Chapter 7 - The Darkest Day

Story by t-ster on SoFurry

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#7 of The Choices of Fate

Me again! Here with the newest chapter of The Choices of Fate. As usual, I recommend readers be familiar with the previous chapters before reading this. Luckily, Yiffstar keeps track of my story series and gives a link to every chapter at the top of the page. I would suggest you use them to either read them for the first time or to freshen up.

I am also glad, relieved, and a bit saddened to say that The Choices of Fate is starting to wrap up. After this chapter there are only two more, with a possible prequel chapter after that. Thanks to every fur that has read my story so far and given me feedback. I at least 90% of my progress as a writer to all of you. It is also because of you that I have trouble sleeping at night with all the ideas that run through my head as I try to get some shut eye :)

By now I shouldn't need to do all the legal stuff, so I will sumarize: I own this story and all the characters in it. If you want to use them, ask. Also, cubs should not be seeing this, and any fur who is disturbed by a story that contains two consenting adult furs in intercourse should not complain, since I warned you, and the site has warned you as well.

Now that that is all done, on with the story!


I move through the underbrush, quickly and quietly, stalking my target. I know the perfect ambush location, about 50 yards ahead. I decide against teleporting there, since the noise and power discharge could alert them to my presence. Also, ever since I was captured by the Krendall over six months ago, using my powers makes me tired quicker. In a battle, I don't hesitate to use a beam or sword, but I try not to use it to travel. I manage to get to the edge of the path right by the bend. They won't know what hit them. I ready my energy for a blade and a full body shield, but hold off on forming them. I want to give them as few signs as possible that I am here. The sound of footsteps gets closer and closer. They decided to come through here in a group, thinking that there is safety in numbers. I'll show them that a skilled fighter can easily make up for a lack of support.

They turn around the bend as I form my shield, and when I see the head of the lead soldier, I leap out from the shadows, forming my blade in mid-jump, swinging for the closest target. In one swift stroke, I take out the first three units. I must have given myself away, though, as I am soon under fire from the other five soldiers. I feel my shields wavering, about to die out. "Alright! You win!" I cry, kneeling to the ground.

The five soldiers left standing cheer, "We did it! We got Kevin! And we only lost three guys!" The three furs on the ground stand back up, muttering about the lingering numbness.

"Good job, you five. Great reaction time." I say, standing up.

"Actually, we noticed you moving around in the bushes. Bill scanned the area and found your mind, he tracked you down. The first three were decoys, to lure you out." The group leader, a well-built arctic fox, says with a smug grin.

"So, you thought sacrificing three of your men to an unknown assailant would be the best course of action?"

"Well, that's triage, letting some die so that others may live."

"And if we need to sacrifice three furs to get rid of one suit-"

"This was not one suit, this was us against you." The fox interrupts, coldly.

"I am not doing anything a suit cannot do." I reply, my eyes taking on a new coldness.

"Sir, with all due respect, you are the only one who ever saw a suit use any powers. Everyone else, even HQ, thinks that all the suits that can use powers were destroyed with that production facility."

"I know that the Krendall wouldn't give up on that particular project. It worked, and still would. We need to be prepared for any possibility."

"So is that why you stalled the front? To play these war games for a scenario that might not even come up?"

" I didn't stall the front, the Krendall did. We spread ourselves too thinly. Getting Minnesota back in the course of three months with just a ground army is an impressive feat, given our resources. Now, we need to also think about defense. We can't have our furs be picked off during patrols, or minor skirmishes."

"Well, if we just concentrate our troops and attack only where we want to gain ground, we wont be spread too thin."

"Why must you give me reasons to relieve you of your command? If we concentrate our troops, they can concentrate their defenses. They have air superiority, and greater numbers. You ever heard of the

Battle of the Bulge? Or Stalingrad? Trust me, you do not want to be cut off from what little support we have just because we want more land. Whoever would be stuck in the bubble would be pounded by air strikes and artillery fire until they surrender, and once they do, they will wish they hadn't. Until the Krendall turn them, that is."

"Well, good thing you are our general."

"Just get out of my sight."

The eight furs walk off, the joy from a few minutes ago replaced by a sullen rage. {You should lay off them, Kevin, they were the only ones to actually take you down.} I hear the familiar voice of Emelia say.

{I know, but he shouldn't be so cavalier with his troop's lives.}

{Would you prefer him to be so cautious to lose anyfur that he freezes up in battle?}

{Of course not, but there has to be line, we can't throw their lives away for nothing.}

Sure you can. Why must you always but in on our conversations?

{I'm just saying what he must be - is - thinking right now.}

I'm here to keep you company, and to make sure you win. The planet needs to be freed. Like you care about our goals.

{I guess I should apologize, I did come down heavy on him. Anyway, how did the meeting with the delegates from the Florida Freedom Army?}

I'm hurt. Of course I care, Why else would I have helped you? You have never helped me. The only times I ever listened to you, I ended up using that evil power.

{Long. It's still going. They want more of our supplies than we can actually spare at the moment.}

Evil? Maybe. But it is useful.

{SHUT UP! ...Oh,notyouEmelia!}


{That voice? Now?}

{Yeah, I wonder why he waits for months at a time to have short conversations.}

{Maybe it needs a lot of energy, and it needs to save up.}

{Perhaps. At least it seems to be gone for now. It just seems to follow me though, like it's keeping tabs on me, or something.}

{Hmm, that's odd.}

{I know, why would a voice-}

{No, not that. Though it is weird. What I was talking about is the meeting. They just agreed to less than our opening offer.}


{Yeah, one of them got a message on his phone, then they agreed to about three-quarters of our original offer.}

{Wait, he had a cell phone?}


{I thought the Krendall controlled all the cell phone towers?}

{...They do.}

{How long have we been working with them?}

{They have been our allies for over a year and a half.}

{I think we found a big mole.}

{I think so too. And they seem to be in a hurry to leave.}

{Why would...Emelia, did they have anyone with them?}

{Yeah, just a small security force for protection while they were traveling.}

{I think you should have the building evacuated.}


{They might have been more than moles.}

{You don't mean-}

{Get as many furs out of there as soon as possible.}

{Wait, he's leaving a briefcase.}

{Emelia, that is most likely a bomb. Get out now.}

{I just told everyone to evacuate.}

{I need you to get away from that building.}

I wait for her to respond, but it never comes. Instead, a feeling of having my brain ripped through my skull cripples me before I black out.

When I come to, I find myself in an environment shrouded in fog. It reminds me of Slip Space, in a way. I can not tell where the ground is by sight, but I can feel solid ground beneath my feet. "Hello? Sage? Anyone?"

"Hello Kevin." A voice calls from behind me.

"Who is- Emelia?" I say, turning around. I did not expect her to be here. She is clothed in her fatigues she wore when we lived in the bunker in the outskirts of Blenburg.

"Well, not quite."


"I am part of Emelia. The part she kept with you to keep tabs and talk with you."

"Well, why can I see you?"

"This is your mind, or what's left of it."

"Why is it that whenever I leave the physical plane that everyone talks in riddles?"

"Sorry, I don't have all the information. But what I know is that the connection with Emelia has been lost. I cannot see her mind, and the part of you you kept with her has been lost as well."

Well, that explains why I can't think straight right now. "What could cause that?"

"The simplest situation is death."

"I'm dead? Again?"

"Or Emelia might be."

"Why did you have to say that? I don't know what's worse."

"Well, there is little we can do about it, or to find out either way. We have a bigger problem at the moment, though."

"A bigger problem? What could be bigger than death?"

"A fractured psyche. You only have part of your mind, the rest is with Emelia. Unless we can somehow reestablish the connection between you and Emelia, you will not be fully you. Also, you will have me, part of Emelia with you."

"I don't see much of a problem with that second part."

"Well, if we leave things the way they are, one of us will die, and the other will be left with the mental faculties of a child, at best."

"So, one of us will just fade away?"

"A bit more violent than that. Some of the neurons in you brain are under my control. I will eventually try to gain more, and your psyche will try to prevent it. Our psyche's will try to destroy each other and the neurons controlled by the losing side will die with it."


"Our minds will fight and you brain will suffer for it."

"How do you know about all this?"

"Well, I am a manifestation of Emelia's telepathy, so I know more of how it works. You also know this, albeit subconsciously."

"So, what do we do about this?"

"Well, one of us can relinquish control, effectively committing suicide. The one left will have most of your brain intact."

"So, if both Emelia and I are alive, and we can reestablish contact, what would happen to the one who relinquished control?"

"They would still be gone. If I gave up the neurons I control, then Emelia would have lost part of her mind. Specifically, she would not remember you."

"Great, lets say that's our backup. Is there any other option?"

"Well, we could try to meld."

"Meld? What, like Spock?"

"Not quite. Our psyches, you and me, will become one. What is missing from you will be taken from me, and I will continue to exist. And if we wake up and Emelia is there, we can separate and everything will be back to normal."

"Why didn't you say that in the first place?"

"This plan is not without it's risks. Most likely, if we try to meld, we will lose one or both of us. There is only a slim chance the meld will succeed. It mostly depends of how compatible our psyche fragments are. If I have what you need and if you accept me, then it should work."

"Well, I have already accepted you."

"Not like what we need. You have to be willing to share not just your mind or you life, but your very existence with me. We will create a symbiotic relationship. Your life will depend on me, and mine on yours. The longer we live like this, the more the two of us will become one."

"I already view the two of us as one, one body, soul, mind, and life. If Emelia is dead, I would not want to live anymore. Having you here with me would make living bearable."

"Then shall we begin the melding?"

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

After I say that, Emelia is suddenly naked, her clothing simply vanishing into the fog of this realm. "W-what are you doing?" I manage to say, somehow.

"Getting ready for the melding."

"By getting naked?"

"The melding is a process by which our two psyches become one. Since this is in your head, we are the psyches. One common, and pleasurable, way to become one is intercourse."

"So, we are going to have sex, to save our lives?"

"Well, to save our minds."

"And let me guess, none of the telepathic tricks we have gotten used to."

"Well, technically, this whole this is being done telepathically."

"And there are no other ways to do this?"

"Kevin, are you saying you don't want to fuck me?"

"I'm saying that yiffing to save us is pretty hard to wrap my mind around."

"I don't care about you mind, I just want to be wrapped around another part of you."

"You're sure this is the best way?"

"You want a way to save both of us, a melding is the only way. This way, if it does go wrong, whoever dies will have one last hurrah."

"And I don't suppose there is a method for performing the melding that increases the chance of success?"

"This method actually does, with one condition. If we reach climax at the same time, then the melding is almost guaranteed to succeed, since our brainwaves will be synced."

"So, just to make sure I got this right. The best bet we have is to cum at the same time? While I am buried in your snatch? All while I am actually unconscious and this is all happening in my head?"

"That's about it."

"Talk about a mind fuck."

"So, do you have any other questions? Or will you finally get undressed?"

"I guess I have little say in the matter." I say, willing my clothes away, the only sign I have that it worked is Emelia's reaction, which is to leap at me.

As shocked as I am when she leaps at me, I am unable to immediately respond when her tongue enters my mouth. I am also unable to keep my balance with about 100 pounds of extra weight and the momentum that was transferred through her to me. I land on my back in a thick pile of plush, velvety pillows. I can feel my sheath getting full, the head of my hardening dick peeking out of it. Emelia grinds her body against me, further increasing my own arousal. I also try my best to get her worked up, grabbing her chest and tweaking her nipples in my experienced hands.

When we break the kiss for air, I manage to get a few words out. "This *pant is a bit *pant harder when I *pant can't feel what you are feeling."

"I believe in you."

"And I, you."

Our lips lock in another passionate, deep kiss, our tongues entwining, almost fusing with each other. She lines herself up, reaching down between my legs and spearing herself on my pole. I feel her heat envelop me and milk me. I move my hands over her back, moving further and further south until I reach the cleft of her rump, and I start probing her rear entrance. I feel pressure on my own tail hole, but since I know where both her hands are, it must be her tail. I move my hips in a slow, deliberate rhythm, a pace that I know will drive her crazy while keeping me as calm as possible with the most heavenly sensation tantalizing my most sensitive skin. As the pleasure builds for both of us, I notice a strange sensation, not anything bad, or painful, just...weird. I feel almost as if I am bringing her into me, like I am taking her essence and making it my own.

As I ponder this new sensation, another arises. This one, however, is not physical, or physical within my mind, or however I am feeling Emelia's sweetly hot and wet cunny on my manhood. This is more of a mind thing. I am not even going to try to explain it, but I could feel Emelia in my head, or a space that is being reserved for her. I realize that this space had not been used since I fell unconscious, and my headache had been my mind('s mind) trying to use it. Now it's not even trying, setting it aside for the part of Emelia('s partition of her mind) to fill. It makes sense to me, but I have no way of explaining it.

While I was contemplating all that, though, Emelia had sped up the thrusting of her hips, and I subconsciously matched her timing and ferocity. I knew we were both close, even without the telepathic link, since I had spent so much time making sure she got as much enjoyment out of our mating as I did. There is a nagging in the back of my head, but it can't pierce the haze of pleasure numbing everything in my body and mind except for the sensation of her body on and around mine.

Our gasps and moans grow louder and more frequent. "Ugh, Emelia, I'm about to come."

"Me t-too."

"Go-ooooooaaaaah!" I yell, feeling my orgasm start. The pleasure of release filling my entire being, blotting out everything, even Emelia. Pleasure so great, it feels like my body is on fire, and setting the air around me alight with sparks. The world around me growing both brighter and darker.

As I come down from my euphoric plateau, I notice that Emelia is still here, in some sense. She is almost ethereal, almost like she is blending into the fog, just like her clothing did. "No Emelia! Don't go!" I cry, trying to hold her in existence.

"I'm not going anywhere, we succeeded. I am now a part of you. What you see is what was left over, what was not needed in you."

"But, there is nothing about Emelia that I don't want. If she lost anything of herself, I don't know what I'd do."

"What you have of me in you will be enough. It might feel strange for a while, and you won't be able to hide your thoughts anymore, since I will always be fully in your mind. Besides, the part that you took into yourself has all the information that comprises Emelia. You could say you have the very essence of me in you." After saying that, she vanishes, dissolved into the fabric of this realm.

I cry after Emelia, but as I rise from the pile of cushions, I feel a force push me back down, as the fog of the world is blown away by a wind that I can't feel. The white fog is replaced by darkness, and I am suddenly aware of a feeling of an uncomfortably stiff mattress under me. I open my eyes and see a stark white ceiling. I lift my head to look around, and see a sparse room, just my bed, a curtain, and a couple of machines with wires leading to sensors on my head and chest. I look down to see that I am now dressed in a medical gown. I try to get up, but my hands and feet are secured to the bed by leather straps. "What the hell?" I say to no one in particular.

"Oh, you're awake, good." A voice says from the corner of the room. I turn my head to look, and see a saint bernard in a lab coat looking at one of the machines.

"And you would be...?"

"Ah, my name is Vernon Baxter, you can call me Dr. Bax."

"Okay, doc. Where am I?"

"The Mayo Clinic, or what is left of it. In Rychard. This building made it through the reclamation."

The conversation I had with Emelia before I blacked out comes back to me, "Dr. Bax, what happened to the high command?"

"You know something happened?"

"I think they were attacked, but that would have happened around the time I blacked out."

"Okay, no memory loss, that's excellent."

"Umm, doc, about Emelia."

"Oh, right, you two were close."

"Close? We are mates."

"Not anymore I'm afraid. She died in the explosion."

"But, I told her to get out."

"If it helps, she stayed to get the rest of the furs out of the council room. She was the only fur to die in the attack."

"If I ever get my hands on those bastards from Florida-"

"I'm afraid you wont get that chance. Once word got out what happened, the caravan from Florida was destroyed. We have also cut off all ties with them, and have sent word to all of our other contacts to do the same."

"At least she didn't die in vain."

"Yes, that is true. I have to ask, though, did you have any visions or dreams while you were unconscious?"

"Maybe, I remember a fog, and Emelia, but not much else. Why do you ask?"

"I was curious, you were showing some strange brainwave patterns. Almost like Schizophrenia."

"So you think I'm crazy."

"Well, to be honest, you are the first telepath who we've been able to monitor for this long."

"How long was I out?"

"A week."

"A week? So I even missed her funeral?"

"I'm afraid so."

(The melding process takes a while to become stable.) What? That voice again- no, something is different. (Of course it's different, it's me, Emelia.) Emelia? (Yes, I told you I would be a part of you.)

"Hmm, there's that aberrant brainwave pattern again. Are you hearing voices?"

Should I tell him? (I don't know, it's really your life still. And since we now know the real Emelia is dead-) Don't say that. (What? She is dead, you can't run away from that.) Not that, the 'real Emelia' part. (What should I say then? The other Emelia?) Just Emelia. You two are the same to me. (That is both the sorriest thing and the sweetest thing you have ever said to me, alive or dead.)

"You could say I'm hearing voices."

"It's not a hard question, either you are or you aren't."

"Well, for one, it's only one voice, and it's Emelia."

"Oh, dear, you must be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress. I will get you some pills to-"

"No, you don't get it. Emelia and I had a strong telepathic link. We fully shared our minds with each other. I had part of my psyche with her and she had part of hers with me. When she died, that link was severed. That was why I blacked out. While I was unconscious, the part of Emelia's mind that was-is-with me suggested we meld our minds to save both of us. I now have at least part of Emelia's psyche in my head, and she can talk to me, in my head."

"You know, that is the most creative way I had heard Schizophrenia explained away."

"I am not making this up."

"I doubt you are. I must say, medical science is not ready for teleporting accidents and telepathic attacks. Half my time is now spent trying to figure out how long a fur has to live with apparently only half of his brain working."

"I'm sorry this has been so hard on you."

"At least I am here, where I can help furs, instead of in the hands of the Krendall, or trying to figure out how their blasted mind control drug works."

"I suppose. Well, how long do you want to keep me here?"

"As far as I can tell, there is nothing medically wrong with you, so I have no reason to keep you here."

"Good, I know those Floridians didn't work alone. The Krendall backed them, and I will make them pay."