Reunion- Prologue

Story by JinTheBunny on SoFurry

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#1 of Reunion

I figured I would wait until a few chapters were up, and a few characters were introduced, but now it's time for a prologue, show a few of the events in the characters' pasts mostly just small dialogues




Part 1- Brett and Kurt, Kindergarten.

"You ready for your first day sweety?" the human asked her tiny son who's hand she had clasped in her own.

"No... I don't wanna..." The tiny redhead said nervously.

"Come on, Brett, you have to, and you'll make a lot of new friends and have lots of fun..." The mother said lovingly.

"O-ok..." The smaller human said, parting from his mother and walking into the room, his Pikachu backpack strapped tight to his back. He was greeted by an older woman, a black lab. She was a slightly heavier woman, but she spoke in the sweet tone of someone who had a genuine and kind heart, she led the small human into the room and sent him to play with the rest of her students. Sadly for the human, the other kids had different plans. You see, humans are quite a rarity, but to a child, that didn't make Brett special, just different, like the sick child who everyone told their children to be nice to, but themselves would not go near, Brett was made to feel alone in this new place. Now, the other children were off playing tag, or hide and seek, or whatever they had agreed upon... Except one... Brett sat alone, he was crying, nobody liked him, he pulled a stuffed Snorlax out of his backpack, he loved Pokemon, and it was easy to tell. It was lunch time and he also grabbed the lunch box his mother had prepared and got ready to eat his PB&J alone... But someone walked over and sat down across from him...

"Hi! I'm Kurt!" The striped cub said as he smiled at the human. "OH COOOOL is that a Snorlax?!"

"Yeah! It's my favorite!" The human chimed back.

"My favorite is Charizard!" The cub responded. The two began to play together, the human excited to make his first friend, by the time the day ended the two had become inseparable, and spent all their time together, in school, and out.


Part 2- Brett and Kurt, Freshman Year

Brett was excited, he hadn't seen Kurt all Summer, it sucked, but the young tiger had been on a vacation with his family, they had invited Brett along, but the human had declined in order to spend the summer with his own family, now the first day of Freshman year had come, and he would finally get to see his best friend. The human got off his bus at the front of the school and walked towards the doors, he spotted the tiger in question talking to the football players and called out to him, the tiger seemed not to notice him and walked away, Brett was surprised at the size of his friend though, he had gone from being skinny as it gets, to being a wall of muscle that could intimidate anyone, Brett thought to himself to ask him how he did it when they talked, and with that he headed to class.

Lunch period came and Brett sought out his friend, finding him, once again, with the football players. "Hey! Kurt!" the human called out to his friend, the tiger turned and looked, then turned back to the table at which he was seated. "Dude! how ya' been! haven't seen you all summer!"

"Kurt... you know this kid?" asked a large horse giving a raised eyebrow and a mocking glance.

"Huh... oh, not really, just some loser from my middle school." The tiger replied with a nervous chuckle.

"Wh-what? Kurt... how could you say something so mean?" the stunned human asked.

"Because... You're a freak... and like a stalker, take the hint, I don't like you!" the tiger said arrogantly. "Now, why don't you go somewhere else?"

"Yeah... ok... I'm just... just a loser..." the human said, his voice carrying a sad tone. And honestly, the human believed it... After all, his best friend was treating him like trash, and he didn't really know anyone else, so how else could he feel?


That night the tiger sat alone in his room, he had hurt the one true friend he had... And he felt awful... he held his parents' antique revolver in his hands.

"I should just do it... I deserve it after how I treated him..." Kurt thought back over their friendship, how the human had always been there for him. But he knew, deep down, that just being a jerk to the human wouldn't hurt him nearly as bad as abandoning him forever... and so he put the gun back in the case his father kept it in, curled up in a ball in his bed, and cried himself to sleep.


Part 3- Jackson and Kurt, Freshman Year

"What the hell was that yesterday?" the young lion asked his new tiger companion.

"Heh, you mean that weirdo that kept buggin' me? I know right?" the tiger replied.

"No... I mean how you could treat your best friend like a complete stranger then act like you're somehow better than him..." The lion replied, a twinge of anger in his voice

"What are you even talking about... I would never... be friends with such a loser..." the tiger said, his voice losing any kind of emotion.

"Right... that's why last year you two spent every moment together..." The lion said sarcastically.

"That doesn't matter anymore... we got bullied, I got sick of it so I clawed my way out..." The tiger said in a serious tone. the two heard a series of thumping noises on the floor nearby, and looked to see several football players harassing the very human they were discussing, knocking his books from his hands, one eagle going so far as tearing a hole in his shirt with his talon.

"Yeah... and you've become as bad as the people who bullied you... congratulations..."


Part 4- Calo, Freshman year

It had been a few weeks since Calo started dating Jona, it was a secret, Calo had found a gay porno mag in the horses backpack, and when he realized it was mostly canines like himself he asked Jona to go out with him. The horse had said yes, and now the two were at his house, Jona offering the small coyote his first taste of alcohol. The poor thing had only had two drinks, but already he was to a point of complete vulnerability... Jona noticed and his teen hormones made the decisions for him.

"Ey... Calo... come'ere baby..." The Horse said in a seductive tone. "Le's have a little fun!"

"Whaddya mean by fun?" Calo managed to slur out, even while Jona was fast at work undressing him.

"Sex." Jona said plainly.

"A-are ya sure its ok?" asked the drunk younger teen.

"Course it is... now come on... let's just get these pants offa ya..." And with that the coyote was exposed completely to the large horse, and noticed the horse was as well, and sporting one massive equine erection.

"Jona.. Wai-?!" The smaller Coyote was cut short, half by a strong hand covering his mouth, half from the shooting pain of being thrust into by a huge horse.

"Jus' calm down kid... ungh... damn... yer tight as hell!"

"Jona... It hurts... Jona... STOP!"

"Shhhh... jus... jus calm down... agh... Just relax and, ungh and enjoy it." Calo couldn't take the advice, the pain and intoxication had already made him pass out. The next morning he woke up in his horse friend's bed. "Hey yer up... Look... I jus' don' think we'r gunna work out Calo, nuthin' pers'nal but... yer just not really right for me."

"What... was I not... good enough..." The horse didn't answer, simply tossed the coyote his jacket and drove him home, Calo was still in intense pain, he walked into his house, nobody else was here, he didn't care... he walked up to his shower and got undressed, he noticed there was blood dripping down his leg... he was scared, but he didn't know what to do... he turned the water on as hot as it got and sat on the shower floor... he pulled his knees up to his chest and rested his forehead on them. "Maybe that's just how it is... I mean why not... just do it then move on... yeah... that sounds about right..."


Part 5- Clay, Junior Year

Clay woke up to the sound of Vincent coughing in the next room, he had grown used to it, and honestly he loved getting up to help him. Vincent was Clay's world, he would do anything for his little brother. The sight which greeted him was more confusing than he could understand. Vincent sat on his bed, smoke coming from his mouth, the subtle scent of charred flesh filling the room.

"Vin... you ok buddy?" The dragon asked, receiving only panicked coughing as a response "MOM, DAD!! VIN NEEDS HELP! GET IN HERE PLEASE!!! CALL 911!" The family tried to remain calm as it's youngest member was taken to the emergency room, he was immediately put on oxygen tank support and the doctors began testing the small hybrid. Hours passed as the doctors did everything they could in order to save Vincent's life, but they finally realized it was impossible when they discovered the problem, they came to his family, heads hanging low as the head surgeon explained.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing else we can do... your son is for all intents and purposes human, but he had just enough dragon blood to develop the fire breathing organs in his lungs... sadly his lungs aren't equipped to handle it... he's already lost 20% of his alveoli and they're still being burned away... I'm afraid he won't make it through the night... you can take him home if you believe he would be more comfortable there." With that comment Clay rose from his seat, holding back his tears and headed towards his brother's hospital room.

"I'm taking him out for a last flight..." He said, more to make a point that to request permission, he grabbed his younger brother and jumped from the window, spreading his wings and taking off into the night sky.

"Clay... I'm not gonna make it am I?" the small human choked out weakly.

"I... I wish I could say you would..." the dragon said quietly.

"It's ok..." the small human pulled himself tightly against his brother's chest. "Just... promise me you'll be happy?"

"I-I promise..." the dragon replied loud enough for his brother to hear, a few moments later he felt his younger brother's grip fall away as the last bits of life left him... The dragon landed at his home and laid his small brother in his bed, he found a letter from his father, as he read it he realized that it was a goodbye, he wasn't coming back, he told his mother that Vincent had passed, and then stormed from the house, flying back into the sky, spitting fire as he screamed and cursed the gods, he promised Vincent he would be happy, but for now, he couldn't do anything but grieve...