Wanting More

Story by Tigara on SoFurry

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Part 1 of this story is mainly the plot, at the end I included a lil bit a SmEX because I figured all the horny people would die if I made them read all this without a reward *wink* This story is about an adopted son (Vash), who finds out that his 'sister' (not by blood) has a crush on him but he can't return the feeling since she's only 13 and undeveloped. However as she turns 18 the tables turn. I am gonna mix alot of different story plots into this since it is a family of 11 wolves....which calls for at least 3 different plots....so get ready for something special. Guys and girlies under 18.....if you read this and become like a horny sex beast in your later life....I take no responsibility *wink*, it's kinda hard to tell you not to read this because you wouldn't listen anyway....or would you??? doesn't my honest just kill you? Ok enuff of this let's start the actual story!!!! PART 1

> "Vash...I-I--I think I l-love you" Chika said, fading away as the big L word came on. Vash immediately sat up straight and lifted her head off his lap. "Don't be silly Chika, you're too young to even know what that is. Besides, I'm too old for you and you're like a little sister to me" he threw words that weighed a thousand pounds on Chika's vulnerable heart. Thump....Thump, her heartbeat slowed as the realization of what Vash had said with a dry sense of humor, hit her. Slowly she lifted her upper body into an upright position, sitting beside Vash and staring him directly in his piercing hazel eyes and evenly slowly, the corner of her eyes submitted the salty liquid known as tears and made their way down her embarrassed cheeks. "Why are you crying?" he asked dumbly as if he didn't already know. "W--were you serious?" he rephrased in shock. Chika knew if she opened her mouth to talk, the tears that she was holding back would run freely and her words would sound distorted, so in her humiliation she sprang up and ran away from him, shutting the bathroom door loudly to mute her sobs and curling up in a ball on the floor. Vash quickly stood and followed her, pounding on the locked bathroom door, completely ambushed by her random reaction. "Chika come on! Open the door...This is nuts, you're acting like a baby!!!" he shouted, getting angry that the door remained bolted. Her muffled cries were all he heard, leaning against the door for quite some time. "Look I'm sorry for calling you a baby will you please come out?" ...no reply. "Goddammit woman what is the matter with you?" he pounded at the door one last time after a long break and the silence that followed. "Dude keep it down what's goin' on man?" Jake asked in a hoarse voice, it was obvious that he'd been sleeping. "Chika locked herself in the bathroom and won't come out" he flicked annoyed, feeling his predator blood rush in his rage. "Why'd she lock herself in? She didn't make the team?" Jake asked half assedly, yawning and scratching the back of his head. "Dude just leave her man, you know how she gets. If you give it attention she'll never stop. Ignorance is the key buddy." "Yea guess you're right, it is kinda unfair though that they don't let her on the team cause she's a girl." Vash sounded, walking to the bedroom with Jake, glancing back at the bathroom door with a half angry, half anxious frown before he shut the bedroom door and assumed his position at the bottom of the bunk bed right beside a single bed where Jake plumped down, another bunk bed and a cradle filled the room completely with the scent of young masculine wild beasts. On top of Vash, Dargo was sleeping effortlessly, snoring away in his bliss as he twisted and turned on his little-man bed like the second hand of a common watch. Jake was the oldest in the family, 16 he was, a bleak few compared to Vash's 17 years of alpha pride but then again Vash wasn't part of the family...not by blood anyway. Vash's parents had been shot when he was a young cub, 3 maybe 4 years old, and Jakes father found him abandoned in the woods. Being utterly impressed by Vash's will to survive, he took him in and adopted him as the alpha son. Next came Falk, 12 years old, the silent one of the bunch, he slept on the bottom bunk of the next bed, but it seemed as if he wasn't there because neither his breathing, nor his movement could be heard. Dargo had just turned 9, he was the hyper one, never wore out. The top bunk bed, above Falk was home to Nib; the 5 year old cub who always wanted part in everything. And in the cradle, lay Neo and Sai, twins, inseparable 2 year olds. Neo was already protective of his twin sister, never letting her out of site...and if someone took her away, he cried. Much unlike the guys' room, the girls room seemed like an abandoned castle. It was the same size, just much less crowded. A single bunk bed satisfied the room. On top was Mina, 11 and most girly in her figure and character. She was the female pride of the family, much fancying things female wolves would and always felt disgruntled to any dirty work. Last and most rebellious of all, Chika; 13 years old and always dragging along with the guys or wandering off alone and causing everyone distress and premature anxiety attacks. Grey and Kaya slept in the "big wolves" room as Nib called it. Parents and guardians of the bunch of 9 adolescent wolves, 8 of which they had gladly conceived. They knew fairly little about the troubles between their young, Grey always argued that if they didn't learn to talk it out amongst themselves at an early age...they would fail as pack leaders of family members. Even though Kaya didn't necessarily agree, Grey did have the alpha card and in some things, even she was forced to obey. "Mommy I want the cereal!!!" Dargo screamed into the chaotic overlapping voices in the kitchen, running around wildly and jumping up and down to make himself seem bigger and get the attention he needed to ease his hunger. "Hey little fella why don't you give your mom a break and sit here nice and quietly with Falk and wait your turn" Grey interrupted, grabbing him under his arm and resting him down beside Falk before ruffling his already wild hair. "But I don't wanna sit with Falk...he's always boring!" Dargo whined. "Well then maybe you should teach him some of your tricks" Grey said sternly in his morning voice. "Here's your cereal little dude" Vash said giving both Daro and Falk a bowl, of course first Dargo got otherwise there would be a rampage about how unfair it was that Falk got food before Dargo. Kaya was busy feeding the twins, Grey never joined the morning kitchen chaos he simply got what he needed and withdrew to the balcony to read the paper, so Vash and Jake took care of the little ones...of course with Mina dictating how they were doing things wrong and not the lady-like way. Nib was propped in the middle of the table, mouth full of coco puffs and hands in everything that looked like food; simply put: he was sticky all about. "right that should be the last of them" Jake exhaled, grabbing one of the last two bowls for him and Vash and getting himself breakfast at last. But there were three bowls, he frowned. "Who did we forget?" "Have you two seen Chika?" Kaya asked finally as the count of heads only came to 8. "Please don't tell me she's still in the bathroom" Jake mumbled irritated, slouching his shoulders and dragging himself to the bathroom. "Why is she in the bathroom?" Kaya asked. "She never spends more than three minutes in there" "No idea she just disappeared in there yesterday and hasn't come out since" Vash informed her, taking one of the twins to help Kaya dress them for day-care. "Did she not make the team again?" Kaya asked immediately making Vash laugh sheepishly. "Why is that the first thing that everyone guesses?" "Because she gets extremely moody when she's been left out...Hey guys stop fooling around and get ready for school!" Kaya interrupted, hearing a food fight about to break out in the kitchen from her room where she changed and cleaned the twins with Vash. "Dude she's gone" Jake burst into the room. "What do you mean she's gone?" Vash asked, instantly feeling guilty for how he had said what he said the day before when she confessed her love for him. "I dunno, not in the bathroom...not in her room...nowhere...gone! Poof." Jake explained. Kaya frowned, turning to Jake and giving him a slightly anxious expression. "What are you guys all riled up about. She's fine, probably just ran away for a few hours. It's Chika, by her you can be sure she's fine when she's missing." Grey cut the tension cord. "Get to school and do your maths, let other people's problems be other people's problems" Kaya smiled a masked smile and nodded enthusiastically, heading out of the room with the twins and calling the group to the car. "Let's go guys!" Vash gave Jake a look of concern, but Jake brushed it off with a careless nudge, Grey did have a point, Chika always just came and went for a few days...she should be fine. Once they got to school everything fell into the normal routine, Vash had the hardest time because it was his graduation year, after which he would work at the carpenter factory that Grey owned. He was primarily glad to get out of school, Vash was the type of wolf that every girl wanted to date but he could never return the favor because he simply lost interest in girls through their degrading actions of trying to get him to go out with them. Besides, the family kept him occupied enough without having to worry about another canine. Though this day at school was superficial for Vash, his mind was still on Chika, up until he went to bed last night he was still hanging with the thought that she meant a more brotherly love than anything else, never had he thought that she of all people would for one thing, feel that way about anyone and for another thing, admit it. On his walk home he grew more and more concerned because all day he hadn't seen her, she wasn't in school and nowhere else where he had looked. Somehow, as if he had wished it, suddenly there she sat; on a common street bench, knees pulled to her chest and staring at the ground as if it were TV. The concrete wall that had formed around Vash's guilty heart dropped instantly as he nearly sprinted over to her, dropping a few pieces of paper here and there from his folder. "Where the hell were you all day?" he scolded breathlessly. "Everyone's really worried" he lied. Sullen eyes rose from the ground and stared at Vash weakly. "I'm sorry, I just needed some time to...think" she said so quietly that it was almost a whisper. Vash sat down beside her, calming down and trying not to seem to aggressive after he noticed that she wasn't spirited enough to take a buffing. "You had me scared for a while there..." he admitted with a comforting voice and a warm smile. "I'm sorry" her voice faded, returning her eyes to the floor. "Look Chika, I'm sorry about what said last night, I was being an idiot for how I said it. I mean I do love you but more as a sister. I am after all 5 years older than you, but I didn't think you meant it in that way so I just joked about it because I thought you meant the love a sister feels for a brother." He explained. "WOAH! I did mean that kind of love! Ew! Vash, that's just wrong...seriously." She proclaimed. "Oh...you did?" Vash asked with a confused frown. "Um...Yea!" she sing-songed. "Then why did you run off crying?" he asked still confused. "Because I didn't make the team!" she explained. "So this was all just a misunderstanding?" He asked dumbly. "Definitely!" she shuddered. "So we're good?" he asked getting a nod and a smile in return. "Good, let's go home then." "Well, I just want to sit here for a while if you don't mind...alone" she pleaded. Vash looked at her for a moment, then nodded and stood up to leave her be. As his back was turned, footsteps growing more and more distant he failed to notice the painful and sacrificial look in Chika's eyes as she watched him leave her there alone, to deal with her crush and get rid of it without anyone finding out. 5 Years Later "Yo Vash let's go I really wanna get in the water man" Jake's far deeper voice called. "Chill out man I'm just getting' my towel" Vash said back, opening the bathroom door and walking in with Jake closely behind him as he too forgot about his towel. If Vash had had anything in his hands by the time he opened the door he would've dropped it there and then. "What the Fuck Falk!" Jake shouted disgusted seeing his little 17 year old brother jerking off next to the glass-door shower where Chika was blindly washing herself, completely oblivious to the imposter standing just outside the distorted glass frame. "Shit! Do you guys not believe in privacy man!" Falk called back angrily, quickly pulling up his pants. "We do but apparently you don't man she's your sister you sick fuck!" Jake gagged. Chika finally noticed the commotion was coming from in the bathroom, due to extremely thin walls in the house, one could never be too sure where the noise came from. "Ah! What the hell is wrong with you guys! Get out!" she scolded. "What's going on in here?" Kaya interrupted loudly as she heard screams and commotion. "Aw mom not you too!" Chika whined, slipping her right arm and right side of her chest out of the shower and pointing to her towel. "Vash gimme the damn towel!" she growled angrily. "Oh don't be like that...there's nothing you have that I ain't seen already!" Kaya snapped. "That doesn't mean I want you to see it everyday. VASH! Dammit." She cursed at him as he stood there frozen. "Living with a bunch of goddamn perverts" Finally Vash shook himself out of it and grabbed the towel, handing it to her. "S--sorry" he mumbled. Falk had long since made his way to sneak out of the bathroom but Jake had grabbed him by the hair and spun him to face Jake. "How many times have you done that before you freak?" "None of your damn business pissbrain!" he was still angry, slapping Jake's hand away from him and slipping out quickly before disappearing completely. "What a twisted guy" Jake shook his head looking after Falk. "You'd figure that at least one out of a pack of 9'd be normal but they get weirder and weirder." Kaya shoved Jakes head as if to say 'stop being such a smart-ass' and went back to the balcony to explain to Grey what happened as she knew he'd be excessively curious, even if he never admitted it. Chika frowned at Vash who had gone quiet and slipped into trance. "What are you staring at dork? Aren't you going to the beach?" she rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, annoyed by her invaded privacy. She held the towel tightly to her coat, feeling irritated and spied on. "What the hell is up with you dude?" Jake asked, giving Vash a shove. "Hm? Oh me? Um...nothing! Towels..." he stuttered, grabbing two clean towels and walking to the car, avoiding eye contact with Jake. He shook his head as he got in the driver seat of his hoodless jeep, ready to head to the beach. Jake jumped in and slammed the side of the door as a signal to the driver to step on it. "Dude we gotta pass by Lucy's...her sis and her are coming along. Might actually get laid tonight" he chuckled, his girlfriend normally never came along to anything public. "Man why do you date her if you have nothing in common?" Vash asked pointlessly. "Simple my friend...she's hot and damn good in bed!" he replied. "You do know that you're the horniest of your kind right?" Vash smirked. "And proud of it!" Jake pumped up his chest. Chika slipped on her clothes, it didn't take her long to get dressed and ready, she was after all just like one of the guys. The only difference between her and a guy was her stunningly feminine body that was semi-athletic in build and basically perfect for any kind of sports; which in her mind was the best thing that could happen to her because after four years of proving she was one of the guys, she finally made the football team. "I'm out!" She shouted through the house, walking towards the door in quickstep. "Where are you going?" Mina asked, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. "Out..." she said. "Can I come?" she begged. "No! Don't you have any friends?" Chika scoffed, taking one last look in the mirror beside the door and fixing her long hair. "They're all busy studying! Please Chika?" Mina begged, her much more voluptuous breasts pouncing up and down as she jumped with her hands clasped tightly together as if she was praying for a miracle. "I said no! Get less geeky friends if you wanna go out. See you later dad!" she shouted up the stairs, knowing Grey hated it when he didn't know where she was. "Don't forget the dinner tonight" Kaya shouted after her. "I can't promise anything!" Chika called and walked out the door shutting it hard in Mina's face. "Not fair...selfish bitch." She mumbled, going into the guys' room to try and persuade them to play monopoly or something with her. Once she got in the room, she saw Falk in his 'dark' corner, he had pushed the bunk so close to the wall that he lived in a corner. He had a dark blue scarf wrapped around most of the other two free sides of the bed so that it became like his own room. Neo and Sai were playing hide and seek with Nib, who was seeking, and Arro was in the cradle Neo and Sai had been in five years ago. "Where did you get that!" Mina complained, seeing her long lost scarf transformed into a bed curtain. She rushed over to Falks bed and tried to pull it down but Falk, with expert reflexes, grabbed her just before and pulled her behind the curtain into his domain. "Don't touch it" he said with his deep, cold tone. Everyone was a little afraid of Falk, he was eerie and no one ever knew what he was thinking about. Most people in school freaked out around him because he was so silently stalker-ish that they always felt uncomfortable around him. "It's mine" Mina whispered, not sure she could talk in a normal tone in her surrounding because the wall was tapped with black paper to make it darker as well. Oddly she felt as if she was in a coffin rather than a bed, her skin quickly grew goosebumps at the thought of it. "Are you an emo?" "What? NO! Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Falk complained. "Um, probably because you live in a coffin and you always walk around alone and quiet and never talk to anybody. You also wear long sleeves a lot which could hide possible cuts." She gasped. "You don't cut yourself do you? Because mom and dad would kill you!" Mina laughed, teasing him. Falk scoffed and shoved her off to the other side of the bed and stared at her with his right lip folded in disregard but his eyes as keen as a hawk. She did have a freckless feminine body, not the athletic build Chika had, Mina's body was a hundred percent feminine. Curves here and there, just where they were necessary and long red hair with almost shining blue eyes. "Next time you take my stuff ask me before...besides, you're not supposed to be in my room anyway you jerk." She changed subject. "You're not supposed to be in mine either" he muttered back, biting his lower lip, still looking her up and down. "Well there's a difference, I'm a lady, therefore I'm allowed to push my boundaries. You in opposition must always be obedient and gentleman-like. So how about you give me a paw massage?" she said extending her back paw and wiggling her toes. "Hell no..." was his reply. "Oh please Falk? You never do anything for me! Just this once can you be a normal teenage male?" she pleaded, whipping her eyelashes elegantly. How could he say no to that? He had a problem, he was aware that he had a problem but he wasn't sure he wanted a solution. Falk was addicted to females, to make the distinction between sister and not was something he couldn't do. To him, female was female, and unfortunately for all other females, he had two very good looking sisters...so why should he look for anyone else? "Fine! Just this once. And if you tell anyone I'm gonna slit your throat you hear me?" he growled, grabbing her foot. Mina nodded, and leaned back against the head of his bed with her arms folded behind her head and closed her eyes. She smiled, Falk was strong enough to really 'massage' her paws, not like those softy soft massages she forced Dargo to give her. Accidentally, Falk touched a ticklish spot on her foot and out of reflex she kicked him straight across the face. Noticing what she had done, she slightly sat up, half laughing half having her eyes wide open. "I'm sorry" she giggled, ignoring Falk's low, annoyed growl. "It was your own fault!" she defended, pushing her hind leg back at him to continue his massage. He resumed, about twice as irritated as before, already irritated about being caught jerking off this morning. Luckily, he thought, Mina didn't know that yet. Smack! Another kick in his face. This time he had enough, he pushed himself forward and bit her straight in between her neck and her shoulder, hard enough to make her slightly yelp. "You're so annoying sometimes!" he scowled, biting deeper. Mina tried to push him up off her but he was heavy, even though he was only 17, his muscular build was way advanced because he worked out a lot. "Let go you jerk!" she bawled, growling back at him until finally she decided to give him a bit of his own medicine. With a painful pull she shoved herself forward and bit down in the same place on his body. He didn't even growl to the pain, he probably hardly even felt it. "Let go!" she repeated. "You let go!" he growled. Mina used her feminine claws to scratch hard down his back, digging them under his fur and skin and drawing several drops of blood. This time he slightly groaned at the pain, biting down even harder into her shoulder. "Bitch" "Then let go!" she threatened with a muffled tone because she was still biting him. Not liking the claws in his back, he slowly released his grip, followed by her releasing as well. He was fixed on top of her, shifting his weight off her and sitting up in his bed, trying to turn around to see the cuts she gave him. As he turned back to face her, when he submitted to the fact that he wouldn't be able to look at his back, he was received with a hard slap across the face. "'The fuck was that for!" he riled up in rage again and pinned her to the wall, choking her by the neck. Mina slapped and punched him to let her go because she wasn't receiving sufficient air, but he didn't release her. It took her a while to get in the right position to kick him right in the manhood, forcing him to drop her because he too had to gasp for air. "For scarring my speckles skin!" she lectured. Falk could feel his crotch pulsing because it hurt so much, but it took him a little while to realize that it was pulsing for two reasons. He turned away from her, trying to get out of another embarrassing situation. Mina grunted, getting out of his bed and tearing down her scarf with a forceful pull and walking out of his room with it. He turned to see the light entering his no longer shut off domain, and rolled out of bed in irritation, stomping after her all the way up to her room, abandoning the li'l ones. She swung the door open, walked into her room unaware that she was being followed, and attempted to swing the door closed but he caught it and stepped in, shutting it violently after himself. Mina jumped seeing him there, but had no time to think about what was going on because he charged forward and attacked her with the most violent, pleasurable kiss she could have imagined to receive from anyone. He pushed her back onto the bed, tripping her so that she layed there flat, ripping her clothes off in a rush that made his cock jolt for excitement and her clit quickly get warm and wet. The scent was unbearable to him, it only made him claw at her clothes more, until they were all off and destroyed on the floor spare the red thong that was already soaked wet at the bottom from her sex. His clothes were off so fast that she could barely part lips to see them depart from his warm, horny body. She felt his hard on growing between her legs, wanting nothing more in that moment than to have him pop her cherry that very moment. She would take pleasure from the pain anyway, because in the end, Mina and Falk were very much alike in character. His tongue found its way to her neck, licking it lusciously, taking off her thong at the same time because the pink tip that came out of his sheath was begging entry. "Hurry up!" She moaned in plead, sick of waiting for him to finally enter her. He growled in irritation, rocking forward and placing his tip at her opening and thrusting forward as hard as he could without warning or pause. She moaned in pain and pleasure, grabbing his lower cheeks to pull him towards her harder. He was too horny to care that he would rip her open, he kept humping into her like a wild beast that had been stripped of sex while in a room of others having sex. She cried, but she herself wasn't sure if it was the pain or the pleasure that caused these uncalled for tears, she certainly didn't need them. Arching her back as if it would multiply the pleasure she would take from him, she dug her claws into his cheeks again, making him bite down into her shoulder for revenge. This time however, they both liked the war-wounds they received from each other, because pain went hand in hand with pleasure, or so they thought, it made the good feeling elapse into an eternal orgasm. He pushed harder and faster, feeling her tight hole cling onto his elongating cock like a leech. He grabbed her left breast so harshly that she could almost feel his claws dig into her sensitive flesh. The puddle of blood mixed with pre-cum and her juices that soaked into Chika's bed sheets were completely irrelevant to them for the given moment. He felt his knot grow, wanting more than anything to feel his hard flesh release inside her warm cunt. The pain went numb for her, the pleasure was simply too great for her to regard the pain as anything else but part of the process. She pulled him closer yet, tightening her grip around him as she began shivering from the pain, moving in unison with the rhythm of his hammering cock. He gave a low moan of satisfaction, feeling his muscles begin to contract for the last time as he pulled out of her spare for his tip and thrust forward into her, knot and all, his balls slapping against her tight ass, as he blew off his load deep into her womb. Seconds later, the hot magma inside her made her erupt as well, spilling her juices around his flesh and enjoying the rest of her peak. He fell on top of her, panting and wheezing. Even when he jerked off he never went this fast, only another sign that he was desperately in need of sex. She was equally exhausted, never having thought that simple sex could take so much out of you. It was like the basic sex, nothing special, no games, no foreplay, nothing but still it was the most amazing thing she or he had ever had to the point. Goodbye finger, she thought, because anything else that she had tried before was not as good as this, it would never be enough after this event. After a few minutes, his knot went down and he lazily pulled out of her, going to his sister's bathroom and washing himself off before he went for the door. "Better change sheets before Chika gets home...or you'll have some explaining to do." He said and left, going back to his room with the dark blue scarf in his hands. hope you enjoyed it....more coming in like one hour ^^ and then I take a break!

Poisonous Attraction (chapter II)

Chapter I: [http://yiffstar.com/index.yiff?pid=45052](http://yiffstar.com/index.yiff?pid=45052) β€žHey" the demon growled in a low tone at the girl dangling lifelessly from the clutches binding her to the chair figure. "Wakey wakey little...

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Demonic Combustion (part 2)

Part 1: [http://www.yiffstar.com/index.yiff?pid=41759](http://www.yiffstar.com/index.yiff?pid=41759) Curled up on the small round carpet by the fire, I purred in my sleep. Satisfied from the night before, but still bothered by the unusual...

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Poisonous Attraction (unedited-not finished)

Nelly was a masterpiece, no one understood her, and no one wanted to because that was simply another part of who she was. There was no one she willingly opposed, always looking for the friendly way out, as her mother had said: "Never part in hate"...

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