The Red Tiger Chapter 4

The Red Tiger Chapter 4: Discovery The next few days go by relatively slow, I had dinner with my father the night of my getting hurt and that was easily the best quality time I had ever spent with him. He brought back some big, greasy burgers from a...

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The Red Tiger Chapter 3

The Adventures of Red Tiger and Sparrow Chapter 3: Alive \*beep.....beep.....beep.....\* Are the first sounds I hear, as I slowly come back to life, my eyes closed, I tried to move but everything hurt, my joints, my paws and especially my legs. The...

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The Red Tiger Chapters 1-2

The Adventures of the Red Tiger and Sparrow Chapter One: Change 6:00AM, the alarm clock next to me rings and with it, I awake. I stare at the slightly water damaged ceiling from my bed, laying and waiting until the alarm is too much for my ears to...

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The Red Tiger Chapter 5: Part 1

The Red Tiger Chapter 5 Part 1 The words seem to fall on deaf ears as they sputter out of my friends muzzle. I could hear my heart pounding hard and my veins pumping the same blood splattered on my right paw as I clenched it tightly, Tim's words...

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