Treasure Seeker: Storms Brewing

Story by Farfener on SoFurry

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The Second Instalment in the Treasure Seeker story series. Please, I ask that you leave a comment with any suggestions, I will try to respond. Thank YOu all and Enjoy the story.

Zenn awoke with a loud yawn, her eyes slowly sliding open. She lay partially curled up with Rassa behind her, one arm wrapped around her torso, the other arm wrapped around her breasts. Zenn could feel the slow steady beat of his heart and the rise and fall of his breath against her as he slept peacefully. The room was brighter than when they had woken before, the sun shining more intensely through the curtains. The room felt much warmer than before, the middle of the day fast approaching.

Zenn sighed in contentment when she noticed that Rassa was still buried deep inside of her. Rassa's arm around her torso held the two of them together, preventing Rassa from sliding out in the middle of the night. The two were very close to each other, every part of them wrapped around each other. Their necks rested softly against each other, their breathing in tandem. Their legs were entwined together and their toes gripping each other.

With a small grin, Zenn began tensing her vaginal muscles, twitching her lower muscles against Rassa's length. Rassa's length had shrunk over night despite the fact that it had remained nestled inside of Zenn. However, with the gentle pulsing of Zenn's vagina, Rassa's cock began to swell inside of her. Rassa grunted softly, still fast asleep, as pleasurable sensations started again. Unconsciously, Rassa pushed forward in his sleep and buried himself to the hilt inside of Zenn, his cock swelling to full size.

With slow movements, Zenn began to move her hips. Rassa's fully erect otter-meat rubbed against her insides and Zenn sighed heavily, the sensations pouring over her. She moaned very softly as she increased the speed of her movements. Rassa was still asleep, moaning softly as Zenn moved in his grasp. His dream, which had been fairly boring at first, had taken a turn into a one way pleasure-fest and he was enjoying it.

Zenn felt the swelling of Rassa's knot inside of her. She continued moving her hips, feeling it swell even more as Rassa became more and more aroused. Zenn felt Rassa's knot grow to full size and she sighed deeply and contentedly when it popped into place. She continued to move until she felt the buildup within herself. As her orgasm hit, she curled up into a tight ball, trying not to make any noise. Her vaginal walls began to massage Rassa's cock, urging it to deposit it seed. The extreme pleasure made her squirm and finally she let out a low moan despite the piece of sheet she shoved into her mouth.

As she stopped moving, Zenn noticed that Rassa was beginning to move in his sleep. His hips moved slowly at first, and then with increasing speed, little tiny movements that elicited moans of pleasure from both the unconscious Rassa and Zenn. As Rassa ascended from sleep into near consciousness his movements became faster and faster, tiny thrusts in and out of Zenn.

Rassa came out of his dream just as his own orgasm hit. He gasped as the first sensation of the morning was of Zenn's vaginal walls pulsing against his cock. He shivered slightly as the paralyzing shock shot through his body and he coated Zenn's uterus with thick and sticky seed, drenching her most private place with a load of his cum. He whined a little at the exquisite feelings as the last few spurts of his cum dribbled into Zenn's womb.

As the last of the feelings faded Rassa sighed heavily. Tenderly, he began to lick the side of Zenn's face. Zenn giggled a little and shifted around to face Rassa, who smiled at her. Rassa slowly rewrapped his arms around Zenn and pulled her close, nuzzling his head in her neck fur and licking her throat. Zenn sighed in pleasure, enjoying every second of Rassa's attention. After a few minutes Rassa pulled away and looked directly into Zenn's eyes, their noses touching gently.

"Having a good morning?" Rassa asked.

Zenn shrugged, "Better than any other I can remember."

Rassa looked down between them at his now shrunken member and wet spot in between Zenn's legs. Rassa was a little sore after all of the activity, but he didn't mind at all. As he looked, a little bit of his seed dribbled out of Zenn and onto the sheets. It was only then that the full realization of what he and Zenn had done hit him.

Rassa made a move to get up but Zenn whined and wrapped her arms around him, "Don't go."

Rassa sighed and looked back, pulling away from Zenn's grip, "I much as I'd love to stay we can't just stay in bed and do this all day. I am nearly out of money and I already promised to show you around the city. Isaiah is a beautiful place... if you know where to go and where to avoid."

Zen sighed and nodded, letting Rasa go. As he walked out of the room she ran her paw down to the spot in between her legs. She felt the heat and wetness but mostly the emptiness that his absence left behind. She wanted those feelings again, to be mated, to have someone close. Groaning softly as she did, Zenn ran her fingers slowly up and down her slit. She stopped as soon as she heard Rassa coming.

Rassa entered the room, this time fully clothed and holding a small bundle of clothing. He tossed the bundle to Zenn, "Here, this is the best thing I could afford for you."

Zenn held the piece of clothing up to get a better look at it. It was a light teal dress with a little belt of white fabric in the middle. The dress had a hood on the back that could be drawn up over one's head to protect against the heat. The fabric was light and loose, with little bands of white string running down some of the seams.

At first Zenn balked at the idea of wearing a dress, Dresses were not good for running and they were certainly not good for fighting. However, the fact that it was Rassa who was giving it to her made her feel all right. She stood up off the bed and pulled the dress on. After doing up the little belt around the waist she looked over at Rassa, "Well?"

Rassa smiled, "You look fantastic." He turned and waved a paw, "Let's go."

Rassa led Zenn out of his apartment and out onto the street. The market place was a bustling hive of activity. Thousands of furs of all different kinds milled about. Some where buying food or jewelry from the many vendors that lined the sidewalks and others were simply milling about, stopping every once and a while to inspect a vendor's wares. Merchants dressed in rich fabrics, beggars dressed in rags, commoners dressed in white tunics and capes and soldiers in shining armor, all mixed together.

Zenn looked around in amazement at the sights, smells and sounds all around her. She had seen markets before, but this seemed more like a carnival than a market to her. She turned to Rassa, "Is this a holiday?"

"What do you mean?" Rassa asked.

"Well... it just seems like there are so many different people."

Rassa chuckled and placed his arm around Zenn's shoulder "This is what it is like everyday. This is one of the larger markets in the city but there are many more like it spread throughout the area. Isaiah is huge because it is placed on the coast, many ships come here with their cargo." He waved his arm around at the surrounding market, "This is Isaiah at its best."

For some time the two wandered around. Zen tried on the odd piece of jewelry, but was really attracted b y the strange and exotic weapons. Rassa watched her with a smile on his face. The store keepers were only too happy show His paw was always under his robe, holding tightly to his money bag. Once a stranger approached Zen from behind, but he noticed Rassa drawing his knife at the last second and he disappeared back into the crowd.

Suddenly there was a loud clattering noise and one of the vendors, a pudgy hedgehog in rich clothes, began screaming as his stall was pushed over by a young raccoon wearing a mask over his nose and mouth. The thief, his fists full of gold jewelry, began running through the crowds, evading the grasp of several soldiers as he ran. One soldier got in the young thief's way, a long saber drawn. The thief leapt over the guard's head, kicking him in the face as he went.

The guard didn't go down but he did drop his weapon and grab his wounded nose. The thief hit the ground and bounded away through the crowd, leaping nimbly from one foot to another to increase his speed and to dodge obstacles and other people. Soon, he disappeared into the crowd.

A gleam entered Rassa's eyes as he witnessed the scene. With a quick, "I'll be right back, stay here." To Zenn, Rassa pulled his hood over his head and pulled his white scarf over his mouth. Moving as fast as he could, his wiry muscles working as hard as they could, Rassa began chasing the thief through the crowded market place. He moved like a blur through the crowd, staying low and running extremely fast.

Rassa ducked and weaved through the crowd, already scattered by the thief. With perfect timing he leapt up on top of one of the stalls and scrambled up onto the roof of a nearby building. The rooftop was mostly flat, with only the odd clothesline as an obstacle for Rassa as he ran. As he reached the end of the first building he leapt across a narrow alleyway to the roof of another building. As he leapt from rooftop to rooftop, Rassa grinned to himself, this was his favorite kind of chase.

One rooftop was surrounded by a low wall with shards of glass glued to the top. Rassa bunched his cloak up in his paws as he ran and leapt over the wall, the bundled fabric protecting his paws. On the other side of the low wall were a couple of rabbits carried away in the throws of passion on a low sofa in the midst of a small garden. Rassa's unexpected presence caused them both to freeze and the male to move for a small sword kept on a nearby table, causing him to slide out of his lover.

"Who do you suppose that was?" The female asked as Rassa leapt over the other low wall and continued bounding from rooftop to rooftop. She purred in excitement as she watched Rassa leap from roof to roof, aroused by the show of strength and agility. As she watched, one of her paws moved up to her large breasts and began massaging them.

"Who cares." Muttered the male. His rhythm had been thrown off by the intrusion. His cock had slipped out of his mate because of the distraction and he felt cold exposed to the air. He noticed his mates distracted gaze and whined, "Hey, I'm over here you know." He raised a paw up to her breasts and massaged them gently, his other paw going to play with his mates nether lips, "Don't forget about me."

The female groaned and looked back over at him and smiled, "Don't worry my precious; my body is for you alone." She stretched languorously back on the couch, spreading her legs, "Let's get back to what we were doing my handsome."

The male purred in pleasure at those words and with a quick thrust he reentered his mate. After the initial rush of good feelings he began bucking his hips up and down in delight. Rassa's intrusion was quickly forgotten as the lovers began groaning and squirming in pleasure as they went back to their luscious love making.

Running as fast as he could, Rassa kept an eye on the thief as he went through the crowd. Rassa picked up the pace even more when the thief turned into an alleyway. Rassa leapt off the rooftop directly into the thief's path. Before the raccoon could even react, Rassa kicked out with his foot and struck the thief hard under the jaw. As the Raccoon fell backwards, Rassa punched the thief in the face, knocking him over completely. When the raccoon was down, Rassa grabbed the jewelry off of his arms.

With a quick movement, Rassa tore the thief's mask off and cast it aside. Selecting one of the small pieces of jewelry off his arm, Rassa threw it down the alleyway. He quickly slipped the rest of the jewelry into pockets inside of his cloak. Turning back to the raccoon, who was just beginning to sit up, Rassa said, "Don't try to follow me. When the guards show up tell them that the thief ran down the alleyway after attacking you. And next time, don't try to steal when there is a real pro around." He winked, "I'll look after you this time."

A few minutes later, the guards entered the alleyway, weapons raised and ready. They found a young Raccoon lying in the alleyway with bruises on his body. Upon seeing the piece of jewelry at the end of the alleyway they dashed off, leaving the real thief to slink home, tail in between his legs.

Zenn was still comforting the distraught merchant when Rassa returned, a few pieces of jewelry clasped in his grip. "I'm sorry." He said, bending down and handing the jewelry to the merchant, "I chased after the thief but I could only get these back before he got away."

The merchant sniffled, "Well... thank you anyways." He looked over the jewelry, "It isn't nearly what I lost... but I suppose it will do, thank you for your help."

Rassa got to his feet, "Come on Zenn, let's go."

Zenn got to her feet and walked after Rassa. "You were gone for a long time, I was worried."

Rassa nodded, "Sorry, I had a few things to take care of." He reached under his cloak and patted his money bag. "Now I have enough to live off of for a while."

Zenn stopped, "Wait, you mean you stole some of that poor man's jewelry?"

Rassa stopped, "Well... it was more like I stole it from the thief who stole it in the first place." Rassa noticed the disapproving look on Zenn's face and stopped. Scratching the back of his head he sighed, "Listen, it goes like this. There is a kinda silent agreement between the thieves and the vendors here in Isaiah. Only the amateurs steal from the vendors, and then the pro's steal from the amateurs. The pro's then give at least thirty percent back to the vendor it was stolen from and sell the rest to other vendors. In the end, it all works out. The only ones not in on the deal are the soldiers."

Zenn's eyes turned downcast and she nodded, "I see. And what happened to the 'amateur'?"

Rassa waved a paw, "Oh him. The pro's generally look out for the amateurs, we will be peers eventually after all. Besides, we were all amateurs at one point and someone looked out for us. He is probably on his way home now with a sore jaw and empty pockets."

Zenn nodded, eyes still downcast "I see."

Rassa looked around. The sun was beginning to set in the west, turning into a large orange sphere of fire. Rassa put his arm on Zenn's shoulder, "We should go home. The streets are about to get nasty. When the sun goes down even the soldiers aren't fool enough to stay on these streets. When the sun goes down the rats come out, and they are nasty to anybody whom they happen to find."

Rassa led Zenn home, one paw on her shoulder and one on his money bag. When the two of them arrived home, Zenn went straight to the other room, leaving a puzzled Rassa to make dinner. After throwing some vegetables into a pot to simmer, Rassa went into the other room to check on Zenn. Zenn was lying curled up on the bed facing away from the doorway.

Rassa walked in, "Are you alright? Is your wound hurting you?" he sat down on the bed, "What's wrong Zenn."

Zenn didn't turn but said, "You were my first you know."

"Yeah, I know." Rassa said softly, "You were the same for me."

Zenn sighed, "I knew that you weren't a knight in shining armour... but I never considered the fact that you were a thief." She looked up at Rassa, "Tell me, what were you doing when you found me?"

Rassa shrugged, "I was checking the battlefield to see if there was anything valuable lying around."

Suddenly Zenn's paw leapt up and slapped Rassa across the face. "You mean you were stealing from the dead." Rassa fell of the bed and looked at Zenn in shock. Zenn sat up, "You want to know why I am so upset, it's because you are a thief and you are perfectly okay with it. You are a thief and I slept with you, you are a criminal and I mated with you."

Rassa stood and backed away, "Oh I get it. You were fine when I was saving your ass and having sex with you. But now that you find out I'm not some glorious saint you are regretting it." He turned, "I chose my life and I like the life I live. And you know what else." He stormed out of the room, pulling the curtain shut as he went, "I don't regret anything, not about my life, or meeting you and loving you, nothing. Here is some advice; if you want to enjoy life you should never regret anything either."

Several hours later, the sun had set long ago and the stars were shining in the night sky. Rassa sat on the balcony of his apartment, watching the twin moons as they slowly traversed the sky. A while ago Rassa had left a bowl of soup in front of Zenn's door. When he checked a while later the bowl was empty and he had put it away. With a sigh, Rassa stood and walked back into the main room. He noticed that the curtain leading into Zenn's room was pulled open.

Rassa cautiously walked over to the curtain and pushed it open. Zenn was lying on her back on the bed. She turned to look at Rassa and then went back to looking at the ceiling. As Rassa turned away, Zenn said, "Wait... ... ... please don't leave yet."

Rassa looked over his shoulder, "What is it?"

Zenn sighed, "When I was a soldier... some of the battles we fought meant we had to do terrible things. I remember when we had to evict an entire town's worth of people so that we would have shelter in the coming battle. It was the middle of winter and everyone was desperate. When the imperial army showed up... the snow had already been dyed red with the blood of the villagers that had tried to retake their homes." She sighed and looked over at Rassa, "I know it isn't fair... but what you did today reminded me a little of what I've done and I felt... I felt... like some old wound that will never fully heal had opened again."

Rassa walked over to the bed and sat down, "You know... I told you that I don't regret anything, but that isn't exactly true. It's just... that I've learned to live with the fact that I am still alive. I do what I have to in order to keep living." With one paw he stroked Zenn's face, "And I am glad that you are still alive."

Slowly, Rassa leaned down and kissed Zenn. Zenn responded by arching up to meet him and wrapping her arms around Rassa, pulling him down onto the bed on top of her. Rassa's paws went quickly down to the bottom of Zenn's dress, pulling it up and over her head. His paws stroked up and down Zenn's naked body, stroking her sides, her arms and her legs.

Zenn's paws were also busy, pulling off Rassa's tunic and running up and down his back. She spread her legs and Rassa lay down in between them, his body completely covering Zenn's. For a few moments the two were still, their lips locked together and their bodies entwined. They drew warmth from each other, their heat combining to form a pleasant glow. Zen could feel Rassa's solid member pressed up against her soft belly and she could feel the wetness beginning to spread in between her legs. A burning desire began to form deep inside of her, a need that only sex could fulfill.

Rassa began stroking up and down Zenn's body again, his paws dancing over every part of her. Zenn shivered with pleasure as his fingers stroked the inside of her thighs. His paw rubbed her nether opening, lovingly touching her most private flesh. His finger stroked up and down her slit, sometimes slipping a little inside of her. Zenn gasped and shivered even more as Rassa's fingers hit her clitoris, stimulating her to an even higher peak of pleasure.

Rassa couldn't help but groan a little as his fingers massaged Zenn's heat. He could feel her heat, her wetness and he could smell her scent and it was all coming together to drive him crazy. His other paw moved frantically up and down Zenn's body stroking her sides, her breasts, her armpits, her back and her neck. His paw flickered across Zen's face, tracing her lips and her cheeks. He ran his finger through her hair, playing with her ears.

He moved his lips down to Zenn's breasts and began suckling as if he were an infant. His tongue flickered across her nipples, playing with them. Carefully using his teeth, Rassa began nibbling on Zenn's already swollen nipples, eliciting excited moans of pleasure from Zenn as she twisted and writher beneath him.

Zenn gasped in pleasure as the combination of pleasurable feelings brought on an orgasm. She squirmed and writhed under Rassa as the waves of pleasure ran through her body like fire. Her limbs turned to liquid and her blood to gold as she rode out the rapture spreading outward from her vagina. She groaned loudly as the feeling began to fade and the last few pulses in her vagina stopped. Her arms wrapped even tighter around Rassa and she began bucking her hips against his body, desperately needing him inside of her.

Rassa felt the rush of Zenn's fluids and withdrew his paw. He raised his head from her breasts and clamped his mouth over Zenn's as she began to groan. As they kissed, Rassa slipped his tongue inside of Zenn's mouth, his tongue mating against hers. Zenn was delighted by this new feeling and responded hungrily, her tongue rubbing against Rassa's.

He felt Zenn spread her legs even farther and wrap her legs around his body. Zenn was so close that the wetness of her lower fur was spreading to his fur. Her scent, even more potent now, filled the air, driving Rassa crazy. Shifting slightly, Rassa nestled down even further in between Zenn's legs, his sack bumping lightly against Zenn's opening.

Rassa could no longer contain himself and he moved his hips, positioning himself at Zenn's entrance. With one last look into Zenn's eyes, searching for any hesitation, Rassa moved forward. Slowly he pushed inside of Zenn, his cock sliding deep into her warm body. Rassa groaned as he was enveloped by Zenn, his otter meat warmed and moistened by her soft flesh. He felt himself sliding deeper inside until he was up to his hilt, their waists pressed against each other. Both Rassa and Zenn groaned as intense feelings of pleasure ran through their bodies.

After a few moments of simply enjoying the feeling of being inside of Zenn, Rassa began to slowly move his hips, sliding in and out of Zenn. Slowly at first and then getting faster Rassa moved in and out, his hips pumping. Zenn also moved, bumping her hips up against Rassa's in perfect tandem. They room was filled with the scent of sex and wet slapping sounds as the two otters continued to mate.

Zenn, now slick with sweat, felt the build up inside of her, another orgasm was on the way. Her paws scrabbled desperately over Rassa's back, she wanted desperately for a closer feeling. She wanted to be warmed by Rassa, surrounded by him and comforted by him. Rassa felt Zenn's paws on his back and understood what she wanted. His frantic pace slowed and his arms, which he had been using to prop himself up into a better position, wrapped around Zenn. One arm wrapped around her back, pulling her closer and the other slid around her waist.

With one great thrust, Rassa pushed himself as deep as he could possibly go. Zenn cried out in ecstasy as she felt Rassa penetrate her deeper than she had thought possible. She could feel his knot expanding to full size, just waiting for Rassa to plunge in. For a few moments Rassa and Zenn simply lay there, his body covering hers, their heat becoming one glowing warmth. Both of them nuzzled each other's fur in affection.

Zenn sighed in contentment and whispered in Rassa's ear, "I regret nothing."

Rassa responded by hugging her closer and burying his head in her chest fur. In a muffled voice he said softly, "You never answered me before... will you stay here with me?"

For a moment Zenn said nothing, and then slowly she answered, "Yes... yes Rassa, I will stay here with you."

Rassa raised his head and looked directly into Zenn's eyes and smiled, "Thank you."

With one last thrust, Rassa pushed inside of Zenn, his knot popping into place. Zenn cried out and locked her arms around Rassa. She squirmed and shivered as her release slammed through her. Her vaginal muscles clenched hard around Rassa's cock, begging Rassa to release his load. Her juices flowed over Rassa's cock, exciting him even further and enticing him to release his seed.

With a moan Rassa reared back as his own release hit. Deep inside of Zenn his cock twitched and sent jet after jet of his warm, sticky cum into Zenn's womb. With every twitch of his member, Rassa sent another spurt of semen deep inside of Zenn. Even though his body hadn't completely replenished his supply since the morning, Rassa still dumped a great deal of his cum into Zenn. His knot sealed Zenn's entrance, preventing any of the life giving fluid from escaping. His sperm mixed with Zenn's own fluids and began their journey, trying to find and fertilize Zenn's eggs. When the last bit of his seed had finished flowing out of his body and into Zenn's, Rassa collapsed on top of her, his chest heaving.

Zenn felt the glowing deep down inside of her and sighed in contentment. She felt the glow spread deeper inside of her, moving through her body. All she could think about was how much she hoped that Rassa would impregnate her, how she hoped that she would be able to bear their pups. They would raise them together, as a family. She felt herself sinking down into a state of complete bliss, seeming to sink into the cushions with Rassa still on top of her, still tied to her.

With a slow movement, Rassa rolled Zenn and himself over so that they were lying on their sides facing each other. Nothing was said and neither of them moved. Instead they simply looked at each other, looks of absolute contentment and comfort on their faces. Almost simultaneously their eyes slid closed and they drifted off to sleep.


Sallis Hederon was a big badger. Even though he was wearing a tunic and body armour it was obvious that his body was covered with scars of battles long past. He strode down the halls of Avalon Castle with confidence and pride, after all, he had saved the kingdom from destruction many times. He stopped when he came to a set of large double doors guarded by several soldiers. With a quick salute, the soldiers opened the door and allowed Sallis to pass.

As the doors shut, one of the soldiers turned to his partner, "Hey, the Juggernaut General looked unhappy today."

"I heard that there is finally news of the battle near Isaiah." The other guard whispered, 'His son was there, protecting some otter chick."

"I hope the news isn't too bad."

Before Sallis was a long stone hallway leading to a large dais, upon which sat a huge wooden throne. Sitting upon the throne was an older looking wolf dressed on fancy robes with a crown on his head. Sallis walked forward, covering the distance between the doors and the throne quickly. Upon reaching the foot of the dais, Sallis went to one knee and put a paw across his chest.

"Your lordship," he began, "I have news about the battle near Isaiah."

The wolf stirred and looked up with interest, "I see, do tell."

"Your majesty, several weeks ago the rebel army commanded by grand general Lloyd engaged the imperial army. Due to a lack of supplies and lack of numbers... the army was erased from the face of this world. Both our report and the imperial reports state that there were no survivors."

The king leaned back, "Your son was there, was he not?"

"Yes my lord."

"So, he is dead."

"Yes my lord, he died doing his duty till the end."

The king bowed his head "My most sincere condolences my friend. A brave soldier like his father, he shall rest well in the afterlife. And what was his duty?"

Sallis looked up, "My son was to protect your son's betrothed. Daughter of Duke Jamisal, the warrior maiden Zenn."

The king sighed, "Oh yes I remember." He sighed again and shook his head "My son thought quite highly of her. I disturbs me that despite the fact that he is surrounded by beautiful females he saw fit to involve himself with a disgraced lower house." The king sighed, "But thankfully that problem is out of the way."

"Shall I deliver this news your majesty?" Sallis asked, "Where is your son."

"Rayle has just returned from a long journey to Raja province. He is weary and retired early. I sent a girl to entertain him for the time being." The king sighed, "I would ask that you alter your story Sallis."

"My lord?"

"My son has many friends... friends with influence and power. With the destruction of the army it means that the existence of our rebellion is threatened. This makes four armies that the Imperials have smashed in the past year. Tell my son that his fiancé is still alive and living, held prisoner inside of Isaiah. He will respond and we will raise an army, and this time we will take Isaiah." The king smiled, "With that trading port shut down we can try to starve out the residents of Grais Island, putting the imperials in a hard position."

Sallis showed no emotion as he bowed, "Yes, your highness."

As Sallis left the king folded his paws, "My son... he will lead an army to crush the empire, only to find that his beloved has been killed." He leaned back and smiled, "My son... through your grief you will become a true ruler, one who will stop at nothing to exterminate your enemies."


Rayle sighed, pretending to enjoy the attention that the supple, attractive squirrel that had come to his room was lavishing upon him. Her paws ran up and down his back as she snuggled up against him, her naked body warm and soft. She was constantly moving her body, rubbing up and down Rayle. Her feet massaged up and down Rayle's legs. Several times she passed her hips over Rayle's erect cock, inviting him to take her, but Rayle didn't seem to notice.

Yulan raised her head to see if Rayle was enjoying her attention, however Rayle's gaze was far away. She frowned a little and sighed, rolling off of Rayle and curling up beside him. The two had known each other since they were young. Rayle was older than she was but they had still been close friends. Yulan still remembered quite clearly the first time that Rayle had led her off into the forest behind the castle and the two of them had made love. It had been the first time for the both of them.

Yulan sighed, her mind flashing back to that time years ago, when she had been fourteen and Rayle had been sixteen, nearly seventeen. The day had been extremely hot and humid and all they had been doing was hanging around the castle, bored and hot. Even inside of the damp stone walls the castle had been swelteringly hot. Then, late in the afternoon, Rayle had found Yulan and taken her by the paw outside of the castle walls. The two had snuck out many times to kiss and explore each other. Only the day before Rayle had finally touched Yulan's breasts without her shirt in the way. When they reached their secret place Rayle had turned to Yulan.

"Take off you clothes." He said softly, taking a step forward.

Yulan backed away, her tail curling defensively and her muscles tensed, 'What!"

Rayle walked forward, "I'm not going to hurt you."

Her instincts were telling her to run, but Yulan stayed. Slowly she pulled off her shirt and let it drop to the ground. Before she could remove her pants Rayle had walked forward and swept her up into a kiss. Immediately, Yulan could feel the warmth and comfort behind Rayle's kiss and she relaxed in his grip. She didn't tense when Rayle reached down to her pants and pulled them off. She helped Rayle pull of his shirt and slip out of his pants.

Rayle lowered her to the ground on a patch of soft grass, his member pressing hard into Yulan's soft stomach fur. Rayle had run his strong paws up and down her body, stopping to play with her breasts. Yulan had tensed up when one of his paws went down between their two bodies and he placed his wolf meat at her opening. Rayle had wrapped both of his arms around Yulan and whispered something in her ear before he pushed forward.

What happened after that was obscured by a blur of pleasure and pain. However, Yulan remembered that, after the pain of Rayle's original entry, the two of them had thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Since the two of them had been experiencing the ecstasy of love for the first time they had both been inexperienced and awkward. However, by the end of the day, the two knew far more about each other than they had before and that clearing had become their favorite spot in the world.

Since then, the two had made love countless times. When it became to cold to make love outside, Yulan and Rayle had found places in the castle where they wouldn't be disturbed, sometimes spending almost an entire day in each others grip. Each time they made love Yulan felt a little more comfortable. She had grown from a youth who had no experience, a youth who was nervous about herself into a young woman. Her feelings had also grown, maturing from curiosity to love and longing. Now, every time they mated, Yulan hoped to hear Rayle say that he wanted her forever.

Yulan sighed, but for the past few months Rayle had been distant. Yulan knew that she was the daughter of one of the king's personal guards, not a very high position. It hadn't bothered her when Rayle talked and spent time with other females; that was what he was expected to do in his youth. Yulan hadn't even minded too much when Rayle began mating with them as well. She just kept on hoping that one day he would realize how she felt. She had missed him terribly when he left to tour around the kingdom for several months, especially when she went into heat and needed him.

What did bother her was the fact the Rayle had decided to take a female he had never met, a female otter who had been offered to him as his bride. Rayle had said that the marriage would benefit both families by raising the status of hers and then Avalon would gain control of the military forces that his bride's family commanded. Yulan had never mentioned it, but in her heart of hearts she had secretly wished the Rayle would go against his father and marry her instead.

Coming out of his thoughts, Rayle noticed that Yulan was no longer on top of him. He looked over to her lying curled up beside him. She was pretending to be asleep; her eyes held open just the very slightest bit. Rayle smiled and pulled her close, "I missed you on the trip Yulan." He pulled her into a hug.

Yulan smiled and opened her mouth to speak when she was interrupted by a knock on Rayle's door. She looked over at Rayle, "Expecting someone?"

Rayle shook his head and got up off the bed. He threw on a robe and walked over to the door. After peering through the peep hole he opened the door and let Sallis into the room. Rayle smiled, 'Sallis, how are you, I assume you are here with news."

Sallis looked over at Yulan and jerked his head towards the door. He had long known that there was something between the two of them and he didn't want Yulan interfering with his message, the king wanted a specific reaction from his son.

Yulan sighed and got to her feet, pulling a robe on and walking past Sallis and Rayle. Rayle watched her go and turned back to Sallis, "Now Sallis, what is the matter?"

Sallis took a deep breath, "Your highness, I have some bad news..."

"What is it?"

Sallis sighed heavily, "I'm afraid... it concerns your future bride."

To be continued...