Team Violet 4: Politics

Story by Vailarian on SoFurry

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#4 of Team Violet

Following the disbandment of Team Rocket, a researcher moves to Kalos and starts a new crime syndicate that uses carnal power rather than strength to meet its goals.

Note: this is my first work. I will be playing with narrative style throughout production. Feedback please!

Team Violet Emblem by Empyreus, with gratitude.

I do not own Pokémon or its characters.

Sybil and I stood quietly in the elevator as it climbed floor after floor. Though she wasn't wearing anything nearly as elaborate as the night Junis and I covered for her, she still looked regal and professional compared to my usual lab attire. Her hair was down like mine, but held out of her face with expensive-looking black clips. She wore a tailored business suit and less than sensible heels, and her eyes were covered by upscale designer sunglasses. Purple-tinted, of course.

"Tenna," she said in her recognizable accent, "why ever must we both meet with Ferris at the same moment in time?"

She was referring to the fact that we had both been called to a meeting with Ferris, the management and accounting admin of Team Violet. His department ran a tight ship, I hadn't interacted with me very much since the founding weeks of our organization. I didn't know much about him aside from he worked for multiple government and criminal offices in the past, doing much of the same that he did for us. He reliable though, obvious in our apparently endless stream of money and manpower.

"I'm not sure," I told her, removing my glasses and wiping them on my jacket. "It must be important though, and he doesn't waste time."

"He had better not," Sybil said crossly, folding her arms across her chest. "I must get dressed and ready for tonight." She pulled off her sunglasses, staring her bright emerald eyes into mine. "I do not even have any makeup yet!"

"You look flawless," I assured as the elevator dinged and opened. We were now on the top floor of the property we owned which looked like an average office space. Men and women in business casual sat behind desks, tapping keyboards and calculators or talking on telephones. We worked our way through the chaos to the large glass office at the far end where we let ourselves in. As we closed the door the sounds of the office become muted, and we were left with just one man. He had stood from his desk as we entered, revealing a gray pinstriped suit that rivaled the expensive taste of Sybil's. His chestnut hair was slicked back, and he had a neatly trimmed goatee and mustache combination. He would have been handsome if it had not been for his eyes, blue-gray and small, surrounded by dark circles. They made gauging his age impossible, but I would guess that he was older than me by a fair amount.

"Sybil, Tenna," Ferris put on a smile and walked around his desk toward us. "Thank you for coming so promptly." His voice was smooth and even, not too low or too high. He could have been a perfect translator or narrator.

"Of course," we said in near unity. I could see Sybil shifting impatiently out of the corner of my eye. "Is there anything wrong, Ferris?" I asked.

"Not exactly," he sighed, turning to look out the window. From our height we could see most of Lumiose City. The sun was setting, and its low beams of light struck Prism Tower, casting sparkles of light in every direction. "It's just that an interesting proposal arrived at our office, and I decided that it was best to get more than one admin involved before making a decision."

"A proposal for what?" Sybil asked, peering over her sunglasses at him.

"It's complicated," he said, "and risky. Are you both familiar with our client Bartlett Royce?"

"Certainly," Sybil answered. I nodded in response. Royce was the mayor of Lumiose, it would be hard to avoid hearing his name while working in the city. He was a fair and jovial man, perhaps older than Ferris and perhaps not, and beloved by the people of the town he governed. He was also a frequent customer of ours. He paid generously and expected complete secrecy, seeming to be unable to avoid our services but also keep the knowledge of his perversion out of the lens of the media.

"Well," Ferris breathed, turning a ring on his thumb around and around, "we received a proposal to to film him during a session in the love hotel, and turn in the film to someone who wishes to blackmail Royce." Sybil gasped and a silence settled around the room. This was different from behind-closed-doors prostitutions and a few rapes, this was dirty politics and power plays.

"Do we know who made this proposal?" I asked finally.

"Not exactly," Ferris said, stroking his beard. "It could be an opposing political figure or disgruntled citizen. But they are completely serious, and extremely wealthy. If we pull this off, we will be given five-hundred million pokédollars." It wasn't a small amount.

"But we will lose Royce as a client," Sybil spoke uncertainly.

"Most likely," Ferris nodded.

"Are we not worried that after this betrayal, Royce may just expose us to the entire world?" she said, her voice raising.

"He won't," I said calmly, running the situation over in my head. "We can also use the tape to keep him quiet."

Ferris nodded. "With pressure from two different parties, Royce will be trapped. He won't be able to hurt us." We fell quiet again. "You can see why I called you both in now," he laughed awkwardly.

"Ferris, do you consider the blackmailer to be reliable?" I asked.

"From what we can tell."

"Then I think we should go through with it," I said. "We can start taking steps towards political control with this plan."

The man nodded again. "I agree," he said. "That payment can't be ignored either. Sybil?"

Sybil looked between the two of us, the weight of the decision falling noticeably on her. "I do not like the idea of selling out a client..." she said slowly. "But I do think that this is the best decision for Team Violet. I do agree."

Ferris breathed out, if it was relief or anticipation he was feeling, I could not tell. "Very well," he said, wandering to the window and looking down onto the street. "Do you happen to know when Royce's next appointment with us is?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder.

The woman beside me paled slightly and swallowed. "Tonight."

"Sybil," I protested, standing completely naked in her dressing room, "Is it completely necessary to cover for you again?" Junis was here as well, as naked as I was and attempting to cover her thin body. She wore a confused expression and a heavy blush as red as her hair.

"Of course!" she cried, moving from closet to dresser and riffling through each. She had not changed out of her suit and was pulling out dresses by the rack and stuffing them back with startling speed. "I must work with the camera crews and sound recorders behind the walls, you must be the beautiful faces of Team Violet tonight!" Sybil, in all of her elegance, grandeur, and slight superficiality, was a brilliant film director and editor, a fact that I shamed myself on forgetting.

She ran up to me brandishing a long black dress and held it against my bare body. She looked up and down quickly before nodding. "It will be perfect," she declared. She shoved the dress into my hands and flew to Junis.

"Do she need to be here too?" I asked as I stepped into the dress.

"Naturally," Sybil said while holding a measuring tape against various places on the young woman's body. "Bartlett has an insatiable affinity for things that come in twos. You will understand tonight. I always make sure to have another woman beside me when I greet him. Arms up," she told Junis as she raised her arms and measured her bust. She shook her head and clicked her tongue.

"You are such a small girl," she murmured, running back to her closet. Junis covered herself again and looked me helplessly. I had managed to get into the dress and found that it did indeed fit perfectly as Sybil had said. It strapped over one shoulder and was see-through at points, decorating my skin in lacey vines. I walked over to Junis and turned around, her shaky hands just managing to zip up the garment. I put a hand on her shoulder, a gesture I hoped was comforting. Her large crimson eyes had been decorated in subtle makeup as mine were, and her cheeks were red from where her real blush overpowered the artificial. Her red hair was too short to do much with, but it was neatly trimmed and onyx black rings had been added to one her ears. She looked both mature and immature at the same, but was undeniably adorable.

"You look beautiful," she said, looking up into my face. My hair had been done up by Sybil, falling in intricate curls around my head and face.

"Thank you, Junis," I smiled. "You do too." Sybil came back from the depths of the closet, holding a white dress. She shooed me aside and held it against Junis's chest, examining her as she did me.

"This should work," she decided, helping girl into the dress. "It is older, something I had worn as a teenager." When she had zipped the dress up she stepped back to observe her creation. Junis looked shy and pure, the long dress falling gracefully over her frame. A strap occupied her shoulder, the opposite side as mine. "Magnifique," she clapped, looking between both of us. "Simply magnifique. Now shoes on, and get yourselves to the lobby. Royce will be here any minute!" She dashed out of the room and when we were ready, we made our way to the lobby.

We stood at the desk, smiling warmly at patrons and checking them into rooms. Some were old clients and knew the ropes and some had been here for the first time in their lives. It was easy to distinguish the two. I imagine that their hearts were beating in excitement and fear similar to the way my heart was beating and the way Junis's heart must have been beating as we waited for the mayor of our city to make his way through those elevator doors.

"He's definitely coming tonight, right?" Junis asked after we gave a room key to a heavily breathing and overweight customer.

"Sybil said he has never missed an appointment," I answered despite my growing uncertainty. What if he didn't come? That wouldn't be the end of the world, he would just come another night. But what if he caught wind of our betrayal? I knew it was impossible, but the thought still stuck in my mind.

My fears dissipated as the elevator bell across the lobby dinged cheerfully and the doors opened, revealing Bartlett Royce inside. He wore a long dark coat and wide brimmed hat, probably to conceal his identity on the way to our building. He walked towards us and removed the hat, casting his television-honed smile around the room. He had thinning dark hair and a strong jawline, and had warm hazel eyes with dark circles beneath them similar to Ferris. Junis and I bowed in unison as he approached the desk.

"Good evening, sir," I smiled at him. God, my heart was pounding so quickly. "Did you find your way easily enough?"

"Indeed," he grinned, a flush beginning to rise in his cheeks. He looked between the two of us, beaming broadly. Sybil had apparently been right about there being two of us to greet him. "No Sybil tonight?"

"Not tonight," I shook my head. "She has the night off. Would you like to see a list of Pokémon we can offer you this evening?"

"I already had some in mind," he said, turning the hat his hands. "Are the Emolga and Ampharos from last week available?"

Junis looked down at our database of Pokémon, scanning the list. "They are!" she looked up with a heart-melting smile, holding out the list to Royce. "Just sign, please," she said. His eyes had brightened at her confirmation and he hurriedly scrawled his name next to his selections.

I brought my hand under the table and retrieved the key designated for his room and pressed the button that would immediately alert Sybil's pager of his arrival. "Right this way, please," I smiled, walking with Junis and Mayor Royce into the hotel.


A light flashed on my pager and it beeped three times, snapping my attention to the device. "He is here!" I yelled to my workers who had just completed setting up. "Not a word from this point on!" I looked to the screens set up in our darkened command center. We had installed five static cameras in Royce's hotel room, as well as three dynamic cameras with limited movement. There were ten different microphones bugged throughout the room, we would capture every sound within the walls. My heart was pounding. I enjoyed Royce, he was a good mayor and a good customer, but I understood what this operation would mean for Team Violet. Furthermore, I was aching to to flex my filming muscles.

A worker with massive headphones silently approached me and mouthed "Sybil" to me. He spun a circle with his index finger and gave me a thumbs up, to which I nodded. We were in the green. At that moment we heard the sound of a door opening and our attention moved to the screens, where Royce had just entered the room.

"Please enjoy yourself!" I heard Junis's voice reached the microphones, clear and clean. The door closed behind him and the man wasted no time in shedding his jacket and resting it on the coatrack along with his hat. He pulled off his necktie and began unbuttoning his shirt, visible from every angle from our voyeuristic perspective.

I brought a hand over the control panel before me and highlighted a camera set directly on the man's face, undeniably confirming his identity. He kicked off his shoes and pants followed by the rest of his clothes, revealing his soft naked body and full-blown erection. He walked quickly to the bed and grasped the two Pokéballs that were waiting for him, tossing them into the air and revealing those within. Ampharos and Emolga came into being, each making a noise in recognition of Royce. He lay back onto the bed, stroking against his penis lightly.

"Hello again, you two," his voice came into my earpiece. "I've missed your company." The two electric-types happily worked their way towards him, Ampharos purring and laying next to his body while little Emolga crawled between his legs up to his groin.

"Amph, Ampharos," the large yellow Pokémon answered in blatant seduction, leaning forward and pressing her mouth against his. Over the cameras we saw his hand slip between her legs and rub against her plump labia, resulting in a more aggressive kiss. They both moaned respectively and kissed deeply as Emolga rubbed against Royce's penis and balls, placing small kisses against his hardened cock. Our cameras caught every single angle of the act, and after a few seconds of focusing on one angle I would highlight another, making sure to capture Royce's face whenever possible. I was impressed with my team and with myself. This was beginning to look like a professional pornographic movie rather than a single work of blackmail.

The Emolga licked up and down Royce's dick, suckling on the head and flicking her tongue inside his slit. She crawled into his lap and rubbed her sex against him. From our angle it looked comical, like there was no way that she could possibly take him inside her small body. But it was basic breeding knowledge that Pokémon can reproduce with members of its egg group of many different sizes, so it was of little surprise when Emolga pushed the dick inside of her and slid down as far as it would go. She chirped out in pleasure as it filled her and Royce moaned out, pressing two fingers into Ampharos's dripping pussy. Her voice wavered in ecstasy and she lifted a leg instinctually, giving the camera directly over the bed a full view of Royce's aggressive finger-fucking.

I switched a camera to give a view from the foot of the bed and zoomed in on Emolga tenaciously riding his cock. She managed to fit the majority of it into her depths, letting out gasps of "Emolga, Emolga, Emolga..." as it filled her cavity. When she shifted most of the member out of her body she wiggled her tail as if preparing for the plunge, flashing her little puckered anus at the camera.

Royce groaned out and I switched the focus to his pleasured face. "You're so tight, Emolga..." he gasped, pushing himself into a sitting position and gripping the squirrel Pokémon in his hands. She smiled up and him and nodded cheekily before pressing herself back down against his lap. "Ah..." he breathed out slowly, pushing her as far as her body would allow. He slowly pulled her off his cock and I switched the camera to get the full effect of their act. When his head popped out of her a thin trail of clear precum connected them and Emolga's pussy dripped freely, apparently having undergone one or more climaxes. He brought her to his mouth and gave her a long kiss, then placed her on the bed.

"You were great, Emolga," he smiled, turning to face Ampharos. "But now it's your turn." She had laid on her back as he had done, rubbing the orb at the end of her tail against her pussy and looking up at the man expectantly. He moved the orb aside and crawled over her thick tail, grinding his cock against her wet sex. "You're excited, aren't you?" he asked, leaning over her chest and kissing against her long yellow neck. She squirmed and gasped out her name in response. "Me too," he said before he buried his cock within her.

She tensed against his advanced and purred loudly, her voice nearly overpowered by the lush sound of dick hammering into her body. I brought the focus back the the rear of the bed where we got a clear shot of Royce's penis pushing in and out of Ampharos's folds rapidly.

Emolga was in the shot, apparently working off her euphoria as she lay panting. After a moment she rose and turned her attention toward the man fucking her companion. She crawled forward and placed her little face near his swinging balls and kissed against them, resulting in smoother motions from the man. I changed the angle to see her actions easier and zoomed in, witnessing small pink tongue trailing its way towards his asshole. He groaned loudly at the sensation of her wet tongue probing around his tight ring and began thrusting into Ampharos harder and faster. She was bucking back against him to the best of her ability, leaning forward and kissing him hard. I switched the focus back to Royce's face, capturing his fantasy and bliss. He hugged against Ampharos's stomach and bucked harder, his mouth gaping. With one last thrust he pressed his cock deep inside her pussy and moaned out, signaling his climax.

We caught every second and every angle of the threesome from our command center. We saw how Royce shook and twitched as he released his semen into the Pokémon beneath him. We heard Ampharos gasp and murr as he shot his load deep inside her and we saw as it dripped out of her passage and over her tail. We saw Emolga continue licking Royce's pucker through his entire orgasm, shoving her tongue with his asshole as far as it would go and swirling it around his rim. When the three had stopped moving I went to a shot of the bed that showed all three being tired, sweaty, and satisfied.

Royce pulled out of Ampharos, allowing some of his white cum to pour out onto the bed, and moved to lay next to her with a smile on his face. She placed her slender arms against his chest and nuzzled against him happily, placing an awkward kiss against his cheek. Emolga crawled her way from the foot of the bed and rested against his head on the opposite side asking him a question in her language of "Emolga?"

He laughed and brushed a hand down her small back. "You two were fantastic," he said as I zoomed in on their faces, "so much better than the wife. And Emolga!" he said in mock surprise, turning toward the squirrel. "Impressive trick at the end. You have the most skilled tongue in all of Lumiose." She chirped in gratitude and kissed his cheek. "Yes," he looked up at the ceiling, giving the illusion that was staring down the camera, "you two are the best in all of Lumiose." I stopped recording and gestured to the worker with headphones and he came over.

"That's a wrap?" he mouthed.

I nodded and mouthed back, "that's a wrap."


Sybil and I were back in Ferris's office, except this time it was night, and this time we were all seated. His employees had gone home for the day and the floor was quiet, and the lights of the city beneath us sparkled and gleamed against the black sky. Coel was with us as well, leaning against the glass window.

"The wire went through," Ferris said, linking his fingers on his desk. "Five of our accounts were credited one hundred million pokédollars each today following our supply of the film of Bartlett Royce."

We breathed out a sigh of relief. There was no real way of knowing if that money was ever going to reach us, but with our half of the deal fulfilled, our expected compensation left a sweet taste on our tongues.

"Has Bartlett reacted any differently since the tape reached the blackmailers?" Coel asked.

"Not yet," Ferris said, opening a drawer and withdrawing a bottle of scotch and four glasses. "All we can do is watch and wait, and be prepared if Royce makes any threats against us." He filled the short glasses full of amber fluid and handed one to each of us. "To Team Violet," he congratulated, raising his glass. We mirrored his motion and drank deeply from the cups. The liquid burned down my throat pleasantly and left me feeling warm.

"And congratulations to Sybil," I added, raising my glass again, "for one hell of a sexy extortion film." The men smiled and raised their glasses as Sybil blushed and waved them off.

"Oh, Tenna, it was rudimentary," she giggled, pouring herself another glass of booze. "I should have had an assistant do it."

"Well, we're glad you didn't," Ferris said, draining his glass. "Because now we have a weapon against the state, and a way of controlling this city." We took a moment to realize the strength we had just acquired. We were reaching heights we had never thought possible. Next to Team Flare's open Pokémon league trainer Malva, we had the next best thing. What made us different is that we could maintain that power from the shadows.