Entertainment of the Gods: Chapter 9 Passing Time

Story by YiffyGreenDragon on SoFurry

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Warning: This story, but not every chapter in this story contains acts of a homosexual nature. If your squeamish and don't like homosexual sex depicted in graphic detail then don't read this story, otherwise enjoy.

Check out the story overview at the beginning of chapter 1

A few comments from me on chapter 1

Chapter 9: Passing Time

Seth and Vor were both excited when they woke the next morning, because they knew they would be spending most of the day hunting. Seth liked hunting, but he liked it even more when he had someone to do it with.

Seth flew Vor across the lake, to the far shore, and together they walked into the jungle in search of prey. Seth liked it when Vor was at his side. He liked being around him no matter what they were doing, and couldn't imagine a day without him, but he especially liked it when they would hunt together.

Most of the morning went by before they began to hear the sounds of an animal foraging for food on the forest floor. Without even saying a word to each other, Vor took up his position in front of it, and Seth circled around behind. Vor waited as he watched Seth disappear into the jungle. When the time was right, Vor leapt out from where he was hiding, and began to chase after it.

As soon as it heard him, it turned and started running in the opposite direction. The animal plowed through the thick vegetation, and soon distanced itself from him. Just as it thought it had escaped, the jungle in front of it erupted. Seth leapt on it's back, and bit down into it's neck with so much force that he nearly took it's head off. The animal was dead even before it hit the ground.

Seth stood up, and licked the blood from his lips, as Vor came out from behind some bushes. Seth ripped the animal's chest open, and thrust his muzzle into the opening.

Vor watched him stick his face almost half way into the animal's torn chest. When he pulled his head back he opened his jaws, and in an up and down motion, he pushed it's heart half in and half out of his mouth.

Seth playfully motioned at Vor with the creatures heart hanging half in and half out of his mouth. Vor excitedly walked up to him, and bit off the half that Seth offered to him. Seth swallowed his half, and they then started taking turns swallowing down mouth full after mouth full of fresh internal organs.

Seth returned to the entrance of their cave, and set down the two legs he was carrying, and flew back down the edge of the lake where Vor was waiting . His head, neck, and arms were covered in blood, which he washed off before flying back to the cave carrying the front legs that Vor had been carrying. He watched Vor swim across the lake while he waited at the entrance to the cave.

After hiding the meat in their usual spot, they went down to lay on the rocks in the middle of the lake while they digested their large meal. After about an hour long nap Seth woke feeling relaxed. His stomach no longer felt bloated from the huge meal he had eaten and he had, had enough of sitting in the sun.

Seth looked over at Vor who was still asleep on the rock next to him. While watching for any sign of him waking, he silently slid off the rock and into the water. He came up below him and grabbed his feet, and with one quick pull, he pulled him off the rock and into the water. He gave him an affectionate squeeze, and Vor returned the gesture by nuzzling against his muzzle. They let go of each other, and proceeded to were off some energy by wrestling in the water. He could tell that Vor was losing interest in swimming by the way he kept holding onto him and rubbing against him.

Seth and Vor hadn't worn themselves out yet, but they both had, had enough of playing in the water. Vor wrapped his arms around Seth's neck as they treaded water, and he ran his tongue along the sides of Seth's muzzle. It was a gesture that Seth could not mistake. He hadn't realized how long they had been swimming, but as Vor's tongue passed over his lips, he realized he was wanting some extra physical contact as much as he was.

Seth turned around, and swam towards the cliff leading up to the cave entrance, and Vor followed. As he started to climb the rock wall, he felt some extra weight as Vor climbed onto his back. He climbed the cliff with Vor hanging from around his neck.

As he walked into the cave Vor let go and slid down onto the floor. He turned and purposefully stared at Vor in a way that caught his attention, but he didn't look away. Instead he looked him over a few times so Vor would notice him doing it.

"I have to say one thing," said Seth as he stared at Vor's body. "You have definitely put on some weight since I first met you." Vor straightened his back slightly, and looked at himself as he heard the complement.

"You think so?" asked Vor not sure if he really meant it.

"Yeah definitely," said Seth as he walked up and put one hand on Vor's chest, and the other on his shoulder. He swept his hand across Vor's chest in a way that showed that he was impressed.

"I remember when I first saw you, you looked like a skeleton, but not any more."

As Seth traced the curving muscles on Vor's chest, Vor brought his hands together and tightened his pecs, in an effort to show off. He could see and feel Vor's chest rise and ripple beneath his hand. After he let his pecs relax Seth took his hand off his chest, and took a step back. He wanted nothing more than to sit and watch Vor flex his young body for him, but standing on the hard stone in front of the cave entrance didn't seem like the best place for it.

"Come on, lets continue this some place more comfortable," said Seth in a playful tone. Seth turned around and purposefully pressed his tail against Vor's stomach, as he slowly walked towards the back of the cave. Vor knew what Seth was implying by his movements and tone of voice, and excitedly followed at his side.

As Seth stepped onto their makeshift bed Vor quickly came up along side him, and wrapped his hands around his neck, and pulled himself up against his chest. He grabbed Vor at the base of his tail with both hands, and lifted him up so they could lock their jaws together. Their mouths came together, and they pressed their tongues together with vigorous energy until his arms started to burn from the strain of holding Vor up off the ground.

Seth pulled back and gently laid him down onto the makeshift bed of sand covered with leaves, and he sat down straddling himself over Vor's tail. He leaned forward, and licked Vor's bottom jaw, and worked his way down onto his chest. Propping himself up with one hand, he ran his other hand down Vor's chest and ribs. He moved his hand down onto Vor stomach, but didn't stop there. He continued further down, and gently pushed his hand onto the slightly rounded hump in between his legs, and then slowly moved onto his leg.

He looked up at Vor to make sure he wasn't upset at the unusual contact, and was relived to see he was enjoying the new physical contact. He sat back on his hunches, and placed a hand on each of Vor's legs, and gently stroked up towards his crotch felling the rise and fall of the muscles in his legs. He grabbed Vor's tail with one hand, and started to rub his crotch with the other.

He wasn't sure at first because Vor was lifting his hips slightly as he stroked him, but he soon started to feel his crotch and tail getting harder. As he continued to stroked Vor's crotch, he could see that the base of his tail and crotch were definitely beginning to swell. He could see the skin on Vor's tail growing tight, as it swelled from all sides. He pressed his hand against it, and it felt as hard as a rock.

He watched as Vor's crotch continued to rise up from his body. The skin at the top of the rising bulge soon started to rip apart like an opening zipper, and he could see a clear slimy fluid come pouring out of the opening. He watched with amazement as he saw Vor's green scaly skin rip apart even further, reveling the red flesh inside. It looked like it had to hurt, but he couldn't see any sign that he was in any pain.

Soon he could see the tip of something pushing it's way through the torn skin. The skin began to spread part as the tip of Vor's, very reptilian penis began to pushed it's way out from inside his body for the first time. He kept a hand on each side of the bulge as he watched Vor's cock rise up from inside his body. Soon the pointed tip was all the way out, and he watched as Vor's reptilian penis continued to push it's way out. He watched as each inch of Vor's bright red cock grew out from inside him. As his cock reached it's full length he could see that the tip was pointed, and the shaft was smooth, and grew much thicker where it connected with his body.

Seth remembered the dragons cock that he had seen, but that was from a distance. He continued to stare in fascination at Vor's bright red cock which was dripping with slime right in front of him. He looked it over several times from the pointed tip to the thick base. Even though Vor was only about 5 feet tall, he could see that his cock was at least 8 inches long, and looked incredibly large when compared against the rest of his body.

Vor bucked his hips into the air, and spread his legs wide as his cock continued to swell. When his hips came back down Seth watched Vor's cock continue to swell, but this time it was growing thicker.

As Vor's cock grew thicker Seth could hear a sound like stretching leather, as the skin of Vor's penis was being stretcher tighter. As his cock reached it's full size Seth looked at Vor who looked from his own cock to meet Seth's eyes.

This was the first time Seth had ever seen someone else's penis before. He could feel himself getting excited as he stared at Vor's bright, red, reptilian, cock. He moved his hand up the bulge at Vor's crotch, which was covered with the clear slim, and on to the base of his penis. Vor groaned as he felt Seth's hand moving up onto the base of his cock. He griped Vor's penis at the base, and slowly moved his hand up his hard shaft.

The thick layer of slim covering Vor's cock, allowed him to slid his hand up his cock with ease. Vor bucked his hips into the air from the new and pleasureful sensation, as Seth's hand moved up his hard shaft. Seth worked his hand up to the pointed tip of Vor's cock, and then back down again. He let out a pleasureful moan as Seth brought his hand back down on to the base of his cock. Seth slowly pumped his hand up and down Vor's shaft again. Vor let out an even louder moan, as Seth stroked his cock again. As he was stroking Vor's cock he could tell that he was enjoying it even more than he was, and he wanted nothing more than to please his new friend.

Seth had never even seen another persons cock before, let alone touch one, and he found he liked it. Vor bucked his hips into the air as Seth started stroking him faster. He kept up a steady rithem, and Vor kept up a steady rithem of groans. Vor started to thrust his cock into Seth's hand, as his pleasure grew more intense. He started making short fast thrust into Seth's hand, as his first orgasm hit him. Seth could see, and feel Vor's muscles ripple as he began to cum.

He continued to pump Vor's shaft, as he released his load. Seth watched a long stream of cum hit him on the end of his muzzle. Vor turned his head away from the cum that had just hit him in the face. With each new orgasm he would thrust his hips with increasing force, and spray more cum which was now landing on his lower jaw and neck.

His orgasms kept cumming, until his neck and chest were almost completely covered with his bluish colored semen. He bucked his hips a few more times into Seth's hand, as his last orgasm came to an end.

He was breathing hard as Seth took his hand off Vor's cock. As he pulled his hand away he could see a long trail of clear slime dripping from his hand. He rubbed his thumb against his other fingers, and he could feel the slime squishing in between his fingers. He looked down at Vor, and he could see that his chest and neck were completely covered with a layer of blueish colored cum. He could see the blue colored cum start to run down the sides of his ribs, as his chest heaved up and down.

As his chest heaved up and down Vor meet Seth's eyes and they exchanged a long affectionate stare. Vor wiped the cum off the end of his muzzle, and ran his hand across his chest. He looked down at himself as he felt the layer of cum covering his chest.

"I'll help you wash that off," said Seth with a teasing smile, as he got to his feet. Vor looked up at Seth as he offered him his hand. Vor grabbed his hand, and Seth pulled him to his feet. As Seth pulled him up onto his feet, he wrapped his arms around him, and pulled him against his chest, lifting him off the ground. Seth held Vor in a bear hug, and carried him to the edge of the rear opening to their cave. He spread his wings, and floated down into the pool of water below.

As Seth's feet hit the rocky bottom of the pool he let go of Vor, and let him float away. Only Vor's head was sticking out of the water, but it only came about half way up Seth's chest. Seth reached behind Vor, and wrapped his hands around his tail. Pulling him against his chest, he carried him backwards through the pool of water. When Seth felt his feet hit the edge of the rock he was looking for, he sat down, and only his neck and head were sticking above the water. Seth spread his legs apart, and pulled Vor close. He rubbed his hand against Vor's chest, and started to wipe away the layer of cum covering his chest. He worked his way down Vor's stomach, and onto his still hard cock. He worked his hand up and down Vor's shaft as he wiped away the layer of slime.

When he was satisfied that he had gotten it all off him, Vor pulled himself up onto Seth's chest, and sat down on his lap. Seth brought his legs together, as Vor pressed his legs against his sides. He could feel Vor's thick tail rubbing between his legs, and he brought his legs together, and squeezed it firmly between his legs. Vor wrapped his arms around Seth's head, and they locked their jaws together.

They took turns moving their tongues back and forth, and feeling the back side of each others throats. Both Seth and Vor were so focused on each other that they never even noticed that Vor's cock had retracted back into his body. As the tip of Vor's penis disappeared back into his body, the area around his crotch and tail began to return to normal. As they kept their attention focused on each other, the skin which had been ripped apart began to heal rapidly. The torn skin regenerated the same as you might expect a reptile to regenerate, except it took only a few minuets instead of a few weeks.

Vor opened his jaws, and pulled his head back as he noticed that the sun was going down over the horizon. He gave Seth a few long and powerful licks across the side of his muzzle, and rolled over, and laid his back against Seth's chest and stomach.

Seth noticed that Vor's crotch had returned to normal, and he was going to asked him a question, if it wasn't for the fact that he had just fallen asleep. He could feel Vor squirm back and forth as he nuzzled himself against him. Seth wrapped his arms around him and gave him a gentle squeeze. He held Vor as he watched the sun go down over the horizon. As the final rays of the sun disappeared he picked him up and flew up to the entrance of the cave with Vor in his arms. He woke up just as Seth landed inside the cave. Seth laid him on the bed and sat down next to him. Vor pulled himself against Seth's chest and fell back to sleep.