Oblitum Ch5

Story by Tsumetai on SoFurry

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#5 of Oblitum

Chapter six will be the last chapter before everything is caught up, then i'll tell you all what i have in mind for the future of Oblitum AND another story i have been working on.

Like always please enjoy, fav, and review.

I do not own Digimon only my characters and my story.


Ch. 5

"derp" spoken word

"derp" thought

"derp" telepathy

"Damn I'm bored." Yah I know that's over used, and usually there is always something to do when 'bored'. Unluckily for me, my, um, current predicament doesn't really provide me with many options. It is a nice place they set me up with though, especially in kidnapping standards. Yah, I've been kidnapped, but I'll get to that in a sec. It looks like a cabin, complete with a kitchen, rec room, living room, and a relaxing bed and bath. Hell, even the 'view' is fantastic, but it's all a lie. It's just a fancy digital reconstruction to keep me comfortable. I don't know who has me or why but I do know where I am. I'm being held in a nice little dimension known to Tamers and Digimon as the Digital World.

"Hey," I shouted. "Anyone care to explain why the fuck I'm here?"

"We apologize for your displeasure Mr. Matherson," said an anonymous voice.

"Displeasure? Nooooo, I just prefer to know why I was taken, and by who," I said sarcastically

"Our leader will be with you as soon as possible Mr. Matherson," said another voice.

"Of course he will," I mocked. These voices have been giving the same answers the whole time I've been here.

"Mr. Matherson might we suggest some rest to calm yourself. Your blood pressure seems to be rising for some reason."

"I wonder why," I mumbled as I went to lie down. In the meantime I might as well tell you how I got here.

. . 2 Hours Ago . .

It seemed as if the world had stopped. I just made the most important realization of my life. I love Mirari. "I have to tell her." I started to make my way back when I felt a hand on my shoulder hold me in place. Then just as quickly another was over my mouth.

"Seth Matherson please remain calm, I mean you no harm," said the person holding me. "Now I'm going to let go. Please don't try to run or call to your partner for help."

"My partner. He knows I'm a Tamer?" I thought

Once I was released I immediately turned to look at who grabbed me. I couldn't see much of him because his wizard outfit was covering most of him except his upper face. He had a purple wizard cap and clock, a red and yellow looking jumpsuit, gloves, boots, and a sun staff.

"Sooo. Let me guess, digimon?" I asked

"Yes Mr. Matherson. My name is Wizardmon and I'm here to accompany you on your travel."

"My travel?"

"Yes. I was sent here to escort you to meet my leader."

"And where exactly is your leader?" I said trying to play along and buy time.

"In the Digital World, and that is all of the information I am permitted to give you at the moment." He gave the area a quick look around. "One never knows who may be watching. Now it's time to go, Mr. Matherson."

"Oh sure, go to an undisclosed location with someone you don't know, sounds legit. Now only if there was some candy too," I said sarcastically. "How do you honestly expect me to trust you?"

"I have been watching you for the past hour and I could have killed you many times," he said as if that made him some Mother Teresa.

"As thankful as I am for your kindness," I said sarcastically, "How about you run off and fuck yourself? I'm not going anywhere."

"Mr. Matherson you have no choice in the matter. You are coming with me." His voice became darker and his eyes narrowed. "This doesn't look good. Better call Mirari."

"I wouldn't try that," Wizardmon stated. I did anyway and I really wish I hadn't. The moment I opened the link a shock went through me that paralyzed me mind and body. I could slowly fell my consciousness slip away, but I didn't black out yet.

"I told you. I placed a hex on you that would render your link and body useless if you tried to make contact. Don't worry though it's not permanent. My leader needs you fully functional for his plan to work." He waved his hand and opened a gate beside us. "Now shall we be off?" and that's the last thing I remember before I passed out.

I woke up in this digital illusion and have been trying to figure out as much as i can sense. On the bright side, they do actually have candy.

"I wonder how Mirari is handling this. She has probably torn apart half the city by now, and I can't imagine what she will do when she finds me," I shivered at the thought. "Maybe I should put in the good word for these 'mon. It's not like they hurt me or anything."

I got off the bed I was laying in and stared at the ceiling. "How much longer until your leader guy is here?" I asked.

"ETA is 5 milicycles, or 5 Earth minutes."

"We apologize, but no information can be given to you at the moment."

"Figures," I said and lay back down. A few minutes later I heard the door open and close, but it sounded far off. It didn't come from my 'cabin' but over the speakers.

"Sir," said the two who were watching me, followed by what I assume to be the sound of them standing at attention. "They must have left on the mic," I thought.

"At ease," said a third more authoritative voice. "How is he?"

"He is calmer than one would expect. Aside from that, nothing is out of the ordinary."

"And his memory? Has anything changed yet?"

"Our treatments have proven ineffective sir."


"Damn," said the leader. "What was Wizardmon able to learn?"

"His bond with the Renamon is strong and continuing to grow."

"This isn't what I was hoping for. We need him to side with us, not her."

"What would you have us do sir?"

"Nothing. I think it is time I talked with him."

"Mr. Matherson," said the two, umm... I'll call them Watchmon, "Will you please make your way to the front room?" I got up and stretched acting like I had been asleep, and made my way into the front room. The door opened moments later and a giant lion man came through the entrance. He's like 7 feet tall, muscular, he has a sword, a studded leather strap on his knuckles, pants, and some red and blue necklace.

"Hello Mr. Matherson. I am Leomon."

"Nice to meet you, given the circumstances," I said.

"Yes, and I would like to apologize. I had hoped that we could have met in a more civil way, but given who you are, that's not really possible."

"Who I am?"

He hesitated, like he wanted to say something, but couldn't. "We will get to that when you are ready, Mr. Matherson. How about we get to the reason for you being here? I'm sure you're curious."

"You could say that," said mockingly.

"Mr. Matherson, we have brought you here to ask for your help in our fight to reclaim our home. Our world is under the control of an oppressive and tyrannical leader, and those of us here will no longer watch as he destroys our home."

"So why do you need me?" I asked.

"You are a Tamer. Tamers only appear when both worlds are in great danger. They are chosen to restore the balance. If one world falls, then the other does as well, they are connected."

This bullshit story already was falling apart, "Ok, so if you need me because I'm a Tamer, then why did you keep me away from Mirari?" I stated

"We had to get you away from her. We believe her to be an informant to the enemy. She is dangerous, Mr. Matherson. You can't trust her, but there are plenty of strong digimon here you can take as your partner," That crossed a line, I know Mirari better than anyone and she isn't evil. "I'm tired of his bullshit, time to end this conversation."

"Oh, but I can trust you? I don't even fucking know you! Plus, I overheard that you tried to do something to my memories and that you need me to leave Mirari. What a better way to separate us than by breaking my trust? Maybe it would have worked if I was the idiot you take me for!" I shouted.

"Y..You don't understand," Leomon stammered.

"After some memories came back to me while I was resting you would be surprised what I understand. I understand that walls are made of digizoid that deaden telepathy, and I understand how to get past it."


"Mirari should be here any second now," I laughed.

"Seth, you don't have the slightest idea clue of what you just did do you? All of the careful planning you've ruined. You could have saved this world, Seth, you could have been its hero, its king. I pity you Seth. Maybe one day you will come to your senses."

Just then, an explosion shook the ground. It must have broken whatever was making the illusion because if faded away a few seconds later reveling I was actually inside a warehouse. "Leomon! She is here! She is destroying everything!" shouted the Watchmon.

"Tell the troops to retreat. I will get Seth out of here."

"Sorry, Leomon, no can do," I said as I hit him in the back of the head with a pipe I found.

I made my way out of the warehouse and into the bright sunlight. The warehouse appeared to be in the middle of a desert on Earth, and for a second that's where I thought were I was. Smoke rising from another warehouse brought my attention up. "What the fuck," I said in amazement. The sky was crisscrossed with thousands of streams of data and at the very center was Earth. "This is trippy."

"Seth!" I turned and looked for who was calling my name. "Seth!"

"Wait, was that..," then I saw her. "Mirari!" She got within 20 feet of me, then jumped me and locked me in a hug that could choke a Greymon.

"Seth, I was so worried. Are you ok? Did they hurt you?"

"Mirari...can't...breath." She relaxed a little but not enough for me to move much. "Hey, can we do this later? There's a pissed off Leomon back there, who is probably going to wake up soon."

"Wait, Leomon is here?" she growled.

"Umm, I take it you know each other."

"Seth, where is he?" she asked.

"Mirari, forget it, let's go home," I said, trying to push her away.

"Seth, get away from her!"

I turned to see Leomon running towards us. "Shit. This just got complicated."

"He is mine!" roared Mirari. She charged at Leomon, immediately hitting him with a flurry of kicks and hits. He was fast too, and blocked every one of them. She phased behind him, but he grabbed her by the throat and threw her into the ground beside me.

"Is this the best you've got Renamon? You don't live up to your reputation," Leomon said.

"Mirari, he is the highest Champion we have seen, almost ultimate. You can't beat him right now."

Mirari stood up and prepared to charge again. "We will see about that," she growled.

"Wait," I said. "I have a plan. Do you think you can buy me a few minutes?"

"I could kill him by then." I could tell she was lying though. She was already panting, something I've never seen her do in a fight.

"I'll give you a boost, and once I give the signal get him into that warehouse." I pointed to the one I was held in. Then I focused on my digivice to summon it to me and gave her a power and speed boost. "Oh, and one last thing." I pulled her close and kissed her long enough to get my message across. "Don't die."

"OK," she nodded. "I love you."

I nodded back and took off.

. . .Mirari POV. . .

"He is kissing me! Does that mean he loves me again? I was really starting to doubt it would work, but he is mine again."

"Don't die," he said

"Ok. I love you," I said

He nodded back and took off. "OK, time to get to work," I said with a savage grin.

"So, it's just you and me now," said Leomon.

"You should have just stayed in whatever fucking hole you were hiding in, because I'm all fired up now!" I had to use my favorite line from my favorite anime.

"And you should have known we would come for him when he awoke."

"Leave him out of this!" I roared baring my teeth and extending my claws.

"You know I can't, he is the key to all of our plans."

"Then I'll have to kill you?" I ran at Leomon and jumped right before he hit me with his sword. I did a flip in the air and used the momentum to slam my heel into his right shoulder causing him to drop his sword.

"No weapons and no special attacks, Leomon. Let's make this interesting."

"Fist of the Beast King!" He launched his primary attack hitting me dead on. I rolled backwards trying to deaden the impact.

"So...*cough*.. I take that as a no." I joked. I crouched down and phased beside him. Once I appeared, I swept his legs out from underneath him and phased again. I reappeared before he hit the ground and kicked him in the back slamming him into the ground with even more force. "Come on, Leo. What happened to that shit-talking loud mouth?" Suddenly, he grabbed my leg and slammed me into the ground. Before I could counter, his sword appeared in his hand and he plunged it into my shoulder. "AHHHHHH! YOU SON OF A BITCH!" The pain was agonizing; it took everything in me just to stay conscious.

"What happened to that shit-talking loud mouth?" he mocked. Then he began to twist the blade slowly.

"AHHH.. !" I screamed.

"Mirari!" Seth yelled in my head.

"I...I'm fine. Are you.. done yet?"

"Yah. Mirari, please get out of there," he pleaded.

"No... We go through with the plan... We have to finish this." Then Leomon twisted the blade again. "FUCK!"

"Attention on me, bitch." He lifted me up by my throat and let go of the sword. It hurt like hell as gravity started to pull it down a little. "Now, what's really going on? Why are you holding back?" he asked

"I just cleaned my fur, and I don't want your filthy blood all over it." I gave him a nice bloody spit to the face just to emphasize my point.

He wiped it off and replied, "You won't have to worry about that, because when I'm done with you, I'll skin you alive!" Then he threw me into the warehouse and I crashed through the wall.

. . .Seth POV. . .

"Ok, and al-most, there," I said as I typed the last line of code into the control screen. "Who would have thought that my past self could mess with digi-world tech. Thank you, brain." I gave my head a little pat as well. It kind of made me feel like a third grader.

"AHHH.. !" Mirari screamed in my head.

"Mirari!" I yelled.

"I...I'm fine. Are you.. done yet?"

"Yah. Mirari please get out of there," I pleaded.

"No... We go through with the plan... We have to finish this."

"UGH," I groaned, "she is going to get herself killed if she doesn't get him here soon." Suddenly, Mirari came crashing through the wall and landed right in the middle of the room as if the universe answered my plea, although in a way I wasn't hoping for. Leomon came walking into the room a few seconds later making his way to where Mirari lay.

"Come on just a few feet further." I was watching from the control room where the Watchmon where.

"Now, let's finish this," Leomon said while standing over her.

"Yes, let's. Mirari, now!" I shouted over the speaker. I slammed down a button and that's when the tables turned. Mirari phased behind Leomon, put him in some kind of hold, and slammed him face first into the floor all in less than two seconds. At the same time, the button I hit activated the digizoid-lined walls, repaired the damaged one, and activated the new feature I programed into them.

"You bitch! I'll- AHHHHH!" screamed Leomon, who was still in Mirari's hold.

"This is how that sword felt, only with a 300% increase," she laughed. "Now, what were you saying?"

"H..how are.. you doing this?"

"Allow me to explain," I said. "These walls were designed to deaden telepathy, right? Well, lucky for me, my old self knew how to convert them to do just the opposite, and now so do I. Now all telepathy is amplified to the point where one can even transfer feelings."

"Pain for example," said Mirari. Then she sent another wave of excruciating pain through Leomon. "Me and you are going to have fun. Then I'll kill you." She smiled evilly while she spoke.

"Wait Mirari. Don't kill him." I said.

"But he.."

"I know, but he never actually hurt me and that's worth something isn't it? For some reason, I just can't have you kill him."

"But we killed rouges all the time," she pointed out.

"This just feels different. I can't explain it," I sighed.

"Ugh, fine, but I'm going to make sure he never bothers us again."

I thought about what she was implying for a moment. "Fine, do what you have to do but I don't want to see it." Then I made my way out of the warehouse. I made it outside when the screams started. The horrible, gut-churning screams and pleas for mercy, but none came. When Mirari was satisfied with her work she met me outside.

"Is he..?"

"Dead? No, but he is about as useful as a rock now," she replied. "There was no other way, Seth. He would have come for you again." She held my head in her hands and put her forehead to mine.

"Yah, I know," I mumbled. "Let's just head home."

"Gladly," she said. She guided my hand into my pocket and pulled out my digivice and shared some of her power to open a gate. She picked me up and carried me bridle-style into the gate as I fell asleep in her arms.