On Crimson tide's

Story by MrGamer on SoFurry

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#1 of The Crimson tide.

Hello I recently picked up a copy of Assassin's creed 4 Black flag and have spent hours upon hours playing it. So it inspired me to begin this story series I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

PS I need feedback in order to improve please point out any and all errors also leaving any tips you have would be very helpful.

As I was taking a swig of grog I saw out of the corner of my eye a young calico cat wearing expensive clothes enter the taven. I dismissed him as no one important and ignored him. As I was about to call for a refill the cat took a look around the bar and I felt his eyes land on me. I turned and glared at him as he started towards me. Just as I was about to tell him to get lost he said. Hi I'm looking for-

A kick in the ass if you don't leave me alone I finished what was left in my mug and stood up. Please I need to know-- What ever it is you want you're asking the wrong person. As I hurriedly crossed the taverns main room I heard him say. Please Captain Conner..... It felt as if the air it self was driven from my lungs. No one had called me that in years. In a shaky tone of voice I replied. How do you know my name...? It wasn't very hard sir...all I did was look around the pubs and taverns. I was bound to run in to you eventually. That doesn't explain why you want to talk to me I said. Sir you are the most influential person to have ever serve in the Kings navy. And to be bluntly honest you won't live much longer I would like to record your life's story before you....you.... Die I said as I turned around and faced him I realized how scared he was. How old are boy I asked ? Twenty two sir. As I watched his face I saw several emotions flicker in his eyes ranging from fear hope and disgust. As I took one more longing glance at the door I said, fine but you'll have to buy me more food and grog. I was slightly amused by the look of utter surprise on his face clearly he did not expect me to give in that easily. My musing was confirmed a moment later when he said in a high pitched voice. Very well I trust you won't require much ? Oh I'll need plenty of grog to lubricate my throat I replied. I nearly laughed at the look on his face when he took in my fairly large beer gut. I see he said I hope we will be done soon. I doubt that I said as I moved towards a table in darker section of the room. As I sat down and faced him across the table he took out of one of his pockets a fancy cloth and candle and proceeded to wipe down the table. You do know that the serving wench's clean these off I said as I watched him carefully wipe a bit of blood or something equally disgusting up. I know but I do not trust the rags that they use he replied as he set the candle down. Suit yourself I replied as I scooped up a bit of congealed stew with my paw. As I savored the look on his face and the stew I wondered who he was. Probably some scribe who thinks he'll get a bump in pay for this or something like that. My theory was immediately dashed to pieces as he layed out writing tools that probably cost a fortune. As he finished laying out quills and ink he looked up and smiled. Impressive aren't they he asked. I nodded and said your not a normal scribe are you ? He smirked and said no I'm not. Who are you then ? I am his royal highness's private secretary. Am I supposed to be impressed I asked ? Yes he replied clearly miffed you would if you had any inkling of what it takes to get to this position at my age. Ass kissing for starters I began and also-- Yes yes what ever lets get down to business shall we ? Very well I said, you girl! yeah you your best grog and keep it coming! I ignored the glare he shot me and said. You've haven't told me your name yet. He glared at me a moment longer before replying its Sir Frederick Johnson. Thats kinda hard to remember....how about I call you Fredy for short ? No I will not toler-- Very well Fredy why is it exactly you want to record my life story as you put it ? Because he began you have played a important role in our country's history and I would like to be the one who puts it down on paper. I see I replied you want bragging rights don't you. Now see her-- No you listen to me I will tell you all about my past but you will abide by my rules or I'll leave. Stiffly he nodded and said very well what are these conditions of yours. As much grog and beer as I can drink for starters maybe some...other things later. What other things exactly ? I'll let you know when I think of them. Fine lets get this over with he said. I smiled as I looked up at the serving girl as she placed a full mug of grog in front me. Will that be all lads she asked ? Yes that will be all Frederick hurriedly said while glancing at me. Very well gents I'll be over there she said and winked at Frederick and walked away with a sway in her hips. I think she likes you I said and quickly hid my smile behind my mug. What's that supposed to mean he asked. Boy you don't get out much do you I asked. Admittedly no I don't the king requires my service's fairly often. Well I guess that means your not as important as I thought I replied. I asure you that I am very important he said. Fine well anyway she's only sold her services to a few people so... What do you mean by *services*. She a whore I said bluntly. The look of shock on his face was hysterical and I laughed as he stumbled though several sentences. I see he finally managed to say. Well lets get started I said. Yes lets do he said clearly shaken up by what just happened. Where would you like me to begin I said struggling to contain my amamusement. Where ever you think is appropriate he said as he dipped a pen into a jar of ink. I have to admire his composure he's handling this very well I thought to myself. Hmm lets see I was born March the 15th 1676 so lets start with where I was born and who my parents were I began.

===================== Chapter one


I was born to Sir Maroc Conner who was the Queen's primary military adviser and my mother Duchess Maria Conner whose parents owned a third of the city's multiple factory's. Sadly I never knew my mother for she died shortly after giving birth to me. However my father truly cared for me unlike some other families I have had the misfortune of meeting. As I grew to the age of five I was always getting into trouble particularly with my teachers. So much that at one point my father had to teach me basic schooling himself. Needless to say after that my father refused to let me be alone with my new tutors. Soon after I turned seven my father met a woman of exquisite beauty sadly she had no love for my father only his money unfortunately he was smitten with her. What had began as a wonderful childhood became a personal hell for me. True I was a handful at times but my soon to be mother in law already hated me with a passion. The response I gave to this was to become even more difficult to be around for long periods of time. Happily she soon took to hiring nannys to look after me that was when I began to show a gift. When I turned ten years old my father was in his office dealing with a message from the Queen I patiently waited for him to finish up so I could ask him a question which had been pestering me for days. As he finally finished reading and signed the paper I asked. Father I've thinking-- Now that doesn't sound good! my father interrupted. You could say that I replied knowing that he was jesting. Well then lets hear it my boy he said with a twinkle in his eye. Well I was looking at the harbors new defense system and noticed that the bunkers that will house the canons will have trouble firing at any airships that come from the west. Why it that he asked. Because they have a forty degree elevation and if any ships come from the west that elevation is much lower I said proud of my observation. As my father sat there and processed that information I took a long look around his office. It had barely changed over the years. It still contained the rickety rocking chair that had been in his family for generations. As I looked to the left I saw the antique container that held his collection of firearms. My gaze was drawn in particular to a old three shot shotgun pistol. As I was admiring it my father spoke. I'll have to speak with the architecture about this....this is unacceptable. Is it really that big a deal I asked. Yes...yes it is...the navy has been reporting multiple unmarked ships flying above the countyside and the Queen has been having government meetings on a regular basis for the last week. So are we going to be attacked I asked. Possibly he replied but if we get these bunkers finished we should be fine... As I stood there it seemed as if my father aged several years in that moment. I realized that he was lying to me and that hurt me deeply.


Chapter 2


Soon after that information was passed along my father came to the nursery and said, Walk with me son. I immediately stopped commanding my tin army and jumped up and ran after my father. Where are we going I asked. You'll see soon he replied with a smile. I was wondering just what he had in mind when he stopped in front of the manors main doors. Get your shoes on he told me and get a coat. Why do I need a coat I asked. You'll see soon I promise he replied. At that moment my mother in law came into the room. As she stopped and stared at me she said Maroc dear what is doing here ? Hes coming with us of course he replied with a surprised look on his face. Oh of course dear my stepmother said. Good lets get going he said as my father turned and opened the door my stepmother sent me a look of pure hatred. I stopped and stuck out my tongue before running to the carriage outside. As I climbed into the carriage's cabin I again asked my father where we were going. Some place you'll enjoy he said. Realizing that he was not going to say anything more I turned my attention to the man helping my stepmother into the carriage. Who's that I asked while pointing at him. Who him ?, oh yes he's new your mother recommended him he said. Oh I replied. How long will it take us to reach our destination dear my stepmother asked. About an hour my father said but it will be worth the drive he added. As I got comfortable I gazed out the window I wondered why is taking us so far away. As I slowly drifted to sleep my last thought was I hope mother doesn't enjoy it.

Scribes notes.

At about 10:30 Friday night November the 8th Captain Conners fell into what appears to be a drunken stupor I can only guess at how much alcohol he consumed before I arrived seeing as it is late I have decided to provide the Captain a room for the night in the hopes that he will be more...helpful with my work, anyway I need to get some sleep or I'll be good for nothing tomorrow.

Signed Sir Frederick Johnson.

Sweet Revenge part 3

Where the hell is it Marcus nearly screamed it could't have gone that far! As he was hobbling along the road he wondered just how he was to get back at the macros. I don't even know how many there are around here. Right then he caught sight of some...

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Sweet Revenge part 2

Ugghh....What happened... Marcus groaned as he woke up. Holy shit he muttered as the last few minutes came crashing back. I can't believe it I'm alive.... I'M ALIVE!!! He yelled then immediately regreted it. Great broken ribs...wonderfull. Just then he...

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Sweet Revenge

I can't believe it six years....six whole years wow I really need to check up on Mary and the gang. Marcus thought to himself as he drove to Westwood city boy this'll surprise them for sure! Recently out of his five-year tour of Iraq and Iran Marcus...

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