Soaring Emotions II: The Flight

Story by Empty Shadow on SoFurry

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Shane started to regain consciousness as he felt the sun fall gently upon his belly. He lay with his eyes shut, trying to hold on to the memory that he could only think of as a dream. As he turned his head he slowly opened his eyes to see that his green lover was in fact real, and still sleeping beside him. But there was something odd between them that took his focus away from the beautiful creature that lay before him. He blinked his tired eyes and brought a blur of red into focus. To his surprise he realized that this red patch of blur was actually sleek and scaly.

Staying perfectly still, he began to survey this curious fixture. It seemed to end not too far in front of him by sloping downward, and his vision was only able to follow it right to the bottom of his eyes. His mind was racing as the options were limiting on what this could be. In a fit of confusion he reached his arm up and tried to touch it. He was bewildered as he saw what entered his view instead of his hand. It was a powerful set of claws that glistened in the morning sun. Full control of this magnificent glove was his, as he wiggled its fingers and moved it in majestic circles. At this moment he realized what this red fixture in his vision was. It was a snout, his snout.

He lay there in disbelief staring at his claw as he heard a gentle whisper. "Good morning handsome" it said as he continued to figure out why he had claws and a snout. After a second he realized that he actually understood what the voice had said. Looking back over to his mate all doubt concerning the origin of the voice was removed as she opened her mouth and the words "You look much better in scales." came from it.

He blushed as his already red scales turned an embarrassing shade of crimson. He could hear her laugh softly as he continued to wear a look of confusion on his new face. "I'm a dragon?" he managed to asked as he brought his left claw into view to verify it with the other.

She slowly took her claw and ran it up against his snout, "You look like a dragon, you feel like a dragon, and you smell like a dragon. By golly you must be a dragon!" she proclaimed as she stood up and sarcastically acted surprised.

"I'm a dragon!" he repeated, but now in an excited, confident tone.

For his first action as a dragon he quickly got up, spread his wings, and pushed off the earth. As he lifted off he felt himself sway from left to right trying to find some sort of balance. A brisk wind made its presence known and he began to fall the little distance that he had managed to rise. During his decent he realized that it wasn't a good idea to try to use new appendages until he relearned how to use the ones he had lived all his life with. With a thud he landed at his mate's feet as she finally stopped laughing at his failed attempt at flight. "Are you ok?" she asked as she craned her neck to look him in the eyes.

He looked back up at her with his own set of brilliant yellow eyes as he politely and carefully asked her "Will you teach me to fly?"

She spread out her own set of wings and did her best to explain the complexity that is flight, "There isn't all that much to teach. Us dragons fly with our hearts more than we do with our wings."

After a couple of hours of being a dragon he started to realize what she meant. He was big, but he didn't feel heavy. He was warm, but could breath fire. He was wild, but felt more civilized than he had ever before. Walking was harder than he remembered, mostly because now he had a tail that would often wander around almost as if it had a life of its own. His tail fascinated him, when he moved it he could feel how he was using a part of his brain that had been dormant all his life. The tail seemed to have different sections to control it, kind of like the joints on an arm, although strangely they weren't joints but rather some odd form of muscle groupings. As he stood there staring at his tail wiggling it in all sorts of ways, his mate watched in amusement while she tried to explain what little she could. Being a dragon wasn't something you could learn how to do, it came from within.

The biggest question that the couple couldn't answer was, why? Why was he a dragon? Between the two of them they drew a magical conclusion. When they mated the night before, their souls came together and hers must have had an effect on his. After all, on a spiritual level it was no secret that dragons had more power than the humans could ever create with their silly statues. "I would have sought you out sooner if I'd have known THIS would happen" she confessed as they continued to come to terms with what had happened.

"You don't know how crummy it was to be a human" he complained "I was never happy and always dreamed of what it would be like to fly carelessly into the clouds."

"You're in the right place" she joked as they shared a laugh. Together they continued to talk about what it is like being a dragon, and worked together to help him realize his dragon name. He tried to say his human name quite a few times but it simply didn't sound right anymore. After trying to think of a name for quite some time he realized that it wasn't something he was suppose to come up with. Some how some way he already knew it, he just had to remember. With that mindset a stray thought soon entered his head, Vitalis. At that moment he knew that this was to be what he would be called from now on.

Once he felt comfortable enough with his new body he decided it was time to fly. The pair stood in a clearing as they nervously waited for the calm breeze to subside. "Remember that portion of your brain that moved your tail?" she asked as she moved her own.

"Of course, it feels so unique and rather pleasurable" he replied as he gave his own tail a swing.

"Well your going to need that to fly" she explained as the wind finally stayed still to let the dragons do their bidding. "Remember that is isn't all about your wings when you fly," she instructed "Use that part of your brain, and feel your heart guide you through the air."

He took a slow deep breath and felt the tension leave from his body as he pushed off the earth for the second time and felt himself leave the ground. With an instinctive flap of his wings he shot up into the air, balanced and stable.

Feeling the air rush by him, he glanced downward and watched as his mate rocketed up to join him. The breeze was back again but now he could feel himself adjusting to it ever so slightly. "Just follow me" she told him as she soared in front of him and took the lead. He floated effortlessly in her wake as they flew over the mountain range and out of the safety of the valley. She took a sharp turn up and he followed copying the moves that she displayed with little or no effort. One after the other they shot through the clouds and traveled above the fluffy white flooring without fear of being seen. They continued in this second world until she suddenly led him below the clouds again. During the decent back towards earth he heard her describe the purpose of the mission, "Now we hunt."

With the adrenaline pumping, the two dragons flew above the canopy as their feet rustled gently against the tops of trees. He watched from behind as his mate stared effortlessly into the forest, searching for prey. In the blink of an eye she shot down into the forest like a bullet with him closely behind. As he landed roughly in the clearing he watched as his mate proudly clenched a sheep in her jaws. While she basked in the glory of her catch she neglected to realize the danger she was in as a slayer crept up behind her. Flames narrowly missed him as the slayer dove for his life. Vitalis was furious, this was the best day of his life and some stupid human had to come and ruin it.

(Change in point of view)

Joel watched from the bushes as a green dragon dove from the sky and attacked the sheep that he had planned for his dinner. He knew this dragon very well, and had made it his personal mission to get revenge for the abduction of his best friend. The rest of the slayers had lagged behind as Joel continued to pursue the beast, and now here it was right in front of him. It was staring in the opposite direction, so he took advantage of this vulnerability and began to creep up behind it. He realized what she had been looking at as a stream of flames rocketed towards him. With his life on the line he dove as far as he could as he felt the burning flame melt the armor into his leg.

He lay there in unbelievable pain as the two dragons let our roars back and forth, deciding his fate. The ground shook violently as the green dragon finished arguing, picked up the meal, and flew off. While he was watching her disappear into the sky the red dragon approached. He had never seen this dragon before, and no one had ever mentioned it. Fearing for his life Joel did the only thing he knew how to do, draw his blade. The dragon let out a fierce growl while waving its claws wildly. Joel knew his life was going to end so he mustered up the last of his energy and threw his sword. As the sword flew threw the air the dragon let out another burst of flames and the sword lingered to the earth as ash. Joel curled into a ball and closed his eyes saying his final prayers while the dragon became more vocal and rightfully agitated. Time stood still for Joel as he lay vulnerable on the jungle floor. When he got the nerve to look at the beast it was gone, his life was spared.

(Back to Normal Point of View)

Suddenly Vitalis realized who this slayer was. It was Joel who had obviously wandered from the other slayers in order to find the dragon that had kidnapped his best friend. The slayer lay helplessly on the ground as Shane tried to explain to his mate. "It is my best friend" he yelled, attempting to stop his mate from finishing his good buddy off.

"It is a human" she argued "He tried to kill me!"

"Well he thought you killed me!" he cried "Let me try to talk to him."

She stomped the ground in frustration as she gave him the directions to the valley "Follow your heart and be home in time for dinner." With those words she grabbed the sheep and flew off into the air.

Walking over to his buddy he could see the fear and sorrow in the fragile human's eyes. As Vitalis approached, Joel clumsily brought out his blade. Vitalis waved his claws trying to get him to stop as he said in a calm voice "It is OK, it is me Shane." Without warning Joel hurled his blade and as it cut seamlessly through the air Vitalis toasted it as if it were a mere stick. He was starting to enjoy this whole being a dragon thing, the reflexes bordered on premonition. Ironically enough he never did see this situation coming. Watching as Joel curled into the fetal position he pleaded desperately with his old friend "Trust me, I'm OK. I can explain everything." At that moment reality kicked in and he realized the truth, as a dragon he could explain nothing to a human. As he flapped his wings and slowly left the ground he felt Joel's sorrow. Vitalis wanted to help, but he knew that the best thing he could do was to spare his old friend's life.

With a heavy heart he glided effortlessly into the valley. Storm clouds began to gather as the frustration in the air intensified. As he approached their cave he could smell the sheep and he could see his mate was waiting for him to eat. Like most good couples do, the two talked about their argument over a delicious dinner. By the time the sheep was nothing but bones the two had settled their differences and came to a mutual understanding. Vitalis had learned his lesson, and they both knew that this would not happen again. They weren't happy, but they understood each other and knew that love was more powerful than any disagreement they could ever have. The storm clouds continued to gather and hid the setting sun.

A gentle rain made its presence known as the two dragons began to cuddle. It had been a long day for them both but they felt their tension wash away as the water fell against their bodies. As they rubbed their snouts together their tongues slipped out of their mouth and winded together gracefully. The impact of his partner's warm breath sent tingles through his scales as he became aroused. He looked across the pair of snouts as their stunning yellow eyes shared a glance and he could see that she was also ready. Their bellies rubbed together as he slowly entered into her deep delicate vent and filled it. She let out a fragile murr as the two embraced each other with their hearts beating in unison.

Without saying a word they both pushed off the ground and flew upward towards the clouds. The rain beat harder against them as they rose into it. Their bodies were in a state of fluid and precise motion as they moved further into each other. The sets of wings moved simultaneously as the bodies pushed up against one another. They burst through the clouds and felt the gentle flutter of a brilliant sunset brush up against their warm wet bodies. The two dragons arched together as they made a U-turn and began a head first decent towards the ground. As they were falling he felt his heart race as her vent closed around him. He released his seed into her as an intense orgasm made its way through him. The unified couple felt weightless as they carelessly continued their decent towards Earth. Staying together as long as they could, they split apart at the least second, sending a trail of water in their wake. They turned around as if they were a synchronized program and drifted back towards one another as the rain began to let up.

When the two touched again they looked into each others eyes romantically, knowing each one had pleasured the other. He lifted her off the ground and carried her back to their dry cave to share their first night together as dragons. As he lay her down onto the cave floor she whispered softly in his ear "You love me like no one else ever could."

He whispered back "I didn't know what true love was before I met you" as he set her down on the dry cave floor. Then they rubbed their snouts together as the two lovers shared a soft growl and held each other close. Together they drifted off to sleep, looking forward to another day of love.