Chapter 4 - A Private Moment

Story by Skye on SoFurry

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#4 of Dusk to Dawn

This is the 4th chapter of this series, Please feel free to email me comments and suggestions @ [email protected] thanks, Tristan


Chapter 4 - A Private Moment

"Look, Skye, I think what's best for you right now is to be with Alex, I'm going to have you transported into his room with him." Blake smiled.

"But I..." but before Skye could say anything more, he was engulfed in a green light and the next thing he knew he was laying on the queen sized bed next to Alex.

"Al... Alex," Skye sighed, "Alex I'm so sorry, this should've never happened to you!" Skye sobbed, placing his hand on Alex's bare chest.

Alex winced, almost in pain, but slowly opened his eyes, to look at Skye.

"Hey buddy," Alex grinned, "You're looking a little excited," he gestured at his hard member. Blake had transported him without his clothes, and Alex was the same way.

Then a more deep-rooted urge over came them, primal urge, lust; it took over the two of them as they began caressing one another on the bed.

Their bodies, sensing the injuries to be in the way of achieving this goal simply began radiating a soft light, their essence healing them as their bodies prepared to change.

Alex leaned into Skye, who leaned down and their lips met, only slightly at first, like an accident. However, only a seconds later the met again, the embrace lasted longer, and finally they stayed together, as their tongues trembled against one another, they closed their eyes.

The air around the two literally became static, as the machines in the room were shorted out, Alex was breathing on his own, moving on his own, he was fully healed.

Sensors in the room were tripped and the cameras snapped on in Blake's quarters as he looked at the two with a huge grin, "I knew they were the ones."

A second later, Alex and Skye's bodies both began to glow, slightly at first then more predominantly. Moments later they glowing stopped, and as the two opened their eyes everything seemed to freeze in its place.

Black and white flames erupted from the two bodies, sending a burst of super heated air and flames around the room, the fire sensors picking up on this began spraying water profusely onto the flames, but to no avail.

Then as suddenly as the flames started they disappeared, leaving behind a white and black dragon; their true morph forms. The two dragons stood tall, letting out a loud roar as they stretched their wings; water cascading off their shiny plated scales to the ground.

Several armed guards burst into the room at that second, Blake not far behind.

"What are the guards here for?" Skye asked, "I thought we were trusted, and we would work together."

"I do trust you, and we will be working together, they just wont let me get any space," Blake shoved a guard out of his way.

"I'm sorry Captain, like it or not my job here is to protect this ship and her crew," a blond lady walked in front of him.

"Leave me, its okay," Blake ordered.

"All right, but we wont be far," she snapped.

The guards left Blake alone with the two dragons, and waited until the doors were closed to begin.

"I'm so proud of you two, not only have you healed entirely, but your morph forms are back, and from the looks better than ever!" Blake praised.

"So what exactly are we doing again?" Alex asked.

"We're going to kill Joey once and for all." Skye snarled.

"What happened anyways?" Alex asked, "I can't remember a thing."

"Well just as we were on one of our last missions before leave we were chasing Joey. Intel suggested that he was going to be making a move and go into space to start his war from up there." Then we finally cornered him on the rockets launch pad, but he got one up on us, and bound us with the neural inhibitors to the pad below the rocket; he thought it fit us to go out in flames. Then just as they took off I managed to get free somehow and pull myself out but I couldn't get to you and Spencer in time, he started the rockets and you were engulfed in the flames. I thought you guys were both dead because we found out later that certain things can kill us and something with that force and heat actually could kill us. Skye explained.

"Wow..." was all that Alex could say to reply to that.

"So that's why you're so protective over him Skye," Blake smiled with sympathy.

"I'm not letting anything like that happen to him again," Skye grinned, showing his huge white fangs.

A second later they changed back to their human forms and stood beside Blake, accepting his request for help.

"You two, and Spencer will all keep your old ranks from Earth, so don't let any of my crew give you insubordination, got it?" Blake smirked.

"Yeah we got it," Alex smiled.

"The off with you two, we're going to be approaching our first target in a few minutes!" Blake ordered.

"We haven't even been working with you for two minutes and you've got us going on a mission already?" Skye asked, stunned.

"We were planning this op without you two but since you've joined me tit will run a lot smoother," Blake snapped back. "Now get down to the Bio lab, they've got some upgrades to be done to your morph forms."

"Upgrades?" Alex and Skye said in unison.