The Red Tiger Chapter 5: Part 1

Story by 0redwall0 on SoFurry

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Hey guys, for those of you who have been reading, sorry for the late entry, I have been so busy with finals that it was killing me haha

please read and enjoy, more is on the way soon!

The Red Tiger

Chapter 5 Part 1

The words seem to fall on deaf ears as they sputter out of my friends muzzle.

I could hear my heart pounding hard and my veins pumping the same blood splattered on my right paw as I clenched it tightly, Tim's words sounding strange and cold to me.

"W-what did you just say?" I say, growling softly as my friend, the same red fox who just a few seconds ago cut my paw open with a switch blade.

"I said, your paw is almost healed up....The bleeding is all but stopped after-" he checks his wrist watch "seventeen seconds...Connor...whats going on with you?...."

I was stumped as I felt myself calm down, my adrenaline cooling off as I took a closer look at my paw, the damp blood on it as I flexed the inside with my wrist, it felt fine,

not an ounce of pain, I look at Tim closely with now calm eyes "I don't know, Tim I don't know...S-should we call a doctor? Maybe go see somebody about this?"

I sputter the questions out, gradually getting more and more nervous as I couldn't seem to sit still, I was excited, scared, curious but fearful.

Tim shakes his head quickly as he gets up to his feet and pats his pants of any dirt with his paws "no, we cannot go see a doctor yet, this information cannot be spoken of, ever"

I could not take that kind of answer, my head felt hot and my anger spiked up with the volume of my voice

"what!? Tim this isn't one of your stupid science fair experiments! This could be serious! What if this is some sort of deadly condition!?"

I yell at him, slamming a large and very heavy metal dumpster next to me with my paw, expecting my paw to feel a dull, numb pain, when I looked to my right as I felt no pain, my jaw dropped, the dumpster bounced back about a foot,

a fist-sized indent in the hard metal that made us both go quiet.

Tim shook his head and pointed a paw at the dumpster, in which I was still astounded about "and THATS why we cannot go see a doctor about this! What would you like me to tell them Connor!? What would YOU like to go tell them?! Should I tell them 'oh, my friend is experiencing enhanced healing abilities and bursts of super strength, what should we do for that?' ?!" he yelled back at me sarcastically, he had a point, what could I possibly tell them or what could they possibly diagnose me with?

I've never heard of anybody displaying these kinds of abilities before, Tim points to me and pokes me hard on the chest with his finger

"if we went to a doctor about this, people would find out, it would be all over the news and then you could kiss your normal life goodbye, you were lucky to get out of the hospital without them asking too many questions, you don't think it would seem strange for a kid to heal from serious, almost life ending injuries in less than forty two hours?!"

He yelled at me again, his eyes burning with a flame that I can only depict as the epitome of Tim's concern for the situation. I went quiet,

my ears folding back as if I was being scolded by my mother, I took a deep breath and tried to gather myself, realizing that we were actually being quite loud,

I place a paw on his paw that was poking my chest, gently pushing it back down to his hips as I frown a bit "y-you're're right, Tim I'm sorry....What are we gonna do?"

I slipped my paws in my pockets and gave him a concerned look, I was confused, I had no idea what was happening to me or if it was serious. Tim calmed down too as he rubbed his head with one paw, thinking hard and formulating a plot

"well...I guess for now we'll just have to take it slow, like I said, do not tell a soul about this, not even your father, ok?" he said, giving me a look that cut through me like a razor

"yea, I understand..." he nods softly and goes back to his plan "good, secondly, we have to figure out what this all means, if it is some sort of

disease or medical condition, or maybe even a gift" he looked up to me with hopeful eyes, eyes that calmed me down as he too seemed to calm down, he pats my shoulder a few times and gives me a smooth grin, noticing my doubt and fear

"no worries ok? We'll get this figured out, this is all going to work out, ok buddy?" he said with a re-assuring smile, attempting to make me feel better as it does calm me down only a little, I nod softly a few times and give a half smile

"y-you're right, thanks Tim..." I said, the fox nodded softly, picked up his backpack and hefted it over his shoulder as we walked out of the small alley way and made our way back onto the main street, the damp sidewalks and smell of garbage mixed with Chinese take-out filled the air. My heart was racing a bit from what had happened and my mind was split on the scenario, one half was psyched that this sort of thing

was happening to me, it sounded like something straight out of the comic books, a young hero discovering his latent super powers, while the other half of me was concerned and scared at the many unknown factors that came with these strange,

if I can even call them, abilities. What is it was some sort of death bringing condition that could hurt me? What if I hurt myself with them?

Or worse, what if I hurt somebody else with them?.