Soaring Emotions I: The Meeting

Story by Empty Shadow on SoFurry

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Shane sat upon the bleachers as the other warriors sharpened their skills. He watched as the Grand Champion Brutus broke another sword over someone's head. Shane lifted his head to the sky and wondered what life would be like as a normal peasant. His best friend Joel snuck up behind him and gave him a scare. "You day dreaming again buddy?" said Joel with an enthusiastic swing of his blade.

Shane refrained from answering his friends rhetorical question and told Joel what he really wanted to hear "My right leg is acting up again, I'm sitting practice out." he lied. His leg hadn't hurt in months but anyone would believe it after that run in with Brutus he had earlier this year. Despite the graphic picture embedded in his head and quite a blow to his leg, he was happy he had walked in on Brutus and Greg that night because now he could get away with anything he wanted. "Blackmail is such a great thing" he thought as he knocked on his armor and winced a little to sell his excuse to Joel.

Shane never wanted to be a dragon slayer. He hated even saying the word. As most kids do in his time he was expected to follow in his fathers footsteps. His father just so happened to be the kingdom's greatest dragon slayer, so here he was living a life of fame and luxury, but hating every minute of it. He remembers being a child and seeing some of his fathers 'trophies'. He began to feel sorry for the creatures, and as his father collected more kinds for him to see he began to enjoy their company. He will never forget the time his mother had caught him in his room as he was having his way with his favorite 'trophy' from his father's collection. She was cool about it and gave him the sex talk hoping that this was just a bit of curiosity coming into play. Little did she know that her son had been doing this for a while, and had no intentions of a traditional marriage. The only reason he put up with being a dragon slayer was so that he could see dragons alive, and he would always try to secretly sabotage his fellow slayers' attempts. He would often day dream of running away into the dragon's den and becoming their friend.

While in the middle of one of these day dreams he was again interrupted by Joel. He was riding on a dragons neck as it glided through the air, and he saw all the beauty of the kingdom as the air rushed past him. "So close yet so far away" he thought as he turned to see what Joel wanted. "I told you my leg is acting up" he said before Joel could get any words out of his mouth.

"Oh you can't use that excuse today buddy" he replied, "We just got a messenger, there is a dragon sighting not to far from here." Shane stood up quickly and eagerly walked with Joel to the briefing room. As close as they were he never really told Joel about his fascination, but after Joel caught him trying to sabotage an attempt it had become an inside joke between the two. He wanted to tell him but he knew Joel was too much like the others, seeking to expand his reputation through the blood of a legendary creature.

They made their way through the dark corridors and slipped into a room that contained a table which hosted a diagram of the kingdom. Brutus placed a dragon token onto the map on top of a mountain which was a days hike from the town. "We believe this is the last dragon" he announced, "But she is a feisty one and has evaded our attacks in the past."

Shane was excited but tried to wear his best poker face. She was his favorite, he would often have dreams about her and they almost always had happy endings. He had put his friendship with Joel on the line for her and was willing to die if it meant her having another day of life. He started to daydream about her as Brutus went on about the plan. Shane already knew the plan, it was always the same, and he knew its flaws. Just as he was staring into those soft yellow eyes Joel shook him on the shoulder and pointed to the line of fellow slayers leaving the room. As they got up Joel quickly cracked a joke and asked "You were day dreaming AGAIN weren't you?"

"Just like always" replied Shane as he followed the crowd to the castle gates.

The anticipation of seeing a dragon always made the trip worth it. Thankfully Brutus had allowed them to tow their armor rather than wear it all the way there, but that was only because they had to go through the river. So there he was riding his valiant steed, as a slight breeze fell over them and he began to daydream yet again. Before he had realized it they had reached the river and the rest of the group was starting to leave him behind. "Just like usual" he thought. "I could just chill here and they wouldn't realize I was gone until they were on their way back." As his horse stumbled onto the bank of the river he had to do a double take. He didn't just see what he thought, did he? Was he day dreaming again? He dismounted his horse and wandered over to the bushes. After taking a deep breath he pulled back the branches and to his delight saw the most beautiful creature of all time. He couldn't believe his eyes as he stood at the edge of the clearing and stared at his day dream come to life.

She stared back at him as if she had planned this all out. "Had she realized that I was trying to protect her?" he wondered as he stood there paralyzed by her awesome presence. He put his hands up as high as he could, trying to signal that he was unarmed as he took slow steps towards her. While he crept closer she lowered her head towards him carefully. Her green scales shimmered in the daylight as she moved closer to him. After what felt like hours he was face to face with the beautiful yellow eyes that were so frequent in his fantasies. Her impressive teeth glimmered in a non threatening way as they stared at each other wondering what the other was thinking. Shane felt like he had made his move and was waiting to see what she wanted to do with her secret admirer. As her eyes caught the sun at just the right angle he saw the deep feeling of loneliness in her eyes. A tear ran down his face as he spoke softly to her "You really are the last one."

The dragon looked back into his eyes and saw the inner conflict that he had been dealing with all his life. Deep within the young man's memories she saw him atop what was left of her mate and she knew that they both wanted the same thing. She carefully took her claw and cupped him gently into her grasp. As she flew away he saw the view that he could only dream of, but it was nothing compared to the creature that had taken him away from his misery. As she flapped her precious wings he not only felt the wind that he had pretended to feel so many times before, he smelt it. He knew it was real now, he could have been dreaming before, but with the smell of a live dragon all doubt was cast aside. She glanced down at him and saw the look of sheer pleasure on his face, "If only he knew what I have planned" she thought as she grinned and flapped her powerful wings.

The happy couple finally arrived at their destination as she rose up above a mountain range and into an empty valley. Shane recognized the valley but only from his father's stories, but there was one major difference. When his father had wandered into the valley many years ago there was a community of dragons, but now it was quiet and empty. The dragon shared in his sadness because she also knew of the better times that the valley had seen. She lowered him down to the entrance to her cave and gently let him back onto solid ground. With a less than graceful dismount Shane was finally in the place where he always wanted to be. To his displeasure he watched her fly off into the distance, leaving him behind.

He knew she would come back, there is no way she would go through all this to leave him here to die. So he began to gather firewood figuring it would do no harm when she returned, yet would have him prepared just in case she didn't. As he set the last piece of wood onto the carefully made pit he caught a glimpse of her in the distance. To his delight he saw her fly closer and realized that she had went to get them dinner after the long journey. The dragon was delighted to see that the young man had known what she was doing and had the intelligence to get the fire ready. She took in a deep breath of air and then let out a gentle flame from her nostrils into the pit. She then laid her prize onto the flames, it was her favorite... sheep.

They shared the dinner together and were full as the sun began to set in the distance. Shane was still admiring the flavor of his dinner, it was better than anything he had ever tasted at any of the great feasts he had attended. He knew the secret ingredient had to be the dragon's flame, it had cooked the meat so tenderly and seemed to add an unexplainable spice. Her back was to him as she stared out past the valley watching the sun slowly fall behind the mountains as she had so many times before. He walked up beside her as she offered her tail as a place to sit. Together they basked in the glow of the most romantic sunset on the planet.

With a full moon rising up behind them they took their eyes away from the sunset and stared dreamingly at each other. The tension was building as he moved closer to her and ran his hand down her soft vanilla belly. He took a deep breath as he felt his robe drop to the ground. The smell was different than it had been before. It was now a stronger scent of dragon, with a strange flair that turned him on. He stood there up against her and felt all his troubles drift away. He slowly removed any garments left that separated him from the creature he had wanted to be with for so long. At this moment the two souls met and came together as one.

He now knew the time was right as he moved closer to his mate's middle. While he arrived at his destination she lowered her head in front of his and presented herself to him. With a gentle nudge on his cheek from her snout and a tender kiss from her vibrant red tongue he slowly entered into her soft silky vent. His heartbeat rose as he felt himself inside of her, and he could sense her heartbeat growing steadily as the two melted into one. Their bodies moved in unison as they shared a moment of passion. She gently took her tail and returned the favor as things began to heat up. As she slid her tail into him, he let out a moan of pure delight while his body reached a state of nothing but pleasure. She replied to the noise with a suggestive growl as the encounter approached its climax. The moonlight showered over them as he felt her vent tighten around him as she let out a loud and emotional murr. Suddenly the pleasure was brought to another level as he felt the rush of orgasm make its way through his body. At that moment he shared himself with the dragon as his body began convulsions of pure bliss as he echoed the dragon's murr.

As his heart rate slowly began to drop he felt the loving caress of her warm tongue over his lips. His body lay up against her in a helpless state as he slowly recovers from the most intense experience of his life. He feels her scaly cheek up against his as she supports his body and his emotions on a slow decent back down to earth. Laying on the ground he reached up and ran his hand down her smooth lower jaw. After what had happened he could feel the dragon in a completely different way. He opened his mouth and said "Thank you" to her as he let out a deep sigh and relaxed his body. She hovered over him and replied in a smooth velvety murr that he knew was her way of thanking him. They understood each other and as she lay her body next to his they looked up at the moon together and drifted into dreams that could never compare with what they just shared.