Cozy Interim

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#9 of Mother and Son

Just a little add on. I did think about giving all of this a plot... at least a short one. (Especially with December almost here!) but who knows?

It's definitely been a while since the last part...

Cozy Interim

Idea #67

Rubber soled footsteps clamored to the side door in time with the steady beating rain. A sudden thunderstorm took the whole community off guard, but especially Karen and Nate who were outside for a walk. The door burst open as the wolf and raccoon poured through the entrance. A brief gust of wind ruffled their fur and clothes before Karen shut the door securely. The two panted loudly as the rain continued its muffled beating outside.

"I swear you're going to run the energy right out of me!" Karen said exhausted with a hand on the countertop.

"We had to run back home so we wouldn't get soaked." Nate said sprawled over the kitchen floor.

"Don't lay there, I haven't cleaned the floor yet."

"I can help you clean it." He offered as she walked over and scooped him up into her arms.

"I think we're both too tired to clean right now." Karen told him. The raccoon looked up and caught his breath while his mom carried him. Her running shirt was spotted with darker colored drops of water, but her smile told that she might have actually enjoyed running through the rain. Nate suddenly felt himself being lowered onto the couch and noticed he was now in the living room.

"Where are you going mom?" He asked sitting up as the wolfess walked to the stairs.

"Sit tight, I'll be back down sweetie." She told him sliding around the corner. The raccoon watched her tail slip by slowly with a smile. His mom must have had some idea going through her head, and they were usually fun. Nate moved up and untied his shoes before kicking them off to the side. His water dotted shirt soon laid crumpled on the floor on top of them. Laying back, he watched the clock tick uniformly as the rain continued to fall outside. The raccoon contently sighed. It was times like his that he could normally relax and forget about a project due for school or if his mom had to work overtime. But neither was the case for this late evening. The pre teen's ears perked up hearing a song. "Rain, rain go away." His mom's voice sang out from upstairs. The pleasant melodious singing made him smile. She always sang on a rainy day when her mood was bright. A minute later, his mom returned wearing a dark blue bathrobe carrying a blanket. "Warm up and I'll join you in a moment," she said tossing him the blanket. Nate hastily unfolded it and wrapped himself up as he watched his mom cut on the fireplace. Her tail swished quietly side to side enticingly before the hearth came to life with the flicker of flames.

"There we are!" She pleasantly said standing up to see the fire in full dance. Nate curled up to make room for his mother as she sat beside him. They snuggled together as thunder gently rumbled in the distance. "Looks like we're in for a rough night later," She said fluffing her head fur with a hand to clear any droplets remaining from outside.

"Yeah, it hasn't stopped raining since we came inside." He felt an arm wrap around his back.

"And I get to spend all this time with you." Karen responded by kissing his cheek, earning a quiet murr from her child.

"Mmhm. I like that." The raccoon scooted onto her lap. Nate instead sat sideways between her spread legs so his head barely came up to her chin. Mother and son contently enjoyed each other's warmth as well as the fire's. The rain lightly patting the windowsill didn't bother either of them.

"I wish we had more time to just snuggle on the couch." Karen patted his shoulder with a calm grin.

"I remember we used to do this when I was little." Nate said quietly staring into the flames of the fire. Karen gave a slow nod. By little he meant before Harold and her had a divorce.

"Yes, I remember doing this all those years ago. You were so little and always running around full of energy."

"That did get me in trouble... a lot." He added quietly making his mom laugh.

"I remember when you stole a bowl of unbanked brownie mix and ate most of it. You had such a sugar high until your stomach felt icky." She tickled his tummy making him giggle.

"I promised to never eat anything unbanked again." He smiled as her hand switched to rubbing instead of poking and prodding.

"I didn't scold you because the stomach ache was punishing enough." They both laughed after Nate made a fake pouting face.

"Then dad told me-" he trailed off losing bis smile as silence ensued. The fire silently danced as they heard the muffled rainfall outside. "Mom?"

"Yes sweetheart?" She looked down seeing the raccoon deep in thought.

"Why did dad cheat on us? I know you've told me the reason and all, but he loved both of us right?" His question was so innocent and delicate.

"I really don't know why but he did love us, even though it faded a lot before the divorce." Karen sighed looking at the fire, then back at her son. "I wish I knew."

"Do you think I'll do something bad like that?" He asked holding onto her robe.

"Of course not Nate!" Karen hugged her son close only for an uncertain look to overcome her. The mother wolfess couldn't predict how far their relationship would go, but she really wanted it to last a very long time despite the odds against them. Kisses were lovingly planted on the top of his head a few times to reinforce her statement. "I will always love you no matter what happens." Her eyes then turned a little mischievous. "Besides, I am the only one who can seduce you. So you don't have to worry about other women." Nate gave an unnoticed blush and wrapped his arms around his mom's protective form. She did that with ease, and he knew it. The warm hug continued as the fire silently warmed the room.

"I can hear your heartbeat mom." He murmured happily pressing his head against her chest to listen intently. A comforting smile returned to her face. Nate would always be her son no matter how old the raccoon was.

"My heart beats for you Nate." Her fingers furrowed through his back fur sensually. He sighed happily and buried his nose into the tuft of golden fur sticking out from the open space in his mom's robe. His mom smoothed over his cheek fur with a thumb as her hand cradled his head. Feeling him nestle comfortingly on her, his nose poked at her soft breast. Karen delicately opened one half of the robe bringing the breast into full view. Nate adjusted his head and felt his nose brush against something soft without fur. Karen nudged him so that his lips were in contact with her nipple. Nate looked up to see his mom smiling warmly down at him. The raccoon opened his mouth and latched on to the areola before beginning to fervently suckle. She tenderly rubbed his back hearing him murr quietly. The first droplets of liquid leaked onto his tongue before it became more consistent. Karen pleasantly hummed with a smile feeling his soft tongue lapping her sensitive flesh to coax more out. 'We need to bond like this more often. I miss it so much.' She rarely felt this relaxed during the day, especially when work was stressful. "My little raccoon." She whispered proudly watching his white ringed tail gently tapping the couch.

Karen continued to caress his back and began to doze off, but blinked feeling him stop. Looking down, Nate licked his lip with a smile resting his chin on the soft flesh.

"I love you mom." He spoke softly before latching back on. The gentle suction resumed once again as her son's eyes closed, relaxing into her embrace.

"I love you too Nate." Karen hugged her son giving a kiss on his forehead. Suckling soon resumed to fill the room once more. The wolfess kept him close looking outside at the overhanging grey sky. Hopefully the sun would be back by morning, but if not, they would definitely make the best of it.

It was their last extended weekend morning together and Nate was asleep between his mother's legs in her bed. His head rested on the wolfess's lower tummy, rising and falling in time with her steady breathing. The sunshine didn't beam through the window since the storm from last night brought a lot of clouds into the area. That alone proved a good enough excuse to sleep in, but all good things must come to an end. Nate yawned bringing a hand to cover his mouth before resting it back over his mom's knee. Blinking his eyes awake, the ceiling greeted him as his head rose and fell in time with his mother's breathing. Without school being a constant wake up call, mornings were turned into blessings rather than doomsday preparations. Sliding down a little, he rolled onto his side and clung onto a leg. His shoulder was gently pressed up against her sex, but not enough to bother her. However, the faint aroma from within her femininity could be detected by his nose and brought a grin to his lips. Nate could've indulged in a little mutual treat, but laying in bed with his mom was just as nice this morning. He snuggled into her warm form and closed his eyes attempting to return to sleep.

The wolfess's leg suddenly lifted up rolling Nate onto his back once more. He quickly sat up as the furry white legs tried to close, giving the young coon's hips squeezes. She sat up with a stretch seeing her son practically squeezed between her legs for room. The pre teen gave a light blush as she leaned him back, allowing her delightful mammaries to rest on top of his shoulders.

"Mmm. Morning sweetie." His mom greeted him with a hug. Nate smiled feeling a low rumbling murr vibrating from her throat.

"Good morning mom."

"Sleep well? You were between my legs when I woke up."

"Uh-huh. You're comfy." He leaned back looking up at her as she giggled.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Karen's fingers gently massaged her son's front making his body squirm a little. Nate barely stifled a moan leaning back into her form. Her hands were utterly divine. "Do you want me to pleasure you Nate?" She whispered into his ear as her fingertips slid down his front. He nodded feeling his body surge with excitement.

"But wait," He said making her hand freeze. "I don't want denial or anything uncomfortable." Nate knew that he was really at his mother's mercy and would've agreed to just about anything. However, the coon didn't want to go through the long discomfort. His mother smiled and gave him a quick reassuring hug.

"Ok hon, nothing that will make you uncomfortable." Karen said pulling his body back against her front as she laid down. He smiled lifting his chin into the air as she scratched gently. "A nice build up, then release." She crooned into his ear making him shiver for a moment.

"Mmhm," he agreed as her other hand traveled to between his legs. Karen carefully slid her son off so that he was resting beside her on the bed. The mother wolf turned on her side with an elbow propped up while ruffling around the young coon's thigh fur. She smiled as Nate noticeably eyed her breast resting on him.

"Are you thinking about mommy's breasts?" The wolfess cooed to her son. Nate brought a cautious hand forward and felt the soft white furred mass. He marveled at how soft it was, and the skin like sensation of her areola. Karen continued to rub his thigh encouragingly, inching closer towards her goal. Her hand brushed under the furry pouch that housed his twin reproductive organs, and gently rolled them around in her palm. Nate didn't pay direct attention and seemed content with what was in front of him. Karen liked that he was so fascinated with her body. Her son's fascination always proved to be a great persuader on the impressionable coon. His white ringed tail twitched as her fingertips brushed against his emerging pink rod catching his attention. She noticed him hold his breath as her hand pulled his shaft down exposing the rest. Slowly, her fingers wrapped around his pulsating flesh. He was rock hard and there was no stopping either of them. Starting out slowly, Karen began moving her hand up and down his shaft. A sudden jerk into the air interrupted her. "Ah, ah. Slow build up sweetie. So it will last." Her legs intertwined with one of his to keep him spread open and still.

Nate's heart raced as her hand coaxed a moan from from him. She returned to stroking him up and down like before, except this time he had to remain relatively still. "It feels good doesn't it?" She asked keeping a steady pace.

"Mm. Y-yeah mom," he replied unable to tear his gaze from her hand's motions, even with her chest in full view.

"Good. I want the best for you." Karen enjoyed seeing the pleasure she gave him, and Nate wasn't about to complain with her hand so graciously working on him. His tail wrapped around her leg as if to prepare for the finale. Nate would occasionally moan and slowly buck up into his mother's hand as the wolfess carefully built the pleasure up. He felt his face burning a warm red that was only masked by his facial fur.

"Ugh... Mom." He moaned lustily with half lidded eyes. Karen leaned down, inching her muzzle closer to her son.

"Nate." She whispered in response catching her son's attention. Nate's head turned a little and suddenly felt a pair of lips connect with his own. He blinked and stared into his mom's eyes that twinkled with love. The feeling was warming on the inside, but in a different way than what her hand was doing. "I love you Nate." She said with their noses still touching.

"I love you too mom." Nate moaned quietly still feeling her hand dutifully at work. He brought an arm around his mom's back to help steady himself as she began kissing him again. Her warm kisses trailed along his muzzle and down his cheek. The raccoon shuddered feeling light nibbles and soft bites alternate between her lips, only to moan or squirm under her ministrations. Karen occasionally circled her thumb right under the tip where she knew he was most sensitive. That really made the raccoon's hips try to jerk away.

"Aww, you look so cute squirming Nate." She observed as he openly panted between moans. The pre that did leak out aided in lubricating his shaft, making her warm padded hand glide over with ease. Nate leaned his head on his mom's shoulder desperately wanting to buck into her sensuous hand. So smooth, soft... and warm! The young coon began whining feeling himself coming so close to a blissful climax.

"M-mom it's so... close."

"Sh, mommy is right here to give you release," she whispered into his ear. The way she said it made him shudder as she licked the edge of his ear. He could feel the pressure growing quickly as her hand stroked faster and faster. His body squirmed lustily until his length gave a preemptive twitch. Arching his back and curling his toes, he reached the point of no return. Nate gave a cry of bliss as he shot the first rope of white into the air landing on his chest fur. Karen continued pumping him as the rest shot out over his fur.

"Ah!" His hands clung onto the bed and her back as if he were going to jump to the ceiling.

"Sh. Let it all out for mommy Nate." Karen crooned to him as he gave his final restricted thrusts in pure euphoria. Nate laid back panting loudly as the last bits jumped into his belly fur. The world slowly crashed back down to him as he found himself face first in his mother's warm fur. He barely noticed her legs untangle with his, allowing him to move freely. Nate grunted occasionally and twitched feeling his mom still playing with his sensitive flesh. Her fingers lightly traced over the spent tool, occasionally dragging her blunt claws underneath until it receded into its sheath. Looking at her son's facial expression, the raccoon appeared ready to go back to sleep. She giggled to herself at the goofy open smile that enveloped his entire muzzle. The wolfess probably had the same look whenever his muzzle was stuck between her thighs. "Don't fall back asleep Nate, you definitely need a shower." Karen sat up only to feel an arm tug her. She turned her head and suddenly felt a pair of lips connect with hers in a sweet kiss. The white wolfess hummed with approval moving a hand to the back of her son's head to deepen the kiss. The raccoon pulled back with a wet smack and giggled.

"That was nice." Nate said happily.

"Mmhm. Oh! Let's get the shower started. Your fur is already starting to mat." She pointed to his front.

"Can we take one together mom?"

"I think that would be a wonderful idea." Karen stood up with a stretch. "As long as we wash each other." The wolfess added with a wink, swishing her tail. Nate eagerly followed her swishing tail out of the bedroom.

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Crossing Stars (WIP)

The end of the world, or at least I called it the apocalypse. It happened around three in the afternoon when the shaking knocked me from my feet walking downstairs into the basement. 'What's going on?' A paint can or something fell on my head...

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