Make Me Lose Control

Story by Faora on SoFurry

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#28 of Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special!

Heya, furballs! Welcome to Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special 2013! Five stories are here to tease you through the Christmas period. From the 21stto the 25th, you'll get a series of short stories all focused around a particular song's title or lyrics. In a break from tradition, this year nearly all the stories (today is your exception to the rule) also contain elements drawn from previous years! And of course, the story for the 25th will continue the tale of Lucas and Taylor from Luka and Insensitive in previous years.

Don't forget to keep an eye on my Twitter (@FaoraMeridian) if you want to know what's going up ahead of time, or if you want to be alerted to other stories or otherwise just hear me ramble on about random things!

For now though, do enjoy Make Me Lose Control; the second story of Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special 2013!

-Ol' Saint Fae

Make Me Lose Control

It'd all started out as a little bit of simple teasing. Perfectly innocent, perfectly harmless and all in good fun. Well... not exactly perfectly innocent, but close enough was good enough.

While the first two days had gone smoothly, day three of the seventeen day road trip had been much hotter than expected. Ben had been the one to propose it, but the rabbit had been absolutely stunned when his boyfriend had actually agreed to it. The workaholic husky almost had to be dragged to bed most nights, and Scott had a tendency to grumble often about not being able to finish whatever project his job had him working on at the time.

Maybe Scott had just been burned out. Maybe he just needed a little bit of time away from the office and from his excessive work load. It was a chance for Ben to spend a little time with the canine he loved, and he wasn't above watching the husky whenever it was Scott's turn to do the driving.

But the afternoon's heat was intense enough to overcome the car's failing air conditioning system. It'd put a brief cramp in the good mood that had suffused the trip so far, but winding down the windows and cranking the stereo had done its part to help lift spirits again. It might have been a hot day, but wind in the fur was always a pleasant sensation. It was also hilarious to watch Scott hang his head out the window like a feral dog, but Ben hadn't dared say anything for fear that he'd stop.

But the heat just kept increasing. Singing eventually took too much energy to maintain. Scott was panting heavily and both males wound up all but guzzling the water they had in the car. It had been about three in the afternoon when it became too much for the husky and rabbit to bear, and they'd pulled over long enough to strip almost naked. After all, they were in the middle of nowhere; who would see them? They had a schedule to keep, and if they wanted to make their hotel that night they had to keep going.

The lack of clothing had helped somewhat, but only created new problems. Scott had taken to driving, while Ben tried to keep himself awake. In the heat it was more than a difficult task; it almost felt as though the sun was trying to sap the energy out of the rabbit with every second that he spent assaulted by it.

The new problems came from the distraction of a half-naked husky in the driver's seat. As Scott sat panting there, Ben had to keep his eyes from the not-unimpressive bulge in the canine's boxer briefs. That sure wasn't the drink that he needed right then and there, but the temptation was nonetheless consistent. Whether or not it was a good idea became less and less relevant as the rabbit fought to keep himself awake and focused on something other than his partner's cock.

By the time four rolled around, the afternoon still hadn't gotten any cooler. It was about then that a sign caught the corner of Ben's eye, and he grinned wide. It had just been one of those distance marker signs telling drivers how far it was until the next town and fuel and all the rest of that stuff. What it had also pointed out was a rest stop that, if his heat-sluggish mind was right, would only have been a few minutes out. "Oh, thank fucking god," he muttered as he lay his head back against the chair. "We can maybe find some shade, get some more water... rest a bit."

"What, the stop?" Scott asked as he glanced briefly over to the rabbit. When Ben nodded, he gave a tired snort and took another swig from his water bottle. "Nah. We're half an hour away from fuel... we can probably stop there in some proper aircon. Won't have to worry about shade when we're inside a nice, cool building."

A frown touched the rabbit's brow but he fought back what he knew was a heat-induced angry retort. Instead he brought his tongue under control and took a deep breath. "Honey, you need to stop anyway. You look exhausted. We could use some more water anyway, and who cares if we're a little late? Better late than roadkill 'cause one of us fell asleep at the wheel, right?"

The husky shrugged again and said nothing, and Ben felt his frown deepen. They had to stop; he was absolutely sure of that much. If Scott didn't even have the energy to argue, he sure as hell shouldn't be at the wheel. There had to be something he could do in order to get the husky's attention, or to force him to get off the road at the rest stop.

Ben's eyes dipped down again as a smile banished his frown. Of course. Here he was, sitting next to a mostly-naked canine baking in the sun as he drove. It was something they'd always joked about but never actually done. All he'd need to do was reach over and start things up. Scott would be too tired to stop him and drive, and he'd have to focus on the road all the harder. Win-win!

The rabbit made a show of stretching and settling himself again in the chair. One arm lazily stretched over to the side and drew along the husky's side, before it dipped swiftly lower and ran a pair of fingertips across that cotton-clad bulge. There was an immediate effect, as a surge of energy caused Scott to twitch the wheel over a little too far before he corrected himself. "Hey, watch your paw," he said, as suddenly energized eyes stared out at the road ahead.

Any other words turned into a loud yip as sheath was roughly fished out through his underwear's flap. "Ben!" Scott all but yelled as he fought to keep the car on the road. One paw released the wheel a moment later and reached up to bat at the rabbit's questing fingers.

It froze as fingers were replaced, all too quickly, with a warm muzzle. Scott's eyes shot open wide as suddenly he was forced to focus his attention fully on the road. The distraction that was surging through his body from his loins wasn't something he could allow to take hold. "Ben. Stop that," he ordered. His voice wavered with the effort to keep it as even as possible.

"Mmm-mmm," was all Ben replied with. The grin on his face stretched from ear to fuzzy ear as he lapped along the rim of that exposed sheath. It dipped inside to tease that hidden canine tip, flicking back and forth across it to coax it out. Faster than he'd expected he received exactly that, an unwanted erection from Scott that grew up against his lips as he moaned quietly.

As Ben just continued to lick and kiss and slurp up and down the side of his malehood, Scott forced his mind to as much stillness as he could. In a car traveling at highway speeds was not the place nor the time for a blowjob. He tried to speak and tell Ben to get off him again, but that was the moment that the rabbit's muzzle sank down along his length.

He took it all in one go, every inch that had already been freed from that sheath. It vanished into the warmth of Ben's muzzle, tongue curled up and around and along it. Lips pressed down against the base as he kissed at the husky's sheath. He felt the heat boiling off that sensitive flesh, smelled the musk that rose like steam from their contact. Scott's lap reeked of overheated male. It was delightful.

Any fight that Scott could have mustered was stalled out by the need to focus on the road ahead of them. Any distraction for any length of time could have been disastrous, but there was no way he could stay on the road and_stop Ben from his noisy slurping. When he caught a little nip to the tip of his shaft and a shiver ran through him, he whimpered and bit his lip. "This isn't... _mmmf... this isn't a good time, sweetheart," he tried, in as reasonable a tone as he could muster.

The words fell on deaf ears. Ben didn't let up. His head rose only long enough to give him a distance to fall back down along, as his lips teased and pressed down along the canine's length. He smiled around his full mouth as he buried his face into Scott's lap, nose pressed down against cotton-concealed balls as he drank in both taste and scent. The rabbit shivered at the intensity of both as he lapped up and down his boyfriend's shaft.

Scott was imprisoned. Unable to stop Ben from sucking on him and unable to maintain his focus on the road, his mind raced. Sparks of pleasure interfered with each attempt he made to find a solution to the problem he was trapped with. Desperation took hold as he felt his shaft jerk, a spurt of pre-seed racing up through it to splatter the roof of his partner's muzzle. "Ben!" he grunted, simultaneously a pleasured exclamation and an insistent demand to stop.

With his smile only growing wider, Ben paid heed to the first and ignored the second. He began to slowly, lazily drag his mouth up and down. His tongue rubbed across that pulsing canine shaft as he slurped that pre away, hungrily drawing out more as his tongue teased up and across the tip. He nosed down firmly against the husky's still-concealed balls, taking in their musk even as he gulped down Scott's pre.

It was with a groan of defeat that Scott slumped back firmly into the driver's seat. There was no way he was going to make it to the next fuel stop and not blow his load. He shuddered when Ben's tongue pressed down along the base of his thick malehood, where his knot would soon begin to grow. The rabbit just knew too well exactly what worked for him. He'd cum, probably lose control of the car and kill the both of them. The thought alone wasn't enough to flag his hardon, not with the rabbit working so eagerly at it.

The half-mile warning for the rest stop that Ben had mentioned came and went, and Scott suddenly understood the game that his rabbit was playing at. His smile twitched as he felt his tip nipped at again, and another groan rolled out of him as he hit the blinker and fed Ben another little splatter of his pre. The rabbit wanted to get out of the car, stretch his legs in the shade? Scott would give him a stretch, alright. He wasn't sure it'd be much cooler, but Ben had gotten him going. Ben would have to take care of it.

Not even the car's rapid deceleration was enough to break Ben off his self-imposed task. The reason why was lost to him as he buried himself fully in the maleness before him, his whole mouth put to work at pleasuring it. When the car veered off the road and onto the dirt track that led to the rest stop, the ride was bumpy enough to only help ease his muzzle up and down more randomly. A moan above him was all the reward Ben needed, and his own trapped malehood throbbed sympathetically with Scott's.

Shadow fell across the rabbit, and with it came respite from the sun's heat. He gave a soft sigh of his own around his full muzzle. Before he could do anything else though, he heard the click of the car keys as they shut off the engine. He tried to lift his head and say something, but he found a paw on the scruff of his neck before he could move. A yip came instead out of his muzzle, and he looked up in surprise at Scott as the husky unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Stay," Scott ordered him, and Ben could only nod vigorously at the instruction. He watched as the husky opened his door and began to climb out of the car, and Ben's eyes roamed around slowly. They'd reached the rest stop he'd seen the signs for. Trees dotted around provided shade, there was a little public bathroom off to the side, and a small set of benches and tables in a couple small gazebo or hut type things scattered about. It was quiet and cool, and Ben drank it all in as his partner circled the car and opened the passenger door from the outside.

The energy with which Scott yanked Ben out of the passenger seat of the car was surprising to the rabbit. That he was able to muster that much energy despite the heat was one thing, but Ben found himself physically dragged over toward one of the little gazebo-hut things in the rest stop. The grip loosened somewhat when the rabbit found his feet again, and became less forceful and more simply insistent. "What're you-"

"If you just can't wait until we can get somewhere cooler, I guess I have to make do here," Scott interrupted with a shake of his head. As they reached the little wooden table and its chairs and left the direct sunlight, Scott sighed with relief. His shaft throbbed, still exposed through the flap in his underwear as he tugged Ben around in front of him.

The bunny found himself kissed hard, though he drew back when Scott didn't allow him to press in close. A frown and a muzzle opened in query, but he was silenced when the husky grabbed him by the hips and lifted him up and onto the table. Scott's plan filled Ben's mind in a single moment of clarity, and the rabbit giggled again as he squirmed and lay down flat.

His legs spread for a second, before Scott pulled them back together again as he smirked. The confusion returned, until the husky slid a paw under Ben to lift his lower back up off the table. His free paw yanked down the bunny's underwear until one leg was fully clear of the constraining fabric, the boxer briefs left to hang off one of Ben's footpaws as the husky stepped in between his legs.

There wasn't anything loving or gentle about the way Scott slid into his boyfriend, and that was just fine by Ben. He spread his legs again once he felt the tip of that canine shaft press down between his raised cheeks, and the smile on his face contorted slightly as the husky began to shove forward. Pre was no substitute for lube, but there was just enough from the productive canine that hadn't evaporated in the heat to wedge a couple inches into the bunny.

Through the distraction of the malehood trying to rock down deeper inside him, one of the rabbit's ears perked up. The sound of cars racing down the highway was something to be expected as background noise, but for a moment he thought he'd hear something slower and closer. He strained to hear it, but Scott's quiet grunts as his hips rocked shallowly back and forth drowned out anything he might have been able to detect. It didn't help that he had one hell of a distraction spreading his tailhole open. Momentarily set at ease by the eagerness of the husky between his legs, Ben sighed and lay back on the table again with a groan.

The groan turned into a yip of surprise as one warm paw slipped up and squeezed at the rabbit's firm length. Hips twitched upward as pre spilled down across Scott's fingers, and they wriggled along Ben's shaft as he pushed himself down considerably harder. His bunny's body yielded under his efforts, twitching atop the table as he sank down to the already-swollen knot. "You know I'm gonna tie you, right?" he panted in between firm grinding motions from his hips.

Ben's eyes widened a little as his ear perked again. It swiveled about even as his eyes settled on Scott's grinning features, tongue hanging out the side of his muzzle in true canine fashion. His malehood denied his panic, as the thought of being tied sent a fresh surge of pre up through it. "H-hon, we'll get caught if we're stuck," he pointed out, as he squeezed down tighter on the husky's length.

But Scott just shook his head as he began to draw himself back again. "This was your idea, sweety," he replied with a croon in his voice. He smirked as he bucked forward again, and watched on as Ben's whole body twitched with pleasure as he was filled again. "You wanted to stop... you wanted a break... and you wanted this."

"Don't use this against me, you asshole." The words were harsh, but the grin on the rabbit's face showed the truth behind them. Ben was right where he wanted to be. Even without Scott's paw on his shaft, it would have stood tall as a testament to his own desires. He squeezed down hard around the canine's embedded length and wriggled his hips back down against it.

Scott chuckled for a moment before the little rest stop fell as silent as it could. The highway and their pants for breath were background noise and the creak of the table was in the fore, sounding off with each rock of the canine's hips. No thrust caused it to noticeably bend, not even when Scott pulled all the way back and slammed himself in to the knot again.

It arched Ben's back as he squeezed down harder around the invasive thrust, squirming with delight as Scott pulled back for another. He whimpered and moaned deep as it was delivered, a fresh heat that had nothing to do with the temperature running through him. Each buck and twitch and hump fanned the flames. The grind of that knot as it mashed against his backside and slowly worked him wider and wider as it sought entry didn't help him cool off any, either.

All he could do was meet those thrusts. Their bodies met again and again as Ben rolled his hips down into those eager bucks. He swept one arm up as Scott came close and used the momentum to swing himself up toward the husky's face. Muzzles met in a sloppy, hot mess of a kiss that stalled out the thrusts for only a second before they resumed, the new angle giving Scott a chance to drive himself up right on along and past Ben's prostate. Fresh tingles of pleasure raced through the rabbit as he moaned into their shared kiss.

It only took a couple more thrusts for Scott to learn exactly what angle he needed to strike it. Once found, any illusion of restraint was gone. The heat-stricken canine panted harder as he began to jackhammer away at Ben's backside. If not for his own eagerness and extensive practice, the rough pounding might have been painful. As it was, with the husky's tip erupting in spurts of pre that soaked his insides, each motion of his boyfriend's hips only stoked the fire.

Even when the kiss broke, Scott kept the angle. He slid one arm up to the back of Ben's head and cradled the rabbit close. A tug brought Ben closer to the edge of the table as the rabbit's legs spread as wide as they could go, trembling with the sensations that flooded him. In his position, he couldn't even effectively move himself down to meet Scott's thrusts anymore. He was trapped, able only to be taken and filled, and the rabbit couldn't have been happier.

Until he felt that knot straining at his tailhole again, and all of a sudden he knew exactly how much happier he could be. The concern that they would be tied for goodness knew how long was gone, but in its place was the thrill of their location and the pleasure he enjoyed from being so thoroughly filled. His legs strained as they spread wider and his tailring relaxed as best it could in the circumstances. Scott wanted to knot him, he'd said. Ben no longer wanted anything else.

On the next thrust, the knot kissed his tailhole hard again. Ben grunted even as he arched his back and bore down on it, but his body wouldn't give. Perhaps it was the heat or perhaps it was Scott's own rutting mood, but it felt bigger than he'd had before. The thought sent a new spurt of pre up into Scott's chest.

On the second, almost half of that knot strained its way into Ben's body. The rabbit groaned as he tried to push down onto it again and feel it stretch him out. He could see it in Scott's face. All he needed was the tie. Once he had his tie, he'd blow his load. As good as it all felt, the only thing Ben wanted right then was to be filled up. No delays. No waiting. He wanted it now.

On the third thrust, an involuntary squeeze down just a second too early pushed the husky's knot back far enough to keep it from breaching Ben's body again. The grunt of frustration that came from the rabbit was overwritten with the growl of pleasure that Scott breathed. It made the husky pull back further, almost all the way out, before he drove forward again.

That time there was nothing Ben could have done if he'd wanted to. His tailring gave way and spread obscenely wide around that fat flesh, engulfing it and tugging it deep inside him. He shuddered and shook, his whole body alight with pleasure as he felt it throbbing in his rump.

And then, just as predicted, Scott lost all control. The husky jerked back and forth for a moment in pleasure as he squeezed tight at the rabbit's shaft, shifting that knot about within those hot confines in an attempt to pull free and thrust again. All of two clenches around that buried shaft stole away any other possible motion, and Scott bit back a cry of pleasure as he began to unload deep inside his partner.

Even as Ben felt his own body begin to surge with his approaching orgasm, Scott's paws released his shaft and instead pinned the rabbit's paws to the table. He whimpered and moaned as he felt each sticky spurt of hot seed splash against his inner walls. With no stimulation, he found himself just barely held back from the edge of his peak, the finish in sight but just out of reach. "Ahh!" he said, unable to form any proper words through the combination of heat and pleasure.

Instead, he could only look on at Scott's face as the husky grinned wider down at him, panting and grunting with each spurt that hosed down the rabbit's insides. "Not yet, bunny," he managed to growl out through his pants for breath. Each jet of his seed set his body twitching as he tugged Ben down firmly against his lap.

Ben could only squirm all the harder in an attempt to touch himself, to grind himself into the husky's fur... anything. His whimpers and whines increased in volume even as Scott's began to taper off and shift into a contented murr of approval. "Oh, come on!" he hissed up at his boyfriend.

The husky's paws just squeezed at his a little tighter as he grinned wider still. His tongue continued to loll out of his muzzle as he leaned in to nuzzle against Ben's cheek. "Oh, no. You made this situation. You're gonna have to deal with it." He glanced out and around the rest stop with a quiet chuckle. "When we stop for fuel, we'll reconsider getting you off."

As Ben glared at the husky, Scott yawned quietly and gave the rabbit's paws another little squeeze. "And just to make sure you're not getting busy on yourself in the meantime, it's your turn to drive now," he added. He began to chuckle quietly. "Oh, come on, honey. We were only half an hour out. We're still only half an hour our... plus knot deflation. Maybe next time you'll help me keep to the schedule and not take any random rest stops, hmm?"

The rabbit's ears drooped as he huffed and looked anywhere but at Scott. It might have been all in good fun - and his shaft certainly wasn't looking to soften anytime soon with that knot locked inside him - but that didn't mean he was gonna enjoy the next half hour or so.

On the other hand, the rest stop was cool, shady, and the breeze that blew through teased them with the promise of lower temperatures. Maybe the rest of the trip wouldn't be so stinking hot. And after all, they had a planned rest stop in just a half hour's drive.

He had half an hour, plus knot deflation, to figure out a way to get back at Scott.

Listen to Make Me Lose Control by Eric Carmen with this Grooveshark link!

Make Me Lose Control lyrics

I run a comb through my hair and step out in the street,

And the city's the color of flame in the midsummer's heat.

Jennifer's got her daddy's car,

She's playin' "Uptown" on the stereo.

We go cruisin' so close,

The way they did long ago.

My darlin',

Turn the radio up for that sweet sound.

Hold me close, never let me go.

Keep this feeling alive,

Make me lose control.

Baby, baby,

When I look in your eyes, I go crazy.

Fever's high with the lights down low,

So take me over the edge,

Make me lose control.

We put the top down and park 'neath the moon in the sky

And the wind is so hot in our hair, like a fire in July.

Jennifer's singing "Stand By Me,"

And she knows every single word by heart.

Was love always this good,

Or could this be just the start?

Oh, darling,

Turn the radio up for that sweet sound.

Hold me close, never let me go.

Keep this feeling alive,

Make me lose control.

Baby, baby,

When I look in your eyes, I go crazy.

Fever's high with the lights down low,

So take me over the edge,

Make me lose control.

"Be My Baby" comes on and we're movin' in time,

And the heat from your touch makes me feel like I'm losin' my mind.

(And then they play)

"Back In My Arms Again,"

(We close our eyes)

We start rememberin' when,

(We start to kiss)

And now the feeling's intense,

And we just pray that this night never ends.

My darlin',

Turn the radio up for that sweet sound.

Hold me close, never let me go.

Keep this feeling alive,

Make me lose control.


When I look in your eyes, I go crazy.

Fever's high with the lights down low,

So take me over the edge,

Make me lose control.

Baby, baby,

Turn the radio up for that sweet sound.

Hold me close, never let me go.

Keep this feeling alive, make me lose control.

When I look in your eyes, I go crazy.

Fever's high with the lights down low,

So take me over the edge,

Make me lose control.

Baby, baby,

Turn the radio up for that sweet sound.

Hold me close, never let me go.

Keep this feeling alive, make me lose control.