feel herself being sucked in, the kiss as powerful as any she could have hoped for. Already her loins were aflame, pussy tingling with desire and her heart racing. The horse's dark green mane hung limply to one side of his neck and she could feel the tickling strands of wet hair brush over her neck and shoulder as he held the kiss. It seemed to last forever. When he finally broke the kiss, Samantha couldn't help but gasp out, sucking in a deep breath of air as her body shuddered helplessly beneath the might of her mystery lover.

She could feel his balls pressing against her knee, and even as she tried to ignore their hefty weight she was aware of his cock sliding up along her lower thigh. It was warm, especially amidst the night air chilling her wet fur, and she found herself eager to have it in her. She lay back against the sandy ground once more, stretching her body out, offering it to him in any way he wished. The equine's head lowered, the soft bites on the hyena's neck which followed more than enough to draw a low moan from the horny girl. His mouth explored her, warm tongue savouring each morsel of water it could draw from her fur, and as it found the hard nipples beneath her bikini top the girl couldn't help but arch her back up into it.

Several minutes passed like this. His hands stroked along the bare expanse of her belly, sliding down to cup her vagina through the wet fabric of her bikini before his fingers curled around her thigh instead. She could feel her desire boiling, all thoughts of Nyles ripped from her mind as though by some giant magnet. They were quickly replaced with thoughts of this mysterious stallion, his wild green mane, toned body and growing cock; she was thrust back to her first heat, the passionate helplessness as it overtook her and demanded she mate... it was happening all over again!

He simply grinned above her as she writhed, his hips rolling upwards to guide his impressively girthful cock towards the inadequately covered lips of her pussy. The heat of his body was enough to keep the girl from shivering in the cold air, though she shivered for other reasons as her legs spread wider. With surprising deftness the stud uncurled the loops of the ribbon which kept her bikini bottom in place. As it unfurled, the equine's fingers pushed the wet fabric out of the way, exposing her desire to him in its most literal form.

It was like someone had wedged a warmed railroad spike up into her! The pleasure the hyena felt as the watery equine's dick impaled her was interrupted only by a momentary flash of pain as it spread her open wide. The walls of the girl's pussy ached as they tried to wrap around the ebony flesh of the male's shaft. As he began to rock his hips, the girl cried out once again. The strength of his hips were enough to lift her own from the ground, her ass lifting into the air and clenching even as she tried to muffle any more cries from escaping her lips.

"Ah... Ah... Ah..."

The girl panted out helplessly as he speared her again and again, his powerful hands curling through her short hair as he growled into her ear. Awash as she was in the revelry of having such a male take her, the hunger hidden in that growl was lost to Samantha. It was only when his hands moved to her shoulders and tugged her up into a sitting position that she began to take notice of his demeanour. Though his touch was gentle, and his thrusts mindful of the difference in size between them, the look on his face was that of a predator. Her new position forced the girl to take his cock right up to his balls and she found herself crying out again. Her paws curled around his sides as she came, her inner-walls flexing and clenching against his needy dick as her head tilted back in ecstasy.

When the equine's mouth closed around her head, the girl was intently aware of what he was doing but she couldn't seem to bring herself to care. Like some kind of drug, he had seeped into her and now he was all she wanted. Jaws hanging open, tongue hanging limply, the thoroughly pleasured girl was a puppet for the equine to do with what he pleased.

His mouth spread over her features even as she shuddered and moaned out, oblivious to her danger despite the obvious nature of it. In the cold starlight Samantha was pleasure embodied, her bikini barely hanging on as her supple body rubbed against the male's athletic form. More of her vanished between those ravenous lips, spit bubbling against her flesh as her flavour spread through the horse's mouth. The stink of his insides finally began to tear through the foggy pleasure which obscured the girl's impending fate from her and for the barest hint of a second Samantha felt her panic return.

She could feel his hands sliding up her back, untying her top and letting the orange fabric fall away to expose her heaving breasts. The feel of his skin against her hard nipples was enough to mask that momentary flash of reality. As if to seal the deal, the horse's hips lifted powerfully, his rock hard dick piercing up into her roughly and drawing another heated cry from the girl's throat.

His lips slid over her shoulders, slowing only to pop one shoulder in before twisting his head to get the other one in as well; all the while his saliva oozed down her bare chest and back, mingling with the water and making it all the easier for the male to devour her. Her body--to him--tasted as it should, sweet, soft and succulent; the faint hint of smoke from the campfire only added to the delectable nature of the female's form. The equine's empty belly growled and though his cock still demanded satisfaction, he sped up. The male's head bent down to take more of the girl into his mouth, ensuring his dick still remained inside the warmth of her pussy even as he fed.

Samantha could hear the male's heartbeat pounding in the dark depths of his body and it was only once she was up to her chest in him that she began to struggle. The magical nature of his intoxicating presence began to wane and Samantha cried out helplessly as her nipples ground against the predator's surprisingly soft lips. Her knotted up belly followed quickly, no match for the male's hunger. As more and more of her slipped away the hyena felt the almost reassuring fullness she felt from his cock vanish; her pussy no longer reached his dick and it instead hung in the air as it dripped her juices into his lap.

The air grew musty as she travelled down the horse's throat, the stark smell of his stomach acids replacing any hint of oxygen in the depths of her predator. Still, despite all of it, her lust persisted. Her arms were pinned to her sides by the tightness of his muzzle but still the girl desperately tried to reach her now-empty vagina, helpless to satisfy her insatiable desire. Perhaps feeling her distress, or simply intent on finishing her quickly, the horse's hands moved to grip her bare pussy. Gripping it gently, the male used it as a handle to push more of her into him.

The equine seemed to almost moan around the form of the hyena as it stretched out his throat and chest, only her hips and legs freed from the confines of his hunger. Stroking along her engorged pussylips, the horse sat back as her legs kicked helplessly against him. He could feel the exact moment she came again, her legs straightening as juices rushed over his fingers and the scent of it flooded his nostrils. As more of her vanished, the equine almost carefully removed the bikini bottom which hung on only by a single knotted ribbon; the hard part was over and now the male allowed himself to enjoy the experience of his meal.

Her long legs disappeared inch by inch as Samantha's body continued to curl up in the male's expanding gut. The stink of past meals and the increasingly dire oxygen supply were enough to draw several more futile struggles from the girl before she found herself far too exhausted to continue. The girl's breaths came in short, sharp pants that still clung to a scant vestige of pleasure but were mainly her body's frantic attempts to keep itself alive.

Soon, the horse sat alone. His mouth closed as the girl's toes were engulfed by his cavernous maw. Samantha remained only as a bulge travelling down the male's throat, his skin and muscle stretching almost impossibly to make way for every curve of her delightful form. The male's cock still jutted up before his belly, rock hard and needy for its own release.

His meal complete, the male lay back and placed a hand on his squirming belly, feeling the girl's final fearful struggles as her oxygen ran out. His other hand slid to his dick, stroking along it deftly as he stared up at the stars above. The cool thrum of the waterfall lulled the satisfied male into a familiar post-meal doze that had him moving more instinctively than anything. His balls bounced as he began to pump his ebony shaft heatedly, feeling them tense as he worked himself towards a figurative dessert after such a hefty meal.

It was only a matter of minutes before his belly fell still. The hyena had either passed out or died, though it made little difference to the satiated equine; he had not lied when he'd paid her his compliments, but she had been dinner even then and one does not grow overly attached to meat. His dick slapped against his distended belly as he beat himself off, finally arching his hips as his balls tensed in a final blaring warning of what was to follow. Thick ropes of cum burst from the flaring tip of the equine's cock. Musky, ropey cream painted across the male's hyena-filled belly in long white streaks as he whickered out his pleasure. More of it sprayed than one would think was possible, as though it had been fed by the girl's body as much as his belly. When the equine's climax began to taper off the male continued to pump his quivering length. He milked every possible ounce of cream and pleasure from his orgasm as he could. A final pulse of cum ran down the underside of the male's softening dick as he stretched himself out beneath the radiating moon; he was satisfied.

Time marched on as the horse relaxed, the meat in his belly filling him with its own form of pleasure even as his dick rested in his cum-stained sheath. The growing tackiness of cum in his fur was ignored--it would be easy enough to wash out once he was ready to move.

"She should have been back by now, Nels. Now stop whining and keep up." The voice drifted through the forest's peaceful calm like a thunderbolt

They were still some ways away but the Kelpie was in no position to deal with them... not yet at least. Rolling over the Kelpie slunk into the depths of his watery home once more. Let them come, let them try to find her; they would never discover her fate, no, not until he wanted them to.