Hell Hound Chapter 5, part 2

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#7 of Hell Hound

A day in the live of a two-headed hell hound. Spike remembers some sorted information from his past. The Burns brothers look for a reliable cheap food source, and on the way they meet someone who's been missing for some time. What happens when a hell hound takes a human's soul?

This story is not heavily edited. Let me know if there are any terrible mistakes that need fixing. Otherwise, enjoy!

Tags include the following:

Transformation, Wolf, Hound, Hell Hound, Brothers, Family, Bestiality, Rape, Incest, Demon, Male Lactation, Milk, Milking, Growth, Muscles, M/M, Blowjob, Cub, Puppy, Underage, Humans, Muscle Growth, Cock Growth, Hairy, Musk, Beard Growth, Body Hair, Body Hair Growth, Corruption, Ash, Soot, Strong Language, Cursing, Smoking, Orgy, Muscle Worship, M/M/M, Burning, Destruction, Violence (not in yiff), M/M/M/M/M/M, Multi Limb, Multi Cock, Multi Head

WARNING! This is a crazy story! It has all sorts of violent, socially unacceptable, and explicit topics in it. I try to cover as many tags that fit the story, but I will probably miss a few. If you are sensitive about these topics please don't read this story. I have other more vanilla work that you might enjoy.

So, do you really want to read this?

If not that's cool. If so read on.


All good things eventually come to an end, but for Mark the constant sexual stimulation of keeping two hellhound cubs fed was practically never ending. After the orgy was over Bo and Hunter had left with Clay to find a cheap source of food for the pack. They couldn't quite eat just anything, not yet at least, because there were some things that just didn't burn, or if they did burn they did so at such a rapid rate that they were gone before producing enough heat, ash, or soot to feed a single male. As it was, the absence of the three males left Mark to take care of his two young charges.

Not that he minded.

The lazy afternoon found Mark stretched out on the Burns' family softa, naked, and cradling two sleepy cubs in his massive double set of arms. After his startling transformation into twice the man he had been before arriving that morning at Clay's house, Mark had been pleased to discover that he was now just over six foot five, and he now weighed more than three hundred and sixty pounds. It was all pure muscle... well... some of the poundage was red-hot demonic wolf cock, but Mark hardly minded the eighteen inch rods of demon flesh that were nearly constantly hard and dripping pre to feed his cubs.

And when they weren't hard... "So," Mark said, quite literally, to himself as he looked over at his left head. "What exactly are we going to call ourselves?"

The left head thought for a moment, and contrary to popular myths about two-headed beings Mark truly had no idea what his left head was thinking. "Well," the left head replied. "Now that our last name is Burns why don't you call me Burn or Burr?"

"Burr huh?" Mark replied and smiled at his macho counterpart. Unlike Mark, Burr had grown quite a bit of beard when he was being born only a few hours ago. His face was pretty rugged looking with a thick rust-red fur-like beard. "I like it. Burr is a good name for you since you can breathe fire."

"Wait..." Burr said hesitantly. "I can breathe fire? How do you even know that?"

Mark paused and thought for a while. "Maybe because your breath smells like brimstone?"

"Brimstone! Well your breath smells like vinegar and dick!"

"Oh yea, well your hairy face looks like a perfect match for Bo's lava-cock. Oh wait, you DO like sucking hairy wolf-cock... so yea... that makes sense now that I think about it."

Spike roused from his slumber as the two heads began to argue back and forth. The young hound growled as he looked across the hills of muscles he and his mate had been sleeping on. Over the last few hours Mark had begun to grow more hair on his double set of pectorals. At this point in the afternoon the soft red hair was thick enough to make the beastly demonic male's chest a comfortable pillow for the young hound and his mate. "Grrrr Mark... Don't argue with yourself. Your instincts are kicking in brother..." Spike said in his low growly voice and got the attention of both Mark and Burr.

"He's Mark, I'm Burr." Burr replied and growled slightly at his twin head.

"What do you mean Spike?" Mark asked and tried to ignore Burr's challenging growls. "What sort of instincts do Hell Hounds have?"

Mark still remembered being 'filled in' so to speak as Clay had told him everything he knew about their current position and everything that had happened so far to the brothers. Of course, Clay had been fucking Mark's ass at the same time, so a few details might have been left out or unheard. Otherwise, Mark had a good grasp on what he and the members of his pack and family were becoming.

"Well," Spike said and grinned at his sexy twin-headed protector. "Hell hounds have a strong hunting drive, and I know they also have a very strong breeding instinct." Spike growled passively as he reached over and pulled Rex across Mark's chest and into his arms.

Spike's movement caused Mark to instinctively reposition the two males so that they were resting with their heads on his lower pair of pectorals. Naturally Rex whined in his sleep and sniffed out the nearest teat to suckle on. Mark and Burr both growled as their lower right teat grew long and stiff at the touch of Rex's hot lips. Before long the six inch mini-cock was rigidly hard and pumping rich sulfuric milk into the hungry cub's mouth.

"Hell hounds also need a lot of care as cubs. When they grow up there's a good chance they will develop into stronger breeds that will help to expand their pack and clan." Spike explained.

"Wait," Mark said and frowned. "So... what sort of breeds are there?"

"Oh, well... ugh... you're not really a normal Hell Hound breed wise," Spike said and smiled up at Mark and Burr. "You two are a Bale Hound. Your breed doesn't possess the same demonic powers as my own, but you do have fire and acid breath to defend your den with. So really, you both have bad breath."

The bale hound frowned with both of his heads and even growled slightly at the cub in his arms. Spike yelped in surprise as he felt Mark's huge cock push into his backside. Rex also whined unconsciously as he was filled with eighteen inches of wolf cock. Having four huge muscular arms meant that the bale hound got his way when he was wise enough to work in tandem. Once the two cubs were safely positioned on Mark's cocks he began to rise from the couch-sized black stone he had been resting on while feeding them.

It was instinct that caused the two cubs to tuck their legs and arms in as their bale hound keeper stood up from his bed. The cubs were firmly latched onto Mark's titanic muscular form before he was even standing upright. He barely noticed them when he began walking through the house.

"What are our instincts then?" Burr asked in a deep rumbling voice.

Spike didn't reply right away. He had found a rigid teat of his own and was hungrily nursing from it when Burr had spoken. "Bale hounds are sexually potent and produce a stronger sort of taint than their hell hound brothers."

"What do you mean by taint?" Burr asked. They had made their way to the fridge and were pulling out anything and everything they could eat. Mark seemed to care little about what he shoved into his acidic maw, and Burr was equally ambivalent about what he chewed into char in his own black ash-stained mouth. Everything that couldn't get away was food to a hungry bale hound, and Burr wasn't even half the size a fully developed male of his breed should be.

The sight of black drool dripping from Burr and Mark's mouths made Spike smile. "You're hungry all the time right? And even when you don't carry Rex and I your cocks are hard and dripping."

"So what?" Burr said in a low growl. "We're the biggest and strongest male in the pack next to Alpha Clay. It's our job to be... potent."

"Exactly!" Spike said and punctuated his word with a cute bark. "You're practically a walking pair of cocks when you think about it. You spread demonic influence far faster than a hell hound could. Your four arms are ideal for building a proper kennel or den for us, and your smaller faster brothers are always bringing home food to feed you."

Mark and Burr paused in their relentless raid on the fridge. They exchanged a pair of cocky smiles and then looked down at Spike. "You're right Spike." Burr said and growled. "We are a lot stronger than the other hounds."

"Damn straight," Mark said and flexed his huge upper pair of arms. "We're more than twice as strong as Bo is, but I'm still curious about these breeds you mentioned. Are there only hell and bale hounds?"

Spike was busy drinking again. He didn't reply until the two heads had eaten their fill from the fridge and were making their way towards the gym. It was obvious that all this talk about strength and power was making Mark and Burr restless to exercise. The urge to grow bigger, stronger, and more powerful was completely natural for a demonic hound, and Spike was glad his alpha's mate was such an excellent role model for hound behavior.

"Ummm..." Spike had to think hard to remember the many types of hounds. He had barely known such things before he had absorbed enough human energy to actually think like humans thought. "Hell hounds... bale hounds... and... umm... cerberi! Yea, the cerberi, or a cerberus as I believe humans would call one, are the breeding males of a pack."

While spike talked the three hounds made their way through the house and into the gym. The powerful bale hound didn't waste any time in deciding what muscles he wanted to work on. He just moved to the nearest bench and started lifting what was there. Burr and Mark hefted four eighty pound dumbbells into each of their hands and slowly pounded out an impressive triple set of standing bicep curls. The huge male didn't even break a sweat as he put the eightys down and reached for the ninetys. His huge stoic form paused only when his cocks pulsed and shot some pre into his cub passengers. "Fuck," Burr growled as a few globs of drool trickled down his chin and dribbled onto his chest.

"So, can a bale hound like me become a cerberi? I wouldn't mind hauling around three cubs at once... and breeding with Clay sounds like it would be fucking hot." Mark said and growled along with Burr as they continued their second triple set of bicep curls.

"Sure you could." Spike said and nuzzled the flexing muscles of the huge male holding him. It was amazing to Spike that Mark and Burr could lift weights, feed cubs, and shoot wads of pre all at the same time. Clay sure knew what he was doing when he picked Mark as his mate, but then again, the thought of Mark growing another head and becoming a cerberus was pretty hot. "When Clay is a full demon he'll need a breeding mate. Your cubs will be powerful if they are even half as strong as you and Clay are."

"That's good to know," Mark said with a grunt as he and Burr replaced the ninetys with hundred pound weights and hammered out their third triple set. This seemed to finally tire the muscular giant who was forced to rest as he scanned the gym for his next exercise. The bale hound enjoyed the sensation of pumping three more wads of pre into his cubs before he stood and walked towards the rack where the guys usually did seated shoulder presses. It just happened that the double set of racks was perfect for holding the two barbells Mark intended to lift with his huge arms. "You two better hold still for this," one of the two heads growled before they began their next exercise.

A strange sensation filled Mark and Burr as they focused on exercising. Usually they acted independently, but when the two minds focused on the same thing they were just two heads on the same body. The synergy between them was particularly strong, and the pleasure of feeding cubs and working out simultaneously was helping their minds meld a little more than usual. "What about the other kinds of hounds? Are there just three?" Mark asked.

"No, there's more but... I can only remember a few right now. I know there are thralls..." The young hound said in response to Mark's question. "Also... there are Nubians, but we can't 'make' Nubians as they are a lesser sort of demon."

Mark was busy heaving barbells up and down in his double grip, but Burr managed to take over enough for the other head to speak again. "Thralls are what you turned those bullies into right?"

Spike nodded and whined. "I... I didn't mean to really. I was just so mad at those humans for hurting Rex... they should have just stayed away and their alpha wouldn't have had to die."

Mark and Burr racked their weights and wrapped their arms around their cubs. The gesture was accompanied by a wave of soothing masculine musk that radiated from the sweaty male's four pits. Twice the arms meant twice the BO after all, and this particular bale hound was beginning to develop quite the musky odor.

"You were only doing what was natural Spike." Mark replied and focused his energy into his cocks. The occasional pumping sensation kicked up as the cocks began to ooze mixed pre and cum into the cubs at a constant rate. This could only mean one thing, and Spike knew it was time to focus on feeding instead of talking to his guardian.

"Good cubs," Burr growled as the mixed pre and cum began to grow thicker. "My cubs know when it's time to be fed."

"Papa?" Rex said softly in his sleep. "I don't wana go to bed Papa... don't make me... go."

Mark and Burr soothed their cubs until both young males were locked into a milk drinking ass-fucking slumber. Once their soft whines and gentle snores were steady Mark looked at Burr and sighed. "They're doing better now." Mark told himself knowing that Burr already sensed what he had been sensing throughout the day.

"We know," Burr growled. "And soon... soon Alpha Clay will be back with more food."

"Do you want to be a cerberi Burr?" Mark asked his twin head.

Burr growled lustily as he ran his lower hands over the two cubs. "I would gladly grow as many heads, arms, and cocks as we needed to keep our cubs fed. You know that Markus."

"Right Burns," Mark said and smiled. "But while Clay is away..." Mark leaned towards his twin and their bearded lips met in a steamy passionate kiss. The bale hound's four arms caressed both his own body and the bodies of his cubs as the need to truly 'feed' the young hounds intensified. The two heads moaned and growled lustily as their arousal grew. The bale hound leaned back on a bench press and continued to make out as two of his arms reached out to pound out some reps. He knew he was a mountain of sexy demonic masculinity, and not long after starting to make out with himself he was a cum-pumping mountain of muscle. But neither of his heads cared really. This was their job after all. Eat, exercise, and cum. Such was the life of a bale hound.


At first the three brothers had been very nervous about going out in public. Bo could barely wear clothes due to the fact that they might accidently burst into flame at the slightest change of his mood. Hunter could have gone naked and been completely ignored, but Clay looked like some kind of hairy man-beast at this point.

Oddly enough, when the three brothers arrived at the local convenience store they discovered that, while people certainly avoided them, nobody seemed too interested in the three demonic young men. "Why aren't people freaking out?" Hunter asked as the brothers picked out a shopping cart and began their trek through the crowded store.

"I have no idea." Bo said as he looked around in shock. I mean... we have horns and..." Bo looked down at the wife-beater he was wearing and the dense mat of black and red fur growing on his exposed muscular chest, "fur."

"It's only going to get worse Bo." Clay said in a gruff growling voice that earned him a few nervous looks from some of the shoppers nearby. "I could barely fit in this old hoodie that Dave lent me. I used to think it was crazy that he was such a huge guy, but now I am honestly glad..." Clay's voice trailed off as his train of thought strayed back to his missing boss. It was a shame Dave wasn't here. The man was just as calm and level headed as Mark was, but he had all the experience and knowledge in life that Mark lacked.

"Somebody is thinking of old Papa Dave." Hunter said and elbowed his huge older brother.

It was pretty well known amongst the three older brothers that Dave and Clay had formed a strong bond when the boys had lost their mother and father. Dave had pretty much taken Clay under his wing and had been a father figure to the young man until he was old enough to support himself and keep his younger brothers in line. That relationship was still strong, and now that Clay was half-demon Hunter couldn't help but to wonder what his brother would have done if Dave had been around when everything had started 'changing' for the young family.

Of course, the guys had a big sexy two-headed cub-sitter now, but what if it had been Dave who Clay had mated with? The prospect was worth a little thought and consideration. However, as the three burly brothers walked through the store the sound of a familiar voice called out to Hunter through the crowds.

"Hunter! Hunter!" An excited young voice called out over the din of the busy shoppers and buggies.

Hunter turned around just in time to see a blue and black blur slam into his meaty chest. The surprised black-horned male hadn't been noticed by a single person, other than his brothers, the whole time he had been out. But now there was a small five foot four inch black-haired youth glued to his chest. A quick glance down at the young man's hair made Hunter smile. This kid had jet black hair with soft blonde and red stripes running through it. The hair was surprisingly thick in a way that reminded Hunter of his and his brother's hair.

"Oh Hunter, I was so worried that I wouldn't see you again. I'm sorry for missing class, but when... when I got that rash my dad made me stay home from school." The young man spoke with the slightest whine to his voice, and when he looked up at Hunter the two guys locked eyes and Hunter instantly knew who this was.

"Neal!" Hunter said in shocked surprise when he saw his little friend's face. Neal looked a lot older now, but having a thick black beard would make anyone look older. The beard didn't just cover the kid's jaw though. The thick black hairs seemed to grow from Neal's whole face now, and even his nose looked dark and hairy. As strange as it looked Hunter couldn't help but to growl softly as his arousal grew. "You're all hairy Neal. What happened to you kiddo?"

Neal's eyes went wide as he looked up at Hunter and took in the site of the other male. "What... you can see the hair?" Neal shook his hairy head and looked up at Hunter's nearly six-foot tall horn-sporting form. "What happened to me? What the hell happened to YOU Hunter! You're HUGE!"

"It's a long story," Hunter said as he pealed Neal off his chest and presented the young man to his brothers. "This is the kid I was telling you guys about. As you can see he's got a bit of 'hound' growing on his face."

Neal's face looked as shocked as he must have felt as he took in the titanic shapes of Hunter's huge brothers. "Wow... you guys have... horns."

Bo and Clay shared a frown as they realized this kid could see them for what they truly were. "Yes," Clay said bluntly. "My name is Clay, and this is my younger brother, Bo. I believe you already know Hunter judging from the fur growing on your face."

Bo chuckled as he looked at the fur and the black nose on Neal's face. "What did you do Hunt? Did you shoot a wad on his face or something? I didn't think you were kinky like that Hunt."

Neal and Hunter both blushed at Bo's accurate guess, but it was Neal who spoke up. "It's an honor to meet you Clay, Bo, and you're actually right about... ugh... that assumption." Neal blushed again as he looked up at the stud whose arm was draped around his shoulders. "Hunter and I got involved... and then I got this crazy rash. After the rash cleared up I sprouted a beard and more facial hair than my dad. But... nobody seems to notice anything but the beard. I haven't bothered shaving because it honestly doesn't grow very fast."

"That's because you're only growing fur." Clay said and knelt down to run his huge hands over the smaller male's furry face. "When you're old enough to grow facial hair you'll look more like I do now."

"Wait," Neal said in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

Before Hunter could even begin his explanation of everything that had happened a new voice called out from the crowd. "Neal? Neal!" The voice was young, but that hardly stopped the owner from winding through the crowded store. When a smaller blonde-haired version of Neal emerged into the small open spot where Neal and the three hounds stood he stopped short. His innocent blue eyes went wide with fear as he looked first at Neal, and then at Hunter, Bo, and Clay.

Another person came hurrying after the boy, but the man was forced to stop short when he nearly tripped over the kid. "Oliver!" The man said in a stern voice as he came to an abrupt stop just behind the boy. "You should know better than to run off after your brother like that. What if you had gotten lost?"

"But Neal ran off Papa!" Oliver said in a cute childish voice as he turned around to look up at the surprisingly handsome fatherly man behind him.

"There are NO ifs, ands, or buts about it young man. I said no running off while we're in the store, so no more running off from now on. Are we clear?" The man's strawberry blonde hair bobbed against his shoulders as he loomed over his son. "I'm so sorry," the handsome man said as he looked up at Clay and Bo. "My sons are so rowdy sometimes. I swear they're usually better behaved than..." The man trailed off as he took in the sight of the three young men standing with his son. "Do we... know you three?"

Neal smiled at his dad and reached up to pat Hunter's broad muscular torso. "This is the 'guy' I was telling you about dad."

The man's face slowly split into a nervous grin. "Oh yea. This is 'that' guy huh? I... I didn't think he'd be so... big and... strapping."

"Hey," Hunter said in a gruff growly voice. "You told your dad about us?"

"Oh..." Neal blushed as he looked from Hunter to his father and back again. "Well, I tell my dad everything. Ever since mom died we've been really close, so..."

"Wait." Clay said sternly as his brow narrowed into a dark and hairy scowl. "So, you look after two cubs on your own?"

The question was directed toward Neal's father who seemed a little intimidated by Clay. "Well sure," he said and shrugged. "I mean... I work two jobs to keep them fed, but they're my cubs... BOYS... and I..." The man must have realized he was rambling nervously. He stuck his hand out towards Clay in an almost defensive way. "My name is Ted... Teddy Hurst. I work over at the laundry mat on North Street and at the market over on Third."

"No way!" Clay said as he seized the man's hand in a bone-crushing grip. "Me and my mate work at the car shop across the street from the laundry mat."

"Not the one that burned? I've been hearing rumors about that place. What happened?" Ted asked as he and Clay began to chat.

Bo looked more interested in the conversation between the adults, so Hunter turned his attention back to Neal. "Listen," Hunter said softly. "You have to leave your family soon or you might end up exposing them to... the same sort of stuff that made you start growing fur on your face."

Neal's eyes went wide when he heard Hunter say that. The huge, sexy teenager was kneeling down so he could look Neal in the eyes, but Hunter's eyes looked almost lonely as he stared at Neal expectantly. "I couldn't just... I mean my dad and brother are all I have Hunter..." Neal said softly.

"You don't understand Neal! If you don't leave soon the fur will only spread further. I'm sure by now you've noticed other changes too. Maybe you're getting hard more now or you're drooling when you don't even notice it? Those are only the beginning. Soon you'll be just like me, and you're going to need my help to control what's happening to you."

Neal was shocked to hear Hunter describing problems he had been having lately. Maybe the hunky teen was onto something? Hunter seemed to have grown a lot in the last few days. Did Hunter and his brothers have some sort of rare virus or something?

"No!" Oliver shouted as he ran over to Hunter and pushed the kneeling teenager roughly. The child was in no way strong enough to move the huge young man, but his actions and words got the attention of the adults standing apart from Neal and Hunter. "You can't go away Neal!" Oliver said in an angry loud voice. "You're my brother, and you're supposed to be with me and Papa!"

"Olli," Neal said softly.

"Now, now." Ted said gently as he put a hand on Oliver's head. "Neal's not going anywhere Oliver. And you know better than to shout at people and push them." After speaking Ted lifted his smaller son into his arms and held him close in a loving way that only dads could do.

"It's ok Mr. Hurst." Hunter said as he stood up and looked at Oliver and the man holding him. "I was just telling Neal that he should come over and hang out sometime soon. I guess the little guy thought I was trying to take his brother away."

"There's nothing wrong with hanging out." Mr. Hurst said and bounced Oliver in his arms a bit causing the little guy to pout and then fall against his athletic chest and shoulders with a cute huff.

Of all the brothers to react to the upset child it was Clay who seemed moved the most. "Hey Bud," Clay said in a gentle voice that he usually reserved for talking with Rex and sometimes Spike nowadays. "We might seem like big scary guys, but we're actually pretty nice when you get to know us. How old are you Oliver?"

Oliver peeked at Clay's bearded face before he replied. "I'm twelve, and I'm NOT a baby."

"Wow! Twelve huh?" Clay said as he reached out and used his huge fingers to tickle the kid a little. "I bet you'd get along with my youngest brother Rex. He's at home with my mate right now."

"So you're..." Ted blushed as he looked at the huge muscular giant tickling his son. "You're... gay then... Clay?"

The question seemed to surprise Clay who paused as he looked from Oliver to Teddy. "Not strictly speaking, no. But I wouldn't deny that I am interested in guys. My family has a different perspective on what's considered normal around the house."

"Oh?" Ted asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"It's nothing like that." Clay said and raised his hands in defense. "We're just very, very open with each other."

"I like open." Ted said and smiled. "It's too bad you're spoken for Clay. A handsome man like yourself would be handy to have around the house. I guess I'm a little jealous of your mate."

Clay honestly looked surprised at Ted's comment, but Hunter wasn't surprised much by it. Neal was obviously interested in guys, so it wasn't a big stretch to imagine that his dad would be too.

A squeeze to Neal's shoulder made the smaller teen look up at Hunter in surprise. "Hey dad?" Neal asked and looked at his dreamy-eyed father. "Could I hang out with Hunter for a while? I bet Clay or Bo could give me a ride home tonight."

Ted shrugged and smiled down at his son. "Sure thing Neal, but you boys better behave." Ted smiled at Clay even though he sounded serious, and when Clay nodded the man seemed satisfied. He walked off with Oliver in his arms leaving Neal to join the hunt for cheap and abundant food for their pack.

While the brothers walked together they filled Neal in on everything they had done so far. The younger male seemed stunned at first, but then he started asking questions and the three brothers did their best to answer them. From how Neal began to grasp the situation it was becoming apparent that the humans that were exposed to the hounds' demonic essence were capable of adapting to their needs faster than a normal mortal. Not only did Neal seem glad to have been filled in, but when he heard about what had happened to Mark he honestly got excited.

"So what does a guy gotta do to get into the pack?" Neal asked excitedly. "I'd do anything to join you guys, but I can't just up and leave my family. What would dad say?"

Clay began talking about something Spike had hinted on earlier when the two had first begun to share their memories. Spike had implied that he was feeding on the humanity inside the four brothers, and from how he saw their humanity it was almost as if it was some sort of energy source for the demonic hound. If that was the truth than it would make sense to bring other males into the pack's influence just like Spike had done with the four brothers. If it was taking all four of them to keep him alive than would having more males around improve the pack's chances of survival?

The other brothers and Neal had no idea if that was the case, but after wandering around the supermarket they hadn't found much of a lead on food for their pack. "What about dog food?" Neal asked as they passed by the pet isle.

"Hey," Hunter said gruffly and looked down at his little buddy, "is that some sort of joke Neal?"

"No, not at all! Dog food is actually pretty cheap when compared to buying enough meat or people-food to keep us all fed. We don't even need the expensive stuff either. If you guys just turn it to ash and char than what does it matter how nutritious it is?" Neal said as he grabbed Hunter's hand and led him down the aisle towards the dog food.

It turned out that Neal might have been onto something in an oddly ironic kind of way. The cost of five pounds of steaks versus a five pound bag of dog food made the dog food look like the better deal. Hunter, however, decided that they needed a small test to be sure one was better than the other.

Using his shadow powers the young man was able to 'sample' various meats and compare them to the dog food in taste, quality, and quantity. It turned out that the best combination of food was actually high-fat ground beef mixed with dog food. The brothers were more than happy to spend what money they had on what they thought might be a week's supply of dog food and ground beef.

While checking out the brothers were surprised when Neal offered them a twenty dollar bill to help pay for the food. "Neal..." Hunter said gently to his friend. "You don't have to help feed us. You're not changed far enough to eat like we do, so just enjoy regular food while you still can."

Hunter's words had made Neal frown and shake his head. "But I want to be like you guys, and if helping feed you gets me there than I don't mind." The kid forced Clay to take the twenty when he gave it to the alpha male and refused to take it back.

Things were getting tight around the house though, and every little bit helped. The three brothers carried six massive fifty pound bags of dog food in their arms while Neal carried about fifty pounds of ground beef in two bags. All the food went into Mark's truck which Clay had borrowed for the trip to the store.

Hunter was secretly glad as he watched Neal jump into the back of the truck and then move to snuggle up beside him in the small space of the back seat. Maybe if things went well tonight Hunter could feed on some of Neal's human essence and grow stronger from the experience? The thought of seeing even more fur on the young man's body made Hunter's sheath bulge in his pants. Neal, who was practically in Hunter's lap, didn't say anything, but that bulge sure felt hot against the young man's backside...


Dinner that night was raw dog food and raw ground beef which nobody seemed to mind eating in the least. Nobody but Neal that was, and even he tried the dog food before deciding to cook himself a burger. Much to everyone's surprise Bo had picked up two raw patties in his hands and held them on each side until they were nice and crispy. This had made everyone laugh, but Neal had seemed impressed with the display. "So," the young man had asked as he looked around the table. "Bo has fire powers, Hunter controls shadows, and Rex and Spike have... demon energy? What is your superpower Clay?"

The huge beastly man had to think about that question as he looked up from the two cubs latched onto his chest. The older male had given Mark a well deserved respite from his duties so that the bale hound could eat and take care of other sorts of business that he still didn't feel comfortable doing with the cubs in tow. "I guess I'm sorta like the biggest and strongest in the pack." Clay said and grinned. "Every time Spike drinks some of my essence I get even bigger, and lately we all started sprouting horns and fur. Clay ran a huge hand through his thick bristly black and red fur that had slowly been growing thicker throughout the day. "Yea... I think I have super strength or something like that."

"How strong are you then?" Neal asked curiously.

As it turned out, there didn't really seem to 'be' a limit to Clay's strength. The guys all went to the gym after eating and every male present was expected to work out. Neal had Hunter to show him the ropes as this was practically his first time working out, but it was obvious the kid had a little hound in his blood. Before he was even finished Clay noticed that Neal was looking a lot buffer. His young athletic body made a strange hunger grow in the beastly giant, and whenever Clay would watch his brother's friend his horns would glow softly in the dim light of the room.

Somewhere between pounding out mindlessly heavy reps and a wrestling match with Mark, Clay also noticed that Spike was paying a lot of attention to Neal and Hunter. When the time was right Clay caught the anthropomorphic hound alone and pulled him to the side. "What do you think about Neal? Is he ready to join us like Mark was?"

Spike smiled at the prospect, but he shook his wolfish head no. "He's not far enough along, but there is something he can do to progress. I sense that you have already considered it as a possibility."

"The father and little brother." Clay growled. "But how... how do we get them to join us without seeming like we're sex-craved freaks?"

Spike thought for a long moment before he grinned and looked up at his demonic leader. "You mentioned that Neal has a younger brother yes?"

"Oliver I think his name was. But he's only twelve Spike... he'd be more of a cub than you and Rex are." Clay growled at the thought of supporting another cub. He wanted a larger pack, but the problems with building such a thing almost outweighed the benefits.

Spike watched the leader of his pack growl out his frustration. It was hard for the young hound to know he couldn't help hunt and feed his pack, but cubs were cubs after all, and even fast-growing demon couldn't grow up instantly. "I'll think of something my alpha," Spike growled. "For now, let Hunter have his way with the young man. He's been hungering for more human essence, and Neal is more than ready to supply what Hunter desires."

Clay nodded and smiled. He knew deep down that if Hunter could convert more of Neal's humanity into demonic power the whole family would be better off. "Time to hit the showers bros!" Clay shouted as he motioned for his family to follow him out of the gym. Before Hunter and Neal could follow though Clay stopped his brother and gestured to Neal. "Why don't you two keep going. I can tell Neal's not ready to quit yet."

... Neal...

The thrill that went up Neal's spine when he found himself alone in the gym with Hunter almost made the teen shake with desire. Hunter led his younger companion back to the assisted bench-press they had been on before, but when Hunter laid down on the bench Neal surprised the huge hunky man by coming around behind him and planting a kiss on his bearded cheek.

"N... Neal?" Hunter said in surprise as he put the weights back up and clicked the bar into a locked position. "What was that about?"

So many thoughts and emotions were running through Neal's head, but right now all he could think about was how much he wanted Hunter's cum all over his face and neck again. "Hunter?" Neal asked softly. "What... what would I have to do to get you to cum on me again?"

A dorky grin worked its way onto the hunk's face before he sat up and pointed to his gym shorts. "Why don't we find out?"

The sight that greeted Neal when he pulled Hunter's shorts off his bulging groin was like nothing the nerdy teen had ever dreamed of. Hunter had a thick furry black sheath, and the cock emerging from it was hard as stone and darker than the darkest night that had ever been. Neal's hand hesitantly reached out to touch the inhuman cock, but he found the hard black flesh surprisingly warm to the touch. "You have a doggy cock Hunter." Neal said as he explored the rapidly growing fourteen-inch rod of canine meat.

"Actually, it's a wolf cock, but I know you haven't seen it before so it's cool." Hunter said and growled lustily at the sensation of being touched by his curious teenage lover. Neal's adoration and passion for Hunter was feeding the other male's growing demonic power, and Hunter found that he quite enjoyed the raw innocence that was such a deep part of Neal's human soul. Soon a portion of that innocence would be gone though, and Hunter was practically drooling at the thought of changing his young lover into a beast. "Neal?" Hunter said gently as the lights in the room dimmed and Hunter's cock began to thicken in the young man's grasp.

"Huh?" Neal asked sweetly and looked up at Hunter's face. The teen could just barely make out Hunter's features in the dark, but lately Neal's eyes had also begun to grow accustomed to the lack of light around his boyfriend.

Hunter didn't want to spoil the moment, but the human part of his mind had to speak its peace. "I know that earlier I warned you... about being with us and whatnot. But you... you're making it so hard to resist you right now. Are you sure... you're sure this is what you want Neal? You want to be part of me and my family... my pack?"

"I... I do Hunter!" Neal said passionately as his hand began to stroke up and down the other teen's shaft. "I wanted to be yours when you first saved me from those bullies. You... you were so brave, but you were lonely too. You and me, we're just the same Hunter... we were both alone until we found one another."

Hunter nodded and released his shadow hold on his own member. He had been forcing himself to not-pre onto Neal's hands, but now that he was satisfied with the other teen's answer the demonic teen released his inhibitions and let the floodgates go. Neal was practically sprayed with a shower of black pre, but the teen didn't seem to care in the least. The pre was unnaturally dark, and it stained Neal's skin black where it touched him.

The acidic pre burned away Neal's clothes in mere seconds. But the pre did no harm to the teen's flesh. In fact, it seemed to sooth the heat Neal had been feeling in his skin these last few days. "It feels so good Hunter." Neal whispered as he crawled forward without realizing the shadows themselves were nudging him towards Hunter's chest.

Neal's lips closed over Hunter's right teat causing the young hound to groan in lust. The black milk that sprayed into Neal's mouth was hot and sulfuric with a surprisingly sweet charred taste to it. A normal human wouldn't have enjoyed the taste much, but Neal found it to be exactly what he had been thirsting for. His own modest ten inch member rose to salute the hunk he was sucking on, but Hunter had other plans for his new toy.

It felt to Neal like the room had gone black, but there were still shapes and figures to be seen. The shadows pulled the teen up into a kneeling position and then pushed him down on Hunter's huge pillar of black stone. The pointed tip of the cock slipped easily into Neal's ass causing him to moan in shock. More and more cock slid into the kid as he was gently pushed down by Hunter's hands and the shadows he commanded.

At the same time as he was speared in the ass Neal felt immense pleasure coming from his whole body. The air itself seemed to squeeze, prod, poke, and rub in every place Neal felt could have been stimulated. And yet, the release the teen wanted never came. He would build up to it, but then the pleasure wound just stop and Neal would be left gasping for breath.

"What... Hunt... you're..." Neal looked at the male below him on the bench and for a moment Hunter was gone and in his place was... some sort of shadowy beast! Then the shadows parted and a handsome bearded face greeted Neal's eyes.

"Did I scare you Neal?" Hunter asked sweetly as he continued to push the smaller male onto his incredible cock.

Neal was left wondering where all the throbbing wolf meat was going as it pushed deeper and deeper into his backside, but he had no way of knowing that the black pre Hunter oozed was rapidly reforming the teen's innards to accept Hunter's incredible monolith of black stone. "For a... a second you... you looked like a monster."

"But Neal," Hunter said as his cock surged upwards and impaled Neal on its last three inches. "I am a monster."

Hunter bent forward in the strangest way as his hips began to buck Neal up and down causing his cock to piston in and out of the younger teen's ass. When Hunter's mouth closed over Neal's cock it was like nothing the teen had ever felt before. His innocent young seed was rapidly pooling inside his balls, but that was hardly the strangest thing happening to him.

Neal's face, already covered in black hair, began to truly sprout fur as more and more hair erupted from his skin. The fur raced down Neal's neck and under his shirt. Hunter's hands tore the kid's shirt away so he could watch the hair sprout, grow, and spread like a shadow across the other teen's creamy white skin. In mere moments Neal had achieved the status as hairiest guy in the house, and even Clay did not have so much fur covering his body.

As more and more corrupting black pre shot into his ass Neal's fur thickened into a proper pelt. His hands, which had been eagerly rubbing Hunter's muscular chest, began to change shape into cute furry paws, and in mere moments Neal's feet had shifted to paws as well. The teen kept his fingers, but only because a distant part of Hunter chose for him to. Neal's innocent blue eyes shot open as he looked down at his furry black nose.

An attempt at speaking proved useless for the teen as his mouth began to push forward into a short muzzle that rapidly filled with canine teeth. Once again Hunter growled and willed Neal's mouth to retain a shortened humanized snout similar to Spike's. Hunter didn't want to silence his first creation for good, but he did want Neal to use hound vocalizations more than human words.

As more and more of Neal's humanity drained away a subtle change came over him. His eyes retained their innocent blue hue, but they also seemed to fixate on the glorious body of the male below him. Soft whines began to punctuate the air as Neal's changes moved swiftly through his body, but they stopped at his crotch and ass.

Hunter's horns cracked and groaned as the teen flexed his newfound power. In response to Hunter's will Neal's spine began to elongate into a beautiful furry black tail that was far longer than any wolf or dog tail could have been. The long black appendage hurt like hell to grow, but Neal could only whine in mixed pain and fear. He didn't want to disappoint his new master. It was the most important part of his existence; to pleasure this glorious monster was the only thing Neal could think of anymore.

When Hunter's pre was just beginning to become true demon cum the teenage hell hound noticed that Neal's cock was still stubbornly resisting Hunter's will. There was no denying why though. All of Neal's remaining humanity had pooled in his cock and balls, but in a few short moments even that would be gone. Hunter planed to take it all, and Neal had willing agreed to give it to him.

The shadows in the gym hummed with Hunter's power, and the walls began to bleach of color as the teens fucked. In the space of about an hour Hunter's influence on the room had begun to turn the walls to stone and the weights to impossibly heavy demonic rock. The dense stone weights and demonic-steel bars were midnight black, and the bench where Hunter had been fucking Neal had actually begun to turn into another demon stone like the ones the hounds slept on.

Hunter's hungry eyes watched in sheer delight as fur sprouted on Neal's balls and a plump sheath began to grow from the skin on his cock. When the skin peeled away to reveal a black wolf cock Hunter knew the final barrier inside Neal's body was crumbling. At long, long last the teen's milky human pre began to thicken into cum. Hunter growled as the shadows in the room pushed through the walls into the rest of the house. In mere moments it was like the whole house, and then the whole neighborhood, was experiencing a blackout. Hunter's desire to consume Neal's soul was just that strong.

When the tip of Neal's cock finished morphing into a canine shape the newborn dusk hound tipped his head back and howled glorious release. The sound echoed through the shadows covering the near-five-mile radius Hunter's shadows had grown to encompass. Humans all around the Burns house covered their ears as a shrill soul-tearing sound filled their ears and minds. There was nothing on earth quite as terrifying as the haunting howl of a dusk hound, but until now not even the other demons in the house had know quite what Neal was becoming.

The flood of seed that Hunter fed on made his impressive body crack and groan in strange new ways. Just like when Spike fed on Hunter, when Hunter felt Neal's humanity pass into him it fed the demon growing inside him. Hunter's own beard raced across his face until he had a furry beard just like Clay's. His body sprouted fur to mirror his creation's, and even hunter's hands and feet began to turn more paw-like than normal. The last effect of consuming Neal's soul was the small snout and tail Hunter grew just before his own cock exploded into Neal one last time causing the dusk hound to growl and then whine in shock.

The two demons laid together for a while as their bodies adjusted to the changes. Hunter felt his creation's snout tenderly nuzzle his chest fur as Neal whined and rested against Hunter's huge chest. "I love you Hunter," Neal said in a voice that was more beast than man.

Hunter just growled in reply, and Neal knew what his master was saying without needing any words to explain it. Neal's master was exhausted with his work, but proud of his new creation. Hunter felt like he had accomplished by himself what his pack could not have done for Mark. Neal was, for better or worse, a true demon now. He was by no means a font of demonic milk and cum like Mark was, and he wasn't a true-born demon like Spike. But Neal was a hound now, and even though he was the smallest of their number it was proof that the brothers could, indeed, create more than just bale hounds and thralls. Neal was proof that one brother had the power to take souls and build the pack's power.


Just inside the door to the gym Clay and Bo looked in at the two hounds enjoying the afterglow of their first mating. "You do realized Hunter just caused a five-mile 'round blackout centered on our house right?" Bo growled as his blazing red eyes looked up at his elder brother's hairy face.

"And the lava-cum-lake under your friend's pool hall isn't any less incriminating?" Clay growled back.

The brothers both ducked out of the room to give Hunter and his new pet a little privacy. "So your cum turns men into two-headed muscle bound monsters, and Hunter's turns teenagers into black dog-men?" Bo asked and thought about what his own seed had done when he exposed other humans to it. The brothers were both silent when they walked into the living room where Mark was busy feeding the cubs his rich milk and pre.

"Looks like it," Clay replied. "But what does your seed do?" Clay asked and smiled a dark possessive smile. He couldn't help but to growl in approval when he noticed how Mark was handling the two youngest members of their pack. The way the man fucked, fed, and supported the two cubs made Clay want to jump into the hairy pile of muscle and join in on the fun.

"Well..." Bo replied and smiled back, "I could make a surprise call on Jason and Joey tomorrow. Joe did say I could work tomorrow if I wanted to make some money. He says there's going to be a biker rally in the next town, and a few of the bikers always stop by the pool hall."

"If you're thinking of converting some bikers into cum-sucking smokestacks than think again Bro. If you didn't notice it took nearly all of Hunter's power to change a single teenager into a demon. How are you going to manage the two men you've already corrupted?" Clay's tone was gruff, but his eyes were sparkling with curiosity. He was more interested in challenging his brother than he was in stopping him. If Hunter could turn a horde of humans than it meant more energy and recruits for the pack, but if he couldn't... what would happen to those he exposed to his energy? Clay didn't know yet if there was some negative side effect to a partial exposure to their spreading demonic taint.

Bo shrugged and grunted. It wasn't the answer Clay wanted to hear, but it was the truth regardless. Not that Bo could have lied to Clay anyways. Ever since changing Mark earlier that day Clay had begun to feel... more attuned to his fellow pack members and his brothers. Even now, as Hunter lay with his new pet, Clay could feel the power of his pack growing. And that power... it was almost like a drug to the huge muscular alpha.

"We should rest for now," Clay said as he looked down at Mark and the cubs. "In a few hours Spike will be ready, and when he is I expect we are going to wake up tomorrow a little more demon and a little less human."

Hell Hound Chapter 5, part 1

Tags include the following: Transformation, Wolf, Hound, Hell Hound, Brothers, Family, Bestiality, Rape, Incest, Demon, Male Lactation, Milk, Milking, Growth, Muscles, M/M, Blowjob, Cub, Puppy, Underage, Humans, Muscle Growth, Cock Growth, Hairy,...

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Hell Hound Chapter 4, part 2

Tags include the following: Transformation, Wolf, Hound, Hell Hound, Brothers, Family, Bestiality, Rape, Incest, Demon, Male Lactation, Milk, Milking, Growth, Muscles, M/M, Blowjob, Cub, Puppy, Underage, Humans, Muscle Growth, Cock Growth, Hairy,...

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Hell Hound Chapter 4, part 1

Transformation, Wolf, Hound, Hell Hound, Brothers, Family, Bestiality, Rape, Incest, Demon, Male Lactation, Milk, Milking, Growth, Muscles, M/M, Blowjob, Cub, Puppy, Underage, Humans, Muscle Growth, Cock Growth, Hairy, Musk, Beard Growth, Body Hair,...

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