Don't Go Off Ignoring
#16 of Poetry
This was inspired by one of my cousins who chatted with me on the phone not too long ago. I can relate to most of this since my cousin is going through the same thing. For anyone who is hurting because of bullying.
Can you even comprehend
To be broken
To be the victim
What a lovely life
They say a tear is worth a thousand words
But can't you see how much she hurts
To be left alone
While everyone just stands around
Point the finger at you
And laugh along with the crowd
She holds her tears in
Fearing that it might show as a weakness
She bottles her emotions in
Not telling a soul on what's going on
Too afraid of telling her parents
Fearing that the verbal abuser will retaliate
She went up to her principal
Trying to get help on her situation
When the principal had the nerve
To look her in the eye
And said "It's a phase, get over it"
Having exhausted all her resources
She goes home with tears in her eyes
Writing a note on a piece of paper
Saying her final goodbye
She grabs her father's 12 gauge shotgun
Loads it
Points it at her head
And fires away without a second thought
As her heart starts to flatline
Questions start flying in
Like no other tomorrow
Wondering why no one helped
Why no one stood up for her
Is it because of fear
Or is it because
If we stand up for somebody
They are immediately crucified
And treated like an outsider
This happens everyday
Yet we keep ignoring it
Like the plague
Where school is no longer about education
But more to do with popularity
For those who are within this type of situation
Who think that there is no hope
Don't give up
Don't believe in the lies
Because somewhere inside you
There is something that is struggling
Fighting for the right to live
While I can't promise you
That things will be better
The chaos that we were engulfed in
Shall pass in time
So grab on to my hand
And I'll guide you towards the sunrise