I thought we'd try stealth for a change.....Pt2

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#76 of Exploration

"What about the guards in the corridor?" Javid asked. I spoke to the sergeant.

"They are coming down, two of them are going to go past the corridor, your men had better not fire at them."

"I will inform them to escort your friends." the sergeant replied, and began speaking those order into his headset,"By the way, what device did you fire at my men?"

"It is capable of disintegrating rock, but at a low setting it can merely stun someone for a few hours." I replied airily.

"Alduin, we're coming in." Devlin said. I turned and looked up, and saw Devlin on the balcony next to his cousin. Simba was in his helicopter form, and he gently took off and began descending.

"I've just left the room with Salbar, the men are holding their fire." Javid said through his headset. Everyone was looking up now, seeing the miniature helicopter descend. Simba landed beside me, and changed into his lion bionic form. There was a gasp, but the police did not react.

This was far too big a kettle of fish for them. But not even the immovable sergeant could hold back a gasp as the Hell fire dragon and his cousin vaulted the low wall of the balcony, and plummeted down. At the last few seconds they outspread their wings, and beating gently, landed neatly next to me. Devlin stepped forward and placed a hand on my shoulder. Draco merely crossed one leg in front of the other, his long sword across his back. Now I looked, that sword was possibly the height of the majority of the audience.

And speaking of swords, Salbar walked out of the lobby, spinning his neatly between his hands. His forked tongue tasted the air gently, and he stood beside Simba. Javid came out, followed by about five guards, sniper rifle in his hands.

"Professional interest in your gun?" Draco asked Javid.

"They've never seen anything like it." the wolf smiled. The sergeant was looking at the wolf's rifle.

"You shot me." he accused. Javid shrugged.

"On the other hand, I had several people try to shoot me." the wolf shouldered his rifle."It's not as though I was the first. Besides, an army sniper shoots a lot of people.Be glad I wasn't aiming at your head."

There was a pregnant pause."What's that supposed to mean?" the junior officer replied.

"It means he never misses his target." I said flatly."Now what is to happen?"

"Well, you are under arrest.I would hate to cause a firefight, but you are causing a disturbance." the sergeant looked exceptionally unwilling. Draco pulled out his long sword and leaned on it in interest.

"Care to repeat that statement a little slower?" he volunteered."We didn't intend anything, except for some strange reason people took a disliking to us."

Salbar was still spinning his swords, Devlin had no big weapon save himself, Javid could draw and fire within half a second, and Simba wasn't much of a fighter.

"You cannot stay here." the officer replied plainly.

"True." I replied,"but we don't intend to release our weapons and be arrested.Interesting impasse."

"Not anymore." a voice said behind me. We turned.

There was a man in soldier uniform, he was wearing a single star on his sleeve. And behind him were about fifteen men with heavy machine guns. As we turned to see him, there was a rumble behind us again, and I saw two tanks rumbling through the park, their turrets pointed at us. Another helicopter was hovering in the distance.

"Oh, bugger." Devlin said, looking at the army."Should we teleport?"

"It sounds like a plan." I replied, looking at the arsenal on the two tanks. Three jeeps pulled to a halt, their guns aimed at us.

"We appear to be popular."Javid said," Officer, what is your intention for us?"

"You are our prisoners, and I am most interested in what you are, Colonel." he put emphasis on the colonel rank as he saw the wolf's army shirt.

"I am indeed a colonel, and making war with my planet would be unwise. Salbar is a warrior of his planet, Devlin and Draco are high ranking members of their's, and Alduin will possibly lose his temper very soon. You would declare war against four planets plus Central."

"On the other hand, you are ill armed." the officer smiled. The policemen were retreating as the military took command.

"Let me get this straight,"I raised a finger in interest,"Your intention is to dissect us?"

"Roughly what I had in mind."

"Silverine, I hope you're hearing this,"I activated my mini speaker. The Lupogriff replied instantly.

"Of course, one of my teams is in mortal danger. Officer, you do not know what you face, we will vaporise your entire planet if you cross us. Central will do anything to avenge the death of a scout."

"That's true." Devlin nodded, smiling at me,"Grant almost got killed by orcs, and Alduin obliterated the army almost single handedly." He chuckled, and I rolled my eyes.

The officer lost his smile."Silverine, these men are my prisoners, they have already declared war by entering onto this world. We will defend against any attack."

"Correction,try." the Lupogriff replied,"Alduin, you have full permission.Javid, Salbar, get away from there."

"Wait, are you serious?" Devlin asked Silverine, as Salbar grabbed the wolf's arm, and they both vanished.The officer stared in disbelief.

"Kill them!"

"Yes." Silverine said, as I changed into my tripod form. Devlin dived full length behind a piece of shrubbery as automatic weapons fire struck my carapace. Simba changed into his tank form, and began blasting machine gun and cannon at the men. Draco changed and charged directly at the men at the bottom of the steps to the lobby with his long sword.

I quickly assessed the dangers, the two tanks. I turned, and flourished my Heat Ray.The concentrated blast struck the leading tank, and met the full plate armour. There was a huge fizzing noise, and then I stopped. The tank had a very large hole in it, and the front of the turret fell off. I turned to the the other tank, just as it pointed at me.

The officer was possibly panicking, I had just melted through a tank.He might have stopped worrying as the second tank opened up with a salvo. It hit the ground right next to me, and I, Simba and the officer were thrown to the ground. I was in a large amount of pain, the explosion was that close, but the tank had deliberately fired there to make sure he didn't hit the officer. Simba had landed turret up, and continued firing at the machine gunners, who turned their efforts onto the disguised tiger as I landed on my side. Draco looked up as I hit the ground, and for a fleeting moment I saw his eyes turn red with anger. Then he turned away and continued fighting.

I changed into my bionic form, and grabbed my Eryx, firing back at the tank. There was a huge explosion, and the second tank blew up. Then I got off the ground, and Devlin was firing his phaser into the crowd of military fighting Draco.

"I take it we're no longer playing stealthy." I shouted to the Hellfire dragon, reloading and aiming at the helicopter that was coming in.

It was destroyed, but not before both me and Simba received about ten rounds of Gattling cannon. I was blasted backwards, and laid out on the ground. I heard an almighty roar from Devlin, and as I looked up in mild stunned mood, Devlin had changed.

It wasn't physical, it was worse than that. His wings had unfolded, and he had his claws extended.His eyes, god, they were dark red, and his roar froze my blood.

He hurled himself at the line of men behind the officer, who had turned and run. Draco was unaware of his cousin's berserker mood, but I soon was. A huge jet of flame cindered everything nearby, and Devlin was upon the enemy. Draco was handling the stuff on the street, the crowds of people had run, Dev had forced the enemy to stop firing their guns, and was fighting with his claws against their hands. Simba changed.

"Alright, we got a psycho Hell fire dragon." he stepped back in fear. Dev was decimating the men by himself, and they were beginning to run. The officer had long took to his heels, and I decided not to be here as well.

I had never seen the dragons truly lose it, and I was terrified. Something triggered in my mind, and I sprinted spiritedly away towards the park. Simba had shot off the other direction, and Silverine, who had arrived in the lobby, was figuring it would be better to stay there.

I found a tree. It was a large tree, with a thick base. It held no branches for the first twelve feet, but that didn't stop me. I rapidly ascended, finding purchase on almost smooth bark. I got to the branches, and described a monkey as I leapt from branch to branch, and hid about forty feet up.

"Almost as good as me." Salbar said.

"Shut the hell up." I replied fiercely. This was not the time to joke, I had been right next to a dragon that had completely lost it.

Devlin stood amongst a pile of dead men, roaring and firing jets of flame in challenge. Draco had scared everyone else off, and was watching his cousin in slight apprehension.

"Has he done this before?" I whispered to Draco.

"Yes." Draco replied, and shifted behind a police car, sitting down and waiting for Devlin to get out of his berserker mood. Simba was hiding behind the remains of the second tank I had destroyed. I was actually close to the first one, and I could see a man crawling out of it. He seemed fine, just a little out of it, incapable of anything due to shock.

Silverine was standing in the lobby, and he opened his link to us.

"Devlin! This is Silverine! I order you to stop!"

Devlin looked slightly confused for a moment, and shook his head, shaking the caveman from his system.He turned, and spotted the Lupogriff, who merely nodded at him.Devlin spoke slowly. His voice was rough with anger.

"They tried to hurt my friends." he said, standing there. The Lupogriff was patently aware of that, and said so.

"I know, Dev, but they won't be trying to anymore."

"Where is everyone?"

"Well, I'm on a roof top." Javid said,"I was firing at the ones Draco was fighting. Salbar's with me, although he's furious he couldn't use his swords."

"I'm behind a tank." Simba replied.

"I'm down here, behind this car." Draco told his cousin, raising his head now Dev had calmed down.

"Ah good." Devlin tried a smile, but it had no humour in it."Where's Alduin?"

"Forty four feet up a tree, and I'm not bloody coming down!" I shouted. Devlin, now quite himself, spotted tree in question, and walked over.

"Hang on, did you teleport or something?" he asked. Salbar spoke through the radio.

"He didn't. He saw what you were doing, and ran for it. You terrified him."

"He did more than that!" I shouted hotly, hiding behind the tree."My entire body pulled me away, and I am not coming down. My arms have fused to the tree."

This was true. I had no control of my arms or legs, they would not let go of the branch I was on, unless I was going up.

"Oh dear." Devlin sounded concerned, "I am so sorry, Alduin. I just got angry."

"And I thought my rage moments were bad!" I shouted back down,"This is possibly not a good time to be sympathetic, I am in a seriously scared and angry mood."

It's like a phobia. You know that you shouldn't worry, but everything screams at you to run or hide, and you have no choice but to listen. I switched off my glasses, and leaned back against the tree, sitting astride the branch. My legs had wrapped around it, and I breathed deeply.

"On a note, that was some good work with the tanks." Silverine called.

"And the helicopter." Simba added.

"No one is going to encourage me to come down!" I called back."Unless Simba's got some muscle relaxing lotion."

"Arachno has some." Draco said. The natives were looking through their windows or from round corners at the park. Not one could see me or my tree, because it was concealed by several others.

"Still, I know of no one but me that could have done that climb so quickly, Alduin." the lizard said, he was within range. There was a bang, and the voice sounded closer." Twelve feet of no holds."

"I had adrenaline on my side." I said.

"Right, so now what?" Javid asked.

"First, we're going to have to convince him to come down, and then we might have to, err, commence negotiation again." Draco replied, wondering how to put it.

Silverine sounded highly amused."I don't know what they'll say, but it won't be pleasant. And as for getting him down, short of cutting the tree down, unlikely."

"My opinion exactly." I replied.

Devlin appeared around the side of the tree, and placed a restraining hand on my chest.He smiled weakly at my expression of numbed shock.I was aware of the blood on his claws, and his glowing runes.

"I climbed up." he said,"Please don't panic."

"I am incapable of moving, Devlin." I replied,"and not just because you have your hand there." Under the circumstances, I felt myself lucky to make a full sentence.

"O.K., what are you thinking?"

"eeep." I managed a squeak. Devlin laughed, and sat down on the branch beside me.

"I forget just what you are sometimes."

"I transform too often." I replied.

"No, not just that. It's one of the things I like about you, so strong and pillar like. I'm sorry." the dragon nodded to me.

"It's not your fault, I would lose my temper if I saw my friends being attacked." I said.

"I know, but you were suddenly faced with me when I was really mad. Even Silverine didn't approach, and he's Chief Scout. You, six foot two little human, standing next to me at the time, you only had one choice, and that was to run."

"The soldiers didn't." I replied, looking downcast.

"They were trained to fight and follow orders, you are not. Heck, the entire populace that were hiding ran for it.And the police too." the dragon just looked sad at his display.

"Still..."I began.

"Alduin, I don't think you even realise just what you did. You sprinted across to this tree, scaled it faster than you can take off, and hid forty feet up it. That's just how terrified you were of me.I shouldn't have lost my temper."

"Dev,"I said," when I lose my temper, it isn't often. I was just stunned, because I have never seen you like that before. Same with the glowers before Drason."

The Hell fire laughed, his scales rattling in contentment,"Do you honestly think I would do that often? I don't think I've ever lost it that much.It was like Silverine when Kodey was hurt, or threatened."

"Dear god, you two in berserk mode." I managed a weak grin. Devlin burst out in laughter, and put his hand on my shoulder to steady himself.

"Not something I would fancy being near, and certainly no bets on the winner. But yes, we did it for the same reason. Just be thankful you didn't have to watch Silverine when he went ballistic."

"Are you two coming down?" Draco called,"I can't hear anything, but I would like to know if Devlin's in one piece."

"Draco, face it, a chain-saw isn't going to get this human down." Devlin shouted."I'm just trying to coax him gently."

I smiled."Even my own body doesn't want to co-operate. Come on Dev, I need your strength, or I'll be up here all night."

Devlin turned over, and sat on my branch. He took both my hands, and kissed me passionately. I felt his warm hands on mine, and I felt becalmed. His hands worked their way up until they came to my shoulders, and he shuffled closer as he embraced me in his warm hug.

Go with what works. I suddenly felt so back to myself, and incredibly passionate to Devlin for coming to my defence. My hands released the branch, and I gently ran my hands up his back. One hand gently stroked the spines on his back. He shivered through my kiss, and reached a hand down the back of my trousers, trying to push them down. My legs very obligingly untangled themselves from the wood, and I felt his soft, sensuous hand worm my trousers down.

He gently lifted me up, so he could remove them completely and then the dragon hung them on a branch.

"Dev, I love you."

"I love you too." the Hell fire smiled, pulling his trousers off with somewhat less care. Draco heard the tearing fabric.

"Are you having the rip the bark off, Dev?"

"I've convinced him to let go of the tree." Dev began.Silverine spoke.

"I don't want to know what that's supposed to mean."

"Sounds perfectly innocuous." Draco said, sounding chagrined.

"Dev, Alduin, up a tree, with a reference like that..." the Lupogriff explained.

"Fair point,Dev, we'll give you about an hour, that should give you enough time to make him relax.We'll be in the hotel room."

The footsteps started up, and I heard Javid chuckle. Then they were out of range, or in the lobby, and Devlin gently picked me up while I took hold of his cock, aiming it at my ass as he lowered me.He penetrated me, and quickly engulfed my resultant moan in another kiss.

He went very slowly, and I became so inflamed by his love. He thrust gently, but very deeply.

The rest of the world could go hang at that moment. I could hear the sounds of people moving about below, and more were shouting at one another.

They didn't sound happy, to be honest. Devlin paid the sounds from below no heed, and neither did I. We were perfectly visible from underneath the tree, but I couldn't care less if someone spotted us. The only other place we were visible from was the lobby and front of the hotel, and no one was approaching that area. The walls were streaked with scouring from machine gun rounds, blackened from dragon fire, all the windows were broken, the carpets littered with shards of broken glass.

I began to moan as Devlin worked me. Then with a final muffled cry, I let go with a burst of semen that landed on Devlin's superheated scales. He was possibly radiating more heat than usual due to the earlier fight. Devlin let me get off once, and then we got back our decency and scaled down the tree.

The locals were milling around, looking at the wreckage. I had severe doubts that our little intimate moment in the tree had gone unnoticed, and I was right. Two or three were looking from cover, looking at us in a mixture of terror and wonderment.

"I don't think they've seen a dragon and a human having sex before."I said in Centralite, and those who hadn't realised we were there turned, and we were standing in the centre of about 500 people. Devlin smiled, and spoke in Centralite back.

"Well, give them the benefit of the doubt, I doubt if they've ever seen a dragon full stop."

"They don't know what they're missing." I chuckled, and Devlin laughed. We walked towards the lobby, laughing.

"That was a good shot with the tank, by the way." Devlin said.

"Which one?"

"The one you Heat Rayed. You melted through tank armour."

"It was maximum power, I'm not surprised." I said, making it clear I wouldn't be able to do more than that with a gesture.

"Still." Devlin switched back to the local lingo,"What's your tally?"

"Two helicopters, two tanks, with all the troops therein. I love this Eryx."

"How bad is the bruising?" Devlin asked. I rolled up my right sleeve, there was about eight or nine separate bruises from where I was knocked down by the tank, and ten in the chest and legs from gattling fire.

"Simba, do you have bruise ointment?"

"Of course." the lion replied,"We're in the room we paid for, so I'll toss you some down."

I sat down on a raised concrete square in front of the lobby, inside it was a garden, and took off my shirt, exposing my bare and bruised chest. Devlin stood directly at the entrance, looking up, as Simba stood on the balcony of our room, and dropped it.

Devlin caught it two handed.

"Thank you!" he shouted back up, and Simba acknowledged this and disappeared. He came back over to me, and Ryan teleported in front of me.

"Did I miss the battle?"

"By miles, Ryan." I replied. He pulled up a seat next to me, while Devlin gently rubbed ointment onto my bruises, and I began fiddling with my glasses, sending him a recording of the fight.

Civilians were everywhere, mostly hiding, but they were staring at this odd threesome.One of them was hiding directly behind the opposite garden that the path to the lobby ran between.He spotted my glance, and I gestured him over. As he revealed himself, I realised he was the senior policeman, the police had not gotten involved in the fight.He seemed loathe to come over to us, but he did so.

"I think I prefer your methods to the military." I said to him, he stood a good ten yards from me and looked down.

"I never knew they had this planned." he said.

"Of course you didn't, the military never likes to tell the local P.D what they have in mind. That's why you can come here and sit down."

"With him?" the police man looked at Devlin, who was finishing my arm.

"Dev is very gentle for a dragon, very gentle full stop."

"That doesn't help, he took out a couple of dozen soldiers by himself!"

"I was annoyed at them for hurting Alduin." Devlin replied," I have no wish to hurt you, so do as Alduin says and sit down."

The officer flushed, and came over to us, sitting besides me, at about arm's length.

"So what is your intention now?" I asked the policeman.

"What can I do?" he replied,"You took on a sector of our army, and won. I don't want to do anything, except go home and claim pension pay."

"It's got it's attractions."I replied, feeling Devlin's hands work my ribs. He finished up, and replaced the lid on the tub of ointment. He kissed me gently on the lips, and walked into the lobby. The officer waited until he had gone up the stairs, and out of hearing.

"You are in love with that?" he whispered to me.

"I said he's gentle. He's handsome, charming, intelligent, and really good in bed, what more can I ask for?"

"He's also two feet taller, and has claws the length of my fingers."

"And a flame thrower, you forget. But that's only his skin, you need to look under the surface."

Ryan tapped my shoulder. "You ruined my fantasy today. You junked a tank with your heat ray?"

"I did, sorry Ryan. You seen what Dev does yet?"

"Nope, still at the incoming helicopter.Oh, wow, good shot."

The man spoke to me."What is he talking about?"

"We all have these cameras built into our glasses, I am showing Ryan my view of the entire gun fight."

"All this technology, what does it do?"

"It's hideously advanced. Those ointments have properties most think impossible. Our blasters use elements undiscovered by my own race.These teleporters worm their way around the laws of physics."

"So why did you come here?"

"We came here so we could learn about your civilization. We didn't know about what lived here, and our quest is to find out about as many races as possible, and as many planets as possible."

"I wish you the best of luck in that task. But what do you intend to do here?"

"Leave probably." I replied.Ryan tapped my shoulder.

"I can understand why you ran for cover." he said, and the added," and since when did you know how to climb a tree like that?"

"Couldn't you have just left before the battle?" the officer asked.

"We were still gathering info, besides, we got a wonderful display of your military technology, along with other things.If it's any consolation, I think you performed well, even though you were miles out of your depth."

"That makes me feel a lot better, Alduin." the officer smiled weakly.

"So would you mind if we came and visited you by yourself some time? Just to find some more details about this system."

"As long as you don't come with those dragons.And as long as you give me some advance warning." the officer shuddered, looking up towards the balcony.

"Fair enough." the officer took out a piece of paper, and wrote down an address on it. He handed it to me, and I slipped it in my pocket.

"Thank you. Now all I need is a memento of this planet?"


"It's a magpie tendency of mine, I like to collect things from each planet I visit." I replied.

The officer grabbed his badge from his chest, and tossed it at me. It was weighted, and felt like silver.

"I'll say it got lost in the carnage." he winked, and I laughed.

"Thank you very much, I shall definitely try and visit."

"And remember, shirts next time, so no one panics." the officer said with a smile, and he went down to his police car, and began speaking through the walkie talkie.

"Do you think we'll turn up on their television?" Ryan asked.

"No." I said with a smile.

"I would have thought we'd cause a stir." Ryan replied.

"We did, except Alecto's not the only one who wears a solinium button." I smiled, and Ryan roared with laughter.

"Dev, we're out of here."

"O.K., last one home." Dev replied, and I teleported.

"If we could stay here for a minute....I guess not." the glower sighed as I dodged past him and changed into my Raptor form. Old running gags die hard as I landed soon after, changing into my tripod form and walking to the food store.

Due to the shorter period we had been away, there were very few in the hall, Kodey and Silverine were the only pairing. Alecto was playing Patience, and I shifted over to him, pulling up a seat.

"Ah, Alduin." he said, as he looked up.

"Hey Alecto, nice day?"

"Was teaching a small class about hand to hand, you'd be surprised just how bad at it some of these guys are."

"Not really, we can't all be good at fighting."

"But I've been doing that for a few hours." he yawned, getting two aces out of the deck.

"Just as well you weren't with us, we had a pitched battle with the army of a planet."

"Really, how was their tech?"

"Well we faced two tanks, two helicopters, and lots of guys with guns."

"Who got hurt?"

"Me, that's it." Alecto smiled.

"Well done. If you want, I'm quite prepared to do some martial arts on your planet this afternoon. Training of course."

"Give me about quarter of an hour to clear a space, and that should be fine." I nodded, and teleported. I landed in my house, and quickly placed my badge from the policeman and his address in my drawer, before setting out to clear a large space for some serious wrestling. Doubtless it would start as karate practice, but Alecto could never resist trying to get the better of me. I just hoped there was enough room cleared to fuck him.