Wanting More Chapter 2

Story by Tigara on SoFurry

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Right so here we are at train stop number 2....the journey's getting mroe exciting now! Who likes who next and where does what happen? Well if I told you I'd ruin it so reading is the best solution for that algebraeic problem. Infant gadgets with hawky eyes.....I ain't your mom or dad so if you do happen to read this (which without a doubt you will because once again you wouldn't listen if I said no) and sue me....I swear I will send a werewolf right after your undeveloped bums! Hehe just kidding, just don't like....do any crazy shit! PART 2

> Vash peaked out the window as he heard the car door slam shut. Chika walked to the gate, accompanied by a Tiger, Vash recognized as Zack Terrington. After he had hugged her, Zack got back in his car and drove off. It was dark out by the time she got home. Vash quickly sat back down on the couch and flicked through the channels of the TV, hearing the lock click and Chika step into the house. She threw her keys aside and removed her jacket, shedding light on a very creative tank top and some loose jeans. "The company go out to dinner already?" She asked Vash. He nodded. "What about you?" "Didn't make it back in time" he replied, keeping his eyes on the TV. "Wasn't Jake with you?" she asked. "He's staying at Lucy's...asked me to stay too but her sister is very weird" "I could've told you that" She said, sitting down next to him after kicking off her shoes. "So how do you know Zack?" he asked, suddenly changing subject. "He's on my football team" she said, staring at the TV, looking equally hypnotized. "Where'd you guys go?" he continued to interrogate her. "He offered to take me out to dinner...can't say no to an offer involving food" she laughed, he didn't join her. "How much do you know about him?" "I'm sorry?" she frowned, looking at him in confusion to his random change of tone. "He's a jerk Chika" Vash stated bluntly. "I think you should let me be the judge of that..." she defended. "Obviously he's not gonna come right out and say it. All he wants is to get laid" "So going out to dinner now means that I'm dating a guy" she became serious as well. "No, I'm just saying don't come home crying because he doesn't want to marry you when the time comes" He hit her hard. In honesty he could have said it in a nicer way, but somehow he was angry at her, or at Zack, or at both of them...or even probably at himself. "Wow what competition did you lose to want a rebound so badly that you let your shit out on me?" she shook her head. "I'm trying to help you, unless you like getting treated like a tramp" "Did you just call me a tramp?" she grew louder. "Man you really don't understand what I'm saying do you?" "What the hell is wrong with you Vash!" "It just doesn't fucking look good if you go around with certain people!" he scowled back. "It doesn't look good? Why is it any concern of yours how I look? What's this really about?" "It's about you getting in the wrong cars!" "I'm sorry DAD, I wasn't aware I had car arrest!" she scoffed. "Stop acting like a smart ass, I just know some things better than you" he penetrated. "Whatever..." she rolled her eyes, taking the remote out of his hands because he was flicking through the same channels over and over again. "What the..." he said viciously, reaching to grab it back but she slapped his arm out of the way. He attempted again and again, all to the same result, soon evolving into an arm fight between the two looking like a snake salad of arms. "Gimme the friggin' remote Chika!" "You're not watching anything anyway!" she growled, slapping his hand away from her. He grabbed her wrists quickly, because they were waving all over the place, slapping him in the face occasionally. She wanted to pull away from his grip but he overpowered her and leaned over her pressing her down onto the couch harshly. "Stop it!" Even though she wiggled and twisted underneath him he held on tight and pressed her in harder, a glare that shone with cruel intent hit her face. "Stop it! You're hurting me! Vash!" she shouted, blowing the hair out of her face and panting breathlessly as he finally snapped out of his anger outburst. He looked down at her with a frown, frozen onto of her, firm grip on her wrists. He as a monster, he thought, letting go of her and getting off, walking to his room and shutting the door quickly to have his privacy. Chika still laid there, frowning up at the ceiling in confusion, Vash had never once been violent to her, nor had he been that serious. Slowly she sat up and looked at the shut door, the TV running in the background. What was happening to him? He wondered, laying in his bed, back facing the door. If he didn't know any better he'd think he was jealous of Zack, but why? The bed felt like it had a thousand needles on it, every position was discomforting, even his mind couldn't be at ease. If he recalled how he treated Chika he wanted to get a gun and shoot himself for it. If anyone had treated her like that in his presence he would've beaten the living hell out of them and now he became exactly that person which he despised. Over the next few days Vash kept his distance from Chika, no eye contact, no conversations, in fact, no talking unless he absolutely had to. After the third day of silence Chika looked for his conversation and had her predictions verified that he was ignoring her. Breakfast, he was absent; lunch, he ate at work; dinner, he went out. "Jake..." Chika knocked on the door after school one day when Vash was still at work. "Hm?" he answered lazily. Chika entered quietly, shutting the door after her and sitting down on Jake's bed with him. "What's up with Vash?" she asked, hoping for answers. "Why what should be up?" Jake asked bewildered. "Well...he's kinda been ignoring me lately." She told him. "Seriously? Well he ain't told me nothin' about that." Jake shared. "Can you ask him?" she begged. "Why don't you?" he said. "Because...I can't." "What? That's it? Just an 'I can't' and you expect me to take it and leave it like that? No, no...you want me to ask him then you come to the picnic today." He bargained. "What picnic?" she asked displeased, she wanted to go out with Zack again today. "The fund raiser picnic...Lucy'll be there too." He explained. "Ugh, fine but then you'll ask....Tonight!" she pointed at him in threat. "Yea yea, cool your iron's woman, go get ready we're leaving in a bit." He waved her off. Chika gave him a dull look before rolling off his bed and heading to her room to change. Still he treated her like the small insignificant wolf in the pack, but she waved it off as jealousy because guys liked her more than girls liked him...even though girls did like him a whole lot. As she came downstairs, she went to the kitchen to help Jake with some of the bags that held their over-large blanket and drinks, and went out front to the car to dump them in the trunk. "Um Jake...where's the...where's the car?" "Right there" he replied quickly, pointing to a distant car that was swiftly approaching. Chika looked over the car carefully, only three people in her family had a license, spare her parents, and since two of them were standing there, that only left Vash as a possible candidate. "Why didn't you tell me he was coming too?" she said through gritted teeth, giving Jake a hard punch in his shoulder. "Thought I'd make things interesting" he chuckled, grabbing her around the neck and attempting to ruffle her hair. "Lemme go you dweeb!" she shouted with a certain seriousness as Vash parked in front of them, avoiding eye contact with either of them until they got on. He stepped on the gas when Jake was barely in the car and sped off towards the picnic. Chika grabbed Jake just before he lost balance, giving Vash a look of distraught through the front mirror. Once they reached the park where the 'big' fund raiser picnic was to take place, Chika got out of the car, grabbing the bags and going to find a spot for them to settle down on. Jake and Vash followed, talking and laughing about the night before. Chika rolled her eyes at Vash's ignorance, angry that he was being such a jerk to her and seemed to be fine with everyone else which made it hard to prove her case. "Man that was wicked, did you see how I almost flew out of the car before?" Jake laughed, giving Vash a shove that sent him a few steps to the right. Vash snickered in return, taking off his shoes and sitting down on the blanket that Chika had laid out for them. Lucy joined them shortly after, jumping on Jake and wrapping her legs around him to greet him with a lusty kiss. Vash turned away, looking at something other than the sexual scene presented to him. Chika patiently waited for them to finish before running to Lucy and attacking her with a hug. The hug was generously returned, temporarily making Jake and Vash absent from the scene. "It's been too long" Lucy laughed. "It has! Who's fault is that missy?" Chika returned. "Mine. But hey, I'm making up for it now, aren't I? So how've you?" she said enthusiastically. "I've been good...great actually. You?" "Oh don't act like you don't know" she waved, "You look good Chick" "Likewise Luke" Chika laughed, she'd completely forgotten about their nicknames for each other. "You do look good, and you look good too, and I know I look good so can we stop having all this girl on girl talk and get back to the guy on girl kissing with the invisible boyfriend?" Jake interrupted. Lucy pushed her hand in his face playfully, laughing and wrapping her arm around him, but still facing Chika. "Oh hey, what are you doing next Saturday? There's this party down town, my brother's 25th, you should come!" Lucy continued, disregarding Jake who was fiddling with her skirt, pulling it down a little to see what she was wearing under it, she simply slapped his arm away and continued talking. "Can't" she smiled. "Zack's bought tickets to the championship football league and guess who he's taking with him?" She squealed. "What people see in football I'll never understand" Lucy sighed, wrinkling her lip in dislike. "And you're going?" Vash suddenly came back from planet Pluto, his voice was so surprising to Chika because he had ignored her for the longest time. "Of course I'm going! What did you think?" she laughed stutteringly. "Man can't you see what he's doing? Do you think he's not gonna want something in return for the tickets" he said with a 'hint hint' tone. "Wow you're unbelievable. I've been wanting to go to the championships ever since I knew they existed and now I'm given the chance to go without paying a cent and you'd have me reject such an offer" she defended. "Hey we're gonna go behind a bush or something....let you two fight out your love-bird issues" Jake joked and picked Lucy into his arms, running away with her to a more populated area of the field. "Wait!" Chika whined, not wanting to be alone with Vash, she despised him in that moment, for trying to bash her happiness because of his personal issues. "Great" "You're not going" he persisted, trying to win his case. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I had to ask my brothers friend for permission...how could I have been so foolish" she argued sarcastically. "Right so you'd have sex with a guy because he buys you tickets to a stupid game?" Vash stayed calm and cool. "Who said anything about sex?" she grew louder and more agitated. "Guys" Dargo tried to interrupt but remained unheard. "No one has to say it to know that's what he'll want you to give him after." "My God you're superstitious!" she shook her head. "Guys" Dargo repeated. "WHAT!" They both turned to him and shouted in unison. Dargo raised his arms in submission, fearing he might be eaten by both of them in a minute. "You're causing a scene." He pointed out, making them aware of the onlookers that had taken interest in their argument. "Not funny...that's my job remember" "Apart from that you sound like an old couple" Falk suddenly appeared behind them out of seemingly nowhere. Chika got chills down her spine when she heard his ice cold deep voice on the back of her neck. She turned around and saw him way too fucking close to her, and he was taller too. "Distance please...." She said stepping away from him and muttering "pervert". "Hey Chika will you come to get some food with me?" Dargo begged her. "Please?" "Gladly" she said with a certain roughness in her voice as she eyed Vash and gave him an evil glare, walking away from him and Falk with Dargo. Once she was out of earshot, Vash released an extremely angry sigh that caught Falks attention. "Do you love her?" he asked dully. "Dude! Who shit in your head?" he rampaged in his rage. "Hey it's cool if you love her, I completely understand. She's got a nice ass..." Falk continued, speaking in his low, hushed tone as always, looking at her walk away with his arms folded in front of her chest. Vash frowned and gulped in disgust, turning his head to Falk and looking him up and down, completely weirded out by his statement. "Man she's your sister!" He reminded him. "I'm just saying...if she wasn't I'd definitely try my luck with her." He persisted. "Falk!" Mina's voice almost echoed through his head making him twitch. "Fuck. Gotta go!" he said, making his leave and before Vash could look twice he simply vanished. "Like a fucking ninja" he muttered to himself. "Hey Vash have you seen Falk?" Mina asked happily, wearing an outfit that brought out her feminine figure even more. "Um...why?" he asked. "No reason, I just wanted to walk with him." She nudged her shoulers. "I see. Well not that Falk's one for walks but I ain't seen him" he lied. "Dammit! Where is that useless piece of fur" she grumbled, walking away. Vash exhaled sharply, kicking the ground and walking over to the punch table to get a beer. "Hey Dargo" Jin Taylor whispered in his ear, blushing a little. He dropped the scoop with punch in it because he jumped by the sudden beautiful interruption of a voice he quite fancied. "Jin! H--h--hey how's you?" He said nervously, shoving his plate at Chika to take for him. Chika took the plate with a dull look, watching them walk away, talking and laughing, leaving her there alone surrounded by a way to fierce biker leopard and a nerdy looking horse chemistry professor. -wow- she thought to herself, wondering if the day could get any worse. "Beta!" a familiar voice called and made her jump a little, coincidence, she thought, just my imagination. "Zack?" she asked surprised, seeing the tiger approach. "What are you doin here?" "Heard you got dragged along, so I came to give you some company." He smiled sheepishly. "Oh thank God, I thought I'd die here." She exhaled happily. "Here it was Dargo's plate but he ditched me for Jin so yea you can have it" "How thoughtful" he said in irony, taking the plate and walking to a bench with her. "Guess you bought me dinner tonight then" "Guess again, my brother paid for it" she corrected, walking to the bench next to a rather large fichus. Just as she almost stood an armslngth away from the bench, Falk jumped out from behind it and looked around suspiciously. "What the hell!" she jumped, giving her retarded brother a furious look that said: 'fuck off or I'll strangle you later'. But he was too preoccupied to notice this. "Falk!" Mina's voice called. "Dammit the woman just doesn't give up" he hissed, sprinting away into the darkness like a player in the game battlefield 2, hiding from his enemy. Zack and Chika stared at him in confusion as he became scarce until he was finally completely oblivious. "You're brother....scares the shit out of me" Zack admitted. "Not only you" she agreed, finally sitting down and picking on her food. "We're still on for next Saturday right?" Zack assured. "Yea of course! Why?" She spat, covering her mouth as she noticed she was being ill mannered. "Just a question, I wasn't sure if you were serious." "Of course I was serious, I've always wanted to go!" "Good. 'Cause I can't think of anyone I'd rather go with, so it'd be hard to replace you. Not so many Beta's around the world." He smirked. Beta was the name the football team had given her because she always rebelled against any and everything. Since the team's tag was Alpha-Beasts, they decided on Beta as a suitable name for her. "You're being modest" she tried to hide her blush. Somewhere in the distance Vash was watching the two of them, scoffing as he saw how easily Chika bought into his bullshit. He grew even angrier than he already was, grabbing another beer and walking to the other side of the park where he wouldn't have to watch her make the biggest mistake of her life. No, he wanted her to make the mistake so she'd regret not listening to Vash earlier. "There you are!" Mina called, attacking Falk from behind as he was lurking in the shadow of a tree, unfortunately he'd been looking in the wrong direction so he hadn't seen her coming. "Been looking everywhere for you" "Have you? Why's that?" he gulped uncomfortably, she seemed to be the only one who's hair at the back of her neck didn't stand up like pickers every time she saw him. He wasn't sure if he fancied it that much because Mina scared him with her feminine-power, he was sure she could make any alpha wolf weep like a cub, because even though she was physically weak, she had mind power...weird shit, he thought, the kind that made you feel unwelcome in your own skin. Somehow as if, if you didn't do as she said you'd have all hell to pay. "Because I want to show you something, silly." She smiled. "Ah. And what's that?" he twitched again, trying to play it cool and seem his usual creepy self. Two things happened next that went so fast, he could barely register even one of them. Mina grabbed either side of her buttoned dress and ripped it open, grabbing him by the sleeve and pulling him into the bush behind them violently. He growled, clawing at her to get away but once that scent hit his nose, the sex-addicted beast inside him woke up again and grabbed her by either shoulder, pushing her against the bark of the tree they were within and lifting her onto his half erect cock. Meanwhile, Dargo was nervously walking next to Jin, hyper as he was anyone who didn't know him would've guessed he fell into a pot of Red Bull when he was born. Jin, shyly strolled next to him in the degrading light of dusk, making as much small talk as possible because the silence killed her. She soon found that talking to him was easy because he seemed to love talking, even if it didn't make sense, it make her laugh and kept the mood up, so what the heck. "And I like running around the yard with the twins, they can never beat me though, they're too weak and small. They'll grow, but I still don't think they'll ever beat me because I'm too fast for them. I also like monopoly. Do you like monopoly? Because if you do you could come over one day and we could play monopoly! I could even get my sister to play, Chika hates it but she likes me, so if I ask her nicely she'd play too. And I can force the twins to play with us...I pretty much control them anyway since mommy's always busy with Arro, she's too small to so anything but cry and cry and cry all day. I hope she grows out of that, do you have any sisters? Or brothers? Or both? Because they could come over and play with my sisters and brothers if they wanted to. OH! And then we could take turns playing monopoly!" he finally took a small break to inhale deeply. He noticed that Jin was giggling to herself because he talked so much, so fast that it was hard for her to even try to answer his questions. "Something funny?" Dargo asked suddenly, looking around himself as if he missed something. "Mhm" she nodded, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Jin! Honey let's go home!" Her mother called from the distance. "Coming!" she shouted back. "I gotta go, see you at school?" and off she ran, leaving Dargo there, for the first time in, probably his life, completely silent and motionless. The girl he liked just kissed him on the cheek...where was he? It had to be heaven. Finally he was smacked back down to earth with so much more energy than before (who could've believed it was possible?). He ran back to the centre of attention, into the crowd by the picnic and began looking for his own mom to tell her his fortunate news, he shared everything with his mother. "Oh yes" Mina whispered in his ear as he rode her, having her firmly pressed against the tree, branches slightly irritating her skin, rubbing against her similarly to how Falk was. She had her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him ever so close to her, feeling the tree shake with each thrust he submitted to her pulsing cunt. Occasionally strangers walked by and would see the tree shake, quickly walking on out of fear that something ferocious might jump out and ambush them -the superstition of people-. "Is that the hardest you can go?" she said a big too loudly, forcing Falk to slap his paw on her mouth because he didn't want anyone finding him out. "Shut up will you. God you're annoying" he half moaned, half growled, humping her harder to shut her up. She loved his resentment, it made her lick her teeth in excitement and made her orgasm at least a few minutes earlier, this time almost in unison with him. He panted louder and faster than her this time as he leaned against her and the tree for support because apart from having sex, which in itself was energy sucking, he also had her lifted against the tree to his hips. Supporting all her feminine flesh and humping, to her request, as hard as he did, he could have fallen asleep right there and then, but she simple smiled and laughed pleasurably as he panted away like a sweaty boxer after a life threatening match. He pulled out of her as soon as his knot retracted enough, almost dropping her to the floor; she was his sister, what did he care if she got hurt? Besides, she liked being treated rough, and he knew this about her because he had studied her ever since he first recognized his...'problem'. "We should get back...mom'll want to go soon." he said in his hushed cold tone, buttoning his shirt and moving back into the moonlight, out of the tree, not waiting for her. Mina quickly buttoned her dress back up and rushed out to follow him back to population. "...nd then I invited her over to play monopoly like a gentleman would, and her brothers and sisters also and then she started laughing and then...and then" his lip quivered at the marvelous thought. "...she kissed me right here on the cheek!" he squealed, Falk and Mina approaching, Falk giving him a dull look, surprised by his excitement over a pecker on the cheek. He couldn't recall being so naïve about kissing when he was fourteen. "That's great honey! You guys ready?" Kaya asked, rocking Arro in her arms a bit because she began to coo. They nodded, Falk barely enough energy left to even nod. He had his hands tucked in his pockets, like always, and simply followed them silently to the car. "What about Neo, Sai and Nib?" Dargo asked. "They're waiting in the car...let's go" Kaya explained. "And Chika, Jake and Vash?" Mina asked. "They have their own car...besides, from my knowledge, Jake's sleeping by Lucy tonight." Kaya continued, walking to the car with the rest of them. "Not fair, why do they always go in their group and never take me with them?" Mina complained. "Because you're annoying" Falk grunted. "Shut up asshole, you didn't mind me being annoying a while ago" she eyed him and he fell silent, apart from a few inaudible mumbles to himself. "Hey listen, gotta split, but I'll see you on Thursday at practice right?" Zack asked. "Right!" she nodded. "Aight, see you then yea?" he said kissing her left, then right cheek and getting up. "Can't wait" he added before he ran off and vanished. Chika smiled, not sure how she felt about him, but Vash was completely wrong about him. She looked around for Vash or Jake, but somehow everyone had vanished, even the big crowd of classmates and their parents had thinned vastly and now consisted of merely a few drunk adults and a few normal ones. She decided to get up and check by the blanket that she had laid out for...absolutely no reason because no one had sat on it. She sighed, not surprised to find it abandoned as well. "You ready or you wanna talk some more with your new boyfriend?" Vash's voice hissed behind her. "Where's Jake?" she ignored him, not wanting to cause a scene. "Probably falling over Lucy in her bed." He informed. "Great...they all leave me alone again" she muttered. "Are you ready then?" he asked. "I'll wait in the car, get the blanket" she ordered, walking away before he could protest. He cursed under his breathe, grabbing the blanket and pushing it into a ball before tucking it under his arm, walking to the car, still cursing and mumbling to himself. The whole drive nothing was said, no eye contact, not even arguments. It seemed that what was once a happy, full-of-life brother-sisterly relationship had degraded into two miserable, predators forced to live with one another. hope you enjoyed this one too....I'll get to part 3 as soon as I can, but I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I might only be able to submit it next week. Please be patient!

Wanting More

Part 1 of this story is mainly the plot, at the end I included a lil bit a SmEX because I figured all the horny people would die if I made them read all this without a reward \*wink\* This story is about an adopted son (Vash), who finds out that his...

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