Pack Hierachy

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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I write so infrequently... I hope my skills haven't diminished too much and everyone can still enjoy this. This particular story was inspired by a series of RPs with DualHond. Thank you to IB: Sabreklaw for beta reading the story. Extra changes suggested by Omen-the-arcalithe.

Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction and I claim no ownership of the pokémon franchise. The story and characters are a mix of mine and Rottieklien's.

The whole alpha, beta etc model of a wolf pack is also outdated. It makes a nice story element but in the real world is pretty much nonsense.


There was a whoosh as a grey shape flew through the air, landing heavily with its large paws on either side of a sleeping growlithe.

"Wake up!" barked the shadow, a smirk appearing on its muzzle as the eyes of the puppy pokémon below it burst open.

The growlithe gave a terrified yelp as its rest was interrupted. Even though he recognised the shape as that of Delta, the mightyena who protected the pack, he couldn't stop the adrenaline coursing through his body.

"I've been looking for you," Delta grinned. "I've spent all day training and I think I deserve something a bit more relaxing."

"W.. what do you mean?" stammered the growlithe, squirming away from the larger pokémon and trying to get his thoughts in order.

The small fire-puppy was finding it very difficult to concentrate with his body tensed and heart hammering inside his chest. It really didn't help matters much as the grey-furred hound stepped closer again, staring down at him.

"What do you think I mean?" he asked. "I need you to do your job, Omega."

Omega's ears folded back as he gave a low whine, "Now? I'm tired... Can't it wait?"

Delta's eyes narrowed as he started to growl softly.

"Do you think I am interested in waiting? Or that you get to dictate my schedule?"

The mightyena lunged forward, giving the smaller pokémon's shoulder a sharp nip before pinning him down with a paw and baring his teeth.

Omega averted his eyes, whining softly as the larger dog's breath blew against his face. He struggled to try squirm back but found it hard to move with the large paw pressed into his creamy chest.

"Plus," continued the mightyena, "you know you love it."

The small growlithe couldn't help but blush at the comment, a shiver running down his body as the mightyena's rough growl sounded right in his ear. His ears flicked forward, then back again, as Delta began to move away. Omega was about to whine, actually missing his presence, before he felt Delta's jaws close firmly over his ear and drag him to his feet.

"Tell me you like it, pup," Delta growled, circling the growlithe as though he were prey, constantly jostling against him.

The growlithe gave an embarrassed whine but the other dog's attentions were starting to get to him. Blushing deeply under his fur as he stumbled from yet another bump, he gave a quick nod.

"You have to say it," explained the Mightyena, nipping the pup's scruff.

"Ah! Okay... okay... I like it..."

Delta pounced again, easily tackling the growlithe onto his back and pinning him down. His teeth were bared, just millimetres from Omega's nose, and his visage was all the other pokémon could see.

"What do you like?" he pressed further.

The growlithe gave an extended whine, ears flat against his skull, "I... like the pouncing... and I like when you - eep!"

Omega's shameful confession was halted temporarily as a heavy drop of drool slipped from the mightyena's fangs and spilt on his nose. The growlithe grunted as he tried to brush it away but found his body was tightly pinned by Delta's battle-hardened limbs, each one probably possessing more strength than the low-level pup had in his entire body.


Delta was staring straight into Omega's eyes, leaving the vulnerable canine feeling extremely uncomfortable as he resumed his answer.

"I like when you pin me and gah!"

The growl that had been echoing in the cave room the whole time was broken now by a low chuckle. With his teeth bared and muzzle lowered, Delta was starting to drool more now and there was little the squirming pup between his forelegs could do about it. Drop by drop, his saliva began to wet Omega's face. No matter how much the growlithe twisted and stretched he could never get fully away from it and watching his submissive pack-mate struggle was too much of a turn-on for Delta to stop. Eventually he had Omega's head stretched all the way back and moved one of his forelegs to hold it in place. From there it was a simple matter to apply the right pressure and...

Omega gave a gasp as Delta's paw pressed into his stomach. Immediately afterwards his eyes went wide and he began to squirm as his muzzle was suddenly filled with mightyena drool. The fluid was thick as it dripped over and into his muzzle, coating his tongue. He couldn't pull away but there was also a part of him that didn't want to. A part of him that enjoyed it, that liked the taste, the texture and the humiliation. A part of him that was making his fluffy tail wag eagerly from side to side and which caused him to whimper when Delta finally sat up.

With nothing holding him down, Omega rolled over onto his belly then sat up. The pup's fur was slightly mussed up and the trail of drool shimmering on his muzzle wasn't his.

"Here, pup," commanded Delta, his voice softer now as he could see the growlithe was almost his.

Omega made his way over to the higher-ranked male, unable to avoid noticing the swollen sheath between his legs and the pink flesh of his cock head that was poking out. Just as noticeable was the mightyena's musk. The dog had certainly been working hard and his excitement was only adding to the dominant scents that now invaded Omega's nose.

"Go on," Delta encouraged. "You both know we want the same thing. Get your nose in there. Smell what a real dog is like."

The comments got a soft whine from Omega but he was already drawn, nose twitching, to the damp, dark fur between Delta's hindlegs. He was just a few centimetres away when the impatient canine pulled him closer, pressing his nose right up against his heavy sack.

"There we go," smiled Delta, hearing the growlithe murr and feeling the soft snuffling as his scent was appreciated.

Tenderly, he ran one of his paws down the submissive's back, leaving shallow claw trails in the fur. He knew he had him completely as he felt the growlithe's soft, wet tongue begin lapping over his orbs without being told. As the tongue moved higher so too did the volume of Delta's murrs. Each lick on his heavy balls made him appreciate his control. As Omega's tongue moved to his sheath it started to matter less about the control and more about the pleasure. Each lick felt better and caused his shaft to enlarge just a little further until it seemed to tower over the orange pup, oozing liberal amounts of pre.

"Oooh! That's good, puppy!"

The mightyena's eyes closed as he let out a deep moan of pure bliss. Omega's tongue was finally on his sensitive flesh, running up his dick and sending shivers through his body. It seemed far too soon though when the gentle touch of the pup's tongue ceased, making Delta's ears flick in annoyance.

"Hey! I didn't say you cou-"

Delta's reprimand ended abruptly as he opened his eyes to see a third pokémon, a houndoom, standing in the cavern. The omega crouched between his legs was glancing nervously between the mightyena's shaft and the houndoom, unsure whether or not to continue. As he hesitated a large drop of pre slashed over his nose, causing him to meep and break the silence.

"I could smell you from outside, Delta," commented the houndoom. "It was quite... enticing..."

The mightyena gave a chuckle as his gaze drifted along the other canine's body till it settled on the fire-type's cock. While, aside from the knot, it wasn't quite as thick as Delta's it did extend a couple of centimetres further before reaching its dripping tip.

"You're welcome to join us. I'm sure little Omega here can handle the two of us, right pup?" Delta thrusts his cock forward, leaving a smear of pre on the growlithe's cheek.

The houndoom slowly stepped forward, over Omega, giving a low growl which was accompanied by the stirrings of flame in his muzzle that cast deep shadows over the stone walls. Despite Delta's thick, grey fur, his muscles were obvious but still he backed away, ears lowering. The houndoom stood at least a head taller than he was and the mix of the flame's flickering in his maw and the solid bone protrusions from his body made a very intimidating sight.

"I'd actually prefer if you left us alone," the houndoom replied. "You can find another way to relieve your frustrations or wait until I'm done."

A flicker of annoyance passed over the grey hound's features before he sighed and nodded, "Yes, Beta."

With no further objections, the mightyena got to all fours and padded from the cave, more frustrated than he had been when he first came looking for relief.


Once it was just him and Omega, Beta looked down at the smaller pokémon beneath him and grinned.

"As for you... kiss my arse."

The growlithe gave a surprised meep, "W-what?"

"You heard me. Don't make me repeat myself."

Beta's pointed tail snaked down to brush under Omega's chin and guided the growlithe as he climbed to his paws. Slowly he emerged from beneath the bigger dog, only just having to duck to avoid the mixed type's black-furred sack. He gulped as he turned to look beneath his superior's tail where the fur grew shorter before disappearing altogether as the flesh turned inside. He had to rear up on his hind legs to get closer, resting his fore paws on either side of Beta's rump. At this distance, the earthy musk emanating from that spot was almost all the growlithe could smell, the scent drawing him closer until his lips gently pressed against the source.

"Good to see you know your place."

The omega blushed deeply, curling his own tail between his legs to hide the fact that his own sheath had swelled considerably. He was about to move back when he felt Beta's tail curl around his neck like a collar.

"Not so fast. Now lick it. I want to know my rump is good and clean."

The growlithe gave a low whine in protest. It was one thing to give another pokémon's rear a quick kiss but to lick it? It was hard to think of a more submissive or humiliating gesture. Beta wasn't too worried about what the lower ranked pack member was thinking and instead curled his tail tighter for a second, just to remind the growlithe who was making the decisions.

Very slowly, Omega's lips parted and his tongue slid out so that just the tip brushed over the houndoom's pucker. Even that small touch was enough to draw a soft murr from the devil dog and the pressure of the tail tip on the back of his head was enough to tell Omega that he was doing okay. A few tentative licks more and Omega had got over his initial aversion. The earthy taste wasn't too bad and, though there was a definite pink tinge to his otherwise cream muzzle, the growlithe did enjoy pleasing the more dominant members of the pack. Now each subsequent lick was longer and firmer until Omega was lapping rapidly at Beta's tail hole.

As Beta relaxed and filled the cave with his pleasured moans, Omega's own happiness grew. He fluffed up his cream-coloured chest, tail uncurling and starting to wag as he began to experiment a bit. What happened when he nibbled at Beta's tail base? What if he just flicked his tongue tip against the hound's entrance? Would he get a better reaction if he suddenly switched from his warm tongue to running his cold, wet nose over the houndoom's pucker? For both of them, the answer was yes. Soon, there was just one way left to try surprise his beta.

As his tongue brushed against the black dog's taint, Omega pressed harder. Instead of gliding past, his tongue slid inside, slipping into the tight grip of Beta's rear passage until the meeting of lips and rump meant it could go no further. Beta gave an uncharacteristic yip of surprise, tensing up for a moment and turning his head to look back. He could see Omega's blushing face, partially obscured by his tail, with the pup's eyes averted as he continued to lick. Beta gave a deep and satisfied moan at the incredible sensations.

"Gooood boy..."

Just outside of the cavern entrance, Delta's eyes were wide. Omega was making out with Beta's rear! And, judging by how the growlithe was going about it, he was really into it! All this made the mightyena, give a needy groan as his meat throbbed between his legs. He bucked his hips at the air to no avail, doing nothing more than spattering his pre over the stone ground. Once again he moved one of his forepaws to his crotch, rubbing his pads over his shaft. It wasn't nearly as good as the pup's tongue had been but it was only that or wait until Beta had had his fun...

"Enough!" Beta gasped.

It had been long enough and the houndoom was practically spurting as it was. He needed to be inside of someone now.

"Present yourself," he commanded.

As he withdrew his tongue, Omega gave one last slurp over the larger dog's pucker. As he had many times before, the fire-type turned around and spread his hind legs. He could sense as Beta turned too, then a slight pause before he felt fangs on his rump and a rough tug on his tail. The growlithe gave a pained cry but lifted his fluffy tail over his back in a wide arch at the same time as he slid his forepaws forward, lowering his chest till it was almost touching the ground.

Beta pounced on top of the willing pup, his hips already starting to thrust as he sought his target. One, two, three times he missed, sliding over the striped, orange fur before his fourth attempt hit its mark. He gave a deep gasp as, in one motion, half of his cock was buried in Omega's tight rear. He bit down on the omega's scruff, holding him in place as pushed harder, forcing his bone ever deeper until the half-engorged mass that was his knot was all that remained.

The cave was filled with the moans and yelps of the mating dogs as the houndoom drove the into the growlithe over and over. Since he had first entered Omega's tailhole, he hadn't stopped oozing pre and the growlithe's rump was a slick and sticky mess and each time the houndoom drew back a fresh wave leaked down his hind legs.

"I think... you're gonna... take the knot... today," grunted Beta, using using his strong forepaws to keep his bitch in place against the inevitable objections.

"Y-you can't! N-not after... Nghh! It's too big... too big now..."

Beta paid no heed to the growlithe's protests, pulling the small dog back further and starting to hammer his bulge against the canine's entrance. Each impact drew a new yelp as the almost fully inflated knot tried to force its way in.

"Ah! It's.. Mm! Not.. Uhh... Working..."

The houndoom bared his teeth, giving a thunderous snarl into Omega's ear. The puppy's whole body gave a shudder before going limp. Beta exploited that fleeting moment and put his full strength into the thrust. His howl of triumph drowned out any other sounds in the cave as his entire knot was shoved into the smaller pokémon beneath him. He could feel his balls aching as each time they pulsed they shot copious quantities of cum into the growlithe until the Omega's belly was swollen from the mating.

Beta gave Omega's head an affectionate lick. The houndoom's snake-like tail was whipping back and forth with satisfaction.

"I told you you could do it," he said.

Omega didn't reply, still wincing as each pulse of Beta's cock sent a dull ache deep in his body. He did gasp though when Beta stood up and turned around. Due to the size difference, his forelegs and chest were still on the ground but his rump was held in the air entirely by the sizeable knot in his rectum.

"You'll be fine," Beta stated, as a response to the whimpers from the growlithe behind him.

He began to walk, dragging the smaller firetype along behind him. Beta rather enjoyed the constant tug of Omega's body against his shaft and occasionally he had to pause, releasing a smaller spurt into the tied pokémon.


Delta could barely believe what he was seeing as he watched the houndoom walk out of the cave with Omega dragged along behind. Occasionally the growlithe made an attempt to get to his feet but it was tough when he was sore and tired and they hadn't gone far before he resigned himself to being dragged. Delta trotted behind the pair, his heavy grey sack and dripping cock bouncing between his legs, just waiting for their turn with the omega.

The pack den was a large cave with many caverns. It needed to be to accommodate the large canine pack, most of which were evolved forms. Omega had been almost all the way to the back when Delta had originally found him and now, as Beta made his way out, he began to pick up quite the audience. The growlithe kept his ears flat with shame as he went past them, trying not to look at anyone. He knew his place in the pack but he was seldom displayed like this, just like an object.

"If you want your turn, Delta," Beta said, not breaking his stride, "you should take it soon. I want to inspect the pack boundaries soon and you need to come with."

The mightyena let out a frustrated whine, "But you've still got him..."

Beta paused and shook his hind quarters, "I think I've softened a little. Well... less than when it went in anyway."

Chuckling slightly, the houndoom started moving again. Mightyena flicked his ears back then forward, weighing up his options. Deciding he couldn't wait he moved ahead of Beta and, as Omega was dragged by, used one of his thick forelegs to pin the pup. There was a short cry as Beta was forced to stop, then a loud yelp as the mixed type yanked his knot free from the growlithe.

"Wait..." whimpered Omega as he felt Delta begin to nuzzle his tail out of the way. "It hurts too much..."

The mightyena snorted, he didn't have to listen to the low-ranking male. On the other hand... he could see the pup was hurting and, as pack protector, he did have a duty to take care of him.

"Alright," agreed Delta, "but that doesn't mean you're getting out of your duties."

Using his muzzle, the dark-type rolled Omega onto his back. The growlithe's previously creamy belly fur was heavily matted with the outflow of Beta's mating and, at his chest, turning grey from the cavern floor. Another thing that caught the mightyena's eye was the growlithe's knotted cock.

"You came, didn't you?"

Omega whined softly, a blush on his face as some of the pack members watching stifled their giggles. He gave a meep when Delta rewarded his behaviour with a quick lick on his tip. Right afterwards, Omega found himself nose-to-tip with the mightyena's cock.

"Start licking. If Beta calls me and I haven't orgasmed I will mount you, finish and pull my knot out!"

With that warning hanging over his head, Omega didn't waste any more time before getting to work.

Whereas earlier Delta had been dry and his taste brief, now the canine's whole cock was sticky with a thick coating of pre that clung to Omega's tongue, causing the taste to linger. Luckily for the growlithe, who found he had few options on his back, Delta was extremely pent up after watching Beta's mating. Almost every lick resulted in a mouthful of pre, a situation only made worse when the mightyena began pawing at his cock. Omega was soon less focussed on licking as trying to breathe with a muzzle full of pre and more running over his nose down his face. The torment was short-lived as Delta's orgasmic howl soon echoed to all the pack and streams of white, canine seed left their mark over Omega's face and underbelly.

"Sounds like you've had your fun," barked Beta from outside. "Time to go."

"Gah! What's wrong with him?" growled Delta, wiping his cock clean on Omega's tail fluff.

With one leap, the mightyena was over the growlithe and quickly heading outside, leaving the pup to clean himself up.


Tired and sticky, Omega slowly made his way out of the cave. He winced as the bright sunlight hit his face but the fresh air was a welcome change from the musty, and musky, atmosphere in the cave. The growlithe let out a deep sigh as he swished his tail. It was going to take forever to get the cum out of it...

"It looks like you've had a busy day, pup," came a deep voice.

Omega meeped softly as he turned and nodded, "Sorry, Alpha. I didn't see you there."

The pack alpha was an arcanine, the evolved form of a growlithe. The two shared many similarities in their coat, although Alpha had more white fluff and jagged stripes, but physically no one would mistake them. Arcanine were, in general, at least twice as tall as the average growlithe. Alpha was large for an arcanine and would have easily been able to carry two, or even three, humans on his back.

"That's alright. I was going to look for you later today. I was in a human town and picked up some... presents for you. But, since you're here already, I don't really feel like waiting."

Omega tilted his head, his ears pricking forward attentively. He hadn't missed the strange tone the arcanine was using and, when he replied, he did so with a frown.

"What sort of presents?"

"Oh, I don't want to spoil the surprise," grinned Alpha. "Though first let's get you cleaned up. I don't want Beta and Delta's seconds."

Omega barely had a moment to protest before Alpha's jaws moved down, gripped the scruff of his neck and picked him off the ground. It didn't hurt at all, even as his hind paws finally had nothing but the air below them, but the constant pull on his skin did feel a little uncomfortable. The growlithe gave a quiet yip as each of Alpha's steps caused the pup to sway from his jaws. Other than moving his head from side to side to see where they were going, Omega remained still. It was actually a side-effect of being held by his scruff. Most growlithe outgrew the reflex but Omega never had and it was common knowledge in the pack that any firm pressure on his scuff would leave Omega temporarily paralysed.

Alpha only went a short distance away before unceremoniously dropping the growlithe once again.

"Sit still," he commanded, turning to the side and lifting one of his hind legs.


There wasn't even a pause before a strong stream of arcanine piss rained down on the growlithe. He was forced to close his eyes as the yellow stream splashed over his face, gradually washing away Delta's cum. Alpha had obviously not emptied his bladder in a while as it was almost a solid minute, wherein he proceeded to circle and mark his bitch, before the salty, yellow stream finally petered out.

"You look a lot better now," Alpha chuckled. "A bit wet, but none of that nasty cum on you."

Omega opened his eyes and shuddered. The movement shook some of the remaining piss from his fur but more continued to drip and there was an oppressive scent of ownership around the puppy pokémon.

"Don't like the wet..." muttered Omega, pawing at the sodden ground in front of him.

Alpha snorted, shaking his head, "Such a whiny pup."

Despite his complaints, Alpha opened his jaws, carefully prepared a flamethrower attack but only sent a jet of boiling hot air over the growlithe. Any non-fire pokémon would've been badly burned from the "attack" but for Omega it just resulted in his coat drying in seconds.

"How's that?" asked Alpha.

"Much better... Thank you."

Alpha's mark was still strong in the growlithe's fur but it was no longer overpowering.

"Good. Now let's go get you your present."

With that Alpha picked the growlithe up by his scruff again and headed back to the cave entrance.

Just a short distance from the opening to the cave lay a large, flat rock, half of which was covered in shade from a nearby tree. Alpha used the rock as his own resting spot, from where he could watch who entered the cave and survey most of the nearby land. This time he dropped Omega, a little more gently, and went to the tree to grab a scruffy bag.

"I got this for you," grinned Alpha, pulling a pink collar from the bag.

"W-what! I can't wear that!" Omega protested, a soft whine coming through as he spoke.

"Oh, I'm sure you can," replied Alpha, his eyes narrowing.

The next moment Omega found himself pinned down beneath the bigger dog as the arcanine used his muzzle and paws to wrap the collar snugly around the growlithe's neck.

As Omega squirmed against the large canine's sturdy paws, he allowed himself a smirk, "You can't close the buckle! You're going to have to let me go."

"Is that so?" muttered Alpha.

It was true that his paws lacked the dexterity to properly do up the buckle but he wasn't going to be defeated by such a small, inanimate object. Alpha took the buckle between his jaws and, with a single bite, crunched the metal together. He then filled his muzzle with fire, heating the weak metal until it melted together.

"Well how about that," said Alpha as he stepped off the pup and surveyed the ugly, but functional lock. "It looks like it closed after all."

Omega gave an annoyed growl as he reached back, trying to pull the melted buckle apart, "You can't do that! Take it off!"

Alpha sat calmly in front of the growling omega.

"I'd have to break it and then it'd be wasted. It just means you're going to have to wear it for a while now." The arcanine gave a toothy grin. "And I haven't even shown you the best part yet..."

He lifted one fore paw and flicked beneath Omega's chin. Suddenly there was a loud, high-pitched chime that echoed off the stones, making the nearby members of the pack look towards the two.

Omega gave a surprised yelp, jumping back and triggering another chime, "What was that?"

"There's a bell on your collar;" chuckled Alpha, "a nice, girly heart-shaped bell to go with your pink collar. Just to help me know where you are. Now come closer, I have one last present. Though we can both enjoy this one..."

After placing one large paw against Omega's head, Alpha flopped down onto his side, pulling the growlithe's muzzle up against his crotch as he did so. With his mind already full of naughty things he could do to his omega, Alpha's sheath was already thick and full with his musk rolling off and into Omega's nostrils.

"You know your duty," murmured the larger canine. "Don't leave me waiting."

A deep shiver run through Omega as he breathed in the scent, his heart starting to beat faster. There was something so enticing about the arcanine's musk that it made the growlithe blush and his tail curl up slightly. He gave a meep as Alpha started rubbing the younger dog's muzzle along his sheath and quickly used his paws to balance as he started to lick.

It didn't take much to coax Alpha's cock from his sheath. A few licks over the warm furry organ and then a couple more of the throbbing pink flesh. All the while the dominant musk growing stronger, its taste diffusing over Omega's tongue and making his whole body warmer. He noticed that as he licked, nose pressed right into the alpha's crotch, that he could only just discern some of the tastes and scents of the other pack members that recently had to submit.

"Wait," came Alphas voice, followed by an unfamiliar sound. "Now put this on."

Omega yipped softly as something soft and slimy collided with his forehead then fell on Alpha's sheath.

"What is it?" asked Omega, frowning at the clear latex tube.

"It's called a condom. Some of the humans use them for sex, so I thought I'd try it out. You just have to slide it over my cock."

Omega tilted his head, glancing from the condom to Alpha's imposing shaft. "...It's not going to fit."

"Don't worry. It'll stretch."

Despite Alpha's assurances it was obvious from his face that Omega was doubtful. Still, he placed the new toy on the tip of the arcanine's shaft and began using his two forepaws it roll it down. It was slow going, both because the condom was not intended for an arcanine and because growlithe paws are not particularly dexterous. Eventually it was done and Omega sat back, his nose twitching as the air was now mixed with arcanine musk and the new scent of rubber.

"Now..." grinned Arcanine, rolling back up on to his feet, "present, my little bitch."

There was a moment of tension as Alpha's thick cock struggled to enter the tight growlithe rear but, thanks to Beta, it was sufficiently stretched that it soon slid inside, eliciting a loud gasp from both canines.

"Good boy," Alpha growled, giving one of Omega's shoulders an affectionate nip. "Let me feel you squeeze."

As Alpha's hips thrust forward, they caused Omega to jerk. Each movement sent the bell on his collar swinging freely and signalling his pounding with a loud ting. He gave a long whine of embarrassment, struggling, to no avail, to find a position where the humiliating ring would stop. Above him, Alpha just chuckled, eyes rolling back as his dick slid under the fire puppy's tail. Drawn by the ringing, the rest of the pack started to come outside, eagerly watching their alpha rutting the small omega. Instead of sending them away, Alpha raised his head proudly, holding his long, flowing tail over his back and giving them a perfect view as he claimed his prize.

Soon the growls and murrs of the mating canine's had changed to loud moans and deep gasps. Both dogs' knots were swollen now and their pre dribbling constantly. While Omega's was staining the rock, Alpha's was constantly being collected in the condom, gradually causing the tip to swell. Alpha held the growlithe still as he thrusts became stronger and shorter, each one bringing a yelp from the growlithe as Alpha' large balls swung into his smaller sack.

As he gave a howl of triumph, Alpha quickly shuffled back, not wanting to knot with his partner. Instead the growlithe experienced the strange, and disappointing, feeling of the condom inflating in his rear before popping out and hanging between Alpha's legs.

Still unfulfilled, Omega gave a whine, shooting a hurt look at Alpha. The growlithe started to move a paw to his knotted cock but, before he could reach it, Alpha let out a warning growl.

"Don't even think about it, pup. You haven't cleaned up yet."

"But I haven't even finished!" he protested.

"But I have."

Arcanine sat back on his rump, an awkward position for a quadruped but one that left both his fore paws free. He then used them to work the full condom from his shaft without spilling a drop. He was facing the rest of his pack as he held the stretched latex wide.

"Drink it."

Omega's eyes opened wide and he curled his tail between his hind legs.

"I can't just d-drink it."

"Really? Do I need to ask the pack if you've ever sucked any of them off before? Probably even the lower ranked ones."

Omega blushed deeper, pawing at the ground a little before stepping in front of the arcanine.

"Careful you don't block their view," warned Alpha, using his snout to indicate the gathered pack.

With a deep sigh, Omega moved a little to the side so that everyone could see what he was about to do.

Omega lowered his head to the open condom until his nose was just above its creamy, white contents. Then, with everyone watching, he let his tongue dip down into the arcanine cum and lap it up. It felt to him as though he were drinking litres of the rich milk but there always seemed to be more. A while later and he was finally seeing his efforts paying off, although at this stage his tongue felt tired, his belly was full and he wasn't sure if he'd ever get the taste out of his muzzle. Even through the discomfort his cock stayed rock hard and dripping as Alpha's tail spent the entire time teasing and stroking along the growlithe's length.

When he could see Omega was not going to be able to lap up his full load, a new idea popped into Alpha's head. The next time the pup's head went down, Alpha pulled the condom wide and yanked it over the growlithe's head. There was no time for Omega to react before he suddenly found his head squeezed tightly within the latex. He jumped back, away from Alpha and fell off the rock. His vision was blurry, nose pressed up against the slimy latex and he could feel Alpha's cum soaking through his fur, trickling into his ears and leaking out the condom hood.

The whole pack was soon rolling in laughter as they watched the growlithe struggling to free himself, bell ringing constantly. The growlithe tried to pull the condom off but his paws just slid over the slick rubber and he was in no condition to think clearly. Alpha could see Omega was panicked but he'd only been hooded for a few seconds and wasn't in any danger. Instead the arcanine pounced on the growlithe, brought a paw under his belly and began furiously stroking Omega's cock.

The trembling growlithe didn't even last five seconds before giving a silent howl into his cum-stained hood and shooting his own white cream over his belly and Alpha's paw. As soon as he did so, the arcanine gripped the tip of the condom in his teeth and pulled it off, letting the messy growlithe gasp fresh air again.

"You did very well," he whispered, giving a slow lick along Omega's muzzle.

Omega was still gasping loudly, in no position to resist when Alpha picked him up by the scruff for the third time that day. It was also the shortest trip of the day with Omega being carried back onto Alpha's rock and dropped in the shade of the tree. The larger pokémon curled around the small growlithe, nuzzling against his cream belly.

"I think you need to get some rest," stated Alpha. "You've had quite a busy day."

Omega nodded weakly, unable to fight back a yawn in the comforting warmth of Alpha's thick fur. The puppy snuggled back, gently closing his eyes and falling back into his previously interrupted sleep.

The End

A Taste of Variety (By: Zipeaukovich)

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The Growlithe's Punishment (By: Cheetahlover)

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