Twilight: Bella Sandwich

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#5 of Twilight Saga

The wolf pack continues its onslaught of the young woman who discovered their terrible secret.

Panting, slobber cascaded out of Jared's muzzle onto Bella's head and neck. He was irrevocably trapped within her ass, so tight that it might be an hour before he softened enough to pull out of her. But he didn't care. He had never felt better.

Embry cared, though. He said, <Hey...I'm not waiting for my turn...This is bullshit.>

Jared looked over at the angry wolf, realizing that if he didn't do something, Embry might attack him. Emotions were running strong in the air. He defused the situation quickly, saying, <Shit, Embry, she's got a free hole. I'm not stopping you.>

<You are!> the large, grey wolf snarled. <How am I supposed to fuck her with you buried balls-deep in her ass!>

Jared's brown hackles raised, but he could see Embry's point. Bella Swan was barely recognizable now, lewdly misshapen around his fourteen-inch cock and knot as large as her head. She'd been pounded into the dirty ground and drenched in drool and cum until she was fat and bloated, warm cum bubbling up out of her tattered cunt like a forest spring.

<Fine,> he growled, picking the small, distended bitch up casually with one paw and flipping over onto his back. His enormous knot wasn't coming out of Bella's ass for a long while, but if he didn't appease Embry, things could get ugly, fast. Reaching down with both paws, Jared spread Bella's aching legs apart.

Bella, dazed, lay on her back in a field of soft, warm fur, her torn asshole still quivering. She was as helpless as ever to resist the brown wolf's whims, her legs splayed to show her slowly gushing pussy to the fourth horny beast. Embry had always seemed like such a quiet, thoughtful young man, but now he barked and howled, tail wagging in time to his fat, bobbing cock. "No, please!" she begged, but she knew that she was about to become the meat in a werewolf sandwich whether she wanted to or not.

Jacob tried to clench his eyes shut, devastated by what his new pack was doing to his one, true love. Worse, his own dick was thickening against his will. But Sam had ordered the young man to watch; if he were as impulsive as Paul, perhaps he could have ignored the Alpha and fought to defend the poor girl, but Sam's control was too much for him. He had no choice but to watch as his pack raped the girl of his dreams in front of him.

Embry yipped, <Now we're talking!> sniffing the proffered woman. She was coated in the scents of Paul, Sam, and of course Jared, which only made her more appealing to the pack's Omega wolf. Though now that Jacob was one of them, Embry realized that this was his chance to break free. Jacob was being thoroughly humiliated, while he himself was allowed fourth crack at the sobbing bitch. Perhaps plugging the bubbling river of Paul and Sam's cum would earn some points.

Bella screamed as the enormous, four-hundred pound monster stepped over her and over Jared, Embry's white belly fur brushing along her naked, sweaty body. She couldn't see his bright red cock anymore, but she knew it was there. A second later, she could feel it, the bony tip smearing fresh cum across her torn, sopping lips, just above the unreal, melon-sized lump that was Jared's knot. Pinned between the two wolves, Bella closed her eyes, digging her hands into Embry's fur as she braced herself for the inevitable.

As if taking one cock thicker and longer than her forearm weren't enough, Embry slammed his hips forward, spearing her in one, sharp thrust. Bella screamed, feeling every torturous inch of the young wolf's burrowing into her tight, trembling cunt, when most of her aching insides were still stuffed full of Jared. Her pussy distended from within, pulsing and rubbing against her bulging rectum.

Bella bulged in every way, the two enormous cocks filling her up so tightly that cum exploded from her broken pussy, splattering both hefty set of balls. A hot mix of Paul and Sam instantly coated Embry's virgin cock, making him slide easily in until his throbbing knot smacked up against her vulva, tip digging into her breached womb.

<God, this isn't even possible!> Embry groaned, able to feel his cock bumping up against Jared's as if Bella weren't even there. Her flesh tunnels were stretched thinner than the most expensive condoms. Jared groaned, his cock spurting again despite having blown all but that last few drops into Bella's torn asshole.

Missionary wouldn't have been possible without Jared acting as a convenient platform for Bella to lie on. Paul might have been unwilling to share the bitch, especially considering how close their dicks were rubbing against each other, but Embry was more than happy to share. Whining, Embry began to hump harder, his large orbs swinging back and forth, bouncing and jostling against Jared's taut sac. <Oh shit!> Embry said, <Our balls touched!> remembering the longstanding schoolyard rule about homosexual activity.

<Fuck that,> Jared growled, unable to keep from humping up into Bella, pounding the nearly weightless bitch against Embry. <It ain't gay if there's a cunt between us!>

That was good enough for Embry, who gritted his teeth and pounded all the harder, shivering at their touching, trembling testicles. They thrust against each other as if Bella weren't even there, tugging the helpless women back and forth in their earnest lust. Embry had a lot of work to do to get his knot in that tight, half-occupied rump, but he was more than happy to try. Slam, slam, slam! he thrust into her, swollen glands knocking the air out of her lungs until Bella could only gasp into Embry's fur, desperate for air.

<!> Embry yelped.

Paul wasn't one to pull punches, but even his eyes widened, and he said, <You'll kill her!>

<Knot her,> Sam commanded, deadly stillness in his low voice. It wasn't a request.

The mental connection wasn't necessary, but it spurred the young wolf to launch himself forward, dropping his jaw in a wide howl as he tore Bella's snatch apart, wedging his entire knot into her cunt, right next to Jared's equally impressive bulge. Embry groaned, feeling the steady throb of their cocks rubbing against each other, unable to hold back any longer. <Oh God, Jared!> he moaned, lowering his muzzle to the brown wolf's greedy mouth. Together, with Bella pinned between them, the two wolves shared a fierce, passionate kiss, tongues wrestling for control.

A second later, Embry came, dagger-like tip grinding inside her hot, bloated womb. Bella wept, sliding her hands down her belly into the dark grey forest of the wolf's fur, to run her hands down her abdomen. She could feel, but not see, the two, six-inch bulges stretching out her two holes, making way for their twin cocks splitting her apart. She felt Embry's tapered tip bulging through her skin, banging against her ribs, each pulse of cum erupted against her skin to throb against her palm. Jared was just as devastating to her distended rectum, though his load had already been spent. How was this even possible? Combined with their knots, the wolves measured almost two feet in length, yet she managed to clutch and squeeze two of them inside her feminine hips. Somehow, they'd stretched her to the breaking point, but not beyond.

The wolves didn't care either way, ignoring Bella's screams of pain as Embry bred her like a bitch in heat. Embry's balls twitched and shuddered against Jared's as the two wrapped their wet tongues around each other, throaty moans rumbling against Bella's chest. The whimpering cock-sleeve put her hands around Embry's tip, eyes going wide as her belly expanded like a beach ball with the extra wolf seed pumping into her. She was so ravaged now that she couldn't feel his tip anymore, just the sloshingly full gurgle of an inflated belly.

Jacob was grateful that he could barely see Bella trembling between the two, snogging wolves, and that their heavy fur dampened her screams, but he knew all too well what must be happening to her. He knew as well as any of them that no mere human could survive the treatment she had received - if she was still alive, she wouldn't be for long. His eyes burned with hatred for the massive black wolf he had called his Alpha. Every muscle in Jacob's body twitched with rebellion, wanting to tear all the wolves to bits and put Bella out of her misery, but the command was too strong. All he could do was lay back his ruddy ears and whimper.

Embry and Jared kissed for long after the greyish-white wolf had finished with his screaming bitch. Fifteen minutes must have passed - or more - with Bella tied twice and squished between the four-hundred pound creatures. Finally Embry pulled his tongue free, both wolves panting wetly as they gazed hungrily at each other. <Forget this cunt,> Embry said. <I want you.>

Jared nodded, heat rushing to his face. He was senior to Embry in every way, but the bright, hungry look in the grey wolf's eyes cowed him. Jared said, <Okay...>, wrapping his paws under Bella's arms to hold her in place.

Together, the two pack-mates tugged themselves free of Bella's twisted, swollen body. Their knots had shrunk to a "mere" four inches each, tearing the small woman apart with a loud, ripping Pop! Jared pushed their used cum-dumpster onto the ground, jumping to face Embry, who snared in dominance. The brown wolf lay his ears back and tucked his tail between his legs, submitting to the former pack Omega.

Jared took four heavy steps away from Embry, lifting his brown tail and looking over his shoulder at the dominant young wolf. He whimpered at Embry, well aware that his role in the pack had changed dramatically - but he waggled his rump, eager to start.

Bella lay gasping on the ground, covered in dirt, spit and cum, tattered and beaten. Her thick belly slowly retracted as a steady flow of wolf cum splashed out of both her holes at once. Somehow, she was still alive, though her entire body was wracked in pain.

Sam wasn't about to give the problematic little bitch a break. He ignored the two pack members exploring a new relationship, finally turning to Jacob and saying the words the teenaged boy had been dreading since the first command. <It's your turn, new blood. Fuck her, and then you'll be one of us.>